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Burgess Manuscript
TVM Sector Perspective
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Chapter 11 - Health
11-01 Overview

There is dangerous assymetry in government and governance. Bad governance will always result in bad performance, but good governance on its own does not assure good performance. Many other elements are needed in order to have an effective enabling environment.


Health situation
The health status of Haiti has deteriorated relatively in the past years. Health and health related services are limited because of shortages arising during the economic sanctions and the war conditions. Coverage is low with the distribution biased towards the urban population. Most health facilities in Haiti are understaffed and the quality of training of some of the current health workers is poor. Moral is low because of the state of chaos.

Management capacity at all levels is very limited and whatever management information system existed previously has almost ceased to function.

Rehabilitation of health sector
The rehabilitation of health sector is a priority. Funding is needed for the necessary construction work that needs to be done to rebuild and expand the infrastructure. There is also a need to rehabilitate equipment and funding is needed for this. The infrastructure includes both urban hospitals and health clinics in smaller communities.

Many of the projects are an integral part of the Health Ministry's program and are designed to facilitate their integration into the mainstream of the health development of the region.

Education and training
Training nurse is a very high priority. There are not enough nurses. The need for nurses is very high. Furthermore, nursing is a training and employment opportunity for women. Training of nurses should be encouraged through all means.

Training doctors and medical professionals is a long (and expensive process). However, the long terms success of the area economy depends on having trained professionals from the area in the area. Funding long term professional training should be a part of the ongoing development strategy for the area.

Mother and child health programs
Mother and child programs should remain a priority in the health sector, with continuing efforts to reach the mothers and children of pastoral families.

Immunization programs for children should remain a priority in the health sector, with continuing efforts to reach the children of pastoral families.

Mental health
Mental health is a problem that is not enough of a priority. Mental health practices are ones that became unacceptable in industrialized societies several decades ago. The traumatic experience of the area in the last twenty years (or more) has created a serious mental health problem.

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