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Who’s using their wealth to damage our economy and democracy? You tell us. Start rating any of our nominees and you’ll be taken through the list, person by person, to rate their dirty deeds on a scale of “ho-hum” to “pure evil.” Then we’ll make a series of videos exposing the ones you put at the front of the pack. Go ahead and vote. Start to take your democracy back. Richard Anderson CEO, Delta Airlines Wealth ≈ $17 million CHARGED soldiers returning from Afghanistan $200 per person to check bags. ACCUSED of illegally interfering in union elections for 29,000 workers. INFLATED the number of employees at specific locations to tilt the playing field in union votes. 494 Votes on Anderson Don Blankenship CEO, Massey Energy 2000-2010 2009 Income ≈ $17.8 million ORDERED coal mine supervisors to prioritize production over safety. CONTRIBUTED to the deaths of 29 miners by committing 90 safety violations in the year leading up to a massive blast. SPENT $3 million to elect a State Supreme Court Judge who then sided with him in a lawsuit. 588 Votes on Blankenship Lloyd Blankfein CEO, Goldman Sachs Wealth ≈ $438 million TOUTED mortgage assets to clients while privately betting $10 billion they would fail. DEFRAUDED investors with infamous deals like Timberwolf, which his staff member called “a shitty deal.” LIED to Congress by claiming the firm had not bet against its own clients. 820 Votes on Blankfein Joseph Cassano Director, AIG Financial Products, 2001-2008 Wealth ≈ $280 million HAWKED the risky credit default swaps that destabilized the financial system. BET over half a trillion dollars that AIG didn’t have—leading to a $182 billion bailout. CLAIMED to investors that they would not lose a dollar while racking up $352 million in losses. 536 Votes on Cassano Dick Cheney CEO, Halliburton, 1995-2000 U.S. Vice President, 2001-09 Wealth ≈ $95 million EVADED U.S. sanctions at Halliburton by doing business with brutal regimes in Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Burma. RAIDED $25 million from worker pensions at Halliburton, then took a $20 million pension for himself. RECEIVED massive payday and stock options from the company upon becoming Vice President yet denied he had a financial stake. 1229 Votes on Dick Cheney Richard DeVos Founder, Amway Owner, Orlando Magic Wealth ≈ $5 billion UNDERPAID workers and drove down wages to build his fortune. EXPLOITS workers with management pyramid scheme and misleading pay information. SECURED a deal for Orlando taxpayers to fund his stadium—and still named it Amway Arena. 432 Votes on DeVos Jamie Dimon CEO, JPMorgan Chase Wealth ≈ $248 million DEFRAUDED customers on mortgage sales to help spur the financial crisis, then took a $25 billion bailout. LEAKED false information about Washington Mutual to lower its value and buy it more cheaply. MADE illegal payments to win municipal bond deals. 705 Votes on Jamie Dimon Hugh Grant CEO, Monsanto Wealth ≈ $57 million CONQUERS small farmers, making the world increasingly dependent on Monsanto. PRODUCES “Frankenfood” such as milk with rBGH—while preventing competitors from advertising that they’re rGBH-free. WAGES cutthroat legal battles against small farmers, earning nicknames like “Gestapo.” 562 Votes on Hugh Grant Damon Hininger CEO, Corrections Corporation of America 2010 Income ≈ $3.2 million PUSHES inhumane immigration laws like the one in Alabama to give private prisons more detainees. DONATED $18 million to politicians over the last decade via CCA to ensure U.S. incarceration policies remain punitive. OVERSEES security guards using brutal tactics, with many detainees dying on his watch. 550 Votes on Hininger Jeff Immelt CEO, General Electric Wealth ≈ $140 million SHELTERED $9 billion of profits overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes. OUTSOURCED U.S. jobs—including those at 28 plants he’s closed since 2008—to low-wage countries like China. ADVISES President Obama on job creation despite record of cutting jobs and evading taxes. 550 Votes on Jeff Immelt Darrell Issa U.S. Representative, California Chair, House Oversight Committee Wealth ≈ between $240-500 million VOTES to cut his own taxes and deregulate the financial companies in which he’s invested. PRESSURED federal regulators to back off a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs while holding millions in company assets. INTERVENED in Congress on behalf of Merrill Lynch while being a major customer of the firm. 644 Votes on Issa Phil Knight Wealth ≈ $13 billion UNDERPAYS Indonesian workers with wage of $1-3 a day, too little for basic necessities. PIONEERED the retail manufacturing push to low-wage countries, forcing a race to the bottom on labor rights. REPRESSES overseas workers that organize to improve their conditions. 599 Votes on Phil Knight Charles & David Koch Co-Owners, Koch Industries Wealth ≈ $50 billion BANKROLL the Tea Party and others fighting Social Security, worker rights, climate change science, and Wall Street regulation. SPEW cancer-causing chemicals and spill oil, making them one of the country’s top 10 polluters. FUNDED group that worked to re-segregate schools in North Carolina. 1511 Votes on the Kochs Rush Limbaugh Radio Personality Wealth ≈ $350 million SPEWS racist bile to his audience of 14.5 million, even promoting segregated buses. DEFENDS international criminal Joseph Kony, who abducts Ugandan children and brutally murders civilians. ADVOCATES tough sanctions for drug users but deceived multiple physicians into prescribing him the same drug. 1220 Votes on Limbaugh James McNerney CEO, Boeing Wealth ≈ $71 million RETALIATED illegally against union workers in Washington State by opening a nonunion plant in South Carolina. ENABLED torture by flying almost 1000 prisoners of war to secret prisons in 14 countries. LOBBYING the Supercommittee to maintain defense spending, leaving social programs vulnerable to cuts. 459 Votes on McNerney Brian Moynihan CEO, Bank of America Wealth ≈ $28 million OVERCHARGED customers for overdraft fees—and paid $410 million to settle claims. KICKED up to 10K people out of their homes illegally in “robo-signing” scandal. SLASHING 30,000 U.S. jobs after posting a $3.1 billion profit. 431 Votes on Moynihan Angelo Mozilo Former CEO, Countrywide Financial Wealth ≈ $600 million DECEIVED investors into buying risky “subprime” mortgages, leading to thousands of foreclosures and contributing to the recession. CHARGED with insider trading after making $140 million selling company stock before the financial crisis. ALLOWED key senators to take out mortgages in which the usual fees and rules didn’t apply. 657 Votes on Mozilo Rupert Murdoch 1718 Votes on Murdoch You have not yet rated Rupert Murdoch. Please give your rating above. CEO, News Corporation Wealth ≈ $7.4 billion CORRUPTS journalism with right-wing media empire putting ideology over truth — even getting a court to rule news does not have to be true. OVERSAW the phone-hacking of celebrities and politicians, including the parents of a murdered girl. EVADED U.S. taxes by sheltering money offshore, paying one-fifth the rate of his competitors. John Paulson President, Paulson & Co. Hedge Fund Wealth ≈ $15.5 billion DESIGNED the infamous Abacus deal with Goldman Sachs, designing it to fail so they could bet against it. POCKETED $15 billion in 2007 by helping crash the rest of the economy. 530 Votes on Paulson George Paz CEO, Express Scripts Wealth ≈ $91 million SWITCHED prescribed medications on patients to save money. INFLATED executive pay packages — while demanding benefit cuts from workers. DISTRIBUTED human growth hormones illegally to athletes and entertainers. 504 Votes on George Paz Pete Peterson Co-founder, Blackstone Group Wealth ≈ $2.0 billion THROWING a billion dollars behind campaign to privatize Social Security and cut social programs. MISINFORMING the public and politicians that Social Security is insolvent. AMASSED fortune through corporate takeovers leading to mass layoffs. 609 Votes on Peterson Art Pope CEO, Variety Wholesalers Wealth ≈ Chairs family foundation worth $148 million BANKROLLED efforts to pass a voter ID bill disenfranchising the poor in North Carolina, especially African Americans. SERVES as a national director for the anti-worker, anti-regulation group Americans for Prosperity. FUNDS a network of right-wing organizations promoting the interests of the 1%. 523 Votes on Art Pope Erik Prince Chair, Blackwater/Xe, 1997-2009 Wealth ≈ $2.4 billion OVERSAW mercenaries engaging in brutal tactics, including the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad. REJECTS transparency and accountability, ensuring his global army of unknown size answers only to him. CREATING a mercenary force for the United Arab Emirates to repress dissent. 692 Votes on Erik Prince Robert Rubin Co-Chair, Goldman Sachs, 1990-2 Treasury Secretary, 1995-9 Chair/Counselor, Citigroup, 2007-9 Wealth > $100 million DEREGULATED banks in the ‘90s, setting the stage for the financial crisis. OVERSAW fraud at Citigroup, ending in a $285 million settlement. PUSHED risky investments that helped trigger the recession and a $45 billion Citigroup bailout. 607 Votes on Rubin Ivan Seidenberg Former Chair, Verizon Chair, Business Roundtable 2009 salary ≈ $17 million PUSHED pension and benefit cuts despite $10 billion in profits—until a worker strike forced his hand. SECURED a $1.3 billion taxpayer credit and paid no corporate taxes in 2010 while shipping jobs to overseas call centers. WORKED to stop “net neutrality” so telecom giants can have greater control of the Internet. 493 Votes on Seidenberg Paul Singer CEO, Elliot Hedge Fund Management Wealth ≈ $900 million EXPLOITS poor nations like the Congo by buying their debt for cheap and forcing them to pay in full. SPECULATED on oil while donating to the politicians regulating speculation, helping spur record gas prices in 2008. RAISED money for false Swift Boat Veterans for Truth smears against Sen. John Kerry in 2004. 703 Votes on Paul Singer Larry Summers U.S. Treasury Secretary, 1999-2001 Director, National Economic Council, 2009-10 Professor, Harvard University Wealth ≈ $17-39 million IMPEDED derivatives regulation in the ‘90s, contributing to the financial crisis. ACCEPTED millions from Wall Street firms the year before joining Obama economics team — including $45K just 12 days before. PUSHED easy treatment for banks when they got bailouts and “stress tests.” 719 Votes on Summers Rex Tillerson CEO, Exxon Mobil Wealth ≈ $170 million POCKETS taxpayer subsidies despite making over $30 billion in profits in 2010. BANKROLLS climate change deniers, creating the illusion of scientific disagreement. FAILS to honor LGBT rights in the workplace. 611 Votes on Tillerson Donald Trump President, the Trump Organization Wealth ≈ $2.9 billion ACCUSED of scamming students in the for-profit Trump University. PANDERED to racist and xenophobic sentiment by accusing President Obama of being born overseas. ADVOCATED stealing $1.5 trillion of oil from Iraq after conquering it in war. 564 Votes on Trump Rob Walton Chairman, Walmart Wealth ≈ $21 billion UNDERPAYS sales associates with average of $8.81 an hour, driving down wages. BUSTS unions mercilessly, closing a bustling store in Canada just for voting for a union. SKIMPS on health care benefits, forcing workers to use public subsidies. 643 Votes on Rob Walton |
November 2011 |
The text being discussed is available at http://whoarethe1percent.com/ |
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