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Ethics and Behavior
Celebrities Above the Law

Jon Stewart's Must-See 'Special Comment' on Penn State Scandal


Peter Burgess

Jon Stewart's Must-See 'Special Comment' on Penn State Scandal

I originally posted just the video of this clip in my Friday transcript diary, but I feel this really deserves its own transcript. In just one day since The Daily Show posted the video on their website, it's gotten over 337,000 views. This makes it one of the most-watched Daily Show clips online in the show's history. Out of over 14,000 clips the show has posted, this is already sitting at #177. After one day. (And the clip of Jon mocking Rick Perry's brain fart is already at over 264,000 views as well.)

This clip isn't so funny as it is deadly serious.

I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but it appears the street riot is in response to Joe Paterno's firing. See, I get that it's probably hard for you to believe that this guy you think is infallible, and this program you think is sacred, could hide such heinous activities, but there is some precedent for that.


And just like with the Catholic Church, no one's trying to take away your religion, in this case, football. They're just trying to bring some accountability to a Pope and some of his Cardinals who fucked up.

So don't worry. On Saturday, you'll still get to go to services against Nebraska. No one's going to take that away. Because obviously you're young, and that would be a traumatic experience. And we wouldn't want that memory to scar you for life.

Video and full transcript follow.

Full transcript

Are you ready for some football... horribleness?

All right, by now you've probably heard about the situation unfolding at Penn State University, where longtime football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested last weekend for alleged sexual abuse of children.

It's terrible. But it's also come out that those around Sandusky knew about his behavior for years, including an incident in 2002, where a 6'5 adult eyewitness walked in on Sandusky raping a child in a Penn State shower, and didn't do the two things most people would do in that situation:
(a) stop it and call the cops, or
(b) call the cops to come stop it.

Both scenarios involve the police and stopping it.

But apparently, what happened is over the next few days, some of the authorities were notified, including head coach Joe Paterno, and Sandusky was punished by not being allowed to have the keys to the Penn State shower anymore. They run a pretty tight ship.

As you can imagine, the students at Penn State were outraged to find out.

11/10/2011: EARLY SHOW: Thousands of students jammed downtown streets, overturning a TV news truck, knocking over light poles, and throwing rocks at police.

PENN STATE STUDENT #1: Tears were in my eyes. He's done so much for our university.

PENN STATE STUDENT #2: We're in support of our school, and we're in support of JoePa. We think it's absolutely ridiculous that he got fired over this sort of situation.

I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but it appears the street riot is in response to Joe Paterno's firing. See, I get that it's probably hard for you to believe that this guy you think is infallible, and this program you think is sacred, could hide such heinous activities, but there is some precedent for that.


And just like with the Catholic Church, no one's trying to take away your religion, in this case, football. They're just trying to bring some accountability to a Pope and some of his Cardinals who fucked up.

So don't worry. On Saturday, you'll still get to go to services against Nebraska. No one's going to take that away. Because obviously you're young, and that would be a traumatic experience. And we wouldn't want that memory to scar you for life.

We'll be right back.

The text being discussed is available at
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