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The Lobby Industry

For outgoing lawmakers, connections mean chance to cash in


Peter Burgess

For outgoing lawmakers, connections mean chance to cash in

Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo., easily won a tenth term to Congress in November. Less than a month later, she said she was stepping down for a better offer.

Emerson will become the president and CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, a lobbying group that represents more than 900 federally-subsidized, not-for-profit electric utilities. Emerson said in a statement that she was leaving Congress not 'because I have lost my heart for service,' but rather because the job offered 'a new way to serve.'

Since 1998, the NRECA has spent nearly $49 million on lobbying and has been one of the biggest overall donors to federal elections. It has been the top contributor to Emerson dating back to her start in Congress in 1996, having given her nearly $80,000 over that period.

We don't know how much Emerson will be paid to run the lobbying group that has long supported her political career. But it's safe to assume that it will be a step up from the $174,000 she makes as a member of Congress: The group paid former CEO Glenn English - also a former member of Congress - $1.6 million, according to its tax filings.

Emerson will not be a lobbyist -- yet. Members of the House (and their top staffers) are legally barred from registering as lobbyists for one year after leaving Congress. For senators and their top staff, the waiting period is two years. But just because you aren't registered as a lobbyist doesn't mean you aren't engaging in activity that could be considered lobbying - or, as in Emerson's case, are overseeing what is essentially a lobbying organization with a budget of more than $136 million.

And the lines are blurry. A former lawmaker not registered as a lobbyist could visit a current member on the House floor, so long as he or she doesn't specifically lobby the current member at the time. (The current member, of course, is almost certainly aware of the former member's new job.) And away from the actual House floor, all bets are off -- meetings can occur in offices, boardrooms and steakhouses. Doors are opened for a former member (quite literally) that allow discussions and views to be expressed that far exceed the access the general public, or even former staffers have.

Even if the former member isn't communicating personally with members, he or she brings an immense Rolodex and instant credibility that helps others get meetings and phone calls returned. In Emerson's 16 years in office, she interacted with hundreds of other members and thousands of staffers, many of whom are still on Capitol Hill and know her name and will recall her record. Like any member of Congress, Emerson helped other members get their pet bills passed. Indeed, she was seen as a particularly good soldier by party leadership, who allowed her to rise to seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee where she helped steer billions of dollars of cash to or from legislation.

Under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, a person must register as a lobbyist if he or she 1.) makes more than $3,000 over three months from lobbying, 2.) has had more than one lobbying contract and 3.) has spent more than 20 percent of his or her time lobbying for a single client over three months. If you don't meet all three of those measures, you don't have to register. That's why former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, for example, never had to register as a lobbyist despite his lucrative position providing 'strategic advice' about advancing their goals and connecting health care firms to lawmakers. Gingrich also promoted the companies that were paying him in presentations to lawmakers.

Indeed, there are myriad ways to leverage Washington connections into a well-paying position without officially becoming a lobbyist. Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C., whose term ends in January, plans to lead the federal affairs team for Duke Energy. (Shuler's connections to members on the House Budget and Transportation and Infrastructure committees, where he served, will come in particularly handy.) Departing Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pa., will be senior vice president of public policy, government and community affairs at Florida's Blue Cross and Blue Shield Company, which is called Florida Blue. At least he's waiting until his term is up: After he lost a 2008 primary, Rep. Albert Wynn, D-Md., left Congress six months before his term was up to take a job at law firm and lobbying powerhouse Dickstein Shapiro.

Former Rep. Charles Melancon, D-La., who became senior vice president of government relations for the International Franchise Association after leaving Congress, described himself as the 'puppeteer' to USA Today when he started his job in 2011. 'I sit down with the staff I have and the consultants, and we discuss where we need to go, who we need to see, what the issues are. Then, they will go to the Hill,' he said.

Even if a former member never goes to the Hill or makes a single phone call, their expertise on how to pull the levers of power and manipulate the byzantine process of getting legislation passed -- or killed -- is valuable itself. Perhaps the poster child for this practice is former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., who serves as a 'strategic counsel' to corporate clients from his perch at law firm DLA Piper. When he took the job in 2009 (having left another law firm, Alston & Bird, to do so), Daschle told the New York Times that 'I've not made a call nor made a visit since I left the Senate on behalf of a client. And I don't have any expectation that I'll do that in the future.'

But Daschle, who is not a lawyer, has been paid millions of dollars to explain to companies how navigate Capitol Hill and influence policy. He may not lobby lawmakers directly, but he works with his firm's lobbyists to help further his clients' goals. Daschle's close ties to the Obama administration were a particular asset during the health care law fight to Alston & Bird, which represents many pharmaceutical and health care companies. 'Among the services Daschle offers are tips on the personalities and policy proclivities of members of Congress he has known for decades,' Bloomberg Businessweek reported in 2009.

Another lawmaker who has effectively leveraged his Washington connections is former Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who insisted before leaving office in 2010 that he would not engage in lobbying. He went on to become the head of the Motion Picture Association of America, which effectively made the former Senate Banking Committee chairman the top lobbyist for Hollywood. Dodd's focus now is on trying to help ease passage of content-protection bills like SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, which looked likely to pass Congress one year ago before an outpouring of opposition from Silicon Valley and the public. Early this year, Dodd warned publicly that lawmakers who expect donations from Hollywood 'need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who's going to stand up for them when their job is at stake.'

It's not just lawmakers: After working for Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., the leading climate change skeptic in Washington, staffer Tom Hassenboehler went to work as a lobbyist for America's Natural Gas Alliance, a lobby for the oil and gas industry. Former White House heath care policy official Liz Fowler earlier this month left her position to work in government affairs and policy for Johnson & Johnson, where she will presumably work to influence full implementation of the health care law to the benefit of the pharmaceutical giant. And they are just two examples in a large pool: More than 4,000 current lobbyists at one point worked as congressional staffers.

This sort of 'revolving door' activity has largely become an accepted component of Washington life. There have been some efforts to clamp down: Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., says he plans to reintroduce a bill that would require lobbyists to report their meetings with members of Congress, among other reforms. But the current version of the bill is stalled in committee, and would seem to have little chance to get any further next time around. The American League of Lobbyists is pushing to crack down on the practice of lobbying without registering as a lobbyist, and the American Bar Association has sought to increase disclosure requirements and ban lobbyists from raising money for members they are currently lobbying.

Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., who has cosponsored a bill to permanently bar former members of Congress from becoming registered lobbyists, told CBS News and the Center for Responsive Politics that doing so 'sends lawmakers a clear message: Americans come first.'

'We expect elected officials to listen to the public's interests, not those of members-turned-lobbyists, and this common sense measure is the first in a series of steps to bring more accountability and transparency to Washington,' he said. (It's worth noting that Tester took more than a half million dollars from lobbyists in the 2012 election cycle.)

Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, said 'the revolving door between Congress and K Street has got to stop, permanently.'

'The current lobby ban does not go far enough to end the cozy relationship former members of Congress turned lobbyists enjoy when they leave office,' he added.

It's too early to know what most of the outgoing lawmakers from the current Congress will do next. But the Center for Responsive Politics, working with Remapping Debate, has calculated where the members of the last Congress have ended up. Nearly one third of the lawmakers who have found jobs now work for a lobbying firm, and another 44 percent work for a lobbying client or private organization.

Some of those jobs are not necessarily tied to a lawmakers' influence, but in many cases it's not hard to draw a line between that influence and his or her new position. One recent example is Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., who is leaving the Senate to head the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation. Another is former Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., who jumped to former top contributor J.P. Morgan.

Overall, 318 members of Congress have lobbied at some point between 1998 and 2012, including 153 who lobbied at some point in 2012. 163 former members of Congress engaged in direct lobbying in 2009, while many others made money as a result of their connections without actually registering as a lobbyist.

Among those who have publicly defended the practice of lawmakers becoming lobbyists is lawmaker-turned-lobbyist Vic Fazio of California, who told the New York Times, 'Clearly when you've been in the public sector, you know the system, you know the arguments that are most effective. You can be a very effective advocate.'

Sheila Krumholz, Executive Director of the Center for Responsive Politics, doesn't disagree.

'Former members and staffers are clear assets who can potentially offer clients shortcuts and a leg up on their competition,' she said. 'They have expertise on the issues, they know how to navigate the halls of Congress, and they have personal connections. To have a former member lobbying on your behalf is like hitting a home run -- but they're paid top dollar for their work and hiring one is expensive. So while they make effective advocates, the question is: are we getting policy based on the merits or the money?'

Center for Responsive Politics Research Director Sarah Bryner contributed to this report.

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