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The 9/11 Decade
The 9/11 Decade: Reflections

Al Jazeera is asking you - our audience - to help us tell the global story of the impact of 9/11 where you live.

AlJazeera has asked for viewers to respond to several questions about 9/11 and the subsequent years. Here are my quick answers.

* ... Did the US actions after 9/11 make the US or the world a safer place?

For about 6 months the response was appropriate and made for a safer world ... but it went seriously off track when the Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld trio got into stride with a full blown global war against terror. The whole basis for their strategy was fatally flawed, and a huge proportion of the US people were against the Iraq adventure, but this movement was ignored, and indeed ridiculed by those in power. Slowly many in the business community learned how to make obscene levels of profit from the business of security in all sorts of ways.

* ... Would Iraq be more secure if Saddam was still in power?

Yes ... but the people of Iraq are going to be a lot better off without Saddam Hussain. The way Saddam was removed was almost totally wrong. Oppressive regimes are anti-social and better to be replace by free societies ... but you get there better with internal reform rather than external intervention.

* ... Do you feel your community became a target as a result of 9/11 and its aftermath?

My main community is New York City ... and clearly it is a potential target for terrorists ... but New York has a very impressive police force and New Yorkers go about their business without much day to day concern. However, I remember when security was not at all needed ... especially going into buildings that contain important offices!

* ... Should the events of 9/11 be taught in schools?

Absolutely yes ... with some care that the message is that terrorism is a bad practice, but not then used as a way to promote anti-Islam or anti-Arab propaganda.

* ... Did the US government's so-called War on Terror curb too many civil liberties for Americans?

Yes and no. National security needs intelligence and some level of intrusion is essential for get the intelligence that is required. The problem is that this information may be used in a way to control the populace in ways that limit freedon. Can we trust an intelligence agencu, and a government to use the information in a correct manner? Sadly, we have to ... but the populace needs to be on permanent alert to see that the information is not abused.

* ... Do you believe any of the conspiracy theories about 9/11?

No ... but I do think that the truth gets to be exagerated, distorted or rewritten to suit the agenda of those who control the messaging and have pieces of important self-interest

* ... Have the heroes of 9/11 been sufficiently recognised?

In general, the heroes ... sometimes also referred to as the victims of 9/11 ... have been reasonably well treated. Some, it must be said have been able to 'profit' from the horrors of 9/11, while there are others who are having to suffer in silence and behind a wall of legalism and bureaucracy.

* ... Did life for US Muslims become more difficult after 9/11?

I am a Christian, and do not know from personal experience. My impression is that there is some improved integration of different religous groups, which is positive, but at the same time there is a growing community of people who have Islamaphobia are do everything in their power to promote this. I think ... and hope ... they are a small minority, but they do make a lot of noise. I would add that for the few months immediately after 9/11, the whole of New York, the whole of the World seemed to come together as one against the nastyness of terrorism.

* ... Has the understanding of Islam in the West changed since 9/11?

Yes and no. Some people know a lot more ... some people know nothing more, and have developed a strong entrenched Islamaphobia and prejudice.

These ideas are expanded in various parts of the TrueValueMetrics dialog

Peter Burgess

Al Jazeera is asking you - our audience - to help us tell the global story of the impact of 9/11 where you live.

Al Jazeera is asking you - our audience - to help us tell the global story of the impact of 9/11 on your community.

It's simple: Pick a question from those below, turn on your webcam or power up your mobile; send us a tweet (#AJE911), post to our Facebook page ( or email with your reaction to any of the questions below.

The best videos, tweets and posts will be selected for television, to air between September 9 and 11, 2011, during our September 11 special, 'The 9-11 Decade'.

* ... Did the US actions after 9/11 make the US or the world a safer place?
* ... Would Iraq be more secure if Saddam was still in power?
* ... Do you feel your community became a target as a result of 9/11 and its aftermath?
* ... Should the events of 9/11 be taught in schools?
* ... Did the US government's so-called War on Terror curb too many civil liberties for Americans?
* ... Do you believe any of the conspiracy theories about 9/11?
* ... Have the heroes of 9/11 been sufficiently recognised?
* ... Did life for US Muslims become more difficult after 9/11?
* ... Has the understanding of Islam in the West changed since 9/11?

Videos should be less than two minutes in length.

Tweets (including names) containing profanity will not be considered for air.

Source: Al Jazeera

Last Modified: 08 Sep 2011 12:41
The text being discussed is available at
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