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Financial and Economic Reporting
A complex incoherent framework

Standards & Codes ... overview outline of the many different initiatives for financial and economic reporting


Peter Burgess

Standards & Codes Following the financial crises that engulfed the world in the mid-to-late 90s, and the increased instance of international contagion, there has been strong pressure to improve the international financial architecture. Part of the official effort has been in the area of 'Standards & Codes', which has so far taken three steps: 1. 12 Key Standards were highlighted and a set of standards/principles/best practices were developed for each of them by a specialist international organization. 2. A methodology for assessing countries on the 12 Key Standards was then drawn up on the back of the established principles. 3. Assessment at the country level was then undertaken as part of a joint initiative by the IMF and World Bank titled Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC). ROSC modules, a module refers to an assessment of one of the 12 key standards, have generally been derived from the broader IMF-World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). As of end-March 2002, a total of 221 modules have been completed covering 73 industrial and developed countries (World Bank (2002)).. As specified by Cornford (2002)1, the 12 Key Standards for Financial Systems are split into 3 subject areas (the ones of greater interest to New Rules are likely to be 4, 8, 10, 11, 12): Macroeconomic Policy and Data Transparency 1. Monetary and Financial Policy Transparency Standards: Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies (Endorsed by the IMF in Sept 1999). Methodology: Supporting Document to the Code (in development). Issuing Body: IMF Assessments: 38 ROSC Modules completed by IMF (FSAP/ROSC). 2. Fiscal Policy Transparency Standards: Code of Good Practices in Fiscal Transparency (Endorsed by the IMF in April 1998). Methodology: Manual on Fiscal Transparency (Endorsed by IMF). Issuing Body: IMF Assessments: 39 ROSC Modules completed by IMF (ROSC). 3. Data Dissemination Standards: Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) (Endorsed by IMF in Mar 1996) General Data Dissemination Standard (GDDS) (Endorsed by IMF in Dec 1997) Methodology: Within Standards Issuing Body: IMF Assessments: 24 ROSC Modules completed by IMF (ROSC). 50 countries have subscribed to the SDDS. SDDS – Prescribes the data that countries wishing to use the world’s capital markets are expected to provide publicly. This includes real, fiscal, financial and external data and also lays down minimum benchmarks in terms of how often data should be published. Institutional and Market Infrastructure 4. Insolvency and Creditor Rights Standards: Principles and Guidelines on Effective Insolvency Systems (Presented to the Bank Executive Board on April 10, 2001). Key Areas: 1. Creditor rights and enforcement procedures 2. Legal framework for corporate insolvency 3. Regulatory framework to implement the insolvency system 4. The enabling framework for credit risk management and informal corporate workouts. Other related issues: there is an ongoing debate on sovereign insolvency. Anne Krueger of the IMF has proposed a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism (SDRM) and this appears to be the IMF’s current line; there are a number of other proposals on the table including ones by John Taylor of the US Treasury and Chapter 9 by Kunibert Raffer and Jubilee Research. There is also a separate initiative on Bank Insolvency. Methodology: Insolvency Regimes Assessment Template (Published in Dec 2000). Issuing Body: World Bank Assessments: 1 ROSC Module completed by World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 5. Corporate Governance Standards: Principles of Corporate Governance (Endorsed by OECD in May 1999). Methodology: Corporate Governance Assessment Template (Published by World Bank in Dec 2000). Issuing Body: Standards by OECD and Methodology by World Bank. Assessment: 15 ROSC Modules completed by World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 6. Accounting Standards: International Accounting Standards (IAS) (IASC has promulgated 34 standards). Methodology: Accounting & Auditing Assessment Template (Draft published by the World Bank in Dec 2000). Issuing Body: Standards by International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) and Methodology by World Bank. Assessment: 3 ROSC Modules completed by World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 7. Auditing Standards: International Standards on Auditing (ISA) Methodology: Accounting & Auditing Assessment Template (Draft published by the World Bank in Dec 2000). Issuing Body: Standards by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and Methodology by World Bank. Assessment: 3 ROSC Modules completed by World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 8. Payments and Settlements Standards: Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems Key Risks: 1. Credit Risk: the risk that the counterparty will default. 2. Liquidity Risk: the risk that the counterparty cannot meet a claim in the short term. 3. Legal Risk: an inadequate legal framework exacerbates credit and liquidity risk. 4. Operational risk: operational problems that can accentuate both credit and liquidity risks. Concerns: an integrated system suffers from Payment System Risk, which is a risk that there are bottlenecks in the payment systems that can slow down the flow of funds. What this points to is contagion and the potential for a domino effect of problems and failures within a financial system. Core Principles (Part 1): 1) Legal basis for payments system 2+3) The need for rules and procedures enabling participants to have clear understanding of credit risk, liquidity risk and system risk. 4 + 6) Prompt settlement and for medium of settlement to carry minimal credit risk 5) Minimum standard of robustness for multilateral netting systems 7) Ensuring a high degree of security and operational reliability 8, 9, 10) General issues on system’s efficiency and practicality: access into the system with publicly disclosed criteria; governance arrangements. Core Principles (Part 2): 1. Identifying systemically important payment systems 2. Identifying structural, technical and institutional factors 3. Identifying participants 4. Identifying cross-border payment systems. Methodology: Work in progress. Issuing Body: Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS), a sub-organization of the BIS. Assessment: 26 ROSC Modules completed by IMF and World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 9. Combating Money Laundering Standards: The 40 Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.(Published in 1990, revised in 1996, expanded in 2001 to include countering terrorism, and now under review). Methodology: No methodology yet. Issuing Body: Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF). Assessments: None so far. Under discussion with FATF. Financial Regulation and Supervision 10. Banking Supervision Standards: Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (Published by BCBS in Sept 1997). 1. Preconditions for effective banking supervision 2. The licensing and structure of banks 3. Prudential regulations and requirements 4. Methods of ongoing supervision 5. Information requirements 6. Formal powers of supervisors 7. Cross border banking Methodology: Core Principles Methodology (Published in Oct 1999) Issuing Body: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), a sub-organization of the BIS. Assessment: 38 ROSC Modules completed by IMF and World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 11. Securities Market Regulation Standards: Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation (Published by IOSCO in Sept 1998). Objectives: 1. Protection of investors 2. Ensuring all markets are fair, efficient and transparent 3. Reduction of systemic risk Principles covered: responsibilities of the regulator, self-regulation, enforcement of regulation, domestic and international co-operation in regulation, the responsibilities of issuers, rules and standards for collective investment schemes, requirements for market intermediaries, and rules and standards for the secondary market. Methodology: Implementation of the Objectives and Principles for Securities Regulation (Published by IOSCO in May 2000). Issuing Body: International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Assessments: 17 ROSC Modules completed by IMF and World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). 12. Insurance Supervision Standards: Insurance Supervisory Principles (Published by IAIS in Sept 1997). Focus: organization and practice of supervision of the insurance sector; corporate governance, companies’ internal controls, prudential rules, supervision of cross border business. Prudential rules covers such things as management of a company’s assets, identification and classification of liabilities, capital requirements, disclosure and monitoring of off-balance sheet items such as derivatives etc, and reinsurance and retrocession insurance. Methodology: Core Principles Methodology (Published by IAIS in Apr 2000). Issuing Body: International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Assessments: 20 ROSC Modules completed by IMF and World Bank (ROSC/FSAP). A thirteenth standard has been proposed but will not be assessed by the IMF and World Bank as part of the ROSC initiative: 13. Debt Management Standards: Guidelines for Public Debt Management (Presented to the Bank Executive Board on March 6, 2001, by IMF and World Bank). Methodology: Sound Practices in Government Debt Management (To be published at end-2003). Issuing Body: IMF and World Bank There are two big issues that these issues are concerned with: Transparency: that processes are observable to all participants and therefore was able to help rid the system of uncertainty. Accountability: ensuring that a system is in place to hold authorities, institutions and corporations accountable for their actions and hence create good governance and trust in the system as a whole. This can be expanded to international investors and lenders, a transparent system with appropriate accountability in place helps international participants have a better understanding of fundamentals which should aid policy discipline in sovereign borrowers as well as prevent contagion if individual countries’ 'fundamentals' are better understood. Transparency should also help surveillance by the IMF et al. There are two other related initiatives being pursued by the IMF: research on liberalization of the capital account and Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs). The latter are indicators designed to monitor the health of the financial system.

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