read here and learn about REAL Money not the FAKE Baloney We Have Today
DEAR US SECRETE SERVICE AND FBI AND DOJ wow it seems as though MILLIONS are witness to what I've been telling you since 1981 ... hmmmm WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ARREST THEM ALL AND TRY AND DISCREDIT THEM ??
When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty
Just TRY and Look Innocent LIKE Hank ... GEESH Come on Ben
Remember The CIA bastard John McCone's Western Bancorporation in Houston and all the OTHER BANKS that Robbed the Nation in the 60s 70s and 80s well It Seems JUDSON WITHAM and Pete Brewton and Lucy Proctor and what William Black and Sam Bushman and Bobby Harmon and JC Shannon and Mary Fricker and the IRE and MANY MANY MORE were all 99% CORRECT ..... YUP
99% Correct
Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend ?
“Every generation needs a new revolution.”
What people urgently need is a plan, a simple strategy to attack a multitude of troubles, perhaps the one offered at this web site. We introduce to you The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (NESARA).
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Corporate America is pouring money into the U.S. presidential campaign at an unprecedented rate, with a torrent of donations coming from the businesses behind the subprime mortgage crisis.
And Still More On The Subprime Fiasco Jun 23, 2011 – ... weighs in to suggest that campaign contributions may have contributed to lax oversight of subprime lenders. ... Mortgage bankers gave 40 percent of the $6.6 million they contributed to 2006 election campaigns to Democrats .... 30 Yr FRM 4.50%; |; 15 Yr FRM 3.79%; |; Jumbo 30 Year Fixed 4.94% ... › ... › MND NewsWire Home - Cached - Similar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Corporate America is pouring money into the U.S. presidential campaign at an unprecedented rate, with a torrent of donations coming from the businesses behind the subprime mortgage crisis.
Facing a government crackdown over predatory lending and a troubled housing finance system, Wall Street and the real estate industry were among the top political givers in 2007, a campaign finance watchdog group said on Sunday.
Leading all corporate donors in campaign donations as of the end of last year was investment banking giant Goldman Sachs, based on an analysis of Federal Election Commission records, the Center for Responsive Politics said.
The next four largest corporate donors were Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, according to the center's fourth-quarter preliminary analysis, which is subject to revision.
Investment banks, commercial banks and real estate companies altogether have pumped almost $34 million into the presidential race, with Democratic leaders Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama getting the most money, the center said.
Beck and Romney and Many others are Free Masons BeAware
The KEY to a RENEWED REPUBLIC is Innovation, Invention and New Applications Of Old Technology In More Efficient Ways ..... The CURRENT FORM OF CORRUPT POWER must be ELIMINATED .... They Can NOT be allowed to Continue To PARASITE our People
Here's One Direction The World Needs To Go MORE POWER CHEAPER CLEANER and AVAILABLE TO THE INDIVIDUAL without the Middle Men
I am reminded of a favorite Jefferson quote as it is related by Hamilton Abert Long in 'The American Ideal' — a text we provide free at
With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money. Nor should our assembly [the Virginia Legislature] be deluded by the integrity of their own purposes, and conclude that these unlimited powers will never be abused, because themselves are not disposed to abuse them. They should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when a corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin [Great Britain], will have seized the heads of government, and be the voices of the people, and make them pay the price. Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic, and will be alike influenced by the same causes. The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold on us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered. [Thomas Jefferson]
~ [from 'Notes on the State of Virginia,' 1782]
'History teaches us that history teaches us nothing.' ~ Hegel
The Fed Releases Thousands Of Secret Bailout Docs
Listen To This AND KNOW ..... There's an ASS WHOOPING COMING
The bill for establishing a national bank, in 1791, undertakes, among other things, 1. To form the subscribers into a corporation. 2. To enable them, in their corporate capacities, to receive grants of lands; and, so far, is against the laws of Mortmain. 3. To make alien subscribers capable of
“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.”
Thomas Jefferson
Here are some Videos on the subject .... Be-Aware They Are Disturbing
IMMUNITY this is a place to start to pierce IMMUNITY. THANK YOU Mr. Witham
The Intentional destruction Of The US Economy Brought To You By THE OLD WORLD ORDER
Coming Soon The Paper Money Con ....
Dear Friend of Liberty,
I hope you join me in my firm conviction that now is the time to fight back against the out of control Federal Reserve and continued Wall Street plundering of our tax dollars.
The threat isn’t hard to see -- just look all around us. Our constitutional principles and freedoms are being assaulted at every turn. More bailouts, trillion dollar “stimulus” plans, huge new debt burdens for our children, simply printing money to cover our failed policies -- I could go on and on. You and I both know that President Obama is going to keep going and going unless someone puts a stop to the madness.
But the good news is there is a way to fight back. And that fight starts today -- by “Auditing the Fed” and showing the American people just how the Fed has abused its power, debauched the dollar, and helped strangle our economy.
Because I know you are a friend in Liberty, I wanted you to be among the first people contacted by Campaign for Liberty for the vital fight against the out of control Federal Reserve.
Please read the enclosed letter from my friend and Campaign for Liberty’s President, John Tate. John isn’t just a friend of mine. He’s also a patriot with years of experience getting things done in politics. Now he’s agreed to take up the fight in a way I cannot -- by leading the fight for Liberty on the outside, while I do battle in the halls of Congress.
I trust you’ll find this battle to expose the out of control Fed worth your support.
For Liberty,
 Congressman Ron Paul
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”
Thomas Jefferson
'Emitting bills of credit, or the creation of money by private corporations, is what is expressly forbidden by Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution.'++
U.S. Supreme Court, Craig v. Missouri, 4 Peters 410.
“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero.” Voltaire (1694-1778)
Where fiat money is used as currency, the term fiat currency is used. Today, most nationa currencies are fiat currencies, including the US dollar, the euro ...
At a very early period of our colonial history, the attempt to supply the want of the precious metals by a paper medium was made to a considerable extent, and the bills emitted for this purpose have been frequently denominated bills of credit. During the war of our revolution, we were driven to this expedient, and necessity compelled us to use it to a most fearful extent. The term has acquired an appropriate meaning, and 'bills of credit' signify a paper medium, intended to circulate between individuals, and between government and individuals, for the ordinary purposes of society. Such a medium has been always liable to considerable fluctuation. Its value is continually changing; and these changes, often great and sudden, expose individuals to immense loss, are the sources of ruinous speculations, and destroy all confidence between man and man. To cut up this mischief by the roots, a mischief which was felt through the United States, and which deeply affected the interest and prosperity of all; the people declared in their constitution, that no state should emit bills of credit. If the prohibition means anything, if the words are not empty sounds, it must comprehend the emission of any paper medium, by a state government, for the purpose of common circulation.
May a state do indirectly that which the Constitution prohibits it from doing directly? If it cannot issue a bill or note which may be put into circulation as a substitute for money, can it, by an act of incorporation, authorize a company to issue bank bills on the capital of the state? It will thus be seen that if an extended construction be given to the term 'bills of credit' as used in the Constitution it may be made to embrace almost every description of paper issued by a state.
The Question IS can the UNITED STATES ..... ALLOW a Corporation to issue
Paper Bills ..... Where EXACTLY is it provided for That The United can DO what a Single State Can Not
The Foundation For The Advancement Of Monetary Education
The words of the Constitution are that
'No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligations of contracts; or grant any title of nobility. '
The State's Can NOT do it NOR can a State VOTE to allow a CORPORATION to do it. NO STATE can do it and THUS NOT even a GROUP of these SAME STATES can VOTE to do what THEY ARE individually PROSCRIBED FROM DOING. Where was the UNITED STATES Government Granted SUPER AUTHORITY to Violate Art 1 Sec 8 Prt 4 and Art 1 Sec 10 Part 5 US CONST as ABUNDANTLY DEFINED in the Coinage Act of 1792 ????
America Has Been Looted For TRILLIONS ..... This Is How It Was Done ..... BANKERS and LIARS ooops Lawyers and GUVMINT ASSHOLES Looking The Other Way
Corruption Edited by Thomas Costanzo
Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by private persons or corporations not directly involved with the government.
All forms of government are susceptible to political corruption. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and trafficking, it is not restricted to these organized crime activities. In some nations, corruption is so common that it has gained normative status. The end point of political corruption is a kleptocracy, literally 'rule by thieves'.
Bribery around the world is estimated at about $1 trillion and the on the bottom billion people living in extreme poverty.
Pages and Listings are in reverse chronological order:
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News Foreclosure-Gate: The MERS Edifice Is Being Eaten From Within 03-06-2011 • In a world where the rule of law no longer means anything, you simple make it up as you go along. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News How to Buy Complicity: A Rising Stock Market Bails Out Everyone 03-04-2011 • Everybody benefits from a permanently rising stock market, and as a result they don't really care how it is engineered or at what eventual cost. The Fed has a free hand as long as it's enriching pension funds, insurance companies, politicos, corp... 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News The BLM’s Big “Fire Sale” of Our Public Lands 03-04-11 • The PPJ Gazette A Six-Point Plan to Avert a Global Crisis” and the 2010 National Geographic’s special issue cover story was “WATER: Our Thirsty World.” Would it be too much to hope that Dept. of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar or BLM Director Bob Abbey might have 
• • • 
Marti Oakley |
News Foreclosure-Gate: Yves Smith On The Bizarre Mortgage “Settlement” Negotiations 03-04-2011 • How can you possibly settle when you don’t know the extent of the abuses? Yes, I know this is intended to be a whitewash, but in the stress tests, the Administration engaged in a lot of persuasive-looking theatrics to somewhat disguise the fact... 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Supreme Court: Corporations don’t have ‘personal privacy’ rights 03-03-2011 • Rawstory The Supreme Court of the United States ruled Tuesday that AT&T and other corporations do not have personal privacy rights under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Freedom of Information Act requires federal agencies to make documents publi 
• • • 
Powell Gammill |
News Foreclosure-Gate: Bankers and Bureaucrats Argue Over Piddling Fine 03-03-2011 • But other regulators, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which oversees national banks, and the Federal Reserve, do not favor such a large fine, contending a small number of people were the victims of flawed foreclosure... 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Market Manipulation in the US and the Repeated Failure of Ideology 02-28-2011 • It will end badly because like the economy which has been created by the same makers it is hollow, a facade, set up for the benefit of a few who transfer wealth to themselves from the many. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Foreclosure-Gate: The Falling Number Of Foreclosures Indicate What? 02-28-2011 • It suggests what we have long argued: that failures to convey loans as required by securitization documents are widespread, if not pervasive. Now that servicers and foreclosure mills are finding that a lot of judges no longer take them at their word. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Foreclosure-Gate: AG Negotiating With The Perpetrators Of Biggest Fraud In History 02-27-2011 • Tom Miller may not realize that keeping homeowner victims in the dark while negotiating with the perpetrators is the wrong way to approach criminal activities. But the rest of us do. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Guardianship FAQ’s from 02-26-11 • The PPJ Gazette “There is no such thing as a “good attorney” who wants to end the nightmare that has been created for you and your loved one. All attorneys are paid out of the “ward’s” assets. This is like asking an oil company to stop drilling for oil. The only way 
• • • 
Marti Oakley |
News Bruce Krasting: FASB’s Karma 02-25-2011 • Unfortunately FASB has folded like a cheap suit in the rain. There will be no better disclosure in the future than in the past. Therefore the past will be repeated in the future. The scary thing is that FASB is a financial slave to those who benefit. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Foreclosure-Gate: Banks Whine Over Pennies On The Dollar Settlement 02-25-2011 • The astonishing part is that the banking industry continues to maintain that it really didn’t do anything wrong, all it did was make some technical errors. That so grossly understates the degree of its recklessness and malfeasance as to be beyond... 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News MERS Set To Savage The American Homeowner Once Again 02-24-2011 • In short, this man, is confident that the government will do all it can in its power, regardless of the evidence, to assure that MERS and its members are allowed to proceed as they wish because of the potential financial costs. 
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Jack Gregson |
News Foreclosure-Gate Whitewash: $20 Billion “Get Out of Jail Free” Settlement Floated 02-24-2011 • The mortgage “settlement” trial balloon floated in the Wall Street Journal this evening is an offense to common sense and decency. Notice how the word “fraud” is pretty much verboten in the MSM; the latest code word for what went awry is “breakdown”. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Doing Oligarchs Bidding: Gov. Scott Walker Gives Fake David Koch an Update 02-23-2011 • An alternative newspaper in Buffalo, NY calls Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as 'David Koch'. Clearly the Governor spends more time with Koch lieutenants than he does with the head honcho. He doesn't recognize the voice as not being... 
1 • • • • 
Jack Gregson |
News MERS Endgame? One County Seeks Over $22 Million for Unpaid Recording Fees 02-23-2011 • Plank after plank of the mortgage recording company MERS’ business model has come under attack. To date, the results do not look good for the embattled company. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Understanding Government Asset Sales: Oligarchs Move In For The Kill 02-23-2011 • This is the Russian oligarch play all over again. Smith has a decidedly 'public good' view of these operations and probably would like to see the government maintain control of operations, but she gets the problem of these asset sales to oligarchs. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News The State of California and Failure to Protect 02-22-11 • The PPJ Gazette By:Janet Phelan “A recent board meeting found the members focused on concerns about raising more revenue for the bureau, which has taken out two loans totaling over a million dollars in order to stay solvent. The bureau reported that $357,000 for 
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Marti Oakley |
News Real House Prices Fall To 2000 Levels: The Ownership Society Is Dead! 02-22-2011 • Prices are now falling again, and if the months-of-supply is substantially higher than originally thought (the NAR reported 8.1 months in December), then prices will probably fall further than many analysts expect. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News NAR Housing data may have understated extent of collapse 02-22-2011 • The National Association of Realtors, which issues the monthly existing home sales report that is closely watched by economists and financial markets, may have over-counted home sales dating as far back as 2007... 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Consumer Stress Continues to Rise While DC Oligarchs Continue Their Looting 02-22-2011 • Whether by dumb luck or design, enough Americans have become fixated with various forms of jealousy over advantages they believe their neighbors have, that it is providing a great smokescreen for the oligarchs to continue their looting. 
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Jack Gregson |
News US economics: One big Ponzi scheme 02-20-2011 • The population in the United States is angry, frustrated and full of fear and irrational hatreds. And the folks not far from you on Wall Street are just doing fine. They're the ones who created the current crisis. They're coming out stronger and... 
2 • • • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Probate Courts: Criminal racketeering sanctioned by government 02-20-11 • The PPJ Gazette One of the worst pseudo courts in the US is the system of probate courts. Across the board, in absolutely every state is a so-called court system that operates for profit at the expense of any individual or family unfortunate enough to have any asse 
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Marti Oakley |
News Iceland To Put 'Suicide Banker' Legislation To A Vote Of The People 02-20-2011 • President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson just announced in a press conference that he will not sign the new Icesave legislation but instead send it to a national referendum. He reasoned that the majority of the nation wants to vote on the... 
1 • • • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Crime Pays: No Charges Filed Against Countrywide’s Mozilo 02-20-2011 • In the sort of thefts that little people engage in, like holding up a store, the person who drives the car is an accessory and can be prosecuted. But white collar crooks can escape if they get their advisors to wink and nod... 
1 • • • • 
Jack Gregson |
News Silver Bankers With Big Derivatives Losses & the Fed May Be Funding Them 02-19-2011 • It is never pretty when a fraud collapses, and this one in particular is difficult because it seems to encompass those stewards of the market upon whom one generally relies for information and some measure of confidence in the data. 
• • • 
Jack Gregson |
Welcome to the Catbird's new nest
As many visitors to the former Catbird Seat may know, at the behest of U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the unjust United States Department of Justice, the old tree was ordered chopped down by Honorable Judge David A. Ezra. This new nesting site, once completed, will bring you startling new views of the world, along with the best of the archived sightings from the old Catbird Seat. So, spread your wings now and join us at the top of the tree.
Calling All Who Will Stand For Liberty
Just The REAL NEWS and Nothing Less
Freedom Is NOT Optional
You Have Been Brainwashed
FIAT MONEY NOTABLE QUOTES ... WAKE UP TIME AMERICA - The Great ... Daniel Webster. 'Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes .....; The term fiat money is used to mean: ...
In the Great Tradition Of The Swamp Fox and the Expositor
AMERICANS DEMAND Truth Justice and Liberty For All
The 2,300-page bill aims to address regulatory weaknesses blamed for the 2008 financial crisis that fueled the worst recession since the 1930s.
George Bernard Shaw |
“You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence of the members of the Government. And, with due respect for these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the Capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold.” |
Voltaire (1694-1778) |
“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero.” |
Daniel Webster, speech in the Senate, 1833 |
“We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people.” |
Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816 |
“I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” |
Daniel Webster |
'Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money.' |
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, Review, Nov. 1975, p.22 |
'The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money--.'++ |
Federal Reserve Bank, New York The Story of Banks, p.5. |
'Because of 'fractional' reserve system, banks, as a whole, can expand our money supply several times, by making loans and investments.'++ |
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Gold, p. 10 |
'Without the confidence factor, many believe a paper money system is liable to collapse eventually.'++ |
Federal reserve Bank of New York, I Bet You Thought, p.19 |
'Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower's IOU.'++ |
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Modern Money Mechanics, p.3 |
'The actual process of money creation takes place in commercial banks. As noted earlier, demand liabilities of commercial banks are money.'++ |
U.S. Supreme Court, Craig v. Missouri, 4 Peters 410. |
James A. Garfield |
'Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.'++ |
Frederic Bastiat, The Law |
'When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.'++ |
Irving Fisher, 100% Money |
'Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess.'++ |
John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 240 |
'If, however, a government refrains from regulations and allows matters to take their course, essential commodities soon attain a level of price out of the reach of all but the rich, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent, and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer.' |
John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff |
'Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalistic System was to debauch the currency. . . Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million can diagnose.' |
Ralph M. Hawtrey, former Secretary of Treasury, England |
Robert H. Hemphill, former credit manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
'Money is the most important subject intellectual persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it is widely understood and its defects remedied very soon.'++ |
Sir Josiah Stamp, former President, Bank of England |
'Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough to buy it back.'++ |
Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna, former Chancellor of Exchequer, England |
'Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.'++ |
John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson |
'All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.'++ |
Wm. Jennings Bryan |
'Money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.'++ |
George Washington, in letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787 |
'Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.'++ |
George Bancroft, A Plea for the Constitution (1886) |
'Madison, agreeing with the journal of the convention, records that the grant of power to emit bills of credit was refused by a majority of more than four to one. The evidence is perfect; no power to emit paper money was granted to the legislature of the United States.'++ |
Article One, Section Ten, United States Constitution |
John C. Calhoun, Speech 5/27/1836 |
'A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interest, combined in one mass; and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.' |
Andrew Jackson: To delegation of bankers discussing the Bank Renewal Bill, 1832 |
'You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.' |
Treasury Secretary Woodin, 3/7/33 |
John Kenneth Galbraith |
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.” Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p15 |
John Kenneth Galbraith |
“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.” Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p29 |
Senator Carter Glass, Author of the Banking Act of 1933 |
'Is there any reason why the American people should be taxed to guarantee the debts of banks, any more than they should be taxed to guarantee the debts of other institutions, including merchants, the industries, and the mills of the country?' |
Chief Justice Salmon Chase, formerly Secretary of Treasury in President Lincoln’s administration, in dissent of Knox vs. Lee (The Legal Tender Cases, 1871)
Dr. Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, 11/20/2003 |
'As long as we issue fiat currency, I see no alternative to a legal tender law.' |
John Adams |
'All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.' |
Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992) Austrian Economist, Author and 1974 Nobel Prize-Winner for Economics |
“With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people.” |
Dr. Edwin Vieira, FAME Foundation Scholar |
'You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and that's good enough.'
Search Results .... Where did the REAL MONEY GO ???
Lawful Money Definition Lawful Money - Definition of Lawful Money on Investopedia - Any form of currency issued by the United States Treasury and not the Federal Reserve System, ... › Dictionary - Cached - Similar
Lawful Money? The 1934 note specifies that the note can be exchanged for LAWFUL money. Fair enough. Now look at the 1976 note. Where do we get the lawful money from now? ... - Cached - Similar
Lawful Money - (731) 632-1182 Are you fed up with the Federal Government and 'Federal' Reserve de-valuing their notes (called dollars) by continuing to print more and more thereby ... - Cached
A History of Paper Money - Using US Money From 1913 To Date It says so right on the note: 'This Note Is Legal Tender For All Debts Public And Private And Is Redeemable In Lawful Money At The United States Treasury Or ... - Cached - Similar
Get Your Bank Really Pissed Off About Your Loan and as per the U.S. Supreme Court decision clearly designating gold and Silver Coin to be lawful money in Bronson v. Rhodes, 74 U.S. 229, 247, ... - Cached - Similar
lawful money Definition lawful money - definition of lawful money - Any money (coin or paper) that is issued directly by the United States Treasury and not the Federal Reserve ... - Cached - Similar
Money The United States Code, Title 12, Section 152, states: “Lawful money shall be construed to mean gold or silver coin of the United States.” ... - Cached - Similar
Lawful Money: A Note by IB Cross - 1938 - Related articles clared them to 'be lawful money and a legal tender' for all debts public ... fying a type of medium of exchange as lawful money or as being legally ... - Similar
PowerPoint Presentation - Lawful Money of the United States of America Slide 1. Slide 2. Slide 3. Slide 4. Slide 5. Slide 6. Slide 7. Slide 8. Slide 9. Slide 10. Slide 11. Slide 12. Slide 13. Slide 14. Slide 15. Slide 16 ... - Cached - Similar
Lawful Money Money which the Government declares to be legal tender (see Legal Tender ) in payment of obligations; money which the creditor may not refuse in the payment ... - Cached - Similar
Definitions of fiat money on the Web:
The Real Plunderers
Our Supreme Court, the 'committed judiciary' of the CONgress, has accused tax dodgers who have stashed their wealth abroad of a very grave crime - 'plunder of the nation.' Complete nonsense, of course. A tax dodger cheats The State and not the nation - and, since this State cheats everyone anyway, this is really a 'good thing,' for it preserves Capital for future investments. Everyone benefits from these future investments - goods are produced, jobs are created, and what not. If our The State had got hold of this money, it would have been 'consumed': NREGA, CWG, etc. Capital consumption makes everyone poorer. It is the road to de-civilisation. God bless the tax dodger. Yet, there are forces at work that are in reality plundering the nation - and these are the forces of inflationism. Speaking of inflationism, one writer made a powerful comment the other day:
Never in the history of Man has so much been stolen from so many by so few. He was referring to the US Fed. Gold was $20 an ounce when the US Fed was established in 1913. It is over $1300 an ounce now. It is not that the value of gold has risen; rather, it is the value of the US Fed's paper dollar that has depreciated. All those who saved in dollars have lost. The US Fed has, because of its privileged position as the issuer of the world's reserve currency, 'exported inflation' all over the world. Plunder of the World! So, let's play it again, Sam:
Never in the history of Man has so much been stolen from so many by so few. The USSA also has a Supreme Court. But theirs too is a 'committed judiciary' - committed, that is, to the notion of 'legal tender.' The idea of legal tender is an idea of 'State money' that is FORCED upon the people, to be used in each and every transaction. It is legal tender that enables universal plunder. If State force is not used, everyone would refuse the depreciating currency and use others of stable value. Like gold. Or silver. Below is a very brief history of how the Supreme Court of the USSA committed itself to State money and legal tender. This is from Hans Sennholz's Money and Freedom, a monograph published in 1985. Sennholz was another of the many gems to emerge from Ludwig von Mises' New York seminars. Here is Sennholz on legal tender in the USSA and the dubious role played by their Supreme Court:
The legal tender evil has come to the United States in periods of, and in the name of, national emergencies. Between 1775 and 1779 the Continental Congress issued some $241 million of currency to finance the Revolution. It did not itself declare the bills legal tender, but urged the states to give them legal tender standing. The states complied without demurring.
Depreciation of the Continental paper dollar set in as early as 1776. To derive any purchasing power from its issuance, the Congress printed Continental dollars faster and faster. Its first issuance amounted to a mere $2 million of bills of credit; in 1779, government printing presses turned out $140 million. By 1780 the specie value of the Continental dollar had fallen to three cents, and was still declining. Congress resolved to print no more money, and to finance its expenditures by other means, only when the cost of printing notes was almost higher than their value. By that time, the people refused to accept any Continental dollars, which in the end forced the states to repeal their legal tender laws.
During the Civil War, the Lincoln administration issued some $450 million of Treasury notes and granted them the quality of legal tender. A series of legal cases reached the Supreme Court between 1868 and 1870. The Court promptly ruled that legal tender provisions were unconstitutional. While more cases were pending, Congress raised the membership of the Supreme Court from seven to nine; President Grant, making the appointments, selected only those justices known to favour the constitutionality of legal tender, thereby creating a preestablished majority for legal tender. It was a foregone conclusion therefore that the Court would uphold legal tender legislation.
In 1933, the federal government expropriated the people's gold coins and bestowed legal tender force on all Federal Reserve notes and US Treasury currency. In every case brought before the Supreme Court, the justices confirmed the money powers claimed by the government.
On June 5, 1933, a Joint Congressional Resolution voided gold clauses in all contracts, public and private. In 1935, the Supreme Court acclaimed and approved the Resolution. In the words of Chief Justice Hughes, 'Parties cannot remove their transactions from the reach of dominant constitutional power by making contracts about them.' With a stroke of a pen, the Court permitted every debtor to defraud his creditors, and granted government the privilege of robbing its creditors under the pretext of paying them - all in the name of the Constitution. Sennholz concludes with the fond hope that some day in the future 'five other justices will read the Constitution and arrive at a different conclusion.' Legal tender allows The State to issue paper notes monopolistically and force them upon the people. This permits inflationism - which is 'legal plunder,' for it allows The State to appropriate private wealth without the consent, or even the knowledge, of those who are plundered. Through the issue of more and more currency notes fresh off its presses, The State can buy up all the goods and services it needs, and finance all its political schemes, from war to welfare. This funny money is the 'root of all evil' - for it finances The State. Hence, the tax dodger does well to preserve his own Capital. Black money is good money - preserved from The State. On the other hand, it is funny money that is bad money - produced by The State, and forced upon us as 'legal tender': monopoly. Every single monopoly - of the past as well as the present - has been imposed on the people through the misuse of State force. Free markets can never ever result in monopoly. Tell your Economics professor that - and point to the funny money as evidence. There is only one way out of this: The spending of The State must be drastically slashed. No more subsidies. No more doles. No more bailouts of 'misproductive' PSUs like Air India. No more 're-capitalisation' of banks. No more 'overstaffing' in the bureaucracy. And, most certainly, no more 'welfare.' Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, editor of Mint, seems to have finally arrived at this conclusion. He has just written that all this is welfare championed by Sonia and cha(m)cha manmohan is backfiring - because it is being financed by inflationary means:
The motives behind the schemes to provide guaranteed jobs and food cannot be questioned. But the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. These schemes will push up food prices and also harm public finances. I completely disagree with Rajadhyaksha's assertion that the motives behind all these welfare schemes like NREGA 'cannot be questioned.' They can - and they must. If the motive is to win votes, it is backfiring because of inflation. But should politicians be allowed to spend so recklessly, jeopardising the future, in order to purchase votes? Rajadhyaksha writes of the 'Rangarajan panel' that has tendered advice on the matter: the advice being to 'water down' all the welfare. It turns out that C Rangarajan chairs the Economic Advisory Council to the Government of India - and, like chacha himself, this Rangarajan is a former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. Funny money men to the rescue of The State! The inflation currently raging also shows that the 'cabinet reshuffle' of today is total and complete nonsense. What is required is slashing the number of ministers down to three or four, and no more. What chacha manmohan has done is to INCREASE the number of ministers! Our chacha is a peculiar 'economist' in that he has no desire to 'economise.' He wants to go on increasing State expenditure. He wants to employ more and more 'tax parasites.' The more the merrier. All aboard The State. No inflationist has ever cared about the limitations of the Budget. This is the evil of legal tender, which is nothing but legal plunder. As for our Supreme Court - we have just seen how in the USSA, the Montesquieu doctrine of 'separation of powers' between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary was rendered meaningless. The same holds true in our case. When justices are appointed by politicians, no separation of powers is possible, and everything is politicised. Our Supreme Court and all the High Courts 'play politics' regularly - socialistic politics, that is - as in the recent case pertaining to the Representation of People Act, which disallows all non-socialist parties from the fray. In my post on that biased and unjust decision, I wrote that the Supreme Court was being 'patriotic' - that it too was being 'loyal' to the CONgress, its hoary dynasty, and its 'socialism.' As far as funny money is concerned, our Supreme Court has been an accomplice. Recall the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) - and the Enforcement Directorate, the 'delegated despotism' it established, the vicious Rottweiler of The State? FERA was never struck down as unconstitutional. But then, everything about socialism is 'legal plunder' - like nationalisation, land acquisition, and, of course, inflation. Judges are supposed to be 'learned.' But no socialist has ever been learned. The Supreme Court's blindness to real plunder, and its patently false accusation against the tax dodger, finds an echo in this column by the Communist Party politburo member and Rajya Sabha MP, Sitaram Yechury, a product of Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University. Writing on inflation, this communist (who is ideologically trained to despise Private Property) writes:
It is this speculative trading that is relentlessly pushing up the prices of all essential commodities, particularly food prices. He wants to ban all forward markets. He sees traders and businessmen as evil - the cause of inflation. He sees State power as the solution. He wants Parliament to pass another nasty piece of legislation banning voluntary trades. In reality, speculation lessens volatility and fluctuations in prices; it does not exacerbate them. Yechury is a Marxist - but, unlike Marx, he is also a Keynesian. He wants to 'represent the workers' - but he also wants to cheat them, through inflationism and 'legal tender.' The judges of our Supreme Court are of similar 'thinking.' Unlearned.
May 14, 2010
New York AG opens probe of 8 big banks
Associated Press
Andrew Cuomo
NEW YORK — New York's attorney general has launched an investigation into eight banks to determine whether they misled ratings agencies about mortgage securities, according to a person familiar with the inquiry.
Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is trying to figure out if banks provided the agencies with false information to get better ratings on the risky securities, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the investigation has not been made public.
Cuomo's office is investigating Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, UBS AG, Citigroup Inc.,Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole and Merrill Lynch, which is now part of Bank of America Corp....
GLOBAL FRAUD/GLOBAL HOPE Fort McDowell Resort, Scottsdale, ArizonaSaturday, February 26, 2011 by Hon. Paul Hellyer, P.C.Former Canadian Minister of National Defence
The world financial system is a total fraud. It is one gargantuan Ponzi scheme, no better than the one Bernie Madoff used to swindle his friends and neighbors, and thousands of times worse if you add up the total number of victims it has ripped off over countless generations. The principal difference between the two schemes is that Madoff was acting outside the law while the international banking cartel has persuaded generation after generation of monarchs, presidents and prime ministers to provide legislative protection for their larceny. The banks Ponzi scheme is alarmingly simple. They lend the same money to several people or institutions at the same time and collect interest on it from each. What the banks really lend, however, is their credit, and what they take back in compensation for that privilege is a debt that must be repaid with interest. The number of times they lend the same money is called leverage. The practice is as old as the hills but for our purposes we can start with the goldsmiths of Lombard Street in London, England, who accepted deposits for which they issued certificates redeemable on demand. They paid their depositors a nominal interest rate on the understanding that they could lend the money to their customers at higher interest rates. They soon found that they could lend more than they had in their vaults because only a few depositors came in to redeem their gold or silver at any one time. It was a scam. It was illegal. Nevertheless they got away with it for a long while and the scam was legitimized when the Bank of England was chartered to help King William finance his war. Rich people subscribed £1,200,000 in gold and silver, as capital, to found the bank, which then was lent to the government at 8 percent. To show his appreciation the King allowed the bank to print £1,200,000 in banknotes and lend them at high interest rates. In effect, the bank was allowed to lend the same money twice – once to the government and once to the people. If any skeptics think I am overstating the case don’t take my word for it. Go to and read some of the books that can be used as references. A hundred pages of The Web of Debt, for example, setting out the history of money, will probably be enough to make you sick at your stomach. I stopped reading it at night because if often made me so angry I couldn’t sleep. Over the years, due to the avarice of the banks and the complicity of the politicians, that ratio has increased dramatically. In the early days of the 20th century, federal chartered U.S. banks were required to keep gold reserves of 25 percent. That means they were allowed to lend the same money four times. I remember when Canadian banks were required to maintain a cash reserve of 8 percent. That means they were allowed to lend the same money 12½ times. Today, thanks to Milton Friedman’s irrational flip-flop from being a proponent of 100% cash reserves to the opposite extreme of zero reserves, and the adoption of his ideas by the major central banks of the world in 1974, multiples have increased dramatically – in some cases to as much as 20 to 1 or more. Banks only keep enough cash to meet day-to-day demands for those few customers who go in and request it, and consequently the fraud is virtually total. The system works this way. Suppose that you want to borrow $35,000 to buy a new car. You visit your friendly banker and ask for a loan. He or she will ask you for collateral – some stocks, bonds, a second mortgage on your house or cottage or, if you are unable to supply any of these, the co-signature of a well-to-do friend or relative. When the collateral requirement is satisfied you will be asked to sign a note for the principal amount with an agreed rate of interest. When the paperwork is complete, and the note signed, your banker will make an entry on the bank’s computer and, presto, a $35,000 credit will appear in your account which you can use to buy your car. The important point is that seconds earlier that money did not exist. It was created out of thin air – so to speak. The banking equation is a species of double-entry bookkeeping where your note becomes an asset on the bank’s books, and the new money that was deposited to your account is a liability. The profit for the bank comes from the difference between the low rate of interest, if any, you would be paid on your deposit if you didn’t spend the borrowed money immediately, and the much higher rate you would be obliged to pay on your note – the technical term is “the spread.” At some point, however, you have to pay off your note and any interest owing. And not only you but everyone else who has borrowed “money” from banks – including governments which, by the way, own the right to print money [creating money from nothing] but that have irresponsibly handed the right over to an elite group of private bankers. Anyone who defaults is in big trouble. Individuals who default will have the assets they pledged as collateral seized by the bank. A government that is in danger of defaulting, will be forced to borrow from the International Monetary Fund, which will then tell that government how to run its affairs including cutting back on services and selling off public assets to the international vulture capitalists. In reality, then, the banks have turned the world into one humongous pawn shop. You hock your stocks, bonds, house, business, rich mother-in-law or country and the bank(s) will give you a loan based on the value of the collateral. [by creating money from nothing, a.k.a. counterfeiting, since the banksters don’t own the assets against which they issue the money] A world system where all the money is created as debt is a perpetual disaster in the making. It is like a giant balloon that the banks pump full of debt. The balloon gets larger and larger until the debt load becomes too heavy to carry, and then it is like a balloon with a pin stuck in it. The system crashes and thousands or sometimes millions of innocent people lose their jobs, homes, farms and businesses. Almost any high school student should be able to see that any monetary system based on debt creation is totally insane. The total world debt, mathematically, is always tending toward infinity – and there is no possible way of paying it off. The real money (legal tender) to do so doesn’t exist. And the real economy that depends on cash to grow shifts into low gear whenever the supply of credit money dries up. Not surprisingly, there have been 25 recessions and depressions in the United States since 1890. In several cases, including the Great Depression of the 1930s and the current Great Recession, the evidence indicates that the meltdown was anticipated by a few insiders who helped trigger the catastrophe. In the wake of the Great Depression, the U.S. Senate Banking and Currency Committee Report that became widely known as the Pecora Report on the Practices of Stock Exchanges, indicated that there were insiders who benefitted from the crash. “Legal chicanery and pitch darkness were the banker’s stoutest allies,” Pecora wrote in his memoir. Similar allegations were evident in Charles Ferguson damning documentary “Inside Job,” relating to the 2007-2008 meltdown. These reports, and other historical evidence prove beyond any doubt that much of Wall Street is rotten to the core. It has become one gigantic millstone around the neck of both the American and world economies. The collateral damage from the recent meltdown has been staggering. The U.S. Bureau of Labor estimated that 8.4 million jobs were lost in the U.S. alone. Most countries experienced similar dramatic losses. The reduction in asset values worldwide has been estimated at $20 trillion U.S. dollars, yet not a single one of the culprits is in jail. You would think that someone would have had the decency to launch a class action for at least $10 trillion against every individual and every organization that contributed to the catastrophe in any way. It boggles the mind that a system so vulnerable to manipulation would ever have come into existence in the first place. The evolution did not happen by accident. It was not guided by the mythical invisible hand of Adam Smith. On the contrary, for more than a century-and-a-half, it was engineered by the barely visible hand of the Rothschild family and its allies, and since World War II by the Rockefeller family. The two dynasties combined forces to exercise influence on many fronts sheltered by the cloak of secrecy established by the Bilderberg Group. The long term influence of the banking cartel is incalculable. Their biggest coup was the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. The big New York banks really didn’t like the idea of genuine competition, so a small group held a secret meeting at the private resort of J.P. Morgan on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. Their scheme, devised by Paul M. Warburg, and subsequently adopted by Congress, is a legal private monopoly of the U.S. money supply operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protecting and promoting the public interest. It is a tribute to the skill of the international bankers that they were able to draft a bill, revise it, change its name and make the few window dressing compromises necessary to get it adopted by Congress just before Christmas when quite a few Representatives must have been dreaming of sugar plum fairies instead of exercising due diligence. Only Charles Lindberg Sr. seemed
to grasp the essence of what was going on. To put it bluntly, the Congress transferred its sovereign constitutional right to create money to the sole custody of a group of private bankers. The magnitude of the hoist is unprecedented in the history of the world – the numbers now are in the high trillions. Soon after the bill was passed the magnitude of the tragedy began to be recognized. William Jennings Bryan, who acted as Democrat whip, later said: “In my long political career, the one thing I genuinely regret is my part in getting the banking and currency legislation (Federal Reserve Act of 1913) enacted into law.” President Woodrow Wilson, just three years after passage of the Act, wrote: “A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated (in the Federal Reserve System). The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men…. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.” But the bill was not repealed; almost 100 years later the sell-out is still the law. This makes you wonder what the people’s representatives have been doing to earn their salaries. The people in charge of the original deception were very far-seeing. They realized that when future governments had to borrow from them they would need a constant income stream to pay the interest on the bonds. So they persuaded the government to introduce income taxes, first as a temporary measure, but later permanently, so it would be able to meet its obligations to the bondholders. In fiscal year 2005 total individual income taxes in the U.S. totalled $927 billion. Of that amount $352 billion, or 38%, was required just to pay interest on the federal debt. The figure would be higher now. The banksters, as they were often called, then decided that an independent press might catch on to the chicanery. Oscar Callaway is reported in the Congressional Record of February 9, 1917 as follows. “In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world, and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States… They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; … an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers [and to suppress] everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served.” It has been suggested that the Bilderberg Group may have taken a leaf from the Morgan precedent to protect their interests in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. That is impossible to prove, because its members are sworn to secrecy, and the press won’t report on its meetings. Could it be mere coincidence that the monetary system, the downside of globalization, 9/11 and the decades-long cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence and technology (especially the clean energy sources that would impact the value of oil stocks), the four subjects of most direct beneficial interests of the banksters, are the four subjects that are avoided like the plague by the mainline press? I myself am not willing to go so far as to say that the men behind the international banking system are evil men because their thoughts are private. But Sir Josiah, later Baron Stamp, a former director of the Bank of England, has given us a rare snapshot of the truth: “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take that power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” In the latest meltdown of 2007-2008, the Fed acted quickly to prevent the Ponzi pyramid from collapsing completely. It printed trillions of dollars to bail out the banks and a few industries that were highly indebted to banks. But what did the Fed do for the taxpayers whose money was so wildly diluted to save the banks? Nothing! They were left to fend for themselves. Millions of people lost their jobs, their farms, their houses, their hopes, and their dignity as a result of circumstances beyond their control. The taxpayers bailed out the banks, but got nothing in return. The same is true of governments who came so quickly to the rescue. As a result of the meltdown their revenues were decreased so they were forced to incur or increase their deficits, as well as to start cutting back on essential services. The Fed pretended to be helping stimulate the economy by reducing interest rates to near zero. It would be an interesting exercise to find out what happened to all of this low-cost money. It would be a good subject for Congressional attention. How much did the banks use to buy up domestic and foreign assets at fire-sale prices? Was any of it used by financial institutions to try to corner world food markets and raise prices at a time when millions are starving? No doubt some taxpayers did take advantage of the low interest rates available but were they warned about the old bait and switch game? Anyone who acquires assets with cheap money runs the risk of losing their property when the Fed ultimately raises rates. It’s all part of the boom-bust cycle inherent in our infinitely silly monetary system. The Economics Profession What does all this have to say about the economics profession? What it really says isn’t fit to print. Someone once said that if you put 20 economists in a room you will get 21 opinions. That is not my experience. If you get 20 economists together they are likely to give you one stock answer, or at most two. And if there is one dissenter he or she is likely to be drowned out by the 19, squawking like a flock of parrots the words memorized from what their professors taught them. I have witnessed this herd-like mentality firsthand. When I was first elected to the House of Commons in 1949 there were only a handful of Keynesians in Ottawa. Twenty years later nearly everyone was a Keynesian including, I am told, Richard Nixon. At that time there were only a few monetarists around. But they spread like mushrooms and soon dominated the economic landscape. It reached the stage when Keynes was anathema, and it was almost impossible to get a tenured position in a school of economics unless you were part of Milton Friedman’s monetarist revolution. Apparently little if any thought was given to the possibility that neither Keynes nor Friedman had got it right. The former was a bit closer to reality than the latter, but both theories foundered on the rocks of one inescapable truth. Both assumed that the economic system is self-correcting, yet more than two centuries of experience has demonstrated clearly that it is not! Someone has to be at the tiller charged with steering clear of the shoals and rocks of economic disaster and that person has to be someone who is responsible to the people and not the self-serving boom-busters. Better People The third essential change is for us as individuals. A just and peaceful world is not possible when it is riddled with graft, fraud and corruption of all kinds. Greed is king and mammon rules the world. Institutions have to change too. For centuries major religions have been selling their alleged superiority or exclusiveness at the point of a sword, leading to the deaths of thousands of innocents. The three Abrahamic religions, for example, all claim the inside route to paradise. Mathematically that is impossible. It is far more probable, mathematically, that they are all wrong and that the truth is larger and more inclusive. Ancient and modern history both suggest that there is no hope of a just and peaceful world unless all religions, and those with no religion, forget their differences and start working together to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. I define this as a world where every child can expect food to eat, clean water to drink, adequate clothing to wear, a roof overhead, access to medical support and enough education to be able to determine how best he or she can serve humankind positively, with dignity and self-fulfillment. What a wonderful world that would be! But it would require a 180-degree change in policies and priorities and a serious effort to apply the Golden Rule that all religions claim as a common thread. The application of the Golden Rule would mean an end to empire building, and the pursuit of military power and advantage. The U.S., for example, would have to stop being its own worst enemy. The declaration of the war on terror was the biggest strategic blunder I have seen. On the 11th day of September 2001, following the attacks on the World Trade Center, the United States enjoyed the sympathy of the world, including Arab states and populations. The threat from al-Qaeda was limited and quite within the potential of police and intelligence operations to cope with. The situation changed dramatically with the launch of a war on Iraq. The
goodwill began to evaporate overnight. Soon, instead of a few dozens insurgents the numbers of young Muslims willing to die for their cause multiplied to thousands and a great chasm of hate and mistrust enveloped much of the world. The U.S. has consistently refused to be even-handed in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, and the Israelis deceive themselves, and the world, when they claim to be the victims. For a long while peace has been within their grasp if they could have agreed to a just settlement, and establishment of a vibrant Palestinian state. But a handful of fundamentalists have always succeeded in disrupting the peace process because they are not willing to accept the great Rabbi Hillel’s admonition. “So always treat others the way you would like them to treat you; that is the message of the Law and the Prophets.” Meanwhile the peace and stability of the world remains in jeopardy. The world community must adopt principles and practices that override fundamentalists of any stripe whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Economic. In addition, religious people should pay more attention to their holy books. There is nothing in the Bible that would legitimize a preventive war, with its carpet bombing, or the launch of a drone or missile intended to kill one person when there is risk that innocent bystanders will also die. Similarly, there is nothing in the Qur’an that would justify suicide bombing that results in the random death of innocents. Global Hope If you get the impression that the world is going to hell in a hand basket you have heard me correctly. But it doesn’t need to be so. There are remedies but they involve massive change in the areas discussed – none of which are even on the political radar at present. There is light at the end of the tunnel but, as Sir John Quinton, a former chairman of Barclay’s Bank said, “Bankers sometimes look on politicians as people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, order more tunnel.” What we are really talking about is restoring democracy to countries that not only claim they have it, but also take pride in trying to export it, even though they don’t really qualify as democratic as defined in the dictionary. In Webster’s it is: “government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them or their elected representatives.” To begin, Wall Street has been the dominant power in the U.S. for decades, and still is. Add to that the fact that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the United States, does not have the security clearance for a number of projects controlled by troops under his command, and you have to conclude that the U.S. is not really a democracy. The same can be said about Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and myriad countries that are really puppets of the International Financial System. In each case the real interests of citizen voters is subjugated to the demands of international finance. There is a sad irony in reading U.S. history of the pre-revolutionary and revolutionary days. Historians often attribute the revolution to the tax on tea. On the other hand, “[Benjamin] Franklin cited restrictions upon paper money as one of the main reasons for the alienation of the American provinces from the mother country.” The U.S. won the revolutionary war but then lost the next critical one when it adopted the British banking system instead of pursuing the better model their provinces had been experimenting with. For the U.S. now to inflict the British practice on countries around the world, using the International Monetary Fund and World Bank as enforcers, is comparable to the King’s edict that gave birth to the United States. So the financial chains of oppression have to be broken and freedom restored to citizens everywhere. It’s time to forget the tea party and address the critically important issues facing the U.S. and the world. All of these issues are non-partisan by definition and deserve the attention and support of all genuine patriots without distinction of race, color, religion or political affiliation – both in the U.S. and worldwide. We must unite to preserve and enhance the beautiful satellite that is our birthright. An Agenda for Action The first and most urgent project is to clip the wings of the bankers and democratize the money-creation function. In the U.S. the Federal Reserve System must be abolished and its alleged function of regulating the money supply be assumed by the federal government or an agency under its direct control. The most powerful and valuable tool in the economic arsenal must be available to the representatives of the people who can be held responsible for their success or failure. Some monetary reformers recommend that governments create 100% of new money in a debt free form, greenbacks or equivalent. In the interests of a fast and smooth transition I am suggesting that a ratio of 34% government-created money to 66% bank-created money would work satisfactorily. Banks would be required to maintain 34% cash reserves against their deposits. The important thing is that governments must immediately create the large sums necessary to balance their budgets and get their economies running at maximum output again. I am talking about an infusion of perhaps $10 trillion U.S. dollar equivalent to start and more if needed to get economies up to speed and to reduce unemployment worldwide by at least half, with the creation of millions of new jobs. Is this likely to cause massive inflation, as the financial cartel will immediately allege, because it is one of its longest running and most successful bugbears? The answer to their phony phonetics is a resounding “no.” As any economist should know, it is the amount of money that is created that influences prices, and not who prints it. So as long as governments limit what economists call “the multiplier effect” there will be no problem. Certainly the present system has been inflationary. A 1950 U.S. dollar is only worth 7.5 cents today. A common sense monetary system should produce better results than that. So there is no reason why the banking system should not be fundamentally reformed – at once! There are four other actions that I think we, the people of the world should demand of our politicians. 1. A law must be passed at once to prohibit all politicians, candidates for political office and political parties from accepting money from any financial institution as well as make it a criminal offense for any such institution either directly or indirectly to offer it. 2. World leaders must adopt a 10-year time frame to reduce greenhouse emissions by 90 percent. 3. That will only be possible if the U.S. discloses its knowledge of the ET presence and technology, and what has been accomplished in 60 years of back-engineering. 4. The U.N. should declare 2012 the year of forgiveness and reconciliation – a new era of cooperation and (agape) love between races, tribes, religions, nations, and regions both mondial and intergalactic. We have so much to learn from our star visitors in many areas including medicine and food production. So the U.S. must relinquish its privileged position as the center of “the loop” as part of a new kind of leadership in creating the better world we all dream of. International Finance vs. The People of the World None of this vision of a just and peaceful world will be possible unless the all-pervasive power of the international banks has been broken. In 1999 I wrote a book in which I said the next world war would be between the banks and the people of the world. There have been skirmishes for centuries and, so far, the banks have always come out on top. They are now taking advantage of the recent meltdown, and the resulting sovereign debt crisis to line up their heavy artillery including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve System and the Bank for International Settlements for a final conclusive battle. As always the aim of the game is to rob the people of the world of their sovereign right to govern their own affairs, and to entrench the power of the international banks, their elite industrial allies and a small cabal of military insiders who run the world as their private fiefdom. The word “unjust” is too small a word by far to describe what they are up to. If any skeptics think I am overstating the case don’t take my word for it. Go to and read some of the books that can be used as references. A hundred pages of The Web of Debt, for example, setting out the history of money, will probably be enough to make you sick at your stomach. I stopped reading it at night because if often made me so angry I couldn’t sleep. I entered politics more than 60 years ago because I thought recessions were quite unnecessary. They were monetary phenomena with a relatively easy fix. I have made hundreds of speeches on the subject and convinced a few thousand people. But never the movers and shakers. And the mainline press were less than helpful. They were so jaundiced that they were not interested in a maverick speaking truth to power. So it was always a case of David vs. Goliath, to use a Biblical analogy. Now, for the first time, the power exists to turn the tables and go for the jugular. The internet is providing power to the people that they have never enjoyed before. The young people of the world, in concert with the thousands of their parents and others
who care about the state of the world can use the power of social networking to effect a miracle on their own behalf and that of succeeding generations. The valiant people of Tunisia and Egypt have shown the way by achieving what was believed to be impossible. We share their euphoria. At the same time they, and we, must acknowledge that it is only the beginning. Real freedom will only be possible when they have escaped from the tyranny of international banks, and Wall Street is no longer able to manipulate the price of their daily bread. A good start might be to distribute a million copies of this speech and translate it into a number of languages. Then the rising generation can bombard the barricades through their social networks. Regime change is not necessary except for leaders who refuse to see the light. But concerned citizens of the world should band together and rattle the cages of all federal politicians. Tell them bluntly that they must vigorously support the above agenda or face inevitable defeat at the next election. It is a simple message, but the only one they understand. At a press conference on March 29, 2001 announcing the U.S. was backing out of the Kyoto Protocol, President George W. Bush said, “A friend is someone who tells you the truth.” That is what I have been doing today. It is a message of global hope for every race, color, religion and nationality in the world and of peaceful relations with visitors from other realms. -------------------- Paul Hellyer 20 Bay St., 12th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 Canada Tel: 416/850-1375 |
Lord Chief Justice of England, Baron Lane, wrote at the end of the 20th Century
Loss of freedom seldom happens overnight “ Oppression doesn't stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush, moustache and swastika armband-it creeps up insidiously 'Step by step, and all of a sudden the unfortunate citizen realizes that it is gone'
CJU - Standing For Liberty, Equal Rights & Justice
Civil Rights & Civil Liberty A Primer
Political and social concepts referring to guarantees of freedom, justice, and equality that a state may make to its citizens. Although the terms have no precise meaning in law and are sometimes used interchangeably, distinctions may be made. 'Civil rights' is used to imply that the state has a positive role in ensuring all citizens equal protection under law and equal opportunity to exercise the privileges of citizenship and otherwise to participate fully in national life, regardless of race, religion, sex, or other characteristics unrelated to the worth of the individual. 'Civil Liberties' is used to refer to guarantees of freedom of speech, press, or religion; to due process of law; and to other limitations on the power of the state to restrain or dictate the actions of individuals. The two concepts of equality and liberty are overlapping and interacting; equality implies the ordering of liberty within society so that the freedom of one person does not infringe on the rights of others, just as liberty implies the right to act in ways permitted to others.
Succinctly A History
The concept that human beings have inalienable rights and liberties that cannot justly be violated by others or by the state is linked to the history of democracy. It was first expressed by the philosophers of ancient Greece. Socrates, for example, chose to die rather than renounce the right to speak his mind in the search for wisdom. Somewhat later the Stoic philosophers formulated explicitly the doctrine of the rights of the individual. Traces of libertarian doctrine appear in the Bible and in the writings of the Roman statesman Marcus Cicero and the Greek essayist Plutarch. Such ideas, however, did not gain a permanent place in the political structure of the Roman Empire and all but disappeared during medieval times.
Early Development
Individual freedom can survive only under a system of law by which both the sovereign and the governed are bound. Such a system of fundamental laws, whether written or embodied in tradition, is known as a constitution. The idea of government limited by law received effective expression for the first time in the Magna Carta (Year 1215), which checked the power of the English king. The Magna Carta did not stem from democratic or egalitarian beliefs; rather, it was a treaty between king and nobility that defined their relationship and laid the basis for the concept that the ruler was subject to the law rather than above it. The development of constitutional government was slowed by the persistence of the ideas of absolutism, the belief that all political power should be in the hands of one individual, and divine right, which held that kings derived their power from and were accountable only to God. These beliefs were widely held throughout Europe until the 18th century. The notion that the people have the right to be asked to consent to acts of government did not arrive without a protracted struggle. The reigns of the Tudor and Stuart monarchs in England were marked by fierce conflicts between the Crown and Parliament.
On the European continent the struggle between authoritarian and libertarian principles developed around religious rather than secular issues. During the Reformation, freedom of religious belief and practice was a primary concern. Tolerance was rare; as late as year 1612, for instance, members of the Unitarian sect were burned as heretics in England. Not until the end of the 18th century did the ideals of religious toleration become firmly established in Western civilization.
Civil Rights - Human Rights
Civil Liberties In The United States
What We Strive For
The civil rights and liberties of United States citizens are largely embodied in the Bill of Rights ('the first ten amendments to the Constitution') and in similar provisions in state constitutions. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religious exercise as well as separation of church and state, freedom of the press, freedom of religion. The Fourth Amendment protects the privacy and security of the home and personal effects and prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fifth through Eighth Amendments protect persons accused of crime; they guarantee, for example, the right to trial by jury, the right to confront hostile witnesses and to have legal counsel, and the privilege of not testifying against oneself. The Fifth Amendment also contains the general guarantee that no one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Originally these amendments were binding only on the federal government. However, decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States have established that the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment (ratified in 1868) applies many of the guarantees in the Bill of Rights to actions by state and local governments.
CJU - Standing For Liberty, Equal Rights & Justice One Client At A Time
Not everything belongs to the Law Publishers, says the 'Free Access to Law Movement', which has resulted in an informal association of organizations supported by governments and local Law Societies, which use the common acronym L.I.I. (Legal Information Institute) to designate official collections of online legal resources, of which these are some...
A clip from The Daily Show with John Stewart shows Ben Bernanke and his lies.
Christa Mccloud
The Power Of The Rothschilds By Fritz Springmeier Excerpt - Bloodlines of the Illuminati 8-12-7
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD --connections to JWs, Mormons, and Judaism
It has been said all roads lead to Rome. For this book, it could be said all paths of investigation lead to the Rothschilds. Charles T. Russell, in a 1891 letter to Baron (Lord) Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Russell's letters praised the Rothschild's money which established Jewish colonies in Palestine. Russell writes Rothschild, 'What is needed here, therefore, next to water and cleanliness, is a good government which will protect the poor from the ravenous and the wealthy. Banking institutions on sound bases, and doing business honorably, are also greatly needed ' Russell continues, 'May the God of Jacob direct you, my dear Sir, and all interested with you in the deliverance and prosperity of Israel, and blessed will they be who, to any extent, yield themselves as his servants in fulfilling his will as predicted.'(14)
When the Mormon Church needed financing in the late 19th century, they went to Kuhn, Loeb Co.15 To explain the Rothschild's control of Kuhn, Loeb Co. here is some background information. The method that the House of Rothschild used to gain influence, was the same that Royalty had used for centuries, marriage. The Rothschild children, girls and boys, have had their spouses chosen on the basis of alliances that would benefit the House of Rothschild, but since consolidating world power they generally have married cousins these last two centuries.'16
Jacob Schiff grew up in the house that the Rothschild's had at 148 Judengasse, Frankfurt. Jacob Schiff came to the United States with Rothschild capital and took over control of a small jewish banking concern founded by two Cincinnati dry goods merchants Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. He even married Soloman's daughter. In 1885, Loeb retired, and Schiff ran the Kuhn, Loeb Co. for the Rothschilds until 1920 when he died.17 During Russell's and Brigham Young's day, Lord Rothschild was considered the 'lay leader of world Jewry.'18
Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization Assoc,19 which was a major Zionist group. Amselm Rothschild indicated that his grandfather Amschel Mayer Rothschild had insisted in Clause 15 of his will to his children, 'may they and their descendants remain constantly true to their ancestral Jewish faith.'(20) However, the will has been secret and there is no way of knowing what it says. The Rothschilds have not remained true to the Orthodox faith. If this was actually what Clause 15 said then something is amiss. The Jewish world has showered the Rothschilds with praises, 'The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people... .The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David--more wisdom than Solomon.' (21) The Prieure de Sion-the Elders of Sion22 also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a jewish council of Elders of Sion.23 The Rothschilds have 'helped' the Jewish people the Rothschild's own way. For those who admire stingyness, the Rothschilds will be greatly looked up to. For instance, the extent of James Rothschild's charity in France to poor Jews was 5 francs (the equivalent of $1). Their dynasty has destroyed honest Jews along with Christians. Today, few dare criticize the Rothschilds.
Christa Mccloud
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD--Power within Christendom
The Rothschilds also wielded much influence and power not only in Secret Societies, but also in Christendom's churches. The Salvation Army under the suggestion of the Rothschilds adopted the Red Shield (Roth-red Schild-shield) for their logo. One history of the Rothschilds remarks, 'The Rothschilds had rapidly propelled themselves into a position of immense financial power and political influence. They were an independent force in the life of Europe, accountable to no one and, to a large extent, reliant on no one. Popular lampoons depicted them as the real rulers of Christendom...'(47) Some of the Rothschilds have been involved in the campaign to loosen public morals. The first executive Secretary of the National Student Forum was John Rothschild. This National Student Forum changed its name like articles of clothing. Speaking about clothing, one of the aims of this Socialist group was to promote public nudity, and free love. This organization had the following constituent groups Radcliffe Liberal Club, Union Theological Seminary Contemporary Club, Yale Liberal Club'(48) to name just a few. A further development of this was the Youth Peace Federation which consisted of the League of Youth of Community Church, Methodist Epworth League, NY District, Young Judea, and Young People's Fellowship of St. Phillip's Parish49 to name a few. American religious men have ties to the Rothschilds especially through their various agents.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was Pastor of Rockefeller's church was also among the Presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles, CFR, was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and married a Rockefeller, Janet Pomeroy Avery. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official. (See chap. 2.9) Every road leads back to the Rothschilds. There are more items than what have been mentioned above linking the Rothschilds to the various tenticles. Each of the various tenticles that conspiracy theorists have put forth,--the Jews, the Masons, the Intelligence Communities, the International Bankers, the Prieure de Sion, the Catholics, the Trilateral commission, the CFR, the New Age, the Cults-- each ties back to the Rothschild's power.
According to one source 'it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth of the world.'(50) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five banks which owned 53% of its stock. These five banks were controlled by Nathan M. Rothschild & Sons of London. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world's money. That fact alone shows how immense the Rothschild Power is. If one examines who has been appointed to head the Fed, and to run it, the connections of the 'Federal' Reserve System to the Rothschilds can further be seen. Another private enterprise using the name Federal that the Rothschilds also direct is Federal Express. Any one else might be taken to court for making their businesses sound like their are government, not the Rothschilds. It is appropriate for them to appropriate the name of Federal, because by way of MI6 via the CIA they instruct the U.S. government. Senators are bought and paid off by their system, as investigators of the BCCI are discovering. The Rothschilds have been intimately involved in witchcraft and the Illuminati since its early known history. The Kaiser of Germany seems to refer to them when he said, 'the magic powers of money as wielded by the Lord of Lucre are powers of Black Magic at its blackest.'51
If only half of the wealth is controlled by the Rothschilds, it indicates that if they are to be part of the world's rulership, they must have allies.
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only two of thirteen controlling families of the Illuminati. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. A. Oppenheim was situated in Cologne. The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party's official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
Christa Mccloud
The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Harry Oppenheimer, an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp. Oppenheimers can be found in important financial positions in the U.S. They help run around 10 large foundations, including the Oppenheimer Haas Trust of NY for the care of needy Jewish children.
The Jewish Ency. Vol. 2, p. 496 indicates other Jewish families 'adopted the Rothschild plan.' These were the Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans. The Rothschild plan was to place family members in the 5 largest European capitals to coordinate their activities. One of Germany's largest magazines is the Stern, and Ernst Stern is second-in-command of the World Bank.'(53) The Jewish families that established the Frankfurt Judenloge (this was the Masonic lodge the Rothschilds belonged to in Frankfurt) included the Adlers, Speyers, Reisses, Sichels, Ellisons, Hanaus, Geisenheimers, and Goldschmidts. Isaac Hildesheim, a Jew who changed his name to Justus Hiller is credited as being the founder of this Frankfurt lodge. Michael Hess, principal of the Reformed Jewish school Philanthropin was an important figure in the lodge too, as was Dr. Ludwig Baruch (later Borne) who joined in 1808. Most of these Frankfurt Jewish Freemasons engaged in commerce.(54) Those Freemasons from 1817-1842 were the leaders of the Frankfurt Jewish community.55 A gentile Mason in Frankfurt Johann Christian Ehrmann began warning the German people that the Frankfurt Jewish Masons wanted a world republic based on humanism. In 1816 he came out with a warning pamphlet Das Judenthum in der M[aurere]y (The Jews in Masonry). A powerful ally of the world's jewry can be seen beginning with men like Oliver Cromwell, who was considered a Mason.
Cromwell was financed by Jews, and helped the Jews gain power in England. Cromwell was willing to go along with the Jews, because he became convinced of British Israelism. Since the core of the conspiracy of power is Jewish, the attitude of those allied with it hinges on their attitude toward the Jewish people.
The religious idea that the British people are descended from the tribes of Israel doesn't automatically place people into the camp of the conspiracy. Some of the British-Israelites realize that the so called Jewish people in general have no claim over the promises of God. For that reason, they realize that it is not the Christian duty to bow and scrape at their every move. When Christians can be arrested in Israel and abused, and Christians will not even stand up for their own kind, we can see how much hold the idea of the 'Chosen Race' theory has over Christendom. Some of the British Israelites such as the Mormons, the old New England wealthy families such as make up the Order, some Masons and New Agers, and the non-Jewish members of the Priuere de Sion are collaborating with the One-World-Power. The anglican church which is run by the Freemasons is strongly British Israelistic.
In contrast, a hodge-podge of groups which are opposed to the conspiracy like some Neo-Nazi groups, and various Churches unrelated with them are also believers in British Israelism. These various groups are sometimes all lumped together as the 'Identity' movement, which is misleading because of their vast differences. It is important to diferentiate between those groups that are trying to approach things from a Christian perspective and place themselves under the authority of God, and those who are setting themselves up under the New Order's authority, or under their own authority.
Christa Mccloud
Eustice Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they con trol Reuters too. From other sources it appears CNN, which began as an independent challenge to the Jewish Network monopoly, ran into repeated trickery, and ended up part of the system. Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. Perhaps nothing dominates the life of some Americans as does the television. Americans sit themselves before the television set and simply absorb what it projects to them. On a day to day basis the biggest way the Rothschilds touch the lives of Americans are the three major networks which are under Rothschild direction. To illustrate this we will examine who run the networks. This list is not current, and no attempt was to provide that. The length of writing a book insures that some material will be dated anyway.
(end of exceprt)
Christa Mccloud
AMERICANS ARE STUPID ---------GIVE ME CONTROL OF A NATIONS MONEY AND I CARE NOT WHO MAKES THE LAWS--- THEY will never figure it out -WE WILL PLAY THEM ALL AGAINST EACH OTHER-------demos against repub -- THE whites AGAINST Blacks against mex...icans against the indians ---THE muslims against ...the christians against the ...jews against the protestants etc-etc---they wont wake up until itstoo late' --------LET THEM ALL KILL EACH OTHER- AND WE WILL HAVE OUR UNDERGROUND BASES ALL READY FOR US IN 2012-Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the 'GOYIM,' BUT NO ONE WILL EVER BRING UNDER DISCUSSION OUR FAITH FROM ITS TRUE POINT OF VIEW SINCE THIS WILL BE FULLY LEARNED BY NONE SAVE OURS WHO WILL NEVER DARE TO BETRAY ITS SECRETS.
Christa Mccloud NATHAN ROTHCHILDS'- [head director of the us federal reserve bank] privately owned and operated from - DC ASSASINATING INNOCENTS and getting away with it !!!!!!---- stealing illegal tax $$$$$$$ from us slaves !!!!!!!!------------SINCE 1913 and proud of it !!!!!!!!!! |