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People ... US Politics
Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I am no expert on the personalities of the US political scene, but Elizabeth Warren seems to be someone that would upgrade the political community quite considerably. She seems to be very competent, with some core understanding of humanity and society, and no 'push-over' for those who are used to getting their own way. These characteristics seem to be sadly missing in the bulk of the body politic in the United States, and arguably in most of the world.
Peter Burgess

Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

First Posted: 11/3/11 12:26 PM ET Updated: 11/4/11 12:22 AM ET

BROCKTON, Mass. -- Moments into a speech before volunteers here Wednesday evening, Elizabeth Warren was interrupted by a Tea Party supporter who hurled a gender-based epithet at the Senate candidate. The man, who said he'd been unemployed since February 2010, objected to Warren's expressed affiliation with the frustrations of Occupy Wall Street, and argued that the Tea Party has been protesting Wall Street excess for longer than the nascent global movement.

The crowd tried to shout the man down, but Warren told her supporters to let him speak. 'No, no, it's alright. Let me say two things,' she said. 'I'm very sorry that you've been out of work. I'm also very sorry that the recent jobs bill that would've brought 22,000 jobs to Massachusetts did not pass in the Senate.'

Speaking in a packed VFW hall, Warren went on to address his question about her association with Occupy Wall Street. 'I've been protesting what's been going on on Wall Street for a very long time,' she said, but added that the movement has its own independent agenda and will proceed along its own course.

'Yeah, so has the Tea Party,' the man said, before losing his cool.

'Well, if you're the intellectual creator of that so-called party,' he said, 'you're a socialist whore. I don't want anything to do with you.' The crowd shouted him down as he added that Warren's 'boss,' presumably referring to the president, was 'foreign-born.' He then attempted to storm out through a side door. Finding it locked, he retreated out the back of the VFW hall instead.

In April, before President Obama released his 'long form' birth certificate, 43 percent of Republicans said that the president was either definitely or probably born in a foreign country, according to a Gallup survey. After he released the birth certificate, the number dropped, but still held at roughly one in four when polled in May.

Warren took the challenge in stride. 'So, we are here to do work, and I think we have a reminder that we have a lot of work to do,' she said as the heckler struggled with the door.

The Tea Party was founded on a sense that something ephemeral had been stolen by someone and that a movement was needed to 'take the country back.' Occupy Wall Street is now getting media attention the Tea Party believes is rightfully theirs, and the perceived slight can only inflame the movement's sense of victimhood. They didn't just lose the country as they knew it. Now they've lost coverage on CNN, too.

After the event, Warren reflected on the man's outburst, which she said was her first such encounter. 'I actually felt sorry for the guy. I really genuinely did. He's been out of work now for a year and a half. And bless his heart, I mean, he thought somehow it would help to come here and yell names,' she told HuffPost.

The assault stuck with Warren, and she continued to think about it throughout the night. Hours later, she said she wasn't upset with the man himself, but rather with those who attempt to channel his anger in a malevolent direction. 'I was thinking more about the heckler. I'm not angry with him, but he didn't come up with the idea that his biggest problem was Occupy Wall Street. There's someone else pre-packaging that poison -- and that's who makes me angry,' she said.

Check out the notes [slideshow] below for more on Elizabeth Warren's career:

Introduces Financial Product Safety Commission 1 of 8

Elizabeth Warren announced a bill creating a Financial Product Safety Commission with House and Senate Democrats in March 2009. The body was designed to have oversight over mortgages and other financial instruments to protect consumers against predatory practices. She said if the agency had existed before the subprime collapse then 'there would have been millions of families who got tangled in predatory mortgages who never would have gotten them.' HuffPost's Ryan Grim reported:

Without all these toxic assets on banks' balance sheets, the institutions wouldn't be on the brink of collapse and the recession would be more manageable. 'Consumer financial products were the front end of the destabilization of the American economic system.'

Sen. Charles Schumer's cosponsorship of the bill is notable because of his proximity to Wall Street. The bill's merit, the New York Democrat said, is that it regulates the actual financial product rather than the company producing it.

Geithner Opposes Her Heading CFPB 2 of 8

Tim Geithner expressed opposition to her nomination for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, reported HuffPost's Shahien Nasiripour. Geithner thought Warren's views on the big banks and Wall St. were too tough. Warren's oversight of the Treasury department as a watchdog for TARP apparently irked Geithner, agressively questioning him during Congressional hearings:

While her grilling of Geithner in September, over what members of Congress have called the 'backdoor bailout' of Wall Street through AIG, inspired the 'squirm' video, just last month Warren pressed Geithner on the administration's lackluster foreclosure-prevention plan, Making Home Affordable. Criticizing him for Treasury's failure to keep families in their homes, she questioned Treasury's commitment to homeowners.

Ready For A Fight 3 of 8

Elizabeth Warren reiterated her desire for a strong Consumer Financial Protection Agency to HuffPost's Shahien Nasiripour:

'My first choice is a strong consumer agency,' the Harvard Law professor and federal bailout watchdog said in an interview with the Huffington Post. 'My second choice is no agency at all and plenty of blood and teeth left on the floor.'

Named Interim Chief Of CFPB 4 of 8

In September of 2010, HuffPost's Ryan Grim reported that Elizabeth Warren was being considered as a candidate for interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Days later the announcement was official.

The move allowed Warren to set up the groundwork for the agency immediately without risking a GOP filibuster of her nomination, a response that seemed certain giving the public opposition expressed by some Republican senators.

When it came time to put forth an appointment for a longterm CFPB chief, Warren was overlooked, partially because she was seen as unfeasible, but also, HuffPost's Shahien Nasiripour reported, because she was a divisive figure within the Obama administration:

Ultimately, Warren wanted the job, allies said. And near-united opposition from Senate Republicans -- 44 of them signed a letter saying they'd oppose any nominee -- should have made it easier for Obama to nominate her, since the Republicans publicly said they wouldn't support anyone for the role.

Instead, the Republicans made it easy for the White House to deflect questions about the administration's lack of support for Warren.

Asked how she squared the administration's public statements with its private ones, Warren declined.

'I really have to say, I'm just not there. I'm not in the intricacies of the political part of this, and I can't comment,' Warren said Monday. 'The truth is I don't know anything about it.'

Chats With HuffPost About Bureau 5 of 8

In October 2010, shortly after being tasked with building the groundwork for the CFPB, Warren stopped by HuffPost to chat with Ryan Grim and Shahien Nasiripour

'This is the first real agency we've built in the 21st century -- well, there's Homeland Security, but one for the people. And it means we ought to think differently,' said Warren. 'The government can talk to people and people can talk to the government differently than when the Consumer Product Safety Commission was built, or when the FDA was built. And if we do this right, that should change the whole dynamic of who this agency really is.'

HuffPost's Ryan Grim reported:

By gathering information, contracts and documents from homeowners and consumers, and allowing watchdog groups and individual concerned citizens access to those documents, the agency can exponentially expand the manpower it has to review the operations of banks and lenders. The goal would be to become aware of a particularly fraudulent practice before it is rampant and insulates itself in the financial services industry.

GOP Calls Her A Liar 6 of 8

In May, Warren was called to testify before a House subcommittee and defend the merits of the CFPB. Some of the questions submitted by Republican representatives appeared confused and at times aggressive, leaving Warren to correct them on some basic facts about the actual purpose of the bureau.

HuffPost's Mike McCauliff relays one particularly contentious moment:

The subcommittee chairman, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), began the proceedings by suggesting Warren had lied to the committee in a previous hearing that had questioned the CFPB's role in offering advice to state attorneys general negotiating a settlement with abusive mortgage servicers.

At the time, Warren said she was proud her agency had been able to help, at the request of the treasury secretary. But McHenry brought up the memo again, suggesting it showed that she hid a larger role in the negotiations from Congress.

'This is our job, and we're trying to do our job, to be helpful to other agencies, and to help those agencies to hold those who break the law accountable,' Warren said, repeating that she was proud of the work.

Announces Senate Run 7 of 8

Elizabeth Warren announced on September 14, 2011 that she was running for the United States Senate seat currently held by Scott Brown (R-Mass.)

'After listening to people all across our state who know that we can do better, folks who are frustrated like I am that Washington just doesn't get it, I'm running for the Senate so I can fight every day for Massachusetts families,' Warren wrote on The Huffington Post.

Fundraising 8 of 8

One month into her campaign to secure the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Scott Brown in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren raised $3.15 million, largely from small donations. According to a campaign email, 96 percent of donations were under $100.

'These are pretty amazing numbers for our first official finance report, raised in a very short period of time,' she said in an email to supporters.

Warren's campaign has also attracted large liberal donors, including colleagues from Harvard and well-known liberal donors like George Soros, Barbra Streisand, and DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Ryan Grim ...
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