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Unified Field Corporation (UFC)

Unified Field Corporation (UFC) ... Regenerative Community Initiative


Peter Burgess

Regenerative Community Initiative

Sustainability + Compassion + Courage

UFC’s Regenerative Community Initiative is how the work of the Unified Field Corporation begins in a community. Through this initiative we partner with committed people in communities who are ready to accelerate their progress toward resiliency, regeneration and self-reliance.

Looking at how millions of people are contributing to moving our communities forward along the Road to Sustainability, we see an enormous amount of great work being done and generating inspiring results. However when we evaluate our progress in relation to the goal of 100% sustainability in all 9 Areas, we still have a very long way to go; and we don’t have an endless amount of time in which to get there.

UFC is purposed to proliferate common sense innovations in the banking industry that will provide banks with a path to embracing their true purpose: to steward healthy local economies.

We work with each community to discover its strengths and unique characteristics that fuel its success. Phase One of the RCI includes several months of education and outreach, meetings, asset mapping specific to early projects and collaborative work designed to bring vision, strategy, leadership commitments and grass roots local funding to implement high impact projects to help build a more resilient local econom

An accelerated movement of sustainable work needs to begin in our communities now. Planning and implementing high impact projects in one or more of the 9 Areas will accomplish many things simultaneously; all useful in moving us forward faster and more powerfully along the Road to Sustainability:

  • More Green Jobs
  • Expanding the affordability and availability of organic local food, clean renewable energy and other vital resources
  • Awareness of how the environmental, social and cultural bottom lines can work together to create a healthy community that is also prosperous for all community members
  • Cohesiveness of a community’s culture arising out of the awareness that we can and must make these practical and necessary changes together
  • A practical demonstration to state and federal bank industry regulators of the real strength of sustainable local economics; how improving the flow of local capital can affect the resiliency and prosperity of a community. This will form the basis of a community’s application, submitted as the local RCI work is beginning, for permission to organize and operate a locally owned Unified Field Bank™

UFC is purposed to the proliferation of common sense innovations in the banking industry that will provide banks throughout the country with a path to embracing their true purpose: to steward healthy local economies. This is very different than what is happening now.

In order to improve how banks are empowered to embrace their true purpose and empower others to work together toward this common good, and to do so within the existing rule of law, we must integrate this thinking into the very beginning of our relationship with the regulatory arm of the banking industry.

We’ve established the RCI as a way to begin independent, pre-bank work on real projects that need to happen now, regardless of the outcome or timing of a successful bank application.

By serving the community’s needs in this way we also create a practical demonstration for the regulators of how our banks, as approved and organized, can add even more capital, education and collaboration to the work that we are already beginning, and will continue to expand upon, independent of the outcome of the application process.

Read about the 3 Phases of RCI.

The RCI has a threefold purpose:

  • Clarify the vision for, plan, fund and implement high impact local projects in one or more of the 9 Areas of Sustainability
  • Connect a community’s tremendous grass roots funding potential to implementation of these projects – keeping local money working locally to improve the lives of all community members.
  • Applying these principles as a demonstration of sustainable local whole systems economics within an application for permission to organize and operate a locally owned Unified Field Bank™
Are you and your community ready to advance on your Road to Sustainability?

Our initiative starts by building a relationship together and finding alignment in our values and goals. Unified FIeld Corporation begins with you and your stakeholder group through a series of RCI Leadership Trainings to provide you with the understanding and tools to create success for you and your community.

If you and members of your community are interested and ready to host the RCI in your area, we invite you to email us at info at unified field corporation dot com.

RCI Team and Coordinators

  • • Shiloh Boss, systems and organizational development strategist, facilitator and asset development; RCI Program Developer
  • • Victoria Zelin, Coordinator for Central New Jersey, coordination support for New York City and Boulder
  • • Lois Wilkins, Co-Coordinator for Chicago, Illinois
  • • Chris Faison, Coordinator for Boulder and Denver, Colorado
  • • Ola Abney, Coordinator for Seattle, Washington
  • • Oona Mourier, Coordinator for Sebastopol, California
  • • David Rose, Coordinator for West Sonoma County (Petaluma/Santa Rosa), California
  • • Elizabeth Taylor, Coordinator oversight for Oakland, California
  • • Barbara Siemens, Coordinator for Culver City, California
  • • David LeFevre, Coordinator for Maui, Hawaii
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.