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Entertainment, Society and Economy
Images of Qatar hunting games

The following images of Qatar hunting games give a bit of a window on leasure activity in Qatar.

These images are quite thought provoking. They seem to be both ultra-modern and very out-dated. They remind me of the aristocratic sporting prectices of the old elites in Europe. The important message is that 'entertainment' is an important part of the quality of life of an economy.
Peter Burgess

The following images of Qatar hunting games give a bit of a window on leasure activity in Qatar.

Before competitions begin, a falcon with a hood covering its eyes and a leash around its legs is tied to a stake in the ground beside its owner's Land Cruiser.

Owners of Saluki dogs - also known as Persian greyhounds - listen for their names to be called, indicating that it's time for them to line up to race along the two kilometre track.

The owner of a Shaheen falcon ties it down in a waiting area before competitions later in the day.

A group of men take a break from watching the falcon competition to take part in the midday Friday prayer.

Young boys in their first competition pose with their Salukis.

In the waiting area before the falcon races, competitors greet each other in a traditional Gulf manner, touching noses.

The owner of an al-Hurr ['free' or 'wild'], species of falcon prepares to release the bird to chase a pigeon. In English, the bird is known as a 'Saker', which is the Arabic word for 'falcon'.

A competitor releases his al-Hurr falcon. A moment later, he entered his off-road vehicle to chase after the bird as it chased a pigeon. The pursuit can often send both falcon and owner miles into the desert.

A lone falcon hunts its prey. Pigeons are known to be one of the fastest game birds, and for a falcon to catch one in this annual desert competition is rare. At the time this photo was taken, only two pigeons had been caught, from more than 70 releases.

Spectators and officials watch the initial stages of the falcon chase, before taking to their vehicles for a closer look.

One spectator watches the falcon chase in comfort.

Experts say falcons should be allowed to fly and hunt as often as possible, as they would in the wild. Their pigeon prey, however, eventually suffer a near-inevitable fate.

When not hurtling across the dunes in 4x4 vehicles, spectators relax on bedouin-style seating and watch the competition broadcast on big-screen televisions.

Near to the falcon races' release point is a two-kilometre track for racing Saluki dogs.

Race officials suspend a young gazelle from the back of an SUV before the race begins. The live animal acts as a lure for the dogs to chase.

Salukis and their owners prepare to start the race.

Race spectators are mobile as they drive their Land Cruisers alongside the pack of running dogs. Many hang out of their vehicles, making barking sounds to encourage their favorite runner.

A view from atop the vehicle carrying the gazelle lure. At the end of the race, a group of workers from Egypt cover the gazelle to prevent the Salukis from getting to it.

Dozens of Land Cruisers containing spectators and dog owners drive alongside the pack of running dogs.

Even watching Saluki races in Qatar can be dangerous in the middle of dozens of Land Cruisers, tearing across the sand at high speeds, packed with spectators.

Saluki owners celebrate their dog's victory.

Many dogs are considered 'ritually unclean' by some Islamic scholars, but not Salukis in the Gulf. 'It's part of our culture,' said one owner.

After the races end, Salukis are loaded up into their owners' Land Cruisers and taken home.

Matthew Cassel/Al Jazeera
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