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Joey Renert

Joey Renert is working on an SMS system for data collection at the community level

A message sent on March 10. 2013

Your fascinating career ... and current goal

You have had ... are having ... a fascinating career, and I find your current goal of an SMS based information system to facilitate field input about accountability is especially exciting. I have done some parallel thinking about this problem / opportunity and I would be happy to share with you if you are interested. - Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess

Joey Renert President and Founder at Norgenter International ChinaInternational Affairs Previous US Embassy Beijing, World Food Programme, GH Tech Education California State University, Northridge 84 connectionsSend a messageSuggest connectionsMore options Contact Info BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over the past two decades, my international affairs career consists of having lived on five continents and working with officials from all corners of the globe on events that ranged from the peaceful Olympic Games to the conflict in Darfur, and from the tsunami disaster in Indonesia to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. EXPERIENCE President and Founder Norgenter International February 2011 – Present (2 years 2 months) Coming soon: A new disaster/economic aid technology for aid implementers that uses mobile phone SMS and the internet for instant transparency. It allows aid money spending to be tracked in real-time over the internet and provides beneficiary communities with a sustainable way to achieve long-lasting economic growth. Updates will be posted on my Google+ page. Environment, Science, Technology & Health US Embassy Beijing August 2009 – January 2011 (1 year 6 months) Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Climate Change UN Camp Manager, Port au Prince World Food Programme February 2010 – April 2010 (3 months) My blog while I was there: Program Manager GH Tech September 2008 – June 2009 (10 months) Program Manager, PEPFAR Zambia, US Embassy Lusaka US Department of State November 2006 – June 2008 (1 year 8 months) Election Monitor, Zambia 2006 Presidential Election U.S. Department of State 2006 – 2006 (less than a year) PEPFAR - HIV/AIDS Program Advisor United Nations High Commission for Refugees May 2006 – October 2006 (6 months) Head of Support Operations for Tsunami Emergency in Aceh Province UN World Food Programme March 2005 – January 2006 (11 months) Darfur Investigation Logistics & Research Consultant Physicians for Human Rights January 2005 – March 2005 (3 months) International Relations Research Assistant / Resident Director The Fletcher School, Tufts University 2003 – December 2004 (1 year) Olympic Games Consultant Self-employed 2000 – 2002 (2 years) International Relations Manager, Asia Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) 1997 – 2000 (3 years) International Relations Coordinator, Americas & Oceania Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG) 1994 – 1996 (2 years) EDUCATION California State University, Northridge BA, Linguistics, Asian Studies Tufts University - The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy MALD, International Relations

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