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Organizations ... Political USA
Progressives United

Progressives United ... my message in response their fund raising e-mail


Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess Re: This is getting big ... Occupy has identified some issues 1% have not response it seems My recommendation is metrics and value Peter Burgess Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 11:01 PM To: Dear Colleagues Before Progressives get too excited, I would like to ask WHAT IS GETTING BIG? The Occupy movement has clearly gained a lot of momentum in the past five weeks, in large part because of the apathy of all the mainstream political establishment. I am appalled that the Democrats lost the House in the 2010 elections ... what on earth happened. President Obama together the the Senate and House leadership had unprecedented legislative success, and the Democrats lost enough seats to lose control. I am furious about this and so are a lot of others. The Occupy movement is clear about the total lack of accountability for the big banks and corporate executives who have systematically improved profits while the US economic infrastructure deteriorated. This did not happen in the last 2 years under President Obama's watch, but has been going on for the best part of 40 years. Nobody in the infamous 1% seems to have any idea what to do even though many of these individuals have prestigious education often in finance and law ... but they have contributed not very much in the aftermath of the financial meltdown to improve anything, rather they are pleading, once again for less and less regulation so they can go back to their profligate and risky ways. For my part, I see the need for the accounting to be significantly improved ... a radical improvement ... so that there is ubiquitous accounting not only for money but also for value. I see the society as the reporting entity, with organizations in a subsidiary position. Just as there is in business accounting, value accounting has balance sheet (state), profit and loss (progress) and analytical accounting (performance). The state of society at any time is like a business balance sheet, but around social value and social deficits. Progress or 'valueadd' is how the state of society changes, just as profit is how the business balance sheet changes ... and finally performance is the amount of resources consumed (net) in order to achieve 'valueadd' With metrics that take into account society as well as the organization, then it becomes possible to evolve from a capitalist market economy were profit is the only metric of interest, to a value market economy where the goal is to get investment flowing to what makes society a better place. The United States ... and the rest of the world has huge NEEDS, and there are multi-millions (maybe billions) of people who are unemployed or underemployed. An effective market system would be matching needs and human resources and material resources and financial resources to that society is progressing ... quality of life is improving. While Western capital markets are talking about GDP growth in India, China, Brazil et al they are not observing very much that many places are migrating from the 'more and more' economic model that the capital markets idolize to something that is more respectful of people and planet. The change is modest ... but it is faster in these countries than it is in the USA which is appalling! I have not seen anything ... not anything ... that makes me want to engage with the 'establishment' but I am hugely impressed with what the young people might be able to achieve. Peter Burgess in the Poconos @truevaluemetric ///////////////////////// On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Cole Leystra, wrote: Bring the energy of Occupy Wall Street to the decision-makers on the super committee. Share this Email on Facebook Friend, There are two places where the action is for progressives right now: Occupy Wall Street and its associated protests around the country, and the congressional super committee that's set to determine the future of America. Lately, the grassroots-driven Occupy Wall Street protests have really shaken up the conversation in America -- to the point that even the ultra right-wing majority leader of the House is holding a speech on income inequality this week. But the decisions are being made in the super committee. As members of Progressives United -- and with our friends at Democracy for America -- we need to make sure the outsider energy driving the protests reaches the inside decision-makers on the super committee. Submit an instant comment to members of the super committee today -- tell them to make the rich on Wall Street pay their fair share. In case you're wondering whether progressives' voices are having an impact on the super committee, consider this: On Tuesday, Politico reported that the committee has received 175,000 public comments. Of those, more than 83,000 are from progressives who used our instant comment submission tool. This is getting big. And with the committee scheduled to give its recommendations next month, we don't have much time. Help bring the energy of the Occupy Wall Street protests into the super committee -- act now. For what feels like the first time in a long time, we progressives have the wind at our backs. We have to make our voices heard now. Thanks for uniting as a progressive, Cole Leystra Executive Director Progressives United We've contacted you because you signed up at or provided us with your email address which is listed as Click here to unsubscribe. Privacy Policy All content © 2011 Progressives United Inc. PO Box 620533 Middleton, WI 53562 Authorized and paid for by Progressives United Inc. (Progressives United Inc. is seeking recognition as a section 501(c)(4) organization) PO Box 620533, Middleton, WI 53562 -- ____________ Peter Burgess Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society twitter: @peterbnyc @truevaluemetric blog: blog: (being phased out!) mobile: 212 744 6469 landline in PA 570 431 4043 email: skype: peterburgessnyc Books: Search Peter Burgess at

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