Contact: Peter Burgess ...
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A brief introduction to TrueValueMetrics
The main metrics in the modern economy are (1) money profit accounting for business; (2) stock prices for investors; and, (3) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for policy makers. These only encourage profit maximizing no matter what the impact. Many initiatives have emerged to expand reporting to include metrics beyond profit like impact on people and planet, the so called triple bottom line. These initiatives are a good start, but are not getting the traction that is needed. I argue that a somewhat different initiative is needed that incorporates both money profit accounting and social valuadd in one system of accounting and reporting. Furthermore the system of accounting and reporting should be the same for both the organization undertaking an economic activity and the broader community that gets impact from economic activity. This is what TrueValueMetrics does.
TVM also makes it possible to bring accountability to organizations that do not embrace transparency and accountability.