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AlJazeera English ... Live Blog
Libya ... Sunday, August 21, 2011

A collection of blog reports about Libya as rebel forces approach Tripoli ...

Libya Live Blog

Rebels raise their guns in celebration as they drive through Zawiyah, around 40km from Tripoli. [AFP] Al Jazeera staff and correspondents update you on important developments in the Libya uprising. Al Jazeera is not responsible for content derived from external sites. AJE Live Stream - Special Coverage: Libya Uprising - Tweeting revolutions
23 min 36 sec ago - Libya Muammar Gaddafi's government appears to have started crumbling on Sunday as hundreds of euphoric Libyan rebels overran a major military base defending the capital, carted away truckloads of weapons and raced to theoutskirts of Tripoli with virtually no resistance. The rebels' surprising and speedy leap forward, after six months of largely deadlocked civil war, was packed into just a few dramatic hours. By nightfall, they had advanced more than 20 miles to the edge of Gaddafi's lastmajor bastion of support, entering the city's Green Square. Along the way, they freed several hundred prisoners from a regime lockup. Tags Tripoli Libya
35 min 36 sec ago - Libya Libyan opposition fighters say they have entreated the Green Square in central Tripoli. They entered the capital from the west and are about eight kilometres from the centre of the city. Britain's Sky news quoting its reporter on the ground, said crowds of Libyans had poured into the streets to greet the advancing rebel army, adding that there were no signs of resistance from forces loyal to veteran leader Muammar Gaddafi.
36 min 37 sec ago - Libya A Libyan government official said on Sunday that 376 people were killed and more than 1,000 wounded in a rebel assault on the capital. 'There are 376 dead and more than 1,000 wounded' since the attacks were launched late on Saturday, the official told foreign journalists, asking not to be named. Tags Muammar Gaddafi, NATO
42 min 38 sec ago - Libya A top Libyan security official has accused NATO forces of following orders from the militant network al-Qaida, as rebel forces inched closer to Tripoli and Muammar Gaddafi's seat of power.; font: normal normal normal 14px/20px 'italic Times', serif; padding-top: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 35px; background-position: 0% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; margin: 15px;'> What we are facing now in this war is NATO led by al-Qaeda. The European and western officials are lying to their people when they say they are fighting terrorism. In fact they are fighting with terrorism against the Libyan nation and they are following al Qaeda's orders. What we find really strange that the same people who brought to us these terrorists elements are the same people now supporting these very terrorist elements. Now the international coalition is not against terrorism but between the west and terrorism. And my colleagues, the heads of intelligence services all around the world know what I am talking about. Libyan head of security services Abdullah Al-Snousi. Tags Abdullah Al-Snousi Libya security chief, NATO
1 hour 31 min ago - Libya The representative of the National Transitional Council, New Libyan Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Aref Ali Nayed (L), speaks during a news conference next to Libyan Stabilization Minister Ahmed Jehani (R) at Libyan consulate, in Dubai August 21, 2011. [image | reuters] Tags Dubai, Libya in Images, Libyan National Transitional Council,
1 hour 38 min ago - Libya Libya's defected ex-prime minister Abdes Salam Jalloud said Sunday he believed it was too late for his former ally Muammar Gaddafi to strike a deal to leave power and he would likely be killed. In an interview with Italian media he said: I believe the regime has a week left, 10 days at most. And maybe even less. He has no way of leaving Tripoli. All the roads are blocked. He can only leave with an international agreement and I think that door is closed. I think it would be difficult for Gaddafi to give himself up. And he is not like Hitler who had the courage to kill himself... I don't think the evolution of the situation in Tripoli will allow him to survive. Tags Abdessalem Jalloud, Muammar Gaddafi, NATO, Tripoli
1 hour 40 min ago - Libya Abdullah Al-Senussi, head of the Libyan Intelligence Service speaks to the media in Tripoli August 21, 2011. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Sunday he will stay in Tripoli 'until the end' and called on his supporters around the country to help liberate the capital from a rebel offensive. [image | reuters] Tags Abdullah Al-Senussi Libya spy chief, Tripoli
1 hour 43 min ago - Libya Germany, and France urge Libya's Gaddafi to step down as rebels advance on Tripoli. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview with ZDF television that it would be 'good if he would give up as quickly as possible' to avoid further bloodshed. Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said: 'We hope this is the turning point; we hope that the last days of this unjust regime have begun.' He told reporters that 'every day earlier that Colonel Gadhafi leaves the country is a good day for Libya and the Libyan people.' Germany has not participated in NATO airstrikes in Libya but recognized the rebels' National Transitional Council in June as Libya's legitimate representative. Tags France, Germany, Muammar Gaddafi
1 hour 48 min ago - Libya Euphoric Libyan rebels have pushed to the western outskirts of Tripoli without meeting any resistance after they overran a major military base that defends the capital. Associated Press reporters with the rebels said they reached the Tripoli suburb of Janzour around nightfall Sunday. They were greeted by civilians lining the streets and waving rebel flags. Hours earlier, the same rebel force of hundreds drove out elite forces led by Muammar Gaddafi's son in a brief gunbattle. The fighters hauled off truckloads of weapons and advanced full speed toward the capital. Inside Tripoli, there was a second day of widespread clashes between what the opposition called 'sleeping cells' of rebels who are rising up and Gaddafi loyalists. Tags Janzour Libya, journalist, Tripoli Libya
1 hour 54 min ago - Libya The latest updates from NATO. Tags Muammar Gaddafi, NATO, NATO airstrikes
2 hours 40 min ago - Libya Euphoric Libyan rebels have pushed to the western outskirts of Tripoli without meeting any resistance after they overran a major military base that defends the capital. Associated Press reporters with the rebels said they reached the Tripoli suburb of Janzour around nightfall Sunday. They were greeted by civilians lining the streets and waving rebel flags. Hours earlier, the same rebel force of hundreds drove out elite forces led by Muammar Gaddafi's son in a brief gunbattle. The fighters hauled off truckloads of weapons and advanced full speed toward the capital. Inside Tripoli, there was a second day of widespread clashes between what the opposition called 'sleeping cells' of rebels who are rising up and Gaddafi loyalists. Tags Janzour Libya, journalist, Tripoli Libya
2 hours 46 min ago - Libya The latest updates from NATO. Tags Muammar Gaddafi, NATO, NATO airstrikes
2 hours 50 min ago - Libya US leaders monitored the progress of Libyan rebel forces on Sunday as they pressed ahead toward Tripoli and pounded on the doorstep of leader Muammar Gaddafi's home base. The White House said President Barack Obama was briefed Sunday morning on the latest developments by counterterrorism adviser John Brennan and heard reports from US teams on the ground in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also received an update on the rapidly unfolding situation. Tags Barack Obama, Tripoli Libya, USA, White House
2 hours 54 min ago - Libya Quotes from Muammar Gaddafi's audio message via Libya TV: March towards Tajourah in the thousands now -- now, now, you must march towards Tajourah in the thousands. A quarter million must go there, or half a million from Tripoli must march towards Tajourah and the Friday Market to cleanse them of the agents of the colonial conspirators.' I am with you in this battle, I am among you now, I am there with my weapon. We shall not give up. We shall never give up Tripoli to the colonialists or traitors. I am forced to say this because I am afraid that Tripoli will burn if you leave them -- Tripoli would fall in ruins and it would be destroyed. Tripoli would be left without water, electricity, no broadcast stations, without freedom and you would live in fear. They will kill you and violate your households. I am afraid if you do not get rid of them in Tajourah, what is happening there will happen all over Tripoli. These people don't care if Libya burns or not. You possess all sorts of weapons. Those of you without a weapon should come and receive a weapon. All the weapons depots must open and the masses must be armed. Thousands must receive weapons now. Open the depots. I give the order to open the depots to arm the masses. I am with you now, I am with you in Tripoli. There shall be no retreat - we will not retreat until the last inch of land we want to liberate. Tags libya tv, Muammar Gaddafi, Tripoli Libya
2 hours 57 min ago - Libya Gunmen loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi run through the grounds of the Rixos hotel in Tripoli August 21, 2011. Heavy gunfire rang out near the Tripoli hotel where members of the foreign media are staying, a Reuters correspondent at the hotel said on Sunday. [image | reuters] Tags journalists, Libya in Images
3 hours 9 min ago - Libya A ship chartered by the International Organisation for Migration was to leave late Sunday for Tripoli from Benghazi in eastern Libya to evacuate about 300 foreigners, an IOM official said. 'The boat is due to leave tonight from Benghazi to evacuate around 300 foreigners from Tripoli if the security situation will allow it,' Martin Jerrett told AFP. He said most of the foreigners were 'Egyptians, Bangladeshis, Filipinos ... A Maltese ship which was due to evacuate foreign nationals from Tripoli early on Sunday came under fire and was forced to retreat to sea, Poland's foreign ministry said. Tags Int. Org, for Migration, Malta, Poland, Tripoli Libya
3 hours 48 min ago - Libya Muammar Gaddafi's former right-hand man, Abdel Salam Jalloud, who has defected to the Libyan rebels'side, said on Sunday that Gaddafi would be toppled within ten days at most. Speaking to Italian media, Jalloud said the regime would be finished 'within a week, at the latest 10 days, maybe even less.' Jalloud was a member of the junta that staged a 1969 coup bringing Gaddafi to power, and was seen as the North African oil producer state's second in command before falling out of Gaddafi's favor in the 1990s. Tags Abdessalem Jalloud, army defections, Muammar Gaddafi
3 hours 50 min ago - Libya Smoke rises from the skyline in Tripoli August 21, 2011. Libyan rebels battled their way closer to Tripoli on Sunday to help fighters inside the city who rose up overnight declaring a final showdown with Muammar Gaddafi. [image | reuters] Tags Gaddafi, Libya in Images, NATO, Tripoli Libya, violence
3 hours 54 min ago - Libya A Libyan rebel fighter covered by the rebel flag rests at a checkpoint near the town of Aziziyah, August 21 [image | reuters] Tags Libya in Images, Libyan armed rebels, Libyan National Transitional Council,, NATO
4 hours 46 min ago - Libya De Spiegel reports that Germany has just sent special forces to Libya to protect their diplomats. Al Jazeera has spoken to the German Interior Ministry who - will not comment on the operations of special forces. The GSG 9, the special federal police unit, is already operating in Libya. The officials have taken the advice of the German security liaison offices in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. In March, Federal foreign minister Guido Westerwelle declared the country remains strongly opposed to air strikes against Muammar Gaddafi's forces or any other military intervention in Libya. Westerwelle warned the results of western military intervention were 'unpredictable' and could have consequences for freedom movements in the Arab world.

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