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Society and Economy
Wealth and Health

VIDEO Dalton Conley Links Health to Income Inequality

I would argue that the idea that wealth can buy better health is a pretty obvious idea ... but without academic endorsement the idea cannot be right. I think this is pretty lame, but it is pretty much where we have become as a society.

I am not particularly impressed with the idea that universal health care is a human right, but I am persuaded that good health is extremely valuable, and as such anyone and everyone on the planet should be able to have access to the best that the medical community can deliver.

Obviously our global society is a long way from this desirable situation ... but there is absolutely no reason why we should not be able to get there, and quite rapidly.

Of course this will never happen if the global society and economy is run using the prevailing capitalist market economy to determine where resources are allocated ... but it can happen if the global society embraces the idea of a value market economy and resources are allocated where there is the most valueadd. Clearly there is substantial valueadd in the delivery of healthcare, and in many cases a surprisingly small amount of valueconsumption ... in other words it is a high performance sector using value concepts.
Peter Burgess

Dalton Conley Links Health to Income Inequality

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