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Community Focus ... People Focus ... Planning Framework

The following notes are very messy. They were prepared in the early part of 2010, and worked on only a little bit in the last two years. They will be refined bit by bit in the next few months (December 2011)
Peter Burgess

Introduction This text is from early 2010 when a start was made on the development of a 'game' to help understand the dynamic of socio-economic development at the society and community level. The original version of this was prepared in the CA environment, [that is Community Analytics (CA)] before we were advised to discontinue use of that name.

The file name for this text is CCgame_100_01_OutlineRules_100610.odt.


Community Focus ... People Focus ... Planning Framework

Where we … the starting gate … a state influenced by many things

  • There is my (individual) state
  • There is my family state
  • There is my friends state
  • There are my networks state
  • There is my (physical) community state
  • There is my state's state
  • There is my country's state
  • There is my world's state
My individual state … matters a lot
  • My education
  • My health
  • My family
  • My wealth
  • My attitude

Universal Continuum

\ \ \ \
Past State Past Activities BOP State Period Activities EOP State Future Activities Future State
Need Need Need
Have Have Have
Unmet need Unmet need Unmet need
Constraint Constraint Constraint
Period Need Have Unmet need Constraint Activity Have


Sector: Health
Subsector: Hospital beds
Period (eg year) Need Have Unmet need Constraint Activity Have
2001 Need hospital with 50 beds Nothing Hospital with 50 beds Insufficient funds Borrow funds
Build hospital with 20 beds
Have loan
Have hospital with 20 beds
2002 Need hospital with 50 beds Have loan
Have hospital with 20 beds
Have loan
Deficit of 30 hospital beds
Insufficient funds Nothing Have loan
Have hospital with 20 beds

Sector: Health
Subsector: Doctors
Period (eg year) Need Have Unmet need Constraint Activity Have
2001 Need 2 MDs Have 1 MD Need additional MD Insufficient funds Nothing Have 1 MD
2002 Need 2 MDs Have 1 MD Need additional MD No funds for MDs Lose MD Have no MD

Using the Sporting Analogy

These are the stakeholders:

  • Scorekeeper
  • Rule maker
  • Owner
  • Manager
  • Coach
  • Players
  • Spectators
  • Fans
  • Sponsors
  • Playing field … Soccer field
  • Sports … track and field
  • Stands
  • Stadium
  • Community

What needs to happen to win the game?

What needs to happen to win the league?

Using the Factory Analogy

Success is going to be getting the factory right.

One of the problems with modern society is that almost all the resources are being committed to expanding the overhead departments.

A service economy is essentially one that has a whole lot of overhead and maybe not very much factory.

Creating the Game of Life

Six Pain Points

The following pain points are important in many lives:

  • Mortgage
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Energy cost
  • Credit
  • Education
But these are more about money than they are about the total reality of life!

Students Parents Time Social class
School class Teachers Unions Time
School State/District $ Performance
Region Federal $ Performance

Darien Norwalk Stamford New Canaan
Parent time
Parent values
School admin (people)
School facilities
School district
School admin (people)
District / Region
State education policies
State education budget
Federal education policies
Federal education budget Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (WUSTC) … it stinks! Fix the Flat … from the World is Flat by Thomas Friedman Human Impact and Profit … HIP
Structure … Framework

Person Family Community

Home Building Block Neighborhood Community

Affinity Community

Physical Community

Subsubsector subsector sector

Subsubfunction subfunction function

Orgnunit Orgnhdqr Orgncons

Community Community Country (?)

Projunit Projcons Projspon

Community Community Country

Affinity Community

Person Family

Physical Community

Sector … Sector Elements

Safety CP

Culture CU

Entertainment CU

Religion CU

Sports CU

Economic opportunity EC

Healthcare EC

Prosperity EC

Retirement security EC

Salaries and wages EC

Wealth EC

Education ED

Experience ED

Knowhow ED

Languages ED

Literacy ED

Skills ED

Energy EN

Family FF

Friends FF

Health HE

Land NR

Architecture PH

Commercial real estate PH

Industrial real estate PH

Residential housing PH

Financial services SE

Sanitation SE

Sewers IN SE

Transport SE

Water SE

Roads IN

Bridges IN

Internet IN SE

Main sector Sector code

People … quality of life QL

Culture CU

Economic activities EC

Physical place … buildings and construction PH

Economic services ES

Education ED

Energy EN

Health HE

Infrastructure IN

Natural Resources NR

Organization OR

  • Jobs
  • Business
  • Wealth
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Literacy
  • Languages
  • Skills
  • Experience
  • Knowhow
Physical place
  • Housing
  • Architecture
  • Land
  • Sports
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Art
  • History
  • Government
  • Local Governance
  • Police
  • Business
Natural resoures
  • Land
  • Water
  • Energy
  • Minerals
  • Trees
  • Wildlife
  • Scenery

About the person

Each person is individual

A person aggregates to a family

Class is associated with the person

About the family

Metrics about the family


Grandparents … ancestors



Class is associated with the family

  • Family house and home
  • Family values
  • Family environment
  • Family culture
  • Family wealth
The components of class
  • Occupation
  • Education
  • Income
  • Wealth
  • Tensions
  • Visual
  • Emotional/passion
  • Material
  • Spiritual
  • Metrics about the community
  • Part of a community
About the Community

People and families aggregate to be the community

Community has

  • Environment
  • Schools
  • Health services
  • Safety (police)
  • Infrastructure
  • Organizations
  • Working cpaital
  • Trade and markets / Economy
  • Jobs / Employment
Community also has
  • Health
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Time

Ways to Measure



Length ... Inches, yards, miles, centimeters, meters, kilometers,

Money ... Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Leones, cfas, yen, etc

Time ... Seconds. Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months Years

Value ... Money equivalent, Value units (to be determined)

Economics ... GDP

Wealth ... Money

Trajectory of Life

The Trajectory of Life is determined by decisions.

Decisions are influenced by a very large number of variables

The difference between a child and an adult is that the child has many decisions made for them … in the case of an adult many more decisions are made by the individual. In both case the environment is an enabler of decisions and a constraint.

Spreadsheet model

These are the rows in the spreadsheet … will do some definition of the rows / calculations in due course.

Row title Row explanation Age of a first child in the family From the perspective of child Value of family Class The following numbers about value of family are NOT related to anything yet! Wealth Money wealth (excluding home) Home Occupation Parent 1 Parent 2 Education Parent 1 Parent 2 Income Parent 1 Parent 2 Wealth total

Value dimension

Parent 1 age Parent 1 value

Parent 2 age Parent 2 value

Other relatives Other relatives value

Child 1 age Child 1 value

Child 2 age Child 2 value

Total family

Family wealth

Starting beginning of year

Money additions Parent 1 income Parent 2 income Total additions

Money expenditures Federal taxes State and local taxes

  • Housing
  • Food and basic essentials
  • Technology / lifestyle
  • Entertainment
  • Travel / vacations
  • Child 1 healthcare
  • Child 1 education
Total money reductions

Value changes Parent 1 Parent 2 Child 1 Child 2

About the Child


Money flows

This year cost of eduction Cum cost of eduction

This year cost of healthcare Cum cost of healthcare

This year maintenance … food, clothing, entertainment Cum maintenance

This year money investment in child Cum money invested in the child

Value quantification Emotional Economic Value total

Value increment

Cost of living

Food and basic essentials

This year cost of living

Cum cost of living


About Education

Good education and skills determines economic potential Age of child Cost of education for single child Cost of education per year Cum investment in education Funded by … who is paying for the education? Family money Student … individual loan Society subsidy To balance Total

The value proposition Initiatives to deliver value Base school … just the costs Excellence in education … a multiplier Excellence in education Parents efforts Community efforts Total value increment Cum value increment from education

Impact of value delivery … keep you eye on the prize!

NPV of 25 year old with good outcome


Age of child

Cost Cum investment in healthcare

Value increment … base Value increment … due health service excellence Value increment … due parents effort Value increment … due community effort Total value increment Cum value increment from education

Funded by … who is paying for the healthcare? Family money Individual Society subsidy To balance Total

Economic value matrix for individual

Age of individual

Annual money cost Net Present Value of costs (30 year window) NPV change

Annual money earnings Net Present Value of earnings (20 year window) NPV change Net NPV money cost net of NPV money earnings

June 11, 2010 P's
  • Pain
  • Paint
  • Pals
  • Partnership
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Peer
  • People
  • Perfect
  • Performance
  • Perseverance
  • Person
  • Perspective
  • Plan
  • Planet
  • Plus
  • Population
  • Positive
  • Possible
  • Pot, Prohibition and Prostitution
  • Practical
  • Practice
  • Pragmatic
  • Prejudice
  • Process
  • Procreation
  • Productivity
  • Progress
  • Prosperity
  • Prostitution
  • Prudence
  • Public Private Partnership
  • Purpose

June 12, 2010 From Chris C Peter, Peter, this video will help us finalize the Value proposition algorithm and motivational aspect of our project. This is it… the video that will help us complete the variables we identified yesterday. Pay close attention to the S.M.A.R.T. acronym and the “People are Multidimentional”… we are there now let’s put the rest together. I took the liberty to post this video under your profile in Video

Vision Passion Action Deadline Frustrated Demotivated Disillusioned Accountability Challenge Encourage Engage Motivate S.M.A.R.T. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely Help to become account Goal minded Personal growth Trustworthy Relationship Vague goals get vague results Are you headed in the right direction People are MULTIDIMENTIONAL (this is our algorithm) Imagine if you had no constraints If you could have anything you want What would it be…..

Financial Career Health Relationships Recreation Contribution Personal Education Anything else? What’s stopping you Project yourself into the future In six months, you’ll be closer to your goal How will you celebrate… congratulations.

From ancient times: earth, air, fire, water, ether

Phlogiston Theory

© Copyright 1996, Jim Loy

In ancient times, there were sometimes considered to be four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. In the heavens was the fifth element (the quintessence), the ether. This theory lacked the predictive power to make alchemy a science. Eventually, early chemists decided that combustion was the most important chemical reaction, that understanding combustion would actually revolutionize chemistry. Early on, they had the impressive insight that the corrosion of metals was a form of combustion. Another impressive insight was that respiration, in animals, is also a form of combustion. A common test of the goodness of any given air (gas) was to measure the time that a mouse would survive, breathing the air.

Draft prepared by Peter Burgess
Draft updated … June 12, 2010
The text being discussed is available at
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TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is an Open Source / Open Knowledge initiative. It has been funded by family and friends. TVM is a 'big idea' that has the potential to be a game changer. The goal is for it to remain an open access initiative.
The information on this website may only be used for socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and limited low profit purposes
Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved.