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Re: Follow up to meeting you in New York
Dear Peter, Thank you for your curiosity, I'm also interested in knowing more about your ideas on transparency and accountability, as you know I'm all for that stakeholder lead model. My meeting at the UN was dificult and time was limited so i'm not sure that there will be much interest in the short term, however I'm convinced that they need some help as they told me that they where using yahoo groups to manage the process. Any way, i guess i understnad your lack of optimism. Nevertheless I also presented at the world bank and the reception was much better, in fact there is follow-up to come. Furthermore, in Houston I met the manager for sustainable development for an oil company in Africa, so maybe there is a connection after all. I enjoyed meeting you as well, lets continue the conversation over phone this week. With kind regaqrds, Natan Zaidenweber. On Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 10:01 AM, Profitinafrica@aol.com wrote: Dear Natan Zaidenweber I enjoyed meeting with you in New York ten days ago. Your thinking about 'stakeholders' is a very good idea .......... but do the decision making stakeholders want a tool of this sort? You were going to visit the UN the day after we met. I was not optimistic about the outcome, but really hope you can get their attention. And if you had some level of success with them, I would like to be of service in any way that is valuable. As you may have gathered I am committed to the idea of better accounting and accountability in development ..... and there is an enormous need for professionals to push this agenda as much as is possible ... in spite of widespread resistance. Wishing you well, and curious to get some feedback Sincerely
Peter Burgess
Subj: Re: Follow up to meeting you in New York Date: 7/28/2003 10:37:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Profitinafrica To: nz@fulcrumecosystems.com Dear Natan Your meeting with the UN does not come as a surprise. They are seriously challenged by lack of money and they keep on trying to do big things with virtually no resources. Their biggest job is keeping the salary pool for staff members funded. After that not much else is happening. But the World Bank is another story. They have funds. They should not be using them for anything of interest to you and me, but they might well do so. You might have an entry point with the World Bank, but it might well take a long time and not go in a direction that has much value. And an oil company working in Africa. That is interesting. Go for it. With regard to accounting and accountability ...... my position is simple: