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TVM Concepts
Seven Elements

Seven Elements that are at the core of the TVM concept ... a working paper from August 2010 when the concept was being described as 'The Burgess Method'


Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess The Burgess Method ... Seven Elements!

Peter Burgess
Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 7:14 PM
To: Chris Chiaia

Dear Chris

Trying to get the main ideas into 7 elements has proved more difficult than I expected!

The Burgess Method ... The Seven Elements:

1 ... Cost, price and profit;

2 ... Value metrics for triple bottom line (people, profit and planet);

3 ... People and community focus not only the organization;

4 ... Activity level analysis and accountability;

5 ... Data that are independent and acquired from everywhere;

6 ... Metrics for progress, efficiency and effectiveness; and

7 ... Priorities emerge from the bottom of the pyramid.

What do you think about this set?


Peter Burgess
Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:57 PM
To: Chris Chiaia

Dear Chris

This is another version of the Burgess Method ... Seven Elements:

1 ... Value based metrics

2 ... Community perspective

3 ... Quality of life

4 ... Satisfying priority needs

5 ... Using available resources

6 ... Productivity, efficiency and effectiveness

7 ... People needs, wants and capabilities

I am reminded of the 'triple bottom line' idea of People, Profit and Planet. The Seven Elements does not yet have the elegance of the triple bottom line! Struggling!


Chris Chiaia Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:43 AM To: Peter Burgess Peter, I thought you said it proved to be difficult... I like what you have thus far. I would do two things from here.

1) Research individual oriented methods of self improvement such as 'the seven habits of highly effective people' and compare the consistencies between the two. It would be nice to see how the Burgess method for large scale change can also have a direct impact on individuals who care enough to participate.

2) What space does the Burgess methodology compete in, and what other methods are already defined. If we are lucky, there won't be much competition in this arena... that's good news. Then we need to look at if there is an appetite for something like this... I would argue that the timing couldn't be better. More to come... Gotta run to the train station.

Peter Burgess
Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 9:12 PM
To: Chris Chiaia

Dear Chris

Trying to get the main ideas into 7 elements has proved more difficult than I expected!

The Burgess Method ... The Seven Elements:

1 ... Cost, price and profit;

2 ... Value metrics for triple bottom line (people, profit and planet);

3 ... People and community focus not only the organization;

4 ... Activity level analysis and accountability;

5 ... Data that are independent and acquired from everywhere;

6 ... Metrics for progress, efficiency and effectiveness; and

7 ... Priorities emerge from the bottom of the pyramid.

What do you think about this set?


Tuesday August 17

The main framework

1 ... Land ... natural resources

2 ... Labor ... people, human resources

3 ... Capital ... money, financial resources

4 ... Capacity ... infrastructure, production capacity, organization, governance and know-how

5 ... Plan ... establish priorities, do budgets, organize resources;

6 ... Execute ... deploy resources, undertake activities, measure performance and report; and

7 ... Account ... evaluate progress and performance, report to stakeholders.

These 7 fall into 2 sets according to accountancy concepts:

Balance Sheet: land, labor, capital, capacity

Operating Statement/Activity Accounts: plan, execute and account.

I drafted this into a one-pager as follows based on the above:

The Bugess Method is a way to acquire, organize and analyze data to inform decision makers and all stakeholders about the progress and performance of society.

Borrowing ideas from business accountancy, data have two main characteristics:
(1) those that relate to balance sheet; and,
(2) those that relate to activity accounts.

The balance sheet elements are
(1) ... Land ... natural resources;
(2) ... Labor ... people, human resources;
(3) ... Capital ... money, financial resources; and
(4) ... Capacity ... infrastructure, production capacity, organization, governance and know-how.

The activity account elements are
(1) ... Plan ... establish priorities, do budgets, organize resources;
(2) ... Execute ... deploy resources, undertake activities, measure performance and report; and.
(3) ... Account ... evaluate progress and performance, report to stakeholders.


Wednesday, August 18

The Burgess Method is independent from government (the public sector), organizations (the private sector), the nation, the project and the process.

The Burgess Method pulls in ideas from everywhere:

1 ... Classical economics
...... Land, labor, capital ... the invisible hand of the market ... resource scarcity.

2 ... Keynesian economics
...... Linkages between public and private sector, savings, investment and employment, money and banking, fiscal and monetary policy.

3 ... Accountancy
...... Double entry, assets and liabilities, balance sheet and income and expenditure accounts, costing with standard costs, analytical accounting and information technology ... relational database, journals and the organization of transactions.

4 ... Engineering, science and technology
...... Measurement, control theory, thermodynamics, flow theory, systems approach, experiments, materials.

5 ... Management
...... Project management, PERT, CPM, etc. ... industrial management (Taylor, time and motion, etc) ... MBA financial management and EVA

6 ... Religion, Humanities, Sports, Culture
...... Right and wrong ... beauty ... fulfillment ... purpose ... spiritualism ... etc.

7 ... People, Community, Society
...... Nearly 7 billion people ... millions of communities ... a global society with huge differences and potentials.

These 7 elements came together after you had observed that many of my ideas are already in play ... and yes, they are. But as far as I know nobody is trying to have a system that pulls ALL of these ideas into one place and independent of any of the controlling entities that, I would argue, are the problem and need independent assessment.


I tried another set of 7 ...

The 7 things needed to get started with the Burgess Method!

1 ... Mindset
...... Think about your program from a value perspective

2 ... Budget
...... Rework your budget with both money flows and value flows

3 ... Start a journal
...... Start to compile information about what is going on with value in the project, organization or community

4 ... Standard values
...... Build your own set of standard values ... choose any item you value and quantify at 1000, then value other things relative to that value.

5 ... Needs
...... What are the needs of the community ... of the people in the community

6 ... Resources
...... What are the resources of the community ... especially the human resource in the community

7 ... Reporting the value outcomes
...... Start to summarize the value proposition every month ... activities by month and by month cumulative, and the balance sheet month by month to show change.

This is done in response to an organization in Haiti that has asked me to advise on her activities. She is doing HIV-AIDS work in the camps. Not sure when I will be at the computer again ... I am planning another 48 hours in PA Friday and Saturday building shelves and sorting documents! Back for church on Sunday and the event at CHR on Tuesday evening. I hope you will be able to help with some video stuff ... but not exactly sure what that involves!

The text being discussed is available at
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TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is an Open Source / Open Knowledge initiative. It has been funded by family and friends. TVM is a 'big idea' that has the potential to be a game changer. The goal is for it to remain an open access initiative.
The information on this website may only be used for socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and limited low profit purposes
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