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Politics 2012 ... A Romney supporter's take

An example of the mis-information that flows around during the US political season

I got an e-mail from Kelly Ayotte, US Senator for New Hampshire suggesting that Romney Ryan and the Republicans have a plan for the economy and President Obama does not ... I tried to send this message to his office but it got returned. Why am I not surprised?

Dear Senator
I have followed US politics, economics and society for the past 50 years. During this time the working people of the United States have lost opportunity in a catastrophic way, largely because very few, if any, in leadership positions in business, academia, media, banking and politics understand the structural change that has happened courtesy of science and technology. The Romney Ryan Republican ideas are not only wrong, but dangerous. What we can do with science and technology should be delivering a high quality of life for Americans and getting better, but the ideas of Adam Smith from 1776 that suited a shortage economy of that era no longer fit for the surplus economy and high productivity we have today. The money profit laissez-faire capitalist market economy that suited a shortage economy cannot work in a highly productive surplus producing economy with some changes, most importantly a change in the metrics from simply money profit to a combination of money profit and social valuadd.
Peter Burgess @truevaluemetric

Peter Burgess


After Tuesday's debate, it's clear President Obama lacks a vision for the future. Every voter should be asking themselves: how will President Obama make sure the next four years are not like the last four?

Over the last four years, we've seen $5 trillion added to the debt, record unemployment, and frankly, less opportunities for everyone.

As a mother of two children, I'm deeply concerned about the fiscal state of our country. The only plan President Obama and his liberal allies offer is higher taxes and more spending.

Governor Romney and the Republican Party have a plan to get America back on track, to put Americans back to work, and most importantly, to help restore the promise of America to future generations.

Help us get there by contributing $10 or more today.


Kelly Ayotte
U.S. Senator, New Hampshire

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