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Money, Banking and Financial Services
Keiser Report: Debt Carpet Bombing

VIDEO Max Keiser engages in a rant to draw attention to the disgusting behavior of the world's bankers

I m put off by the style ... but I agree with much of what Maz Keiser has to say. The well remunerated Wall Street traders and investment bankers have driven the world economy in a very bad direction, making big profits as they went along. The trillion dollar bailout stopped these bankers from going bust ... but three years later they choose not to remember. For all practical purposes the leaders of the financial sector have gone completely unpunished, and ordinary people have good reason to be 'mad as hell'. I am disgusted and will do all I can to help to get accountability so that the 'banksters' pay for their misfeasance. More important, I also want to see a capitalist market economy reformed so that it has the characteristics of a value market economy.
Peter Burgess

Keiser Report: Debt Carpet Bombing

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