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TVM Burgess Briefs
Accountability, Society and Economy

Accountability, Society and Economy


Peter Burgess

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Accountability Accountability is a fashionable buzzword, and it is clear that the public at large would welcome strong and even-handed accountability for many aspects of society. In spite of all the talk, progress towards effective accountability has been slow.

8 0, 0, 0 12
Banking and Financial Services
Banking ... money and financial services have facilitated economic progress. There has been a lot of creativity in the development of financial services for rich communities, but much less for the large community at the bottom of the pyramid.

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Children are the future, and in many developing countries also make up more 50% of the population. Giving children access the food and shelter, education and health is important, as well as giving them opportunity for gainful economic activity as they grow.

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Community Centric Sustainable Development (CCSD) puts the community as the focal point of thinking about socio-economic development, the establishment of priorities and the implementation of development initiatives.

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Community Accountancy
Community Accountancy helps the community to progress. It is a system that helps planning and the development of priorities as well as providing understandable performance metrics and clear accountability.

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Economics really is a dismal science ... though it is interesting as a tool to try to explain what happened. By understanding what has happened in the past it is possible that better decisions might be made in the future, other things being the same ... but of course, they never are!

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Education is one of the most valuable elements of human capital. Education of children and the population as a whole has the potential to change society to improve quality of life substantially.

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Energy has been one of the drivers of socio-economic progress since the start of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Extracting and consuming fossil fuels has been a big component of the world economy since the start of the industrial revolution. As more of the world's population moves to a higher standard of living, the challenge of energy availability is aggravated.

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Environmental issues were a low priority and ignored during the indutrial development of the 19th century and much of the 20th century. There has been a lot of clean up ... but much of the environmental damage is essentially permanent.

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Without food, life cannot be sustained. For most of history, food was a constraining factor in socio-economic progress, but the green revolution and modern science has made food production less of a constraining factor than it was in the past. Even so, many are still poor, hungry and at risk of starvation.

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Gender issues have had a high profile for a number of years, with many high level conferences run by the United Nations and others.There have been some remarkable successes, notably the microcredit as a vehicle for encouraging women owned small busiesses.

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Modern technology and widespread education is changing geopolitics in significant ways.

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Governance is an important part of an enabling environment. While national level governance is important, it is not the only level of government where governance needs to be good. Local community governance is also a critical element.

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Health is a critical element of quality of life. The field of medical science has progressed in a remarkable way, but most at the bottom of the pyramid cannot have access to most of the advances

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Infrastructure is a component of modern society and civilization that helps to make economic activities productive. Socio-economic progress may be accelerated by judicious use of an infrastructure strategy that builds both short term community value and longer term productivity.

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Progress is constrained or facilitated by any number of issues. No single issue is the silver bullet that will improve performance.

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Issues in the Relief and Development Sector
Development dialog is needed to help get important issues on the table and in the agenda. Many important issues cannot be discussed in major organizations because it is not politically correct. Meanwhile relief and development sector performance remains poor.

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Jobs, Employment and Self-Employment
Productive work is the driver of an economy. This can either be employment in the formal sector or any number of self-employment activities. In most poor areas, jobs are scarce and most of the economic activity is in the informal sector.

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Management has been a missing function in the international relief and development sector. To a great extent decisions are made following procedural and bureaucratic rules that are only remotely associated with facts about performance and results.

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Organized Crime
Organized crime is a big challenge for society. The problem is that crime is profitable and organized crime very profitable. Many of the activities of organized crime have deep anti-social impact.

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Resource Mobilization
Much of the failure of development has its origins in the way funds have been mobilized and managed. Important initiatives have demonstrated potential, but have not been funded, and low performance initiatives have been funded. Much of the funding has flowed through official government channels without adequate accounting and accountability.

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Sanitation is a factor in improving health ... a fact long recognized by planners, but not often not followed through by decision makers. It is not fashionable and suited to photo ops and PR. But it is important.

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Science and Technology
Science and technology have always been a big component of socio-economic progress throughout history, and nothing is different today. The modern challenge with science and technology is to translate an amazing scientific understanding through technology deployment into goods and services that are of meaningful value and a power for good.

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Security is one of the most critical issues in quality of life, and not enough on the agenda as a priority matter to be addressed. The root causes of security problems are many, and often inconvenient.

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Trade has been an important contributor to global productivity for hundreds of years. The challenge of modern trade is to ensure that its terms are fair to all concerned. Technology has had a big role in facilitating trade in the past, and the situation continues.

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True Value Metrics
True Value Metrics (TVM) is a system that measures social and economic performance not only using money but also value

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TVM Place for Debate
Debate is a key component of society. Facts are important, but the interpretation of facts so that there may be just sustainable progress is also needed. Debate is a way for complex facts to be better understood

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Value Chain
Value chain is an analytical technique tha shows the financial performace characteristics of each step in a multi-step business process.

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Waste is encouraged by the system of performance metrics presently used in economics, the capital markets and corporations. Doing things that are wasteful has more money profit impact on performance than getting the same outcome for less use of resources.

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Drought, or lack of water, has been a killer in all of history. Water is essential for human and animal life, and for plants and food production. It is a limited resource and critical to socio-economic success.

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