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Date: 2025-03-14 Page is: DBtxt003.php list0300-SDG-00-Needed-indicators

SDGs ... Sustainable Developmenty Goals
Some of the indicators still to be developed

s. For ease of reference we summarize some 19 priority indicators that will need to be developed or refined:

• 6: [Percentage of population in extreme multidimensional poverty] - to be developed

• 8: [Percentage of population with shortfalls of any one of the following essential micronutrients: iron, zinc, iodine, vitamin A, folate, and vitamin B12 ] - to be developed

• 12: [Crop nitrogen use efficiency (%)]

• 13: [Excessive loss of reactive nitrogen [and phosphorus] to the environment (kg/ha)] - to be developed

• 14: [Access to drying, storage and processing facilities] - to be developed

• 16: [Crop water productivity (tons of harvested product per unit irrigation water)] – to be developed

• 26: [Functioning programs of multisectoral mental health promotion and prevention in existence - Indicator] - to be developed

• 28: [Consultations with a licensed provider in a health facility or the community per person, per year] - to be developed

• 29: [Percentage of population without effective financial protection for health care] - indicator to be developed

• 54: [Reporting of international river shed authorities on transboundary river-shed management] - to be developed

• 62: [Placeholder for index of decent work]

• 66: [Index on ICT infrastructure performance] - to be developed

• 68: [Researchers and technicians in R&D (per million people)]

• 70: [Indicator on inequality at top end of income distribution: GNI share of richest 10% or Palma Ratio]

• 75: [Indicator on the deployment of a sustainable development strategy for each urban agglomeration above [250,000]] - to be developed

• 81: [Share of companies valued at more than [$1 billion] that publish integrated reporting] - to be developed

• 92: [Protected areas overlay with biodiversity]

• 99: [Indicator on freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association] — to be developed

• 108: [Indicator on investments in data and monitoring] — to be developed

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