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Unified Field Corporation (UFC)

Unified Field Corporation (UFC) ... Phases of the Regenerative Communities Initiative


Peter Burgess

Phases of the Regenerative Communities Initiative

Phase I

Local RCI teams will form a Regenerative Community Development Company (RCDC). These for profit sustainable project development companies will identify early high impact projects, plan and prepare them for grass roots community implementation funding. As project funding is being arranged, the RCDC will also submit an application for permission to organize a local Unified Field Bank™(UFB). RCDC project funding IS NOT contingent on bank application approval, so the bank application process, while being initiated by the RCDC, is effectively independent.

As bank applications can be approved and capitalized, we are of course excited at the possibility of adding the power of the UFB to expand future sustainable project work in the community! However it’s important to develop real and independent grass roots methods of funding these projects, which UFC in partnership with its RCDC is doing now.

Phase II

While bank applications are being reviewed and considered, the work continues. RCI projects will be funded and implemented via non-bank grass roots financing. The work of the RCI will be accomplished in cooperation with other social entrepreneurs and social enterprise excited by being part of accelerating their community’s progress toward sustainability. The RCDCs, as sustainable and collaborative project development companies, will also work with teams of entrepreneurs in these project areas to expand the positive, near term impact they can create together.

Phase III

Upon receipt of all the necessary approvals to organize a local bank, the RCDC will incorporate a local Bank Holding Company and begin to work with UFC on the steps required to open the local Unified Field Bank™ and so further accelerate the rebuilding of our communities. Through the power of system wide association and collaboration among RCDCs and UFBs, and through nationwide media alliances enhancing mainstream awareness of the benefits of collaborative, compassionate commerce focused on sustainable project development, a critical mass in the number of participating communities is expected to be reached over the next 5 -10 years. The work will grow rapidly because it meets the need for the positive change movement to empower itself to fund and implement the scale of regenerative work it has been envisioning for years.

If you and members of your community are interested and ready to host the RCI in your area, we invite you to email us at info at unified field corporation dot come

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