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Organization ... The Muslim Brotherhood
Is this a problem ... or perhaps a solution

The reemergence of 'The Muslim Brotherhood' ... from a US right wing perspective

This article raises many questions that need to be answered, but does not pre-judge the matter. Clearly this organization (the Muslimg Brotherhood) has its foundation in Islam, but that can easily be its stength and power for good rather than a weakness. Religion has a power for good ... and, in fact, this is the basis for most every religion. This power for good may be hijacked ... but that is separate from the foundation of good. There needs to be thorough analysis and understanding.
Peter Burgess

Burgess UPDATE September 2012
This article turns out to come from a media source that has a huge phobia about Islam ... and I would argue that the US and Western phobia about Islam is as dangerous for world peace as organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. It is a shame that religion is a source of great hate rather than a vehicle for peace and brotherly love.

I know a large number of people drom different religious backgrounds ... all nice people. I am also aquainted with evil people from a variety of religions.

The willingness of people of all faiths to resort to violence if they don't get their way reminds me of a children's playground ... it is an infantile behavior but when played by rich adults can be very very dangerous. Religion can serve us much better.
Peter Burgess

Chapter 1

Over the next several days a comprehensive series of columns will be written that dedicates study to the world’s oldest and largest Islamic political organization. The organization under the “spotlight” is known throughout the East and West as The Muslim Brotherhood, or in short, “The Brotherhood”.

Born from a genuine love of Islam and a desire to adhere to a life guided by strict Islamic principles, it is an organization both revered and mistrusted worldwide. From its political and religious core beliefs, a “battalion” of similar organizations were spawned, some of which to the chagrin of Western leaders advocated a more radical approach to proselytizing Islam.

From the faithful fold of The Brotherhood emerged more radicalized splinter groups that rekindled an interest in Jihad – waging a Holy war against infidels – as a means to protesting / prohibiting Western influence.

Each chapter of this essay / report is designed to give the reader an unbiased collection of information which will ultimately educate the reader on what is “fact” and what is “fiction” as world leaders in lieu of the current chaos in northern Africa and Arabia debate how a newly “liberated” Muslim Brotherhood will affect a rapidly evolving Muslim political landscape and mindset.

The genesis of the Brotherhood

It’s March 1928. In a discreet ahwa – coffeehouse – located in Ismailia, Egypt, 21 year-old Egyptian born Hassan al-Bannaand six male friends who work for the Suez CanalCompany passionately discuss their vision for religious reform in what they consider to be an ever increasingly corrupted Muslim world.

Disgruntled by Western influence over a tainted and vulnerable Muslim population, it’s their goal is to reinstate / re-infuse Islam as directed by the Qur'anand Sunnahinto the daily lives of all Egyptians, directing the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state.

When Hassan al-Banna and his friends leave the ahwa, they are aflame about the prospect of creating a utopian Muslim world that is centered on a strict adherence to Islamic core values and principles.

Focused and determined the super-charged brotherhood of 'seven' take their 'underground' message of 'Muslim purity' and 'Islam is the solution' on the road and create a buzz that resonates loudly throughout Egypt.

The Brotherhood’s belief that Islam is the solution to every aspect of a Muslim’s life is intertwined in a robust political message that strongly advocated Muslim liberation and purity via disassociation (one’s mind) from Western colonialism and Western influence.

The movement became a political and religious reform phenomenon that rapidly spread across most of Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Within a short span of two decades The Muslim Brotherhood evolved from being an obscure small Muslim “social club” to becoming the most powerful Muslim political organization on the planet. With a membership that swelled over two million strong, the Muslim Brotherhood became a formidable force to contend with, a fact of life that made many Heads of State squirm with nervousness.

Since its creation in 1928 the Muslim Brotherhood has described itself as being a non violent (preferably) political organization / movement which focuses on uniting all Muslims under one umbrella of strict Islamic doctrine. They officially oppose violent means to achieve its goals.

The Council on Foreign Relations – A research center dedicated to understanding the world by better comprehending global trends and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy – is on the record as stating:

'At various times in its history, the group has used or supported violence and was repeatedly banned in Egypt for attempting to overthrow Cairo's secular government. Since the 1970s, however, the Muslim Brotherhood’s chapter in Egypt has disavowed violence and sought to participate in Egyptian politics.'

Jeremy Bowen, BBCMiddle East editor, and historian describes The Muslim Brotherhood as being a 'conservative and non-violent' organization. In fact, The Muslim Brotherhood routinely condemns terrorism including the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

Although The Brotherhood has officially condemned acts of violence as a way of promulgating its message, it would be inaccurate to say that they are a stranger to organized violence.

Interestingly, during the 1940s, al-Banna the Muslim Brotherhood’s founding father, created a paramilitary wing of the organization and called it the 'Special Apparatus'.

The mission of the Special Apparatus was to join the Muslim fight against British rule in Egypt by engaging in a campaign of intimidation, bombings and assassinations. So, although the Muslim Brotherhood may technically be a non violent organization, history indicates that it is capable of evolving and branching out as a combative, terroristic entity.

Chapter two of this report will illustrate how the Muslim Brotherhood became a threat to the Egyptian government and in essence became a banned political group that operated semi-underground until the recent Egyptian “Peoples Revolution” that toppled the Mubarak government empowered the 'half-hidden' organization to step out of the shadows as a 'stealth adversary' and with a 'world playa swag' reintroduced itself as a viable contender to lead the direction of a new Egypt.

The next column will also discuss what strategies The Brotherhood may use as a means to become the premier political party in Egypt and the psychological affect that strategy may have on Western leaders and of course Egypt’s neighbor and one time nemesis…. Israel.

As always the New Orleans Examiner is interested in what you think. Is the Muslim Brotherhood a non violent political organization or is it just pretending to be. Inquiring minds are eager to know. Sound off.

Until next time Louisianans, Good day, God Bless and Good Fishing.

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