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Segun Oruame in Nigeria ... Your work and your friends

Your work and your friends

From: Peter Burgess Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics
To: Segun Oruame
Date: March 5, 2013

Dear Segun

I was just wondering whether you ever knew Guido Sohne. He died a few years ago, but was both a friend and very active as a proponent of FOSS, especially as it could be used in the African technology environment.

I think one of the reasons why I embraced the work that Guido was doing with Open Source technology initiatives was a very negative experience I had with Microsoft in 1991 when I was working in connection with the independence of Namibia. About three months after Independence, the University was given an ultimatum by the Microsoft sponsored software audit group to either pay all software license fees or face aggressive legal action. As a 'planner' in the early days of the new nation, I was appalled, and have avoided MS products to the extent that I can ever since in protest.

May I wish you well with your work

Peter Burgess
Peter Burgess

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