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Social Activism ... USA
Obama seen as puppet of the 1%

OccupyWallStreet ... The resistance continues at Liberty Square and worldwide! ... Don't Be Big Banks' Puppet; No Immunity Deal for Crooks


Peter Burgess

OccupyWallStreet ... The resistance continues at Liberty Square and worldwide! ... Don't Be Big Banks' Puppet; No Immunity Deal for Crooks

To help expose the looming cash-for-immunity deal between the Obama administration and big banks, there will be a march from Liberty Square to the U.S. Court House Building at Foley Square on November 5th.

The march will gather at 2:00pm on the east side steps at Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park), and will arrive at Foley Square at 3:00pm. Join the Facebook event page

President Obama is on the brink of cutting a backroom deal that would give bankers broad immunity for illegally throwing tens of thousands of Americans out of their homes. The Administration is pressuring state attorneys general to abandon an ongoing investigation into the massive 'robo-signing' fraud, in exchange for a relatively small payoff by the banks.

Numerous investigations by state and federal authorities have demonstrated that banks used illegal procedures to make tens of thousands of foreclosures over the past decade. Rushing to a settlement before the full extent of the fraud is known would be a grave injustice to those who were illegally foreclosed upon and those still struggling to stay in their homes.

'This is a clear, moral issue that cuts to the core of why we occupy,' said Max Berger, an Occupy Wall Street participant helping to plan the event. 'Instead of throwing corrupt bankers in jail, the administration is pushing to give them a get-out-of jail-free card.'

'President Obama and the attorneys general have a choice: do they stand with Wall Street, or do they stand with the 99%?' he said.

The Occupy movement has spread throughout the country because the American people will no longer stand by while corporate and government elites strike back room deals to sell out the 99%. On a day when tens of thousands across America will take their money out of big banks, Occupy Wall Street will hold the political class accountable for doing Wall Street's bidding.

“We will not stand for a system that gives campaign contributors a right to immunity, while serving foreclosure papers to the 99%,” said Beth Bogart, a volunteer with Occupy Wall Street. “We will not stand for a country where bankers that issued deadly mortgage-backed securities are bailed out, but homeowners with mortgages are illegally thrown out on the street.”

At New York’s Foley Square, the Occupy movement will stand with those on the front lines of the economic collapse in their struggle against the banks and the politicians who do the banks' bidding. We will join in solidarity with those who have lost their homes to Wall Street greed and political corruption.

We won't let Obama get away with being Wall Street's puppet.

244 Comments post comment ↥ ↧ enough 41 points 1 day ago It's about time #OWS got wise to Wall Street's biggest supporter. If Obama tries to pander to or associate himself with the OWS, his overtures should be firmly rejected from the group. After all, Obama received more money from Wall Street interests than other politician in U.S. history. Obama appointed Wall Street flunkies, Bernanke and Geithner, to run the U.S. economy and they duly ran it into the ground. Frankly, that's all you need to know about Obama. Don't let Obama, who over-sold and under-delivered, swing the watch in front the nose of OWS and co-opt the movement. Ditto all other politicians. You might as well go home if you succumb to their overtures. They are the problem. Wall Street is the symptom. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 12 points 1 day ago We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together. When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals. Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery. Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land. How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it. Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another. In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice. They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations. Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers. Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable. Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us?? Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts. We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world. Pass this message along to any and everyone, unite for truth and justice. It is time to Occupy Washington DC and force change. reply permalink ↥ ↧ The1capitalist 6 points 1 day ago i'm a technology engineer and don't find my work to be degrading or oppressive. Before that i managed a lumber warehouse, again it wasn't degrading it was a job. Before that worked in construction, again nobody degraded me. No one has the power to degrade you unless you allow them. The only way to be truly free is to take control of your life and do something with it, in this way only, will you gain pride and respect for yourself. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 4 hours ago We are very happy for YOU! We may not be occupying for YOU! We are about WE not ME. reply permalink ↥ ↧ The1capitalist 2 points 3 hours ago lol. The 'WE' is always about the 'ME' reply permalink ↥ ↧ catsass 4 points 22 hours ago Wow, I'm sorry, but that's a lot of derp for one post. 'Living off the land' may sound pretty cool but after you hoe beans and shuck corn for a while, you really find out the meaning of mind-numbing. There's a reason you can't keep the kids down on the farm. My work is challenging and not degrading, in fact, I feel fairly well valued at my job. Also, having worked with a number of government employees, local, state, and federal, I've seen very few horns and tails (though I have seen them). Some gov workers are unpleasant, some are incompetent, but most are just regular people doing the best they can. Our current system, far from being 'rooted in corruption', is actually one of the least corrupt systems on the planet. We just have to get off our lazy asses and make sure we shine some light into the corners of that system. Campaign finance reform is needed, and I wish I had a fool-proof method to ensure that those who enter political life are able to represent their constituents without whoring themselves out to the highest bidder, but that's a problem for the ages and we're not the first ones to try to fix it. One suggestion I have is that any “fund raiser” where an elected official is essentially selling face time must be open to the press. Do you have any suggestions on how to fund elections and limit donations to politicians? One thing everyone can do that never seems to be stressed enough is to learn the names of your state and federal Senators and Representatives, and make it a point to stay in touch with them. Call or write regularly to make your opinions known. One person can't make much difference doing this, but if our elected officials' constituencies constantly hold their feet to the fire on specific issues, they may pay slightly more attention to what the people back home want, and maybe marginally less to what the lobbyists are asking for. I would honestly be very interested in knowing how many people who are posting here started out by making their comments and/or complaints to their Congressional reps? A relative recently told me that she was so mad about what Congress was doing about something that she wrote to Bill O’Reilly about it. I expect this is pretty typical—we start venting on the internet and totally forget that that is not the first place we should go to try to make any impact on what our government is doing! reply permalink ↥ ↧ RightsOfMan (Brownsville, TX) 1 points 2 hours ago I write my representatives. I have probably written 6 or 8 times to no apparent reaction. Most recently while living in Arkansas I wrote U.S. Senator Mark Pryor who me that 'Senatorial courtesy' meant he would leave the issue for member from Texas (where I was moving in 3 months). I then wrote my anticipated U.S. Rep. in Texas (Ruben Hinojosa), who asked me to verify where I would be living (it wasn't firm) and apparently I was a county outside of his constituency, so he said he was going to forward it to U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold (the issue raised related to problems relating to health care). I never heard from Rep. Farenthold. I have since learned that Rep. Farenthold has made a name for himself opposing health care reform. No wonder he never replied. Aside from the fact that concerns are passed around like hot potatoes and that direct communication is likely worthless there is one other thing I learned from all this... I ended up waiting tables in a restaurant in the same building as Farenthold's office and his staffers are horrible (less than 10%) tippers! Talk about voting with your pocketbook. Do you think I'll ever waste my time writing a politician again? reply permalink ↥ ↧ The1capitalist 1 points 3 hours ago finally, i have found some intelligence reply permalink ↥ ↧ IChowderDown (Edmonton, AB) 1 points 7 hours ago So you don't have Corruption? So all the bailouts, unwarranted wars (people lives), Fraud, laundry money, drugs on war, bonus payouts, pork barrels, black money, Bankers immunity, fraudulent foreclosures, Billion in War Contracts, exuberant amount of Federal Reserve missing 9 Trillions: 'computers that stored accounting back up data were destroyed the very next day in Building 7 of the World Trade Center and the original data stored in the Pentagon exactly where the 'plane crashed' into, which was destroyed the same day. The Figure around 2.3 Trillion 6 Billion Dollars Flown Into Iraq By U.S. Military! 'Believed To Be Stolen! BILLIONS Of U.S. Dollars Funding The Opposition In Afghanistan! Approx 25% of the total budget dollars a year goes into Black Budget operations every year and the pentagon can't account for it. We could make a list as big as the deficit. But reading all the others, you'd lose interest and forget everything? So you don't have Corruption? reply permalink ↥ ↧ NewWorldNow 1 points 3 hours ago Let's take a breath. The entire federal budget (income) is about $2.5 trillion, I believe. So the idea that '2.7 trillion dollars a year goes into Black Budget operations every year and the pentagon can't account for it.' is a bit farfetched, don't you think? Not to mention that most of those black ops are very effective activities that increase our security, and do no harm to civilians. reply permalink ↥ ↧ sm707 (Englewood, NJ) 1 points 18 hours ago Dude just because your job is cool with you doesnt mean most people's jobs dont SUCK. You wanna be a prostitute, drug dealer, mcdonalds dishwasher, or just plain unemployed?? And dont come back with some BS cop out like 'Well those people should just get a job/try harder' The FACT is even if everyone went out to get a job tomorrow and really applied themselves THERE AINT ENOUGH JOBS to go around and we're STILL losing jobs. 'least corrupt systems on the planet': utter idiocy, WTH kind of metrics are you using bro? I'de like a source for that rabble. And why is your opinion on farming the BE ALL END ALL, some people enjoy farming and 'living off the land' very much. Stop being so know-it-all and pompous, cause your putting people off, on purpose or on accident I don't know.. -_- And just want to add something about capitalism: the last 2-3 generations have never been able to experience REAL capitalism. What we have here is more SOCIALISM ALREADY. The BANKS are given money, the AUTO companies are given money, the MEDIA (specifically msnbc) was given billions 'secretly' lumped into the bank bailout, and all the big CORPORATIONS are basically given money because the pay almost no taxes, and get subsidies!! We've been BLEEDING OUT since 1913, you all know what happened then. So please stop bashing capitalism and don't listen to the people that do cause they either don't know what they're talking about or they're trying to decieve you, IMHO. Look out for those protagonists/anarchists! reply permalink ↥ ↧ urbanfirefly 2 points 15 hours ago @sm707 What?!?! How can you blame Socialism for 'giving away money' to the big Corporations? True Capitalism is economic anarchy. Seriously, you must have mixed up Socialism with some kind of SUPER Captalism. I mean, if things are as I've perceived, the corporations of America practically own the government, and therefore the people. You do realize that Socialism means high taxes for everybody, and very high taxes for high income earners/corporations (i.e. if you have an income of 15000$/month, you pay over 50% taxes, Sweden). It also means that the people own the government, because the Government have to give free healthcare, and up to university education, to every single citizen (Swedish students even get payed for studying at college/university, it doesn't matter if you're from a high status, high income family in the finer neighborhoods of Stockholm, or if you're from a family of cleaners or paramedics, you just need the grades). Socialism DOESN'T give away money to the big Corporations, it gives it to those who need it! You said that those who are bashing Capitalism doesn't know what they're talking about, would you please give me two arguments that demonstrates how Capitalism is superior to Socialism where it concerns the '99%'. And don't say 'low prices at Walmart'! Anyone who feels like sm707 is very welcome to answer! reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago If Socialism asks for high taxes do they also ask for high wages? reply permalink ↥ ↧ The1capitalist 1 points 3 hours ago Wow look who's calling who pompous. The man is mostly correct, and yes this is one of the least corrupt nations on earth. Open your eyes to the world around you. The basic rule of thumb in this world is bribary. We don't have to bribe our cops or our officials in gov't to get the things we need as everyday citizens. That just doesn't happen in many places. And yes the job market is tuff, but for those willing to hustle, they are there. reply permalink ↥ ↧ NewWorldNow 1 points 3 hours ago Have you been to any third world country? We may have the most corruption in terms of dollars, but our system is basically sound. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 4 hours ago Hear Hear! reply permalink ↥ ↧ NobodySpecial 1 points 18 hours ago I have been advocating that there be a website for voter verification for some time now! I am glad to see that one now exists. It would be interesting to use this method to prove that all precincts were actually counting the votes correctly. One would simple compare the numbers (if somehow every single voter could be accounted for) That may be a bit idealistic but it's a start! I will check it out! reply permalink ↥ ↧ laidoffworker03 4 points 23 hours ago I totally agree. We should boycott both democratic, and republican convetions, and when they come to town on their so called campaign trails, run them out of town. reply permalink ↥ ↧ wdwgrotb 2 points 22 hours ago HEAR HEAR were thinking with our brains where dose it start Washington,or some pizza guy,gun toting texan, a upper crusty Boston I'll just build a bigger house butt head,a brunette that dyed her hair ( it used to be blond) a fat guy who cheated on his wife who's next ? Ah America I think. Until we get someone in office that thinks of Americans before he thinks of other countries we are on the verge of becoming a reasonable facsimile of a third world country.........then there will be China reply permalink ↥ ↧ sm707 (Englewood, NJ) 1 points 16 hours ago No we should not stomp on the even sheeple's rights. We should convert them! reply permalink ↥ ↧ queenann 2 points 11 hours ago well said.. work to get rid of Barack.... USA couldn't get much worse than him. worst president in history....also weak and destructive like Carter reply permalink ↥ ↧ wdwgrotb 2 points 22 hours ago I think bush had a friend he loaned 700 billion to so they could avert the fall of I mean the collapse of America what a joke. New boss same as the old boss,get rid of any one who has been in office more than two terms, get rid of the lobbyists and voila problem solved and if they even try to be friends with big business fire their ass simple as that. reply permalink ↥ ↧ zygarch 1 points 29 minutes ago To begin with, there are already groups mobilizing to enact change. Anyone who has not already signed the following petitions, please do so: To get money out of politics: To repeal corporate 'personhood': To bypass the two-party system, visit: reply permalink ↥ ↧ NewWorldNow 1 points 3 hours ago No doubt about that. The Obama administration has taken bold-faced Orwellian lying to new levels. They are so in bed with wall street that it should get and X rating. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GypsyKing 1 points 15 hours ago No, they are th symptom, Wall St. is the problem. Otherwise I agree completely. reply permalink ↥ ↧ enough 3 points 10 hours ago It's a question of degree. Our elected representatives in Washington are supposed to represent us, not the wealthy banking lobby. Public officials betray our trust when they succumb to avaricious bankers who persuade them to harm Main Street by repealing Glass-Steagall, not enforcing the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to protect us against fraud in the marketplace, allowing the U.S. Justice Department to sit on its hands while the bankstas go free, using taxpayer money to bailout their buddies on Wall Street, and appointing Wall Street flunkies as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. All of these things and more are result of traitorous perfidy by elected politicians. That isn't to say the wise guys, who litter our banking system and reap the largesse of Washington sellouts, are not worthy targets of public outrage. They certainly are. No one likes douche bags that rip-off common people backed up by bought-off politicians. Nobody. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 2 points 3 hours ago Prison For Bankstas reply permalink ↥ ↧ GypsyKing 1 points 5 hours ago All right, we're essentially on the same page here. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jeffjoseph 1 points 1 day ago Obama is No Better Than Bush (NBTB) I dont think OWS should push for an Independent Third Party @ this time but to consider it in the near future. First we need Publicly funded elections I don't know the best way to do that I just know it must be done. reply permalink ↥ ↧ lbcpunk 7 points 1 day ago You don't need publicly funded elections. You just need to get special interest money out of elections. If individuals are dedicated to a candidate they should be able to put their money up to help the candidate succeed. If this was done, we wouldn't have had Bush, we wouldn't have had Obama, and Ron Paûl / Gary Johnson would be the Republican frontrunners right now instead of the establishment candidates Cain and Romney. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jeffjoseph 3 points 1 day ago You may be right if no one could contribute more than $ 100 Dollars Max. reply permalink ↥ ↧ wdwgrotb 3 points 22 hours ago I hear ya and no stumping for over a year just to get your message across ....what the help is the internet for anyway............stop all of this bouncing around the country do it the cheapest way mass e-mails not enormous airplane bills.We think about the gas it will cost us just to go to the grocery store what do you think it cost for jet fuel .........stop the waste reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago Thank's an atrocity! reply permalink ↥ ↧ jeffjoseph 1 points 5 hours ago Guess what the fuel cost is for Air Force 1. 50-100,000 Dollars per hour. And Obama uses it for trips as short as 200 Miles when the Air Force has a few dozen executive jets at the same base as AF-1 I'm an USAF vet. Eighty Three cents of every gallon of gas U buy goes to WS Speculators. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago And money under the table? reply permalink ↥ ↧ sm707 (Englewood, NJ) 1 points 18 hours ago Yeah that would work, I have been leaning for publicly funded but I had never thought of that idea.. :) reply permalink ↥ ↧ nonsense -4 points 1 day ago If Ron Pauul is so great why did he run a racist newsletter for years? reply permalink ↥ ↧ PincheCabron 5 points 23 hours ago He didn't. A misguided racist campaign worker was putting out a newsletter that Paul did not see. Paul has disavowed the statements in that newsletter and if that isn't good enough for you, then you may as well ask every politician living why they haven't disavowed every act committed in their name that they did not approve of. reply permalink ↥ ↧ LetsGoOaklandLetsGo 5 points 23 hours ago And while we're on the topic of racism, it should be pointed out the Ron Lawl is one of our few politicians with the guts to call out the Drug War as 'racist.' reply permalink ↥ ↧ nonsense 1 points 1 hour ago Isn't Ron Lawl opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964? To be so ignorant of history really makes me wary of a Republican like Ron Lawl. Sorry but its pretty hard for me to give a Republican the benefit of the doubt on race issues these days. I don't really buy that excuse about the racist newsletter either. I don't know about you but if there was a news letter bearing my name I might want to keep up to date on what it was saying. It's not like there was just one news letter, there was a lot over a long period of time. At minimum it shows Ron Lawl has poor judgement. (hiring extremely racist staffers) Pretty hard to trust a millionaire congressman like Ron Lawl. If he wanted to show he really cared about the people he would be trying to raise taxes on the richest 1% to get this country back on the right track. My taxes have gone up as this country has suffered. I wish millionaires like Ron Lawl would pay their fair share as well. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago First we write in on the ballot' None of the Above..Give New Options'. Repair the system and vote for those truly dedicated to representing the People. reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 10 points 1 day ago Noam Chomsky on american politics and how to make changes: my contributions on #ows forum: 'Strategies and Expectations': 'Replace Capitalism with Democracy': reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem -1 points 1 day ago Force Change, Boycott Capitalism We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together. When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals. Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery. Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land. How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it. Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another. In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice. They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations. Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers. Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable. Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us?? Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts. We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world. Pass this message along to any and everyone, we already occupy the world, unite. Occupy Washington, Boycott Capitalism, Force Change reply permalink ↥ ↧ NobodySpecial 2 points 19 hours ago With all due respect, the issue is not's Corporatism! There is a distinct difference between them since capitalism requires competition to thrive. Competition produces better iPads, different cell phone choices, a better hamburger. If you don't understand that, then I dare you to discard your cell phone, iPod and computer. Then, if you can come back again in 3 months and HONESTLY tell us that you still don't desire them, then your argument will hold true credence. Corporatism means that the competition is eliminated by corporate takeovers and paid-off corrupt officials, where favoritism rules the day. The problem lies in the influence, not the process. Eliminate the corrupting influence by holding those responsible for their crimes accountable and then strictly enforcing future laws against corruption, and then Capitalism will thrive again in it's true form...where the comforts of life for all can actually improve. One other important point: Our Constitution is probably not important to you...however, our Founding Fathers made this country a Republic, and not a design! You see, In a Republic, the individual is solely responsible for their own freedom and liberty and individually accountable for their own actions, whether good or bad. If you harm another individual, you solely, are responsible for your actions and you solely, must pay for harming that individual. A Democracy is nothing more than mob rule where a 51% majority can force bad on a 49% minority who don't agree with them. In a Democracy, if you harm another individual, the whole population could potentially suffer for your actions. Therefore, the two forms of rule are diametrically opposed to each other! Our Founding Fathers were very aware of this and because of it, purposely steered clear of a Democratic form of Government. They believed very strongly in your individual freedom to make your own choices! They respected the fact that at some point, you would grow up to be an independent person, responsible enough not to have to follow mommy and daddy's rules anymore! You would get to make your own life decisions and either benefit or fail from them accordingly. For proof of this, please take a minute to check out this link to the CIA's World FactBook here: They clearly define the United States form of government as a 'Constitution-based Federal Republic with a strong Democratic TRADITION!' I respectfully thank you! reply permalink ↥ ↧ ithink 1 points 3 minutes ago Yes, I agree completely with everything you just said. How do we get this corporatism under control, when the government won't back us? reply permalink ↥ ↧ NewWorldNow 1 points 3 hours ago Excellent reply permalink ↥ ↧ jimmycrackerson 1 points 8 hours ago That's funny you say that...because due to my own personal economic downfall, I have lost my house, job, money, ipod, cell phone, a laptop, and family members, and a lot of other shit and I can HONESTLY say I do not give a shit about any that stuff at this moment in time. reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago I believe you wholeheartedly. reply permalink ↥ ↧ D7ame2Uv 2 points 22 hours ago Question: Are you opposed to free markets? reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 1 points 22 hours ago a system for the exchange of goods and a government system responsible for people's lives should always remain separate. reply permalink ↥ ↧ D7ame2Uv 2 points 22 hours ago You have not answered my question. Please answer yes or no, and add an explanation if you like. Regarding the response you did give: In a free society, shouldn't people be responsible for themselves? reply permalink ↥ ↧ sm707 (Englewood, NJ) 1 points 17 hours ago I'm gonna just copypaste (and add some) what I said before: about capitalism: the last 2-3 generations have never been able to experience REAL capitalism. What we have here is more SOCIALISM ALREADY. The BANKS are given money, the AUTO companies are given money, the MEDIA (specifically msnbc) was given billions 'secretly' lumped into the bank bailout, and all the big CORPORATIONS are basically given money because the pay almost no taxes, and get subsidies!! We've been BLEEDING OUT since 1913, you all know what happened then. 'Socialism' is the most effective tool of the Globalists for hoodwinking people into throwing out thier f'ed up system for an EVEN WORSE ONE. And 'Anarchism' just plain wouldn't work ESPECIALLY now because they have all the money and would just run right over us! Lets throw out the CORRUPTION by informing the rest of the country about SENSIBLE solutions, THEN we can argue about our economic system! So please stop bashing capitalism and don't listen to the people that do cause they either don't know what they're talking about or they're trying to decieve you, IMHO. Look out for these protagonists/anarchists! reply permalink ↥ ↧ wilsondog 1 points 9 hours ago A clear voice of reason in a sea of mud! reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 -2 points 1 day ago Not 'boycott capitalism'. Dismantle capitalism reply permalink ↥ ↧ wilsondog 1 points 9 hours ago Have you been paying attention to what is going on in Europe? reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 1 points 8 hours ago Sure. I live in Europe so I´m aware. What´s your point..? reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 0 points 1 day ago it is already dismantling itself. ;) reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 2 points 1 day ago I know what you mean - it´s not sustainable. But capitalism is just a system .Capitalism was established by humans and humans are the ones who have maintained capitalism. Humans must be the ones dismantling it. reply permalink ↥ ↧ NewWorldNow 1 points 3 hours ago I happen to think that Capitalism is like language - it was not planned or designed, and it is not controlled by people. Rather, these systems co-evolve with us. Hence, no movement is going to 'destroy capitalism' as that would be an attempt to destroy human nature. What we have found is that capitalism works best with some simple rules that are well enforced. One of those rules is to keep the 'enforcers' from having a stake in the game, from being corrupted. That's all that is needed. reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 1 points 2 hours ago I totally disagree. Capitalism has only been around a couple of hundred years. Humans have existed over 100 000 years. For millions of years our ancestors have lived in relatively egalitarian groups cooperating for the common good, in fact as long back as 'Ardi'. Please read my post The Society We Should Strive For and watch the links Capitalism is not sustainable and has to be eliminated if we wnat life on earth to continue. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 0 points 1 day ago I agree, it's doing a great job of helping us. reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 0 points 1 day ago well, It´s helping us by not not being sustaniable, but on it´s way down it could take us with it if we´re not doing something soon. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 0 points 1 day ago yes, we must begin planning and preparation. I am happy there are folks already learning how to sustain themselves in the streets, none of this would be possible without them. They need to start planting public gardens and local farming this American Spring. reply permalink ↥ ↧ struggleforfreedom80 -3 points 1 day ago Planting public gardens and local farming are good causes, but I think our main focus must be fighting for freedom and democracy and getting rid of capitalism. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem -1 points 1 day ago we'll need food and natural medicines. reply permalink ↥ ↧ futher 0 points 21 hours ago freedom and democracy are a big part of having food, water, shelter, and clothes. We have lost the former, and may well loose the rest. While we are dismantling the global financial casino, we will also be expanding the markets - farmers markets, for example - that work for the 99%. It'll be like reinventing the wheel, only without the topheavy mismanagers. In a way, all we really need to learn to do is figure out who we can trust, and deal only with them. Not that people you can't trust are not dangerous; we will need to be determined to endure. We being 99% of the global population. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jph 1 points 1 day ago true that. . just a mater of time,. Best thing to do is get ready of the imminent implosion to come.., get people working together over, under , and around the current system,. as corporate capitalism is a dead end, a very messy destructive dead end. Permaculture, SlowMoney, Degrowth. reply permalink ↥ ↧ masterandcommander 0 points 1 day ago Keep trashing Obama. That will definitely help! reply permalink ↥ ↧ TheTaoTeChange (Atlanta, GA) 6 points 1 day ago Are you people really suggesting an all-out revolution or having congress completely lose their jobs? What do you suppose we do then? Another Reign of Terror? I am anti-Wall Street but that is not what this country needs. We need realistic solutions, such as only pubic campaign funds/donations. That would ensure that anyone can run, and may help dismantle the two party system. If you demand too high than no one will listen to you. The law will laugh at you if you have this mob mindset. As a wise man said: But when you talk about destruction Don't you know you can count me out. Please fully think of your ideas, and let reason shine through. reply permalink ↥ ↧ NobodySpecial 2 points 18 hours ago I personally would like to see political parties outlawed altogether. The simple truth is that if a candidate had to run strictly on their own ideals and agenda, without a big machine party dictating their platform and providing the financing, the candidate would have to convince a majority that they are the best choice, based on their own merits. They couldn't just hide behind a party line anymore by simply stating that 'I'm a Democrat, or 'I'm a Republican' and 'this is what my party stands for', when confronted with difficult questions. They would actually be accountable for answering these questions solely by how they personally view them. Additionally, since voters (and registered party members) would no longer be able to dismiss holding candidates accountable for their individual beliefs and statements by just accepting the candidates statement that their views were the same as their party's, the voting public would actually have to be more engaged in the process to truly find out what an individual candidate stood for before casting their vote. Political parties only serve to make the voting public lazy by diminishing the responsibility of the individual voter to learn about their candidates for themselves by saying ''re a Democrat?...then I already know what you stand for!'. I would also like to see a test (and license) developed for those who wanted to participate in the voting process, which would be required to pass before earning one's right to vote. It's funny...we require it from immigrants who want to become US citizens, but not from those of us who already live here. The sad truth is that, generally, the average immigrant knows far more about our country than 'WE' do! The test, similar to a drivers license test, would prove that a voting individual is 'qualified' with a general understanding of what form of government we have (it's a Republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY), what our Constitution and Bill of Rights means, some general history of why our Founders chose the form of government they did, etc. This would be a course taught in one's senior year in high schools, similar to drivers education or health classes, where upon completion of the course, the student would be issued their voter's registration card. If a person chose not to participate, that would be their choice. However, they could not have a voice in the process and would have to live by the rules of others, due to their own choice to do so! Thank you for the voice! reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago I agree there should not be a party system. In addition to the points made it also serves to divide rather than unite. We are the United States of America. With much more uniting to work toward. reply permalink ↥ ↧ mserfas (Ashland, PA) 1 points 9 hours ago This is a good point to make when on this issue the problem isn't even the law - the problem is that when the law disagrees with the banks, the law is wrong and has to make amends! reply permalink ↥ ↧ prairiegrist 0 points 23 hours ago Calm down...ok? People are mad right now. Go to the NYCGA website and click on the activities and groups to see what people are talking about and planning. It seems very thoughtful and intelligent and yes they are talking campaign finance reform etc. It will be a bumpy ride for awhile yet tho! Be patient and support your local Occupy and voice your concerns! reply permalink ↥ ↧ Talentscout2323 6 points 1 day ago What are we doing? Corzine was one of obamas biggest supporters. A truly liberal thief! We should be going after him and anyone he has supported...Obama and his administration allowed mf global to defraud americans of billions! And what about Michael Moore? Are we seriously thinking this fat slob is not part of the 1%? He s worse than wall street because he pretends to be an average guy when his net worth is over 100 million! reply permalink ↥ ↧ Iamsheep 5 points 1 day ago True dat! Michael Moore is uber-hypocrite! Douchbag is all about anti- wahington...unless it's a leftwing nut job that he can support...if u dont like the tax code....write a bigger check to d.c. U fat loser! reply permalink ↥ ↧ prairiegrist 0 points 23 hours ago Shhhh Shhhh Its oki doki Mr. Sheeple. Sorry to wake you up. Go back to sleep now. zzzzzzzzz reply permalink ↥ ↧ GeorgeWashington 1 points 3 hours ago He spends his money informing and aiding the 99%. That's the difference. reply permalink ↥ ↧ BuddhaRyan 4 points 1 day ago R.O.N P.A.U.L for pres. 2012 reply permalink ↥ ↧ Freeme 4 points 1 day ago STOP Big Banks from Blocking People's Access to their OWN MONEY. Many of the things Big Banks are able to get away with are just plain criminal. One such thing is their ability to take all the money from any and all of your accounts and deny your access to it. And currently, they want you to think there is NOTHING you can do about it. I opened an account with Wells Fargo 4 months ago. I am a yoga teacher and have inconsistent and, at times, meager income. Because my account is new, any checks I put into it are held for at least 10 days. Long story short(er) I over drew my account with a Starbucks purchase of $4.15. The reason my account was low was due to a $12.50 charge the bank automatically subtracted when they transferred $25 from my savings to my checking to cover a purchase. It's a little fishy here since I had $130 in the account at the time and the purchase was for less than that.... but those are just minor details. The big surprise was that Wells Fargo could not only close my account after ONE overdraft but that they could then seize the $3,480 I had deposited the day after my overdraft and completely bar me from any access to it. I noticed my account was closed when someone I had written a check to called me to tell me he couldn’t cash it because my account was closed. I was in the hospital at the time because my boyfriend had gotten in a motorcycle accident. When I called Wells Fargo they said they had decided I was a “risk” and were sending me a check with the total from my account and that it should reach me in a week. When the check never arrived, I called them back. They told me they had sent the check to my physical address because they “Don’t send mail to PO Boxes”. Now, I have a PO BOX because I am one of thousands of Americans that live in a town where mail delivery does not exist. I told the Wells Fargo employee that started my account this when I signed up but she said I had to give them my physical address as well as my PO Box to open the account. I was then told that I would have to wait for the check to return to them and then wait an additional 10 days for “processing” at which point they would reissue the check. This is ALL MY MONEY let’s remember. I asked them if they could just cancel the check and make the funds available to me at the branch. They said NO. I then asked them if they could just deposit the amount in my boyfriend’s account at Wells Fargo. They said NO. I tried to make them aware that this is all the money I have in the world and that it had already been over 10 days since they blocked my access to it and they literally said, sorry ma’am, this is the procedure. I must have called at least 5 times over the next week to check on the progress and see if maybe I could get a compassionate person on the phone that would help me. I was hung up on twice, denied every other time. Finally, 15 days later, I got someone on the phone that said they had received the returned check and that he could make the funds available to me if I call back in 48 hours. I called back in 48 hours. The woman that answered the phone told me that I was “Too Late” and that they had mailed the cashier’s check out to me AGAIN to the SAME ADDRESS. When I protested and attempted to point out their obvious mistake she hung up on me. I called back and the next person told me that I would have to wait until November 15th to call back and see if they would release the funds. WHAT? They closed my account on October 11th! So now, still, I have no access to my own money. I have called the corporate office. I have called the branch, the department, spoken to at least 9 people. No one will help me. They tell me now it’s “Too Early” to cancel the check and make my funds available to me at a branch. I have to wait. reply permalink ↥ ↧ catsass 2 points 23 hours ago Sorry, this has nothing to do with OWS, but I have to address your problem with Wells Fargo. First mistake--you CALLED. After the first call without results, you have to start wallpapering the bank with a letter detailing exactly the problem and exactly the result you expect and the time frame you expect it in. Send the letter either with one of the overnight carriers so you have a record of who signed for it and when it was delivered, or by mail with a return receipt/signature required. Send copies of your letter to the state banking commission (Google for info). Make sure your letter is addressed to bank management, not just to a customer service representative. In your letter, do not give a telephone number—give your mailing address and your email address (so that you will have a written record). Don't take calls from the bank, let them go to VM and keep any messages you get. PS DON’T BE NASTY. Be nice, be business like, don't make accusations or ask for anything extra, just state the facts reasonably. Since you have already been getting nowhere for a while with phone calls, it can't hurt to change your method. This has been 100% successful for me in the past in doing business with large companies where a minor mistake or misunderstanding has turned a simple transaction into a goat rope. Also, once you have your money, RUN AWAY from the big chain banks no matter how conveniently located their branch is to your home/office. Find a local bank or better yet a credit union. Use them ONLY for transactions that you cannot easily use cash for--try to keep most of your transactions in cash so you ALWAYS know how much money you have and how much you are spending. Been doing this myself since 2007 and the turnaround in my financial health is pretty amazing. Best of luck to you! reply permalink ↥ ↧ Decoy4924 3 points 1 day ago Kinda occurs to me when we pull all our money from various banks that their stock will drop. We could buy a bunch of stock and use it to voice our opinions as part of there investors. Banks always listen to the money and I would be willing to buy a few shares to do this. reply permalink ↥ ↧ RiskAverseAlertBlog (Rochester, NY) 1 points 23 hours ago If bank stocks drop, it won't be on account of deposits leaving. The Fed can fill that gap. Rather, if bank stocks drop, it will be because the uber levered pigs are holding too many 'assets' marked to fantasy, and counter-parties to levered risks they are taking suddenly decide to flee (much as happened to MF Global). reply permalink ↥ ↧ Decoy4924 1 points 22 hours ago You may have a point but if as a group each by a little we could make a big enough buy to have a say in there company. maybe that would be enough to start a change. reply permalink ↥ ↧ RiskAverseAlertBlog (Rochester, NY) 1 points 22 hours ago Don't get me wrong! I'm not dissing the act of withdrawing bank deposits. Without doubt, this will stand as an effective demonstration of 'Occupy' solidarity. Any constructive action serving this end is very useful, indeed, particularly as it stigmatizes those reckless financier villains that, as paragons of Tyranny, are claimed to be 'too big to fail.' reply permalink ↥ ↧ Decoy4924 1 points 9 hours ago Agreed but I still feel more can be done with this action to turn advantage to the cause. My biggest wish is turning the very system they hold over us against them. That is why I suggested buying there stock in hopes of gaining a voice in the bank itself. reply permalink ↥ ↧ owsartist39 3 points 1 day ago Those of you who work in corporate America, particularly in banking, pharmacuticals, major retail, stocks and commodities, big oil, medical fields, etc. YOU should no longer stand behind the hollow words that, 'I'm just doing my job.' It is time for America's enablers - its employees - to give its fellow citizens some answers. This is not an act of bringing down capitalism, but instead the act of making it fairer and more honest in its dealings with us. Many of you know inside information, e.g., you are aware of training videos and classes designed to show how to dupe the consumer; drugs that are being improperly sold as remedies for things they were never approved for; pricing tricks that have gouged us all. Those of you in these industries know what needs to be exposed - so show your support and just do it. Anonymously is fine, as long as it is done publicly, e.g., send to NY Times; Huffington Post, Nation Magazine; Blogs, etc. If you want to see corporate America start to pay attention and reduce their levels of criminality, then be a part of doing something besides saying you can't go down and join the Occupy'rs in your city. THIS may be this generations last chance to make the difference that will finally change your future. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jomojo 3 points 1 day ago I hope this march is successful. It's been a Nantucket economy sleigh ride for the 'system', who thinks they are Moby Dick. Backroom deals have got to stop. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Toynbee 3 points 1 day ago Any 'deal' is flat wrong, unjust, and must not stand! One of the reasons that the OWS movement is gaining momentum, strength and followers is because when a large bank or other corporation -- which are not real persons regardless of what our Supreme Court says -- ends up defrauding, scamming, or outright stealing from an individual, or group of individuals, if they get caught they only end up paying a fine. Even if it is a big fine, say in the tens of millions of dollars, or hundreds of millions, it is just a cost of doing business. Unlike the poor working stiff who can't find a job and may end of stealing a loaf of bread to survive or feed his family. This guy could go to jail for years. If it is a third strike, it could mean life in jail. No wonder our prisons are jammed with the most people of any country, on sheer volume of prisoners, and on a per capita basis. But few of those in prison are white collar criminals. Very few relative to the scale of the white collar crime problem. It is complex, but part of it has to do with the fact that some 'stealing' is legal because corporate lobbyists have twisted hands in Congress to write laws that legalize stealing. Loopholes. It is also a fact that few cops know how to catch the white collar criminal. But they can catch a low level street drug deal any time. The sad fact is that America's Criminal Justice System has collapsed. Read an excellent new book on this topic titled 'The Collapse of American Criminal Justice' by the late Harvard Law Professor William J. Stuntz. His book describes why we need to fix the justice system. Fix our laws. Fix our criminal processes. We can't have Wall Street crooks let off the hook on a technicality, while we fill the jails and prisoners with people who have been coerced into pleading guilty -- mainly because the prosecutors have too much power. The fact of the matter is that over ninety five percent of people who are sentenced for criminal acts never got a trial by their peers. Never got a jury trial. Never had a fair shot at the justice system. Why? Because the system is now rigged against them. The prosecutor has all the cards. Read the Stuntz book! It should trigger an awakening about the lopsided justice system. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 2 points 1 day ago We know what the problem is, pass this message along to any and everyone, let us fix it and move forward together. When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department you see criminals. Our corruption dates back decades to when those who in trying to preserve slavery had to find new ways to preserve it and so created an advanced form of slavery. only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom and choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land. How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it. our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another. In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice. They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations. Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers. Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans themselves are realizing that they cannot sustain themselves under their current system of government. Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us?? Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts. We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world. reply permalink ↥ ↧ futher 1 points 21 hours ago ... and every attempt to preserve it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another. SO TRUE. That is the first rule of those in power: Divide and rule. The real magic is the invisibility of the powerful, like the wizard of Oz, and the projection of their status symbols we worship. reply permalink ↥ ↧ ross1975 (LaCygne, KS) 1 points 1 day ago A great idea. That is one of the many things that needs to happen to get things in order. Just think what the G-20 asked obama today about what's going on in our country. These people know what the world plan is for making us all slaves for them. reply permalink ↥ ↧ dissidenty (Pittsburgh, PA) 1 points 1 day ago Good post. The slaps on the wrist that fraudulent corporations get is out of all proportion to the scale and the severity of their crimes. If corporations are just like people, then how come there is no 3-strike law for them to abide by? The gross inequity between how common individuals are treated compared to the corporations and their board members is a big part of the reason that OWS is growing. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 0 points 1 day ago yah, private prisons, they are building thousands more, they make $40,000+ per prisoner (from tax dollars) not to mention the $$ that is funneled into big pharma for 'health care'. reply permalink ↥ ↧ SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 1 points 1 day ago yep reply permalink ↥ ↧ figero 2 points 20 hours ago where is big liberal Jon Corzine when you need him lol! reply permalink ↥ ↧ figero 2 points 20 hours ago how's the hope & change working for ya lol! reply permalink ↥ ↧ talination 2 points 23 hours ago Interesting. Obama promised to change the way our government operates and yet here we see...maybe that's not really the case? Do you think Obama's kept any/most/a few of his promises? There's a site out there that's getting conversation going about this--it's definitely and interesting and heated topic--you guys should check it out and participate on there: reply permalink ↥ ↧ RiskAverseAlertBlog (Rochester, NY) 2 points 23 hours ago There is but one path by which #OWS can 'hold the political class accountable for doing Wall Street's bidding.' Ready? ... Throw Obama under the bus. The 'Constitutionalists' had their day at the start of the 112th Congress with a reading of the U.S. Constitution, a first in American history. It is time to hold their feet to the fire. If 'accountability in government' is thought a serious problem whose resolution would serve to address a whole assortment of grievances wrapped up in 'Occupy' movements across the nation, then the path of least resistance to gaining this accountability is through a massive, relentless insistence that, Articles of Impeachment be drafted by Congress charging President Barack Obama with high crimes against the Constitution, first, via his illegal war in Libya, and second, via ordering assassination of 3 American citizens in Yemen not afforded their constitutional right of 'due process.' This is not personal. This is business. If accountability in government is rightly seen a fundamental problem motivating a good deal of today's dissent, then demand for said accountability could not possibly find a more opportune occasion in circumstance finding a Congress feigning 'duty' to Constitution while the President pisses on it. 'Verdict by media' is how the White House and Congress today are hiding behind the President's 100% bonafide unconstitutional acts mentioned above. Yet all have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution! Make the 'Constitutionalists' and the saner of Democrats in Congress live up to their duty! Throw Obama under the bus. reply permalink ↥ ↧ christyimages 2 points 23 hours ago Sorry, but I think you're making a mistake by getting in Obama's face. I have supported your cause and it has been working in terms of getting a lot of support from people of all ages. You are foolish if you actually think you're now going to 'force' a political system into your hands and turn it on its ear this quickly. Be patient and request that Obama make his choice. You are about to lose a lot of support. The strength of this movement has been in its peacefulness. You have gained support from all age groups. I am now not liking what I'm seeing: advising people to break laws and behave EXACTLY the way you want banks and Wall St. to STOP acting. Are you serious? You are going to see a Republican get elected into the White House in 2012. Remember these words... I have been to Zuccotti Park twice to support you all and have a masters degree in education. I can tell you, you will lose a ton of support from a HUGE group of people who do not want to behave as the corporate raiders have. Step back a bit, my friends, or are you just being the same human beings capable of powermongering you blame your foes of? reply permalink ↥ ↧ jk1234 2 points 22 hours ago It is not a lefty righty issue, I think the following is self-explanatory: “This is a clear, moral issue that cuts to the core of why we occupy,” said Max Berger, an Occupy Wall Street participant helping to plan the event. “Instead of throwing corrupt bankers in jail, the administration is pushing to give them a get-out-of jail-free card.” reply permalink ↥ ↧ RiskAverseAlertBlog (Rochester, NY) 1 points 22 hours ago Disagree. Obama has shown his true colors. Just because he can put together an intelligible sentence more reliably than his predecessor has not stopped him from pissing on the Constitution with his military intervention in Libya and his ordering the assassination of 3 American citizens in Yemen. Should 'accountability in government' rightly be thought a fundamental lacking underlying all manner of dissent raised by 'Occupy' movements across the nation, then an aggressive petitioning campaign directed at Congress demanding Articles of Impeachment be brought against President Obama presents a very focused objective offering redress of a wide range of issues that, today, is leading thousands upon thousands of American citizens to take to the streets in protest. And just so you know this suggestion is not personal, I also would support any call for Rep. Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment against both Bush and Cheney to be resurrected. Take down the marionettes, bye bye string pullers. reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 7 hours ago 0bama can't put together an intelligble sentence. He reads off of a teleprompter. When he tries to speak without one he's a mess. 0bama is now bypassing congress . Did you know that burried in 0bama care ( written by the dems) is a provision that gives the federal govt the right to take money out of your bank accounts by wire transfers? reply permalink ↥ ↧ laidoffworker03 2 points 1 day ago Boycott all upcoming political conventions, and let them know, come November 2012, we will boycott the elections, or vote no on every ballot, republican, or democrat. There will be know campaign trails, we will not let politicians sell us into slavery. reply permalink ↥ ↧ tr289 (Chicago, IL) 2 points 1 day ago Blaming Obama is the easy thing to do. I'm not defending him in anyway !!! I'm just trying to point out that he is just another broken politician working inside a broken system / Government. reply permalink ↥ ↧ riethc 2 points 1 day ago Obama = Bush's 3rd Term reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 7 hours ago 0bama =carters second term reply permalink ↥ ↧ RiskAverseAlertBlog (Rochester, NY) 1 points 23 hours ago You mean 'Cheney's 3rd Term,' right? George is still out to lunch. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Talentscout2323 1 points 1 day ago Except bush lead in bad times...Obama creates more problems then blames everyone else. Bush owned his mistakes...Obama blames everyone except the one truly responsible....only one happy with Obama is Carter cuz it makes him only 2nd worst prez now reply permalink ↥ ↧ jph 1 points 1 day ago lol,. partisan much. 'Bush owned his mistakes' really when? where? 'Obama = Bush's 3rd Term' is very correct. there is no difference, the two parties are just two wings of one corporatist party,. wealth rules,. currently and this is ending. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Talentscout2323 4 points 23 hours ago Try reading his book..g w realizes some of his decisions werent the best but he stands behind them...Obama crams his piece of crap healthcare plan thru then blames bush...he had both houses of congress and barely got that thru instead of focusing on jobs...then he lost control and now all of a sudden jobs are his priority? Wake up....bush tried to bring other countries up to our standard of living...Obama is trying to bring us down to his native Kenyan standard of living...sleep tight with that prospect reply permalink ↥ ↧ riethc 1 points 21 hours ago They both suck. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jph 0 points 11 hours ago bush jr. was and is the idiot son of an evil fool. He 'tried to bring other countries up to our standard of living' wow, just wow. How? by bombing them?? Obama has simply continued his policies,. 'ObamaCare' is just a corporate giveaway,. making people buy private-for-profit insurance is fascism, not health care. (should have been universal health care) Bush took a surplus and made the largest deficit in world history,. which is no surprise,. you only have to look at the results of EVERY company he was ever in charge of,. they ALL went bankrupt! You live in a dream world,. bush tried to crash the economy that is what he does! There is money to be taken when bringing companies and countries down., reply permalink ↥ ↧ jjpatrick 1 points 21 minutes ago SEVEN REASONS WHY OBAMA DESERVES YOUR VOTE: Independent Human Rights investigation of Obama and NATO crimes against humanity in Libya. Obama gave orders to bomb without congressional approval: 2 Fact check: Romney vs Obama: who lies more? -- quite similar. Top 20 recipients of Wall Street Funds: Historically, which party receives more from Wall Street? An interesting perspective by Noam Chomsky: --Noam Chomsky on the State-Corporate Complex: Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on why Obama is worse than Bush: and Obama's imperilstic policies: 6. Obama's health care reform = monopoly for existing for profit health care industries and BigPharma = no public options nor can anyone else challenge them to keep prices modest. It's like Obama has put into law that everyone must buy their car insurance from a few corporations, who now have full power to set the prices as however they want. ---As a result: patients lose, doctors and health care workers lose. Republicans were in power at one point and Democrats were in full power just recently---the difference? Obama's budget for military spending per year was higher than that of Bush's. In fact, maybe Republicans are calling Obama a socialist to keep him in power as he continues to serve the will of Corporate America and the Big banks. Is it better to give allegiance to Caesar whether it be Romney/Obama OR your children. Two parties for two audiences, but same policies that serve the priorities of their corporate or wall street funders, maybe promising some bread crumbs after--each telling their own audience to demonize the other party, and thus get off free from bearing any responsibility or accountability. NEITHER REPUBLICANS NOR DEMOCRATS have been representative of the people. CHOOSING BETWEEN THE LESS OF TWO EVILS IS A FALSE DICHOTOMY. DON'T BUY IT. reply permalink ↥ ↧ rickMoss 1 points 28 minutes ago We need a better way to fight back than this. Protesting is courageous! But we have to do very big things to solve our very big problems. We need a new vision for America and a revolution to move it forward. We'll never get outside the box until we start thinking outside the box... FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( ) Free people shouldn't act or live like slaves... reply permalink ↥ ↧ trailertrash 1 points 1 hour ago I voted for you Obama and I expect you to remember who you work for. So much as one more cushy deal for banks while so many of us are going under will be remembered. You better get a backbone and stand tall starting right now. You were elected to serve us, not the money guys. I am willing to endure more hard times so long as I know that the bankers are in prison. Real prison too. Not make believe prison with lawn chairs and room service. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Barbara555 1 points 1 hour ago The big banks mortgage fraud: GOPERS in Congress who passed the bankruptcy bill and did away with GLASS STEGAL. That was Phil Gramm. Bush pushed home ownership and refused to let 18 states reign in corrupt lenders in 2004 when the FBI said wide spread fraud was taking place in the mortgage industry. Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble White House Philosophy Stoked Mortgage Bonfire Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities Bush to push ownership society Home Ownership and President Bush reply permalink ↥ ↧ SaRaIam 1 points 1 hour ago I was at the march today, and I have a few comments. I really would have liked to see more signs about reinstating Glass Steagall at the march. I do not feel that the message of this march was as clear as it might have been. We chanted the same old chants, and 'Banks got bailed out, we got sold out' was the most relevant, but there could have been more chants having to do with this specific action. I would have liked to see more leafleting to educate the people about why they should support community banks and credit unions rather than B of A, Chase etc. But it was a big march and I'm glad I was there. Also, I have not been able to find out as yet how many people were arrested at this march. There seems to be a bit of a blackout on it. reply permalink ↥ ↧ 123john 1 points 1 hour ago Protesting banks and moving your money to a smaller bank will do nothing to improve somebodies life or get them a job. Your time would be better spent on protesting companies to bring there manufacturing of products back to THIS country and retailers to sell only USA made products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ annienomad 1 points 2 hours ago Email NY Attorney Gen. Schneiderman!! Tell him NO Immunity 4 Wall Street Ceos!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ DKAtoday 1 points 2 hours ago White collar criminals should be punished to the fullest extent of the law like that schmuck Bernard L. Madoff. These criminals whether they are in government or in business know perfectly well what they have done and how many they have victimized ( thousands, and millions ). They have had that Higher education and have used it to commit crimes. create sign and send petitions. reply permalink ↥ ↧ RightsOfMan (Brownsville, TX) 1 points 2 hours ago We supposedly live in a society of laws but the laws are ignored by those in power and no one does anything about it...we tolerate it. Those in power don't follow the law or the Constitution, or morality, rather they do whatever they want (and perhaps offer some thin explanation of why it is acceptable) and we as society have allowed them to do it for so long that we now lack a credible voice of protest or a specific identifiable grievance. At least we (OWS) are finally discussing it. I have been on the losing side of the system and this isn't conspiracy-based paranoia. If you doubt it, name a law that you think our government truly follows and Iet's discuss specifics. reply permalink ↥ ↧ DKAtoday 1 points 2 hours ago White collar criminals should be punished to the fullest extent of the law like that schmuck Bernard L. Madoff. These criminals whether they are in government or in business know perfectly well what they have done and how many they have victimized ( thousands, and millions ). They have had that Higher education and have used it to commit crimes. create sign and send petitions. reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 4 hours ago Does this mean that Jon Corzine ( a huge bundler for 0bama) will face jail? He's hired a criminal lawyer. reply permalink ↥ ↧ rogue1 1 points 4 hours ago Boycott Banks! Don't do business with Chase, Capital One, etc.. Even Credit cards 'Stop using credits', use cash only, take your money out! The Banks will feel it! reply permalink ↥ ↧ belltor 1 points 4 hours ago Dems decided in the 80's to actively solicit monies from Corps and bankers. Rep. Tony Colhelo head of the DCCC cozied up to Corps and bankers when heading up fund raising for the Dems. The two parties are now just whores for Wall st and Corps. Gotta get that kind of money out of campaigns or all of this will be for nothing. That is the number one demand. If this doesn't happen we are finished as a Nation. reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 5 hours ago get all jews out of america now reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 5 hours ago get all jews out of america now reply permalink ↥ ↧ dkeelen 1 points 5 hours ago I have worked hard for 12 years, was the first in my family to graduate from college with an advanced degree and hold a challenging position that I enjoy. Hard work = Success. That is the American dream. Granted there needs to be reform in our political and corporate system where the needs of the people and business are done in a fair and open manner and not behind back door deals or who can afford to lobby for laws that are to the countrary. Take away the money from political campaigns and take away from future favors due to corporations. Go back to grass root campaigning and winning the people on principles and progress. Hold politicians accountable! reply permalink ↥ ↧ halloween2u 1 points 5 hours ago I worked on Wall street for many years. It is a very corrupt business. It self regulates itself. Finra is run by brokers, investment bank managers and so on. There is no justice in this business. I reported a co-worker forging many documents in the office I worked and nobody was prosecuted for it. I was harrassed and let go from that office. When I reported it to the SEC they just stated that they put the information in their files. Nobody was prosecuted for the forging and their was a massive coverup on it. In this country if you are wealthy and you commit a crime the government will look the other way. But if you are the 99% you will be thrown in jail before you are even found guilty. Wall Street is a form of mafia. It comments all kinds of crimes and they know there will be no consequences for their actions. Even if they are penalized they are still making so much more money on the crime that it doesn't really matter to them if they get caught. Our government sauctions them. I believe it is going to take more than just occupying land or protesting to change things. We need a revolution. We need to take back our government. We need to take control of our banks and our government. It may not be pretty but I am tired of watching the two tier system of no laws for the wealthy and strict laws for the 99%. Wall street is powerful. I would tell anybody to be very careful for their lives who is protesting because you are threatening the lifestyle of the very wealthy who like their lifestyle. They do not want to lose they lifestyle and I would not put it past them to do harm to anybody that may threaten them. reply permalink ↥ ↧ tarzan322 1 points 6 hours ago The Occupy movement needs to push the US Government towards passing a bill making illegal for the Government to issues taxpayer monies to corporations and banks with the explicit purpose of bailing them out. I've also heard quit a bit of talk about how corporations are people. So pushing for a bill making the people of the corporations (Remember, the top shareholders are usually the Board of Directors) just as accountable as the CEO. If the corporations want to be people, then the people can be held accountable. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jk1234 1 points 6 hours ago Tammy Baldwin doing her part - Baldwin's resolution states that any settlement should follow three guidelines: 1) Banks that engaged in fraudulent behavior 'should not be granted criminal or civil immunity for potential wrongdoing related to illegal mortgage and foreclosure practices,' 2) the federal government and state AGs should 'proceed with full investigations into claims of fraudulent behavior by mortgage servicers' and 3) any monetary sum paid by the banks should 'appropriately compensate for, and accurately reflect, the extent of harm to all victims.' reply permalink ↥ ↧ changeit 1 points 6 hours ago There is a need for more presidental candidates. Obama is not going to change things. Perhaps a congress that forces him is the best that can be hoped for now. These politcans are out of touch. witness the supercommitte, business as usual as OWS gains support. reply permalink ↥ ↧ nich 1 points 7 hours ago This is why the !% are labeled the 1%. It cuts across party loyalties, everyone who is part of the 1% not only has to be identified but have their dirty deals exposed. reply permalink ↥ ↧ therock (Altona, NY) 1 points 7 hours ago Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that the philosophy and practice of nonviolence has six basic elements. First, nonviolence is resistance to evil and oppression. It is a human way to fight. Second, it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his/ her friendship and understanding. Third, the nonviolent method is an attack on the forces of evil rather than against persons doing the evil. It seeks to defeat the evil and not the persons doing the evil and injustice. Fourth, it is the willingness to accept suffering without retaliation. Fifth, a nonviolent resister avoids both external physical and internal spiritual violence- not only refuses to shoot, but also to hate, an opponent. The ethic of real love is at the center of nonviolence. Sixth, the believer in nonviolence has a deep faith in the future and the forces in the universe are seen to be on the side of justice. reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago the jewnited states of america is dead reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago the jewnited states of america is dead reply permalink ↥ ↧ therock (Altona, NY) 1 points 8 hours ago Let us dedicate ourselves to nonviolence. Here is a resource: reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago the jewnited states of america is dead reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago the jewnited states of america is dead reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago mossad not muslims did 9 / 11 / 01 reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago mossad not muslims did 9 / 11 / 01 reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago hanging dual citizen zionist jew traitors is not anti-semitic. got rope ? reply permalink ↥ ↧ rossamauri 1 points 8 hours ago hanging dual citizen zionist jew traitors is not anti-semitic. got rope ? reply permalink ↥ ↧ EVmc 1 points 8 hours ago William K. Black and David DeGraw of Black argues that we need, 'fire Geithner, fire Holder, and demand Bernanke's resignation, and ... replace them with people who will actually enforce the laws for the 99[%].'This meets with David DeGraw's approval, who then enlists our favorite white-collar criminologist to serve as the Attorney General for the Occupy Wall Street movement. Black has been to NYC OWS and Kansas city OWS and supports OWS. He is the guy that prosecuted thousands of bankers in the 1980’s saving and loan fraud he sent them to jail. Geithner, Holder, Obama MUST GO, as they would say in Cairo won't do any good to replace with republican though. elect a Nurse If the crime is not prosecuted it will never stop, The crime that pays is the crime that stays. If the constitution and laws were enforced the criminal bankster class would be in jail. Info on how the fraud works, Guns and Butter Audio-'Unpacking Mr. Global, Part One' with Catherine Austin Fitts. Derivatives exposure of Bank of America and the FDIC; corruption at the Department of Housing and Urban Development; prosecution of Hamilton Securities; collateral fraud. Mortgage, foreclosure fraud at end of show, why banks are committing robosigning fraud because they sold the mortgage to 10 different investors, that’s why they can not produce the note. Want to get out of before we all find out how bad the fraud is it is much worse, fraud is the banking system not the system has some fraud in it. reply permalink ↥ ↧ overcome 1 points 9 hours ago Count me in; See you there! reply permalink ↥ ↧ wilsondog 1 points 9 hours ago 'Below I am going to analyze many of the demands that Occupy Wall Street protesters have been making. A lot of them have been directly taken from the formal list of complaints posted on the 'official' organizing website of Occupy Wall Street....'But we all know that nearly all of them will show up to vote for Obama once again in 2012.' He wasn't vetting in 08, do your due diligence in 2012 Top 20 recipients of Wall Street Funds: Historically, which party receives more from Wall Street? reply permalink ↥ ↧ SteveHeitmann (Portland, OR) 1 points 14 hours ago Move Your Money -- Why, Where and How -- Find helpful banks near you -- Require President Obama to fight--hold him to his word: 'If these folks want a fight, it's a fight I'm ready to have' —President Obama, referring to big bankers who have brought us so much trouble. Meanwhile boycott 'Too Big To Fail Banks' -- Move Your Money reply permalink ↥ ↧ owsjust99 (Westhampton Beach, NY) 1 points 15 hours ago Regarding taxing the rich in general, and on levying transaction tax in particulal the following were the comments: 1. Raise taxes on the top 1%. Warren Buffet admitted that the super-rich has been coddled Raise taxes on the top 1%. Congress won’t pass it because they are in that 1%. Instead people are listening to Cain, Perry, and Romney talk about proposed tax plans that may or may not increase jobs but definitely increase taxes to the poor and middle income. 2. Tax stock trading! $0.01 cent per trade times an average of 1.2 billion trades a day (3 month NYSE average) = $4.3 billion in increased US tax revenues per year. 3. the 50 cent stock trade surcharge that (as Forbes magazine says) would generate 350 billion dollars per year: all of which could go to people who actually need it! 4. we can outlaw the financial derivative instruments that caused this economic crisis. The 1% have made incredible amount of money off derivatives and when these investments failed - the 1% asked (and received)the taxpayers to bail them out This topic should receive the immediate attention of the OWS because of the following news: ' a. The European Union in September proposed a financial- transaction tax that would take effect in 2014 and raise about $57 billion euros ($78 billion) a year. Germany and France have led a push for global implementation b. Two U.S. lawmakers will introduce measures to impose a transaction tax on financial firms that resembles a proposal released by the European Union. reply permalink ↥ ↧ rin1 1 points 15 hours ago We just need to inform people about why they should be joining the movement - the problem is most people dont even know why this movement is happening. We discuss this issue with obama on our website. A list of talking points to support OWS: help us convert non-occupiers to occupiers! tell your friends and families! reply permalink ↥ ↧ sm707 (Englewood, NJ) 1 points 16 hours ago Capitalism is not the problem, CORRUPTION is the problem. Lets kick the bums out, then argue about our economic system. Electing Ron Lawl would be the easiest way . reply permalink ↥ ↧ jimmycrackerson 1 points 16 hours ago Yeah, and we're burn down every UN-occupied house too. reply permalink ↥ ↧ socialsynergy 1 points 18 hours ago The monetary system is a scam - if they prosecute these people the whole world will understand what a scam it is. The accused will use arguments to defend themselves that would keep them out of jail and sink their industry. They haven't prosecuted anyone in England either. Do you realize that a bank only puts up about 5 grand cash on a hundred grand loan (the rest is non existent) Think about that when you put a down payment on a house. You supply the bank with the very cash to secure the imaginary money they lend and charge you compound interest on - they literally have zero exposure in actual cash money in such a transaction. Now think on this - everything we value in cash can never be worth more than the cash we have - follow me? Lets suppose we had one house in the world valued at 10 dollars but their was only 1 dollar of actual cash - How then can we have a house valued in more money than there is money? You cant. But this is what has been done globally on an epic scale. Everything and anything is worth what someone will pay or can pay. You cant pay more cash than there is available. Welcome to one of the many wonderful monetary scams - they have been successful with their scams because 99.99% of people no nothing when it comes to money- including most educated people. Obama will not want to jeopardize the economy or his re election - the economy would crash hard and fast - but that's a forgone conclusion because its headed that way in any event. The monetary system is a devious lie - it is responsible for massive crimes against humanity that would make any terrorist look like a saint. How many suicides, broken families, lost futures and many dreadful events that plague societies today are caused by this system? Look at the pregnant lady in Hawaii - her and her husband got arrested and jailed over a 5 dollar sandwich - their daughter was placed in state care for 18 hours - meanwhile we allow people to steal millions/billions / destroy nations / steal futures and not a peep from law enforcement? Did the bankers get tear gassed/ evicted/ beaten when they walked away with peoples homes, businesses and future? Were they separated from their children and hauled off by police? No they drank champagne and pulled in more and more bonuses. Frankly I am surprised any politician would have anything to do with this industry - Birds of a feather flock together i suppose- any politician that rubs elbows with these types needs to explain themselves to the people they want votes from. Justice is well and truly dead. reply permalink ↥ ↧ yourfriend 1 points 18 hours ago I was born in an era of corruption and violence my generation said they would fix it. They themselves over time became corrupted and complacent. Then the next generation came to power and each generation become more conniving and ruthless than their predecessor. What will be your truth? I pray that your generation can fix this world the rest of us did not. GOD knows I have tried in my own way and have had little effect. I have been watching reading and listening to all sources you are all having a positive effect. Stand strong you are fighting for the survival of humanity and you have the most powerful ally of any group in the past. Don’t mess it up and don’t be misled use your knowledge teachings and history. Your friend reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 7 hours ago Exactly how old are you? Corruption and violence have been around since the beginning of civilization. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Wupta 1 points 19 hours ago The status quo is broken, it's over. It has failed and is crumbling away of it's own disease. Call it whatever you want, Capitilism, corporatism whatever. It's done.Those of whom have benifitted from this system will hang on tooth and nail, they are a tiny, tiny minority. Those who are keeping their eyes shut and hoping this will go away are owned by the minority. The police force isn't know for deep intellect. The system will change it has come to it's ecological termination point, the environment can no longer sustain it. Fight and argue all you want it's going to change. I'm for change and glad for it. reply permalink ↥ ↧ guidofawkes12 1 points 22 hours ago How else can he keep a financial blockade on Wikileaks when he's throwing people in jail? reply permalink ↥ ↧ laidoffworker03 1 points 22 hours ago This web site tells you how walmart is cheating, and making billions of dollars in slave labor. Boycott Walmart, Sams Club, and it gives you a list of other companies and merchandise that they have under different name brands. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jonathan102 1 points 22 hours ago I think people have to accept that they are not getting their money back. We need young great minds to start running for local offices, the only way you can change society anew is from the ground up. However, our society, the buildings are already built, bridges already engineered, and all other real property. We need to build a new mental communal psyche from our children on to the new generations. We need to revamp our local communities that way everyone not only has a job but a place in the local community with substantially less room to excel unless you are equipped to attain and understand superior knowledge than others. I support the movement but there needs to be more progressive literature that discusses potential ideas for change and not just venting at the current problems reply permalink ↥ ↧ laidoffworker03 1 points 22 hours ago HR 459 we must make sure this bill is passed in congress. It will allow an audit of the federal reserve banks. The living nightmare of people like bernanke chairman of the federal reserve. reply permalink ↥ ↧ ediblescape 1 points 22 hours ago We won't let Obama get away with being Wall Street's puppet. reply permalink ↥ ↧ wdwgrotb 1 points 22 hours ago Then don't elect the ones that are friends with them.Gee it cost a lot of money to sit on capitol hill are we that stu stu stu stupid.C'Mon get real this LES starts in the election booth reply permalink ↥ ↧ D7ame2Uv 1 points 22 hours ago As rights are inherent, they cannot issue from the system. What the system can do is grant privileges. The sentence, “We will not stand for a system that gives campaign contributors a right to immunity, while serving foreclosure papers to the 99%” should therefore read, “We will not stand for a system that grants campaign contributors the privilege of immunity, while serving foreclosure papers to the 99%”. I do agree completely that any system in which the government has the power to grant anyone any privilege is inherently unjust. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jk1234 1 points 23 hours ago Great job OWS! Why settle with the banks before even investigating the crime?!!!!!!!!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ chivers (New York, NY) 1 points 23 hours ago YEP! We all got fooled by BUSH III. No matter what or who gets elected: NOTHING! I Repeat NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE when it comes to Americans being replaced with cheap cheap H-1B/L1 scabs. Jobs are not just going overseas, they are going to H-1B/L1 Scabs who are from overseas. It's not 'We the People', It's the Business who runs this country now, and when it comes to getting cheap cheap labor, the business and all the rich are addicted to slave labor. They can't have enough. Weather its the ReThugolCons or the DumORats, its all about flooding the US with the dirt poor from all over the world for cheap cheap slave labor. Americans are being replaced with scabs from all over the world in every state and industry. The British Parasites (BP) scabs are getting all the media, movie, TV Ads and TV slots. The Philippines are getting all the nursing jobs while all the American nurses are being laid-off and replaced. The Indians are the largest influx; they are bent on total takeover by any means including any and all kinds of Fraud. The Indian have been used to replace more American in every industry then all the other countries combined with H-1B/L1 visas. The Indians also have the largest influx with Visa over-stayers and Anchor Babies. Just between 2003 to 2008 over 75 million Indian entered the US and never left. The Irish also have a very large influx of Visa over-stayers and illegals mostly in the north-east. And yes we all know about the millions of illegals the from south and north of our borders. With over 30 years of open border and free pass to all business to do whatever they want, we are in the midst of becoming a third world just like all the cheap cheap labor we have allowed in. reply permalink ↥ ↧ TitoJ 1 points 1 day ago In 2008 but McCain and Obama's campaigns were funded by the same banks, the bailout receiving banks. Go2 opensecrets site to see that and how Mutt Romney is funded by mostly banks. Ron Lawl runs on citizens donations. RP 2012. reply permalink ↥ ↧ TheArtistTheDog 1 points 1 day ago right-on brothers and sisters. tell it like it is. Obama is the man's 'boy' no doubt. stay positive, be peaceful and persevere. success will follow. reply permalink ↥ ↧ masterandcommander 1 points 1 day ago Can't complain about you guys trashing Obama! reply permalink ↥ ↧ PRJ 1 points 1 day ago Take back the land. Occupy the foreclosures and abandoned. reply permalink ↥ ↧ VoiceOfReasonLA 1 points 23 hours ago douche reply permalink ↥ ↧ manxman (Thousand Oaks, CA) 1 points 1 day ago We need to be able to cast a no confidence vote for any elected member of government. Not at the end of their term but right away! Throw the chump out of office when he/she doesn't do THE PEOPLEs work. No more lobbying, no more retirement, no more elite medical benefits and no more multi-millionaire candidates .... of the people, by the people, for the people. It's just too simple ... but the game is so rigged it'll never happen. reply permalink ↥ ↧ thisagency 1 points 1 day ago Investigative journalism about the roots of the sub prime crisis is available at Project Censored (, the media research program working in cooperation with numerous independent media groups in the US. See story #25 of 2009 is titled, 'Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer.' The article notes Spitzer had become increasingly public in blaming the Bush administration for the subprime crisis: 'The federal government’s actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.' Regards - reply permalink ↥ ↧ OneVoice 1 points 1 day ago I'm waiting for a deal where global corporations can bring their oversees monetary profits back into the United States with little or no tax consequences. They made all that money avoiding our tax system and greed got the best of them. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Krankie 1 points 1 day ago 'relative small payoff by the banks'? NO, it is not 'the banks' that will pay off the government - it is the SHAREHOLDERS. The ones that made tens of millions in bonuses will not pay one penny. You MUST make ordinary Americans realize that it is THEM that is paying off the government, while the people that they pay walk away scott free. Saying that 'the banks' (some impersonal amorphous entity) will pay is EXACTLY what they want. Once again, they capitalize the gains (for the execs) and socialize the losses (for the shareholders). STOP HELPING THE EXECS, for God's sake... reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 1 points 1 day ago Force Change, Boycott Capitalism until we have full government resignation and a new online voting system with verification so we can rebuild our country and eventually our world. We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together. When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals. Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery. Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land. How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it. Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another. In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice. They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations. Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers. Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable. Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us?? Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts. We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world. Pass this message along to any and everyone, we already occupy the world, unite. Occupy Washington, Boycott Capitalism, Force Change reply permalink ↥ ↧ mcf127 1 points 1 day ago OWS lawyers need to file their own class action suit before the signing otherwise it will all be for nothing. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Vicewatch 1 points 1 day ago Here is some background on this -looks like it's true -Obama and Bush also bought the banks' lie that they'd help homeowners with TARP bailout - this has not happened either. And settling with banks seems as if it will not stop robo-signing. reply permalink ↥ ↧ equality7 (Brooklyn, NY) 1 points 1 day ago Foremost issue is the NY Courts and their complicity with some Banks,Judges,Lawyers in this massive fraudulent Pozzi scheme that throws people into homelessness and looting and pillaging of valuable personal property. Union backed Judges receive campaign contributions from corrupt attorneys, racist landlords, democratic clubs, etc. certain judges are beholden to these crooked interests they can & will destroy your life! No exaggeration here. There is no genuine oversight, transparency or full disclosure. Prayed our President would help Americans. Most needed is a Moratorium on fraudclosures ASAP! reply permalink ↥ ↧ Windsofchange 1 points 1 day ago Thank you for posting this. However, not to get off topic, but to bring attention to another issue that has more to do with D.C. than Wall Street. Has anyone read up on what the Republicans have done to disenfranchise student and minority voters. They are making it very hard for them to vote (pic i.d. issues), so that the Democratic Party will lose tons of votes, making it possible for a Republican to win in the White House in 2012. Here is an article from the Washington Post. I am an independent and I can't believe how low the GOP has sunk here. Please, I really think that his must be addressed. I don't think we can remain silent on this issue. Please consider addressing this. reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 7 hours ago Photo I.D. is the only way to go in regard to voter fraud. reply permalink ↥ ↧ OooGeeE (New Rochelle, NY) 1 points 1 day ago Ummm Obama is for the 99%.. I would look further into this story. reply permalink ↥ ↧ skizzy 2 points 1 day ago Obama works for a small group in the 1% ... the bankers ... Everyone is waking up to this fact reply permalink ↥ ↧ OooGeeE (New Rochelle, NY) 1 points 1 day ago Nope. His agenda has always been for the poor and middle class. Remember he had to deal with the Wall St.situation because The Bush Regime were the ones that bailed them out... reply permalink ↥ ↧ nonsense 1 points 1 day ago I completely agree with you OooGeeE. If you think Obama is the problem with this country you need to do more reading. I am not saying he is perfect but he does more good than harm. He is dealing with nutjobs that want to cut benefits for the poor and cut taxes on the rich to solve our economic woes. If Occupy Wall Street wants to accomplish something they better find allies to work with. Occupy Wall Street needs to take on the truly evil politicians while trying to steer the misguided ones. Remember Obama is the one pushing for a jobs bill funded by increased taxes on millionaires. Not a single Republican is helping him with this. Does millionaire Ron Lawl want to raise taxes on himself? reply permalink ↥ ↧ enough 1 points 9 hours ago President Obama had Corzine on his short list to replace Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Says a lot about Obama's judgment and choice of advisers. He has been in the tank for Wall Street from Day One. Support him and you support Wall Street. The Republicans are no better. reply permalink ↥ ↧ nonsense 1 points 1 hour ago He hasn't done enough on that issue but pretending he is the same as the Republicans is foolish. Occupy Wall Street needs to push flawed politicians like Barack to do the right thing, not reject him outright. Mitt Romney is getting a vast majority of the Wall Street and Corporate money these days, that right there proves Obama isn't in the tank for Wall Street. He created the consumer protection bureau and introduced the nation to the amazing Elizabeth Warren. She is on Obama's side so I doubt he's 100% bad. Obama has done way more good things than bad. There is no way a sane person believes McCain and Palin would be doing a better job. There is no way someone who thinks Wall Street has too much power thinks seeing Mitt Romney elected would turn the tide. We need to get involved in elections and make sure the we always elect the best of the two candidates. A dedicated movement can influence the political parties in this country, just look at what the Tea Party did to the Republicans. We need to elect great politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Keith Ellison. The more Progressive voices who work for the people you put in politics, that will push Obama where we want him to go. reply permalink ↥ ↧ enough 1 points 39 minutes ago Good luck. As I understand it, #OWS does not and will not back any political party. If it does, it will alienate a majority of its supporters. reply permalink ↥ ↧ nich 1 points 1 day ago I propose that OWS in NYC has a big operational problem. The ambiguous attitudes toward the NYPD on the part of occupiers, the general public and the NYPD itself. The NYPD is a buffer between the occupiers and Wall St. Also a project to gain the support of the NYPD is problematical at best because it is unclear what posture to take. Are they an unwitting enemy, the enemy or an ally; albeit a potential ally. If there is a confrontation that deals with a corrupt government, it should take place in Washington DC. The forces that are responsible for 'keeping order' have different approaches in DC and NYC. The potential for exposing legislators and establishment administrators is already part of the circulating information and can be vetted by experts. The forces that oppose demonstrators in Washington are fraught with political machinations because there is divided government even though it is a sham. Not as true in NYC because they have clear cut goals. This movement is worldwide and can use its ability to pivot when necessary in order to keep the establishment types off balance. As it stands right now, the occupation is becoming predictable. Business loves predictable. reply permalink ↥ ↧ justiceforall 1 points 1 day ago would getting a petition signed and sent to The White House and Attorney General's office help stop this deal? reply permalink ↥ ↧ justiceforall 1 points 1 day ago would getting a petition signed and sent to The White House and Attorney General's office help stop this deal? reply permalink ↥ ↧ LazerusShade 1 points 1 day ago My biggest issue with this is if we get rid of Obama who is left?Ron Lawl? No is ideas i can pick apart with my eyes closed. Mitt Romney same fact there isn't a single presidential candidate i can say i actually like at this point there are just those i fear less. Republicans got us into the mess Democrats showed they are too wishy washy and UN-unionified to get us out. Third part choices are nothing but a joke. Someone from the 99% general public needs to rise to the surface in all of this and provide us with a candidate that is NOT more of the same. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Thisisthetime (Kahlotus, WA) 1 points 1 day ago We need to Bail Out the 99%. The 1% has been bailed out way to many times with our tax-payer money. More Power to Occupy Wall Street. Fair-ness. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Garybryant2 1 points 1 day ago No he won't. And he'd better not try. He thinks he can get away with this because he thinks people will vote for him because, between him and the Tea Party, we have no choice. We'll find one, my friend. Count on it. Gary Bryant Riverside, California reply permalink ↥ ↧ dissidenty (Pittsburgh, PA) 1 points 1 day ago These are really incendiary accusations, but are they true? It's not that I doubt the honesty of OWS, but if you intend to rally people against Wall Street's puppet, then it would be nice if there was some evidence cited, or a link to a news story relating to this was provided. Otherwise, it could justly be called hearsay by the movement's opponents, and the proposed march will be ignored without attracting as much attention as it should. I know all about the robo-signing fraud, and I also know about the state obstructionism that is derailing the investigations, but can you prove that Obama is implicated in this? Is there any evidence that's even half compelling to suggest that? I don't doubt that there must be, because this has been a very reliable site. So would you mind posting some evidence or a link or something for those of us who aren't as well-informed? reply permalink ↥ ↧ abuttermaid 1 points 1 day ago Those of us who can't visit Obama's house can call and send emails. reply permalink ↥ ↧ AllIWantedWasAPepsi 1 points 1 day ago Hmmmm....I'm behind many of the ideas of OWS, but not this specific one. I agree that many of the banks took some shortcuts on some of their foreclosures, but the homes in question were in foreclosure for one reason only: their owners weren't paying their mortgages. Bigger picture, I am really upset by the banks' previous actions of pushing bad mortgages to people. Punish them for that by not bailing them out. [TBTF is a myth; let the bastards fail. They earned it in spades.] But some of the fault with the foreclosure mess HAS TO lie with the lendee. I know that idea won't be popular here. I have had 4 mortgages for 2 different houses [2 refis and a relo], and I've managed to make all my payments on time, primarily by only buying something I can afford. The greed of the 99% is partially [only partially] at fault here, too. Cheers to all. Now back to work. For me and you. Good luck in your endeavors. reply permalink ↥ ↧ dissidenty (Pittsburgh, PA) 1 points 1 day ago One 'shortcut' that many of the big banks issuing mortgages employed involved the conscious decision not to register them properly, so that they did not comply with the Pooling and Services Agreement. This means that the mortgages, along with any securities using them as their underlying, were null and void in the first place. In their haste to cover their tracks following the housing market collapse, and avoid taking the crippling losses that the void mortgages would entail, these same banks are using the robo-signers to rush through the foreclosure process. Although mostly delinquent homeowners are affected, there have been a significant number of cases where people who have hitherto paid their dues on time have also been run out of their homes. The banks' negligence of the law needs to be investigated, even though it may very well damage the economy further--we can't let them get away with crimes like this or they will simply be repeated. TBTF isn't a myth, but it is ought to be called 'TBTF without tanking the whole economy.' That's the sad reality. Before we can punish the banks, we need to break them up. reply permalink ↥ ↧ AllIWantedWasAPepsi 1 points 23 hours ago I completely agree that shortcuts were taken in both processing the loans and the foreclosures. I definitely saw that during my refi loans....BUT I also always read the paperwork, and never got in more debt than I could handle. SOOOO many people cashed out their equity then pissed it all away on who knows what and ended up getting screwed when somehow their house value didn't go up infinitely. I feel bad for them, and think there should be some sort of mortgage relief, but I don't know what the right answer is. But I think there's a solution that could provide a 'soft landing' for both sides. I used to put the blame about 50-50 on the lenders/lendees, but after The Big Short and The Wall Street Money Machine [among others], I put about 80% of the blame on the banks. I don't think that the shortcuts were necessarily driven by consciously nefarious purposes, either. Simply god-awful greed on both sides. It was all a matter of processing as many loans as quickly as possible, cutting them up into virtually non-traceable tranches, and selling them to ill-informed 'investors' at other big banks. That's where the TBTF myth comes in for me.....if these giant banks with thousands of MBAs do not understand their investments and exposures, why are we supporting them to do the same thing again? The lack of accountability in this case was stunning; yes, it would have caused unfathomable short term pain, but hiring the same people to do the same jobs they've just proven they were unqualified to do in the first is a little too much insanity for me. Thanks for the thoughts! PS--Any links to 'on time' payers getting foreclosed on? I haven't seen any stories on this, and would be interested to read and determine if 'good' lendees are actually getting screwed. That would change my mindset some more. reply permalink ↥ ↧ alex58 1 points 1 day ago Everything was overpriced because mortgage/loan system. You can calculate 'greed' only if you know price/cost ratio. reply permalink ↥ ↧ AnonymousMuadDib 1 points 1 day ago Take on the Higher education bubble, student loan bubble, GoldmanSachs, and the federal Reserve all at the same time. Occupy your local Art Institutes on Nov 5 in with solidarity with South Florida Spread this message reply permalink ↥ ↧ LetFreedomR1ng 1 points 1 day ago Someone suggested that this YT video should be translated and re-posted on the OWS website for everyone to see. What do you guys think? reply permalink ↥ ↧ metrostars 1 points 1 day ago A child rapist and a serial killer live on our street. The left has said all we can do is send children to the rapist in exchange for him monitoring the killer. The right has said all we can do is let the serial killer run amok in exchange for him monitoring the rapist. This false choice is the centrifuge of the fake Left-Right dichotomy. Being forced to choose from a set of predefined options (taxes / spending cuts / taxes & spending cuts) is not rational choice, it is a system of control; stage-managed democracy. There is a third position that calls on the neighborhood to band together and execute both the killer (corporations) and the rapist (government). reply permalink ↥ ↧ dissidenty (Pittsburgh, PA) 2 points 1 day ago Isn't that a little melodramatic? lol. I hope you're not implying that we ought to just get rid of both of those institutions. How about the neighborhood bands together and monitor the killer and the rapist? They both have to be watched all the time but the rapist, at least, might be reformed into a more reputable citizen, if the killer just stopped encouraging his deviance. reply permalink ↥ ↧ quercus 1 points 1 day ago in my day, the slogan/belief was: think global, act local. perhaps, in your day, you will do better. be care full: in the prisons of this day, the difference between a rapist and a serial killer in the hierarchy of values is vast. what i would like to convey is the difference between a corp. and govt. is politician/lobbyist, a moneychanger. in prisons, the rapists pay 'rent' (extortion) to the serial/cop killers. the names change, but hierarchy of values is much the same. reply permalink ↥ ↧ angelhugs (Durant, OK) 1 points 1 day ago Love the way you put it! People have forgotten, we don't have to choice between bad or worse. We can demand our freedom's worked in the past and it work again. Thank you OWS for giving us a voice. Now lets show those sorry sob's that that voice will not be ignored! Take your money out of their banks. Stop buying from their company's. Stop following this Shepard for he will lead his sheeple off a cliff. reply permalink ↥ ↧ quercus 1 points 1 day ago boggles my mind,the algorythms of this site,; i am not a tweet, a facebook, my space, and yet the choice betweem bad and worse, inveyed, (but not to be found above), is a curious note. angelhugs, me to you. quercus. reply permalink ↥ ↧ CancelCurrency 1 points 1 day ago When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. reply permalink ↥ ↧ shizzle08 2 points 1 day ago My fellow patriots, we find ourselves at the crossroads to the future of our great nation. 'When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.' I have no more faith in our political system as it stands. They will belittle us and say that we don't understand economics. They will tell us we don't know how money works. They will even call us un-American for not agreeing with our politicians and the policies of this government. We need a solution, for we have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed. We imprison our young men, allow drugs into our country, cheat honest people, prey on foreign nations, create oppressive slave institutions, and recycle privilege until it we arrive here. We are not living up to what America can be. We are poised to become a failed nation if we do not change course for the better. Hopefully it can be done peacefully, but we must not lose our nerve if it cannot. Our leaders only care about money. They are the 1% and they play golf with their buddies on Wall Street on the weekends. They will try everything they can to silence us and go around us. If they cannot go around us they will go through us or right over us. Money talks....... We need to talk louder! reply permalink ↥ ↧ Fredone 1 points 1 day ago Record everything, people. It's called audit capability; make sure you record everything, so no matter what sort of deals are cut we still know who did what, and justice will catch up with them in the end. If you don't record things, the trail goes cold and the criminals get away. Just basic prudence, people, gotta do your homework. Or they win. reply permalink ↥ ↧ dakota (Plymouth Charter Township, MI) 1 points 1 day ago Obama has been a great disappointment. He has allowed greatness to slip from his grasp. The American Public must vote, but we must send the message that none of the candidates are acceptable. I would like to see OWS propose an independent candidate, or at least a personification that represents the ideals of a true democracy. This personification would represent the lack of confidence that the 99% has in our government. In fact, it should be used as a write in for any candidate in the next election that fails an OWS litmus test. reply permalink ↥ ↧ raines 1 points 7 hours ago 0bama is only a disapointment to those who did no research on him when he was running for office. To those that did the research, he's true to form , actually even worse. reply permalink ↥ ↧ dissidenty (Pittsburgh, PA) 1 points 1 day ago The only problem is that OWS only represents the economic interests of the 99%; it doesn't have the support of the 99%. If you could get that many Americans to vote for anything, that would be amazing. They certainly won't come out to support an independent OWS-sponsored candidate. The movement hasn't got that kind of clout yet. All it would do is split the liberal and independent votes, and in effect, elect the Republican (which I don't need to tell you is undesirable). I think that OWS should focus on trying to co-opt members of the Democratic party, in the way that the Tea Party has successfully done. That is the best strategy for now at least, imo. reply permalink ↥ ↧ dakota (Plymouth Charter Township, MI) 1 points 20 hours ago I see your point. It is my sincere hope that the Occupy clout builds between now and early next year so that this becomes a possibility. I know that there are many senior citizens that have grown disenchanted and disgusted with both parties. I believe that there are millions of us that would like to send a message at the next general election. Who knows, AARP may become a visible advocate for this movement. reply permalink ↥ ↧ notaneoliberal 1 points 1 day ago I would not generally be inclined to consider a Republican, but take a look at this one. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Arasmus 1 points 1 day ago I agree with the justified outrage about offering the banks a deal. However, in the interests of full disclosure, the proposal, as of the end of October, was for $25 billion, and for that money to be used to re-finance mortgages that are currently under-water. Here is a link to my source for this statement: Is $25 billion enough? Is any amount now, that would relieve the suffering of 'home owners' within the next 6 months better than an amount uncertain in 10 years when the litigation is done? reply permalink ↥ ↧ duranta (New Orleans, LA) 1 points 1 day ago $25 billion is a drop in the bucket to what's been lost to unethical and illegal foreclosures. In addition, the illegality continues. This is a cushy deal for big banks, and they are continuing the practices. reply permalink ↥ ↧ JonoLith 1 points 1 day ago If we want Obama not to sign this, we have to go to his House and protest. It's really as simple as that. reply permalink ↥ ↧ bettersystem 3 points 1 day ago agreed. reply permalink ↥ ↧ SwissMiss (Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI) 3 points 1 day ago I agree. Add OccupyWhiteHouse to the list. reply permalink ↥ ↧ ross1975 (LaCygne, KS) 1 points 1 day ago I agree too, We need to increase this protest to Washington and everywhere we can. Obama's pretty good at telling other leaders to leave office., lets ask all them to resign today. Your fired!!!!!!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ duranta (New Orleans, LA) 1 points 1 day ago Yes. And to the homes of members of the Super Committee that are about to oppose austerity on the people. reply permalink ↥ ↧ retOR1 1 points 1 day ago totally agree. He has been not only a huge disappointment, but he is just like all the others; hands out to the big money and willing to twist our democratic principals for his personal advancement. There REALLY should be an Occupy White House movement. He does whatever he wants. Have you noticed his re-election fund? It didn't come from the average 'Joe'. reply permalink ↥ ↧ PincheCabron 0 points 23 hours ago Why doesn't everyone just stop paying taxes instead? The source of the problem is being ignored. Attacking the banks is like beating up the smaller weaker brother of the schoolyard bully. reply permalink ↥ ↧ masterandcommander 0 points 1 day ago Guess what Beth Bogart. Those people did not pay their bills. Throw them out. As a land lord of several properties I would too. These people gave their word they would pay their bills and then folded like a cheap lawn chair. If you want to organize a group that will work hard and give all of their money away to pay other peoples bills have at it. I will not. This was a clerical error. If two people make a deal and one refuses to follow through than that is unethical. reply permalink ↥ ↧ VoiceOfReasonLA 0 points 23 hours ago I wholeheartedly agree. It is NOT illegal to evict or foreclose on a property if the tenant/owner can not pay. They signed their mortgage/lease, they knew the consequences, no one held a gun to their head and said they have to spend more money than they can earn. The utter lack of personal responsibility is absolutely stunning to me. reply permalink ↥ ↧ masterandcommander 0 points 1 day ago Wow, nice job supporting some weird synthetic chemical. I am all for legalizing weed. It never takes a liberal long to come full circle on themselves. Cut from below: || || || 100% LEGAL SYNTHETIC THC!! || Available Chemicals ||JWH-019, JWH-210, JWH-250|| ||RCS-4, RCS-8, AM-2201 || reply permalink ↥ ↧ spclosings 0 points 1 day ago I know you don't believe me but Ron Lawl can fix this mess and we have accept that most of us, 'including me' can't truly see the big picture unless we are in office seeing it for ourselves... Ron will bust their balls and you know it... Thats why the Corps. don't like him along with the Rep and Dem establisments don't like him but the independent people do...! :-) Good luck OWS...! Go bust some balls!!!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ spclosings 0 points 1 day ago I know you don't believe me but Ron Lawl can fix this mess and we have accept that most of us, 'including me' can't truly see the big picture unless we are in office seeing it for ourselves... Ron will bust their balls and you know it... Thats why the Corps. don't like him along with the Rep and Dem establisments don't like him but the independent people do...! :-) Good luck OWS...! Go bust some balls!!!! reply permalink ↥ ↧ OWS99 0 points 1 day ago We're two professionals in Midtown , Manhattan. We're there with you. See you downtown tomorrow at 2PM. Greetings, the 99% reply permalink ↥ ↧ VoiceOfReasonLA 1 points 23 hours ago Don't know that you will be allowed...apparently if you own anything nice, they will consider you part of the 1%. One post said that many occupiers own homes with values in excess of $ it is somehow shameful that they have a home or can still afford a mortgage. reply permalink ↥ ↧ OWS99 1 points 22 hours ago Hi, yeah I just responded to that fella and gave him a minute on my 99% soap box. I get your irony here, blahblah98 clearly does not. Most of the folks we have met down at Zuccotti have been very welcoming and thankful for all the support - in marches, in monetary units, and in 'materials that can keep a person warm'. There are folks down there from the entire socioeconomic spectrum (well, except that 1 % of course) and we know we are all in this together. Indeed, I look forward to participating in my 4th OWS march tomorrow. reply permalink ↥ ↧ blahblah98 1 points 23 hours ago You're no voice of reason, more like '99%er in denial', or 'Tool for the 1%.' Look, 'We the People' is automatically going to be a broad-base movement with left, right, center. Anyone below $509k AGI. The 1% is counting on the movement wedging & splintering; why are you following their playbook? Focus on the shared value of all OWSers: Fairness in Finance, and Corporate Money out of Government. This movement is not about all those other distracting splinter/wedge issues. reply permalink ↥ ↧ jbjb 0 points 1 day ago The Occupy group is ripe for exposing crime by our elected officials. Let's hold our government responsible, without regard to which party they have chosen. This is not about L vs. D or blue vs. red. This is about us getting ripped off by government lackeys including Obama. Let's fight back! Check out reply permalink ↥ ↧ jk1234 0 points 1 day ago I hope this gets some good news coverage. I bet Bloomsberg wishes winter would just freeze this movement away. reply permalink ↥ ↧ foundersten 0 points 1 day ago If you didn't have such collectivist undertones this would be a great article and a fitting direction for actual solutions. Leave business alone. They are making money which is their job. They have legally accepted government handouts just like everyone on this website has if you have cashed some manner of stimulus check. The entity that has criminally failed us is the government. Focus your energy on that and you will begin to see results. Just for the record, I do not advocate violent revolution. It's not time for that. I do, however, advocate revolution at the polls, through protests at government institutions for their disregard of the Constitution, and through a renewed commitment by every person to realize their personal responsibility for the failure of our system and the responsibility to fix it. reply permalink ↥ ↧ nickhowdy -1 points 1 day ago Obama is the Manchurian Candidate President for Hell....But what choice did we have? Our great fake democracy.. reply permalink ↥ ↧ mserfas (Ashland, PA) -1 points 1 day ago The moral of such a deal is simple: when banks break the rules, the rules have to change - retroactively. What this means is that, really, the bank is the law and what is written in the statute books is just a make believe. reply permalink ↥ ↧ Hamlet2086 0 points 1 day ago Remember the past and change the future. Every little bit helps. Kick start the global economy by buying a year's supply of toilet paper with Lloyd Blankfein's face on it. Thomas Jefferson once said that we have certain inalienable rights, including the pursuit of happiness. Personally, I get so very happy when I ponder millions of suffering people worldwide making the aforementioned Lloyd kiss their cheeks before enshrining him in their individually chosen sewage system. It retoreth my faith that the Creator had a such good things in mind while inventing diarrhea. reply permalink ↥ ↧ MayFrock -2 points 1 day ago One starts to wonder why OWS constantly criticizes the President but not the Congress and why OWS claims to be against all polititians yet supports Ron Pawl. reply permalink ↥ ↧ hipposelect 1 points 1 day ago I can answer that. It's because he truly is not like the rest and never has been. He's a true statesman and has been fighting for We the People for more than 35 years. Please take 10 minutes out of your life and watch this video, which starts some 30 years ago and you'll see what I mean: reply permalink Other Articles The 99% visit Governor Walker 624 comments 22 hours ago by OccupyWallSt Transforming Harm & Building Safety: Confronting Sexual Violence At Occupy Wall Street & Beyond 234 comments 1 day ago by OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street: Improving Quality of Life for the 99% 271 comments 1 day ago by OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street to Mayor Bloomberg: Get Your Facts Straight; Stop the Fear Mongering 309 comments 1 day ago by OccupyWallSt Eviction Defense! 343 comments 2 days ago by OccupyWallSt Stephen Colbert's Plot to Co-opt Occupy Wall Street Foiled by Ketchup and Justin 312 comments 2 days ago by OccupyWallSt Liberty Square Adopts a Spokes Council 166 comments 2 days ago by OccupyWallSt The People vs. Goldman Sachs - Trial and March! 428 comments 2 days ago by OccupyWallSt Rule of Law vs. the Forces of Order 320 comments 3 days ago by OccupyWallSt General Strike Shuts Down Oakland. Watch Live! 296 comments 3 days ago by OccupyWallSt Call To Action - Join The Month Of Global Uprising 690 comments 4 days ago by OccupyWallSt A New World 302 comments 4 days ago by OccupyWallSt Military Veterans Join the 99% on Wall Street 226 comments 4 days ago by OccupyWallSt Occupy Oakland Calls For City-Wide General Strike, Nov 2 817 comments 5 days ago by OccupyWallSt Urgent: Winter Donation Needs 758 comments 6 days ago by OccupyWallSt Enacting the Impossible (On Consensus Decision Making) 346 comments 6 days ago by David-Graeber #ows and #occupythehood March In Solidarity With Those Foreclosed On By Criminal Banks 509 comments 8 days ago by OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall St. And Allies Rally & March United for Civil Rights 390 comments 8 days ago by OccupyWallSt #ows Takes The Streets In Solidarity With #occupyoakland 439 comments 9 days ago by OccupyWallSt Occupy The DOE 184 comments 9 days ago by OccupyWallSt Tonight: Vigils Across America for Scott Olsen, Marine Veteran Critically Injured by Police Projectile at #OccupyOakland 231 comments 9 days ago by OccupyWallSt Deliver Your Message To The 1% 146 comments 9 days ago by OccupyWallSt We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS 485 comments 9 days ago by OccupyWallSt #ows Response To Government Violence At #occupyoakland | Solidarity March At 9PM From Liberty Square 486 comments 10 days ago by OccupyWallSt this site was brought to you by various radicals this website is free / open source software on github email: | help line: +1 (516) 708-4777
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Posted Nov. 4, 2011, 11:28 a.m. EST
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