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By the end of today’s sessions, attendees will be able to answer the following questions: TPB discussion draft!

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
By the end of today’s sessions, attendees will be able to answer the following questions:
  1. Gain insights into ‘Leadership and what this means to our distinguished speakers
  2. Update on the latest thinking in and around ESG reporting
  3. Consider how the focus in Sustainability is something accountants should be aware of and advocate for
  4. Understand how technology can enable risk mitigation
  5. Understand how members are using data analytics to augment and provide assurance in working with clients
  6. Envision the opportunities and threats as we discuss the ‘Future of Audit’
  7. Gain an overview of current cyber enabled crimes and threats / warning signs / how to protect yourself / Case Studies

Gain insights into ‘Leadership and what this means to our distinguished speakers What is 'leadership'? What should it be? Without a lot more context, this is a pretty meaningless question. What this means to the 'speakers' may or may not be coherent and relevant to the audience ... but the question of what leadership should be is in fact a very important question as is the question of what goes for 'leadership' in the modern socio-enviro-economic world we all live in. My first exposure to 'leadership' was as a member of a school rugby team. When I first became a member if the team, the captain of the team was Richard Sharpe ... a very talented player who went on toe play for the Royal Navy, Oxford University and England. We won matches because he was a star player. The next year we did not have a star ... just 15 players working as a team ... and this team had a better record than the previous year's team that had a star. This took leadership on the part of our coach and some of the key individuals that helped hold the team together. I became a very young CFO after migrating to North America in my 20s. I had a lot of education but not much experience. Getting older and much more experienced people to change their ways was a challenge ... but it proved relatively easy the purpose of change was made clear and the effectiveness of change was observable. I made a quite successful corporate career for over 20 years being an activist CFO aiming for change to improve profit performance. My experience showed me that good leadership was much about being subtle and not so much being powerful. I did a major transition mid-career going from employee to consultant. It was only half successful. My international qualifications worked well for organizations like the World Bank, the United Nations and others but not so much in corporate America. I also had difficulty with the complete absence of an effective management function or framework in this very high profile organizations.A lot of the work I got to do was very interesting and worth while up to a point ... but far too much was doomed to irrelevance. Over time, I developed a reputation for objectivity ... which should have been good, but in fact was the beginning of the end. Only people in these big organizations who had a lot of confidence in their own performance would recruit me for assignments and there were not a whole lot of staff in this category. I never had much of a platform for my approach to management and leadership ... my fault, and I wish I had made more effort to 'market' what I was working to do when I was mid-career. Update on the latest thinking in and around ESG reporting I have been aggravated now for a quite long time. I cannot find a good reason why it is that ESG ... Environment, Social and Governance ... is getting traction in the last few years and TBL ... Triple Bottom Line / People, Planet, Profit ... never got much traction at all when it was promulgated in the 1990s. I have concluded that there is a powerful bad reason for ESG getting the attention it is getting. It is simply that there are people with power and wealth and influence that have conspired to make sure that social and environmental impact are not in any way linked with profit performance. In other words it is fine to talk about social impact and environmental impact but not to link these with profit impact in any serious way. This is 'convenient' but it is fundamentally wrong and I am appalled that many of the big firms and their professional staff have bought in to this blatant example of 'greenwashing' and operational misinformation. Consider how the focus in Sustainability is something accountants should be aware of and advocate for Understand how technology can enable risk mitigation Understand how members are using data analytics to augment and provide assurance in working with clients This is a very big subject and the question seems to address but a small part of what modern data analytics ... and especially AI ... is going to do. Envision the opportunities and threats as we discuss the ‘Future of Audit’ Gain an overview of current cyber enabled crimes and threats / warning signs / how to protect yourself / Case Studies

The text being discussed is available at

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