Open file 3374
Closing the Feedback Loop ... a publication of the World Bank
Public Sector Governance ... Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap ... Bjorn-Soren Gigler and Savita Bailur, Editors
Open PDF ... Closing the Feedback Loop
Strategic Governance ... Enabling Financial, Environmental, and Social Sustainability
By Hank Boerner and Mark W. Sickles Fellows
Governance & Accountability Institute
Open PDF ... Closing the Feedback Loop
Open L0300-Governance-US-Declaration-of-Independence
Basic observation
Governance has been in existence since very early on the history of human society.
Prevailing response
Governance at all levels is not well enough appreciated by leadership and the main institutions of the relief and development sector including government organizations. Devolution of some of the power of central government to community acknowledges the importance of community, but does not capture the idea of governance from the people for the people and by the people.
A better response
Governance needs to exist in order tor society to function, but good governance at the interface between community and family is as important as good governance between the community and the higher authorities of a central government. Governance of the community needs to emerge so that progress can be achieved at this level. Central and higher levels of government need to allow this and not get in the way.