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User Agreements
Turbo Tax



Peter Burgess

INTUIT SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT TURBOTAX DESKTOP SOFTWARE—TAX YEAR 2012 A. INTUIT GENERAL END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.  Thank you for selecting the Software offered by Intuit Consumer Group Inc. or its Affiliates (referred to as 'Intuit,' 'we,' 'our,' or 'us'). Please review these license terms ('Agreement') thoroughly. This Agreement is a legal agreement between you and Intuit. By clicking 'I AGREE,' indicating acceptance electronically, accessing or using the Software, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to this Agreement, then do not indicate acceptance of the Agreement and do not use the Software. 1. AGREEMENT 1.1 This Agreement describes the terms governing your use of the Intuit Software including content, updates and new releases (collectively, the “Software”) and gives you certain rights and responsibilities depending on the software license you selected, purchased or subscribed to, as more fully described herein. The Agreement includes by reference: Intuit's Privacy Statement available on the website or provided to you in writing for the Software you selected; Additional Terms and Conditions for the Software that you have selected, including any licenses, terms of service or other terms of use from third parties offered in connection with the Software; and Any terms provided separately to you for the Software, including for example, web or email product or program terms, ordering, activation, pricing and payment terms, where applicable. 1.2 An 'Affiliate' means all Intuit companies and subsidiaries that directly or indirectly, control or are controlled by Intuit, or are under the common control with Intuit. As used in this Agreement, control means equity ownership of fifty percent (50%) or greater interest in the voting shares held by an entity. 2. LICENSE GRANT AND RESTRICTIONS 2.1 The Software is protected by copyright, trade secret, and other intellectual property laws. You are only granted certain limited rights to install and use the Software, and Intuit reserves all other rights in the Software not granted to you in writing herein. As long as you meet any applicable payment obligations and comply with this Agreement, Intuit grants you a personal, limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the Software only for the period of use provided in the ordering and activation terms, as set forth in this Agreement, or in accordance with Intuit’s then-current product discontinuation policies, as updated from time to time, and only for the purposes described by Intuit for the Software. 2.2 You acknowledge and agree that the Software is licensed, not sold. You agree not to use the Software in a manner that violates any applicable law, regulation or this Agreement. For example, unless authorized by Intuit in writing, you agree you will not: Provide access to or give the Software or any part of the Software to any third party; Reproduce, duplicate, copy, deconstruct, reverse-engineer, sell, trade or resell the Software; Transfer your license to the Software to any other party; Attempt unauthorized access to any other Intuit systems that are not part of the Software; Permit any third party to benefit from the use or functionality of the Software via a rental, lease, timesharing, service bureau, hosting service, or other arrangement; or Upload, host, use or access the Software via a timesharing, service bureau, virtualization, application hosting or other remote access arrangement. If you violate any of these terms, this Agreement and your license to use the Software may be terminated by Intuit in its sole discretion. 3. PAYMENT. For Software licensed on a payment or subscription basis, the following terms apply, unless Intuit notifies you otherwise in writing. This Agreement also incorporates by reference and includes program ordering and payment terms provided to you for the Software: Payments will be billed to you in U.S. dollars, and your account will be debited when you subscribe and provide your payment information, unless stated otherwise in the program ordering or payment terms on the website for the Software. You must pay with one of the following: A valid credit card acceptable to Intuit; A valid debit card acceptable to Intuit; Sufficient funds in a checking or savings account to cover an electronic debit of the payment due; or By another payment option Intuit provides to you in writing. If your payment and registration information is not accurate, current and complete, and you do not notify us promptly when such information changes, we may immediately suspend or terminate your account, terminate your license and refuse any further use of the Software. Intuit will automatically renew your monthly, quarterly, or annual subscription at the then-current rates, as required for you to maintain access to the Software, unless your license to the Software is cancelled or terminated under this Agreement. Additional cancellation or renewal terms may be provided to you on the website for the Software. 4. TRIAL VERSIONS AND BETA FEATURES. If you registered for a trial use of the Software ('Trial Period'), you must decide to purchase a Software license within the Trial Period in order to retain any Content (defined in Section 6) that you have entered into the Software, created within the Software data file, posted or uploaded during the Trial Period. If you do not purchase a Software license by the end of the Trial Period, your Content will no longer be available to you. To be very clear, after using the Software during the trial period, if you decide not to purchase the license to the full version of the Software, you will not be able to access or retrieve any of the data you added or created with the software during the trial. 5. YOUR PRIVACY AND PERSONAL INFORMATION. You can view Intuit’s Privacy Statement on the Intuit website, or via a link on the website for the Software you have selected. You agree to be bound by the applicable Intuit Privacy Statement, subject to change in accordance with its terms. Most importantly, you agree: To Intuit maintaining your data according to the Intuit Privacy Statement, as part of the Software. To give Intuit permission to aggregate your non-personally identifiable data which you enter or upload with that of other users of the Software. By way of example, this means that Intuit may use that aggregated data to improve services, design promotions, or provide ways for you to compare business practices with other users. Intuit is a global company and may access or store personal information in multiple countries, including countries outside of the European Union that may be deemed to have inadequate protections by European Union Data Protection Authorities. When you agree to this Agreement, you agree to this practice. 6. CONTENT 6.1 You are responsible for your content. You are legally responsible for all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ('Content') uploaded, posted or stored through your use of the Software. You grant Intuit a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to host and use any Content provided through your use of the Software. You agree not to use the Software for any illegal purpose or in violation of any applicable local, state, federal or international law. You are encouraged to archive your Content regularly and frequently. You are responsible for any Content that may be lost or unrecoverable through your use of the Software. You agree that you will not use the Software to share, store, or in any way distribute financial data that is not in accordance with the law. Any users suspected of having information which involves fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, support for terrorism, or any other activity proscribed by law may have their accounts terminated, their financial data erased, and they also may be reported to law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdictions. Intuit is not responsible for the Content or data you provide through your use of the Software. You agree not to use the Software to upload, post, distribute, link to, publish, reproduce, engage in or transmit any of the following, including but not limited to: Illegal, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, harassing, offensive, inappropriate or objectionable information or communications of any kind, including without limitation conduct that would encourage or constitute an attack or 'flaming' others, or criminal or civil liability under any local, state, federal or foreign law; Content or data that would impersonate someone else or falsely represent your identity or qualifications, or that constitutes a breach of any individual’s privacy, including posting images about children or any third party without their consent (or a parent's consent in the case of a minor); Except as otherwise permitted by Intuit in writing, advertisements, solicitations, investment opportunities, chain letters, pyramid schemes, other unsolicited commercial communication or engage in spamming or flooding; Virus, trojan horse, worm or other disruptive or harmful software or data; and Any information, software or Content which is not legally yours and may be protected by copyright or other proprietary right, or derivative works, without permission from the copyright owner or intellectual property rights owner. 6.2 Community forums. The Software may include access to a community forum to exchange information with other users of the Software and the public. Please use respect when you interact with other users. Intuit does not support and is not responsible for the accuracy of others’ content in these community forums. Do not reveal information in the community forum that you do not want to make public. Users may post hypertext links to content hosted and maintained by third parties for which Intuit is not responsible. Intuit may, but has no obligation to, monitor Content provided on the community forum. We may disclose any information necessary or appropriate to satisfy our legal obligations, protect Intuit or its customers, or operate the Software properly. Intuit, in its sole discretion, may refuse to post, remove, or refuse to remove, any Content, in whole or in part, alleged to be unacceptable, undesirable, inappropriate, or in violation of this Agreement. 6.3 Intuit may freely use feedback you provide. You agree that Intuit may use your feedback, suggestions, or ideas in any way, including in future modifications of the Software, other products or services, advertising or marketing materials. You grant Intuit a perpetual, worldwide, fully transferable, sub licensable, irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty free license to use the feedback you provide to Intuit in any way. Intuit will not sell, publish or share your feedback in a way that could identify you without your explicit permission. 7. ADDITIONAL TERMS YOU AGREE TO 7.1 Intuit does not give professional advice. Intuit is not in the business of providing legal, financial, accounting, health care, real estate or other professional services or advice. Consult the services of a competent professional when you need this type of assistance. 7.2 We may tell you about other Intuit services. You may be offered other services, features, products, applications, online communities, or promotions provided by Intuit ('Intuit Services'). If you decide to use any of these Intuit Product or Services, additional terms and conditions and separate fees may apply. You acknowledge that in accessing some Intuit Services you may upload or enter data such as names, addresses and phone numbers, purchases, and other data to the Internet. You grant Intuit permission to use information you provide and about your experience so that we can provide the Intuit Services to you, monitor and analyze your use of the services, maintain and update your data, and address errors or service interruptions. We may use this data to improve services, enhance future services, identify potentially relevant offers, and produce anonymous research data. You grant Intuit permission to combine the data you have entered or uploaded with that of others in a way that does not identify you or any individual personally. You also grant Intuit permission to share or publish summary results relating to such research data and to distribute or license such data to third parties. 7.3 We may tell you about third party products or services. Subject to the Intuit Privacy Statement, Intuit may offer products and services on behalf of third parties who are not affiliated with Intuit ('Third Party Products') or the Software may contain links to third party websites ('Third Party Sites').You agree that Intuit can use your contact information, including name and address, for the purpose of offering these products to you in accordance with your stated Intuit contact preferences. If you decide to use any Third Party Products or access any Third Party Sites, you are responsible for reviewing the third party’s separate product terms, website terms and privacy policies. You agree that the third parties, and not Intuit, are responsible for their product’s performance and the content on their websites. Intuit is not affiliated with these Third Party Products or Third Party Sites and has no liability for them. 7.4 Communications choices. Intuit may be required by law to send you communications about the Software or Third Party Products. You agree that Intuit may send these communications to you via email or by posting them on one of our sponsored websites. We may also send business communications such as confirmations or notices, which will be delivered to you via email or posted on our websites. You are required to receive these communications. You can choose not to receive some types of communication, such as marketing messages. 7.5 You will track your passwords and accept updates. You are responsible for securely managing your password(s) for access to the Software. If you become aware of any unauthorized access to your Software account, theft or loss of your password, you agree to contact Intuit as soon as possible. The Software may periodically be updated with tools, utilities, improvements, third party applications, or general updates to improve and enhance the features and performance of the Software. 8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 8.1 YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND CONTENT ACCESSIBLE THROUGH THE SOFTWARE IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. EXCEPT AS DESCRIBED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS.' TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, INTUIT, ITS AFFILIATES, AND ITS THIRD PARTY SERVICE OR DATA PROVIDERS, LICENSORS, DISTRIBUTORS OR SUPPLIERS (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS, 'SUPPLIERS'') DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, DATA LOSS, NON-INTERFERENCE WITH OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, QUALITY OR CONTENT IN OR LINKED TO THE SOFTWARE. INTUIT AND ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS SECURE, FREE FROM BUGS, VIRUSES, INTERRUPTION, ERRORS, THEFT OR DESTRUCTION. FURTHER, INTUIT DOES NOT WARRANT ACCESS TO THE INTERNET OR TO ANY OTHER SERVICE, CONTENT OR DATA TRANSMITTED THROUGH THE SOFTWARE. IF THE EXCLUSIONS FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES DO NOT APPLY TO YOU, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE OR DELIVERY OF THE SERVICES, WHICHEVER IS SOONER. 8.2 INTUIT AND ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL SATISFY OR ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY LEGAL OBLIGATIONS OR LAWS OR REGULATIONS. THIS DISCLAIMER APPLIES TO BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 1996 ('HIPAA'), THE GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT OF 1999, THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002, OR OTHER FEDERAL OR STATE STATUTES OR REGULATIONS. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF INTUIT, AND ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS FOR ALL MATTERS OR CLAIMS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE DURING THE TWELVE (12) MONTHS PRIOR TO SUCH CLAIM. SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAW, INTUIT AND ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; (B) DAMAGES RELATING TO FAILURES OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, THE INTERNET, ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS, CORRUPTION, SECURITY, LOSS OR THEFT OF DATA, VIRUSES, SPYWARE, LOSS OF BUSINESS, REVENUE, PROFITS OR INVESTMENT, OR USE OF SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE THAT DOES NOT MEET INTUIT SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS. THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS APPLY EVEN IF INTUIT AND ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS AGREEMENT SETS FORTH THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF INTUIT, ITS AFFILIATES AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND ITS USE. You agree to indemnify and hold Intuit and its Affiliates and Suppliers harmless from any and all claims, liability and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of your use of the Software or breach of this Agreement (collectively referred to as 'Claims'). Intuit reserves the right, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any Claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by Intuit in the defense of any Claims. 10. CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SOFTWARE. We may change this Agreement from time to time, and the changes will be effective when posted on our website for the Software or when we notify you by other means. Please review the Agreement periodically on the website for changes. We have the right to change any of the terms of this Agreement upon reasonable notice to you. We may also change or discontinue the Software, in whole or in part, including but not limited to, any feature or aspect of the Software, Internet based services, pricing, technical support options, and other product-related policies. Your continued use of the Software after Intuit posts or otherwise notifies you of any changes, indicates your agreement to the changes. 11. TERMINATION. Intuit may immediately and without notice terminate this Agreement or suspend or terminate the license to the Software if you fail to comply with these terms or if you no longer agree to receive electronic communications (see Section 7.4). Upon any termination you must immediately stop using and delete or destroy all copies of the Software and any outstanding payments will become due. Any termination of this Agreement shall not affect Intuit’s rights to any payments due to it. Intuit may terminate a free account at any time. Other requirements regarding termination or cancellation of your license to the Software may apply based on the specific ordering or activation terms for the Software. Sections 1.2, 5, and 8 through 16 will survive and remain in effect even if the Agreement is terminated, cancelled or rescinded. 12. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that this website, the Software, and the underlying software may include U.S. technical data subject to restrictions under export control laws and regulations administered by the United States government. You agree that you will comply with these laws and regulations, and will not export or re-export the Software, or any part of the Software, in violation of these laws and regulations, directly or indirectly. You also agree not to provide access to any part of the Software to anyone who you have reason to know may use the Software in the development of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. 13. GOVERNING LAW. California state law governs this Agreement without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. 14. DISPUTES. ANY DISPUTE OR CLAIM RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THE INTUIT SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING ARBITRATION, RATHER THAN IN COURT, except that you may assert claims in small claims court if your claims qualify. The Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision; the arbitrator shall apply California law to all other matters. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any party to the arbitration may at any time seek injunctions or other forms of equitable relief from any court of competent jurisdiction. WE EACH AGREE THAT ANY AND ALL DISPUTES MUST BE BROUGHT IN THE PARTIES' INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING.  BY ENTERING INTO THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREEING TO ARBITRATION, YOU AGREE THAT YOU AND INTUIT ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO FILE A LAWSUIT AND THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY. IN ADDITION, YOU AGREE TO WAIVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR LITIGATE ON A CLASS-WIDE BASIS. YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE EXPRESSLY AND KNOWINGLY WAIVED THESE RIGHTS.  To begin an arbitration proceeding, send a letter requesting arbitration and describing your claim to Intuit Inc., in care of our registered agent Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. Arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) before a single AAA arbitrator under the AAA’s rules, which are available at or by calling 1-800-778-7879. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees and costs will be governed by the AAA's rules, but if you are unable to pay any of them, Intuit will pay them for you.  In addition, Intuit will reimburse all such fees and costs for claims totaling less than $75,000 unless the arbitrator determines the claims are frivolous. Likewise, Intuit will not seek its attorneys’ fees or costs in arbitration unless the arbitrator determines your claims or defenses are frivolous. You may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, based on written submissions, or in person in the county where you live or at another mutually agreed location. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and not appealable, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. This Section 14 shall survive expiration, termination or recession of this Agreement. 15. LANGUAGE. Any translation of this Agreement is done for local requirements and in the event of a dispute between the English and any non-English version, the English version of this Agreement shall govern. The parties hereby confirm that they have requested that this Agreement and all related documents be drafted in English. Les parties ont exigé que le présent contrat et tous les documents connexes soient rédigés en anglais. 16. GENERAL. This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Intuit and replaces all prior understandings, communications and agreements, oral or written, regarding its subject matter. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by the parties or as provided in this Agreement in Section 10 above. If any court of law, having the jurisdiction, rules that any part of this Agreement is invalid, that section will be removed without affecting the remainder of the Agreement. The remaining terms will be valid and enforceable. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. You cannot assign or transfer ownership of this Agreement to anyone. However, Intuit may assign or transfer it without your consent to (a) an Affiliate, (b) another company through a sale of assets by Intuit or (c) a successor by merger. Any assignment in violation of this Section shall be void. August 2012 ______________________ B.  ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SOFTWARE Your license to use the Software provided by Intuit is subject to the General End User License Agreement terms above and the Additional Terms and Conditions which govern your use of the Software indicated below.  These Additional Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any conflict or inconsistency with the General End User License Agreement terms above. INTUIT TURBOTAX SOFTWARE ('TURBOTAX') USE LIMITATIONS.  IMPORTANT NOTICE.  IF YOU ARE USING THE INTUIT TURBOTAX SOFTWARE, THE FOLLOWING TERMS APPLY TO YOU IN ADDITION TO THE GENERAL END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS ABOVE.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined below have the meanings provided in the General End User License Agreement. Products and Services Covered. In addition to the TurboTax federal and/or state tax preparation software (“TurboTax”), the term “Software” as used in this Agreement includes: (i) the ItsDeductible donation valuation service that you will be presented with an opportunity to use if you select certain versions of the Software, (ii) the Software’s related internet–based components, and (iii) any updates or maintenance releases that we may provide or make available for the Software. This Agreement also includes certain special provisions and disclosures relating to services provided by Third Party providers, including Refund Processing Services permitting you to have any fees paid from the proceeds of your tax refund. Those provisions include use of your bank account information to permit your bank account to be debited in certain circumstances. See B.3 and B.9, below. Some Software and Services may be accompanied by, and will be subject to, additional terms. Supplemental License Grant and Restrictions. In addition to the General License Grant you may: (I) install and use a copy of the Software on one or more computers owned by you (at home or at work); (ii) use the Software only to prepare, print and/or electronically file federal 2012 tax year returns and related state tax returns as described below; and (iii) make one backup copy of the Software for personal use as permitted under this license grant. A. TurboTax Basic, Deluxe, Premier, Home & Business. For TurboTax Basic, TurboTax Deluxe Federal-only and TurboTax Premier Federal-only (i.e., the Deluxe or Premier versions that contain functionality only to prepare a federal return): a. You may prepare, print and e-file federal returns. b. Additional charges apply for State returns and for State e-filing. For TurboTax Deluxe, Premier, and Home & Business: a. You may prepare, print and e-file federal and State returns. b. Additional charges apply for State e-filing. E-File Restrictions a. The IRS imposes a limit of five (5) federal e-files. b. TurboTax imposes a limit of three (3) State e-files per federal return. B. TurboTax Business. You may prepare, print and e-file forms 1120, 1120S, 1041 and 1065. You may prepare, print and e-file State returns, at an additional charge per business entity (e.g., after purchasing CA Partnership, you can prepare, print and e-file unlimited CA Partnership returns). The IRS imposes a limit of five (5) federal e-files. C. Additional Restrictions. You are not licensed or permitted under this Agreement to do any of the following: (1) allow any other person to use the Software; (2) rent, loan, resell, distribute, or redistribute the original CD or a copy of the Software to any other person or entity; (3) make the Software available on any file-sharing or application hosting service; (4) electronically send the Software to any other person; (5) copy the printed materials or user documentation accompanying the Software other than as necessary to support the uses permitted above; (6) use the Software for any commercial purpose (i.e., tax return preparation for a fee or other consideration); or (7) use the Software to electronically file more than five federal returns. Any person who received the Software through any of the forgoing prohibited methods, or through any method other than purchasing a license for this Software from Intuit or an Intuit authorized retailer, is not authorized to use such Software. You are not licensed or permitted to use the Software, or allow the Software to be used, to prepare tax returns, schedules or worksheets on a professional or commercial basis (i.e., for a preparer's or other fee or consideration). Additionally, you must indemnify and defend Intuit against any claims or lawsuits, including (without limitation) attorneys’ fees, that arise from or result from the use of the Software on a professional or commercial basis. You agree to register as a licensee of the Software (unless you obtained the Software directly from Intuit) so Intuit can notify you of updates or corrections to the Software and to obtain the benefit of any warranties or guarantees given or made by Intuit with respect to the Software or Intuit Services. In this regard, you agree to keep Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so Intuit can be notify you of such updates or corrections. Additionally, the IRS and state tax authorities may release certain final approved tax forms after the Software is made available. To ensure that you have the most up-to-date information and final approved forms, you must update your copy of the Software using its “Check for Updates” feature before printing or electronically filing your return. Privacy and Use of Personal and Tax Return Information.  At Intuit we place the highest importance on respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. Our most important asset is our relationship with you. We want you to feel comfortable and confident when using our products and services and with entrusting your personal and tax return information to us. Our full TurboTax Privacy Statement can be found by visiting .  To contact us with a question, visit Or write to us at: Privacy Team, Intuit Inc., 2800 East Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706. From time to time in the Software, you may be presented with information about Services or other opportunities that may interest you. You agree that each affirmative indication of further interest by you (including, but not limited to, entering your name, clicking on a “continue,” ”yes,” “show me more,” or other such button in the Software), supplemented by the provisions of this Agreement and as otherwise required by law, shall constitute your separate written consent for Intuit to use and display your tax return information in the Software to help you better understand that Service or opportunity. Each such consent shall be limited to its stated purpose. You also agree that your acceptance of a third party Refund Processing Service Agreement authorizes the sharing of the bank account information you provide to the provider and authorizes Intuit to debit your bank account for fees, charges, and any applicable taxes owed to Intuit if your tax refund is not sufficient in amount to pay for those fees, charges, and taxes (if any). You are responsible for protecting the information on your computer such as by installing anti-virus software, updating your software, password protecting your files, and not permitting third party physical or electronic access to your computer or tax files. TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee. Intuit works diligently to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using TurboTax. If you are a registered user who has updated your copy of TurboTax with the most recent update available prior to filing your return and reviewed your return for reasonableness and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest solely because of a calculation error on a form prepared using TurboTax, and not as a result of, among other things, your failure to enter all required information accurately, willful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information on your tax return, misclassification of information on the tax return, or failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit announced updates or corrections to TurboTax in time for you to file an amended return, then Intuit will pay you in the amount of the IRS or state penalty and/or interest paid by you to the IRS or state. (A 'registered user' is a user who either registers his/her TurboTax license purchase with Intuit, or has purchased a license to use TurboTax directly from Intuit). You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and providing any other information Intuit reasonably requests to validate your claim. Additional details at: If you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake (and in no event later than 30 days after the penalty or interest is assessed) at, or by mail at Intuit Inc. Consumer Group Tax Analyst, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson AZ 85706. Intuit will then contact you to resolve the issue. To resolve your matter, Intuit requires your TurboTax tax data file and other supporting information such as a copy of the IRS/state notice, evidence of payment of the specified penalty and/or interest, and a copy of your printed tax return. Maximum Refund (or Tax Savings) Guarantee or Your Money Back. If you are a registered user of TurboTax and you receive a larger refund amount or must pay a smaller tax due amount using another tax preparation method other than TurboTax, then Intuit will refund to you the applicable purchase price paid by you for the federal and/or state TurboTax product license you purchased. Claims must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the date you filed your tax return using TurboTax, but no later than December 15, 2013. All other fees are excluded including, electronic filing fees, Audit Defense, Professional Review, Tax Advice, Refund Processing Service and technical support fees.  This guarantee cannot be combined with the Satisfaction Guarantee in Section B.6 below. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to variations in data you provided for tax preparation or for positions taken by you or your preparer that are contrary to the law. If you received a larger refund amount or must pay a smaller tax due using another tax preparation method other than TurboTax, you must notify Intuit within sixty (60) days of the date you filed your tax return by submitting a claim with the following documents (i) Maximum Refund Guarantee Claim Request Summary, (ii) copy of your TurboTax store sales receipt or shipment packing slip, (iii) copy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (if applicable), and (iv) copy of your TurboTax data file, (v) copy of the printed return from TurboTax and the other tax preparation method, and (vi) letter stating your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method. Send it to Intuit Consumer Group Inc., Returns Department, 120 Hidden Lake Circle, Duncan, SC 29334. Please use a traceable mailing method and maintain copies of submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us. 6. Satisfaction Guaranteed (or Guaranteed Easy). If you do not accept this Agreement or if you are not satisfied with the Software, you may uninstall and delete all copies of the Software from your computer(s) and return it within 60 days of purchase to the store where you purchased your license with a dated receipt for a full refund. If the store is unable or unwilling to issue a refund or you obtained the Software directly from Intuit, you may uninstall and delete all copies of the Software and return the Software with a dated receipt or packing slip within 60 days of shipment via U.S. mail to Intuit Consumer Group Inc., Returns Department, PO Box 19004, Greenville, SC 29602-9004 or via UPS to Intuit Consumer Group Inc., Returns Department, 120 Hidden Lake Circle, Duncan, SC 29334. In the case where you purchased a license and obtained the Software directly from Intuit via an Internet download, you may submit a written request to Intuit including your name, contact and product order information to Intuit Consumer Group Inc., Returns Department, PO Box 19004, Greenville, SC 29602-9004. 7. Limited Warranty. If the CD on which the Software is stored is defective, then return the CD to Intuit Consumer Group Inc., Returns Department, PO Box 19004, Greenville, SC 29390-9004 within 60 days of shipment (or in the case of a retail license purchase, within 60 days of purchase) with a dated receipt or packing slip, and a replacement CD will be mailed to you. All warranties or guarantees given or made by Intuit with respect to the Software, Intuit Services or Tax Advice (1) are solely for the benefit of you as the registered user of the Software and are not transferable, and (2) shall be null and void if you breach any term or condition of this Agreement. 8. Intuit Services. Intuit may provide the following or additional Services. You are responsible for providing, at your expense, any access to the Internet and any required equipment. Intuit may at any time change or discontinue any aspect, availability or feature of the Services. Electronic Filing Services. If you choose to file your return electronically, your tax return will be forwarded to Intuit's Electronic Filing Center, where Intuit will transmit it to the applicable federal and/or state taxing authority. You are responsible for verifying the status of your return to confirm that it has been received and accepted by the applicable taxing authority and, if necessary, for filing it manually in the event that the taxing authority rejects your electronically filed return (e.g., if the taxpayer name and SSN don’t match). The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) requires Intuit to notify it, in connection with the electronic filing of your tax return, of the Internet Protocol (“IP”) address of the computer from which the return originated and whether the email address of the person electronically filing the return has been collected. By using this electronic filing service to prepare and submit your tax return, you consent to the disclosure to the IRS and any other tax or revenue authority of all information relating to your use of the Electronic Filing Services. Review and Save Your Return. You agree to review your tax return before electronically filing or mailing it and to print and save a copy (printed and electronic) of any tax return prepared using the Software for your records. Furthermore, Intuit strongly encourages you to save (or download and save) your TurboTax data file. To the extent required by applicable law and regulation, lntuit stores and maintains information that you provide to Intuit. Intuit is not required or obligated to provide you with copies of this information. If you require a copy of your tax return, you must contact the IRS. Import Services. The Software includes a feature that allows you to import certain tax-related information from participating payroll processors and financial institutions, personal financial software such as Quicken®, business financial software such as QuickBooks® and charitable deduction information from ItsDeductible software. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information that is imported. Tax Advice. The Software includes a feature that connects you to an Intuit Tax Advice service to obtain answers to tax questions. Internet access is required to use this service. If you choose to use it, you understand and agree that neither Intuit nor the Intuit Tax Advice service advisor will sign your tax return as the paid preparer of the return. Service levels and availability will vary based on demand and capacity and are subject to change without notice. To ensure a good experience and appropriate levels of coverage for everyone using the service, the tax expert may terminate the communication at his/her sole discretion after 20 minutes, or if it is otherwise determined that you are misusing or unnecessarily extending the duration of the communication. The full terms and conditions governing the Intuit Tax Advice service will be available on the Tax Advice service web site (accessible from, and by accessing and using the Tax Advice service, you agree to be bound by those terms and conditions, which supplement, and supersede where inconsistent, this Agreement. Help and Support. Intuit may use a variety of methods (e.g., in-product, Internet, chat, e-mail and phone) to provide technical support and customer service in connection with the Software and Intuit Services. The terms and conditions governing the offering of this support, some of which require the payment of an additional fee, are subject to change as announced by Intuit from time to time. Consult the TurboTax Help and Support Web site (currently, for the most up-to-date information relating to this support and any associated charges, as well as updates to the Software. TurboTax tax preparation and ItsDeductible donation valuation service for tax year 2012 are subject to discontinuation and shall not be supported beyond October 15, 2015. Updates.  Internet access is required to obtain updates to the TurboTax software. Upon installing TurboTax for Windows for the first time, a Windows-based service will also be installed named the “Intuit Update Service.”  This service will continue to run on your system in the background regardless of whether TurboTax is currently running.  In addition, during the installation process TurboTax for Windows will check your computer to determine if you have framework (version 4.0 or greater) and install these program updates if they are not already present on your computer. Installation of these programs is necessary for the installation and operation of TurboTax for Windows. If you subsequently delete TurboTax or choose to not continue with the installation process, these Microsoft programs will remain on your system. If you choose the “automatic” option for updates the Intuit Update Service will periodically check Intuit’s servers via the Internet for updates to TurboTax.  In addition, non-personally identifiable information about your computer system and the update process will be sent to Intuit.  If an update is available, it will be automatically downloaded to your computer and you will be prompted to install that update the next time you start TurboTax. If you choose the “ask me first” option for updates, the Intuit Update Service will still run in the background, but it will not check Intuit’s servers for updates to TurboTax until you confirm that you want it to check.  In addition, non-personally identifiable information about your computer system and the update process will be sent to Intuit.  Only non-personally identifiable information is provided to Intuit through the Intuit Update Service.  Intuit will use this information to improve the updating process and/or our products for our customers and our use is subject to our privacy policy which is described elsewhere in this Agreement. The Intuit Update Service will not apply for TurboTax for Macintosh. Other Services. You may be made aware of or offered services, features, products, applications, online communities, or promotions provided by Intuit (“Intuit Services”). If you decide to use Intuit Services, you may be subject to additional terms and conditions governing these Intuit Services and separate fees may apply. You acknowledge that in accessing certain Intuit Services through the Software you may upload or enter certain data from your account(s) such as names, addresses and phone numbers, purchases, and sales among others, to the Internet. You hereby grant Intuit permission to use information about your business and usage experience to enable us to provide the Intuit Services to you, including updating and maintaining your data, addressing errors or service interruptions, and to enhance the types of data and services Intuit may provide to you in the future.  You also grant Intuit permission to combine your business data, if any, with that of others in a way that does not identify you, your company or any individual personally to improve services and to compare business practices with other users. You also grant Intuit permission to create, market or promote new Intuit offerings based on your data. 9. Third Party Services. In connection with your use of the Software, you may be made aware of services, products, offers and promotions provided by third parties, and not by Intuit (“Third Party Services”) that may include refund processing, cost basis lookup, professional tax review, and audit defense, among others. If you decide to use Third Party Services, you are responsible for reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions as well as any fees, if any, governing any Third Party Services. You authorize Intuit to use and disclose your contact information, including name and address, for the purpose of making the Third Party Services you choose available to you. You agree that the third party, and not Intuit, is responsible for the performance of the Third Party Services. The Software may contain or reference links to websites operated by third parties (“Third Party Websites”). These links are provided as a convenience only. Intuit is not responsible for the content of any Third Party Website or any link contained in a Third Party Website. Intuit does not review, approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, or make any representations with respect to Third Party Websites, and the inclusion of any link in the Software is not and does not imply an affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, approval, investigation, verification or monitoring by Intuit of any data contained in, or any services made available through, any Third Party Website. In no event will Intuit be responsible for the information contained in such Third Party Website or for Licensees use of or inability to use such website. Access to any Third Party Website is at your own risk, and you acknowledge and understand that linked Third Party Websites may contain terms and privacy policies as well as fees that are different from those of Intuit. Intuit is not responsible for such provisions, and expressly disclaims any liability for use of such Third Party Services and Third Party Websites. If you sign up for the Refund Processing Service which enables you to deduct certain fees and any applicable tax from the proceeds of your tax refund, you authorize Intuit (through its third party processor) to debit these amounts (excluding the Refund Processing Service Fee) from the bank account you identify as your Direct Deposit Bank Account in the event that you do not receive a tax refund that is sufficient to pay for them. 10. Questions. You can contact Intuit by mail at Consumer Tax Group, Intuit Inc., 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706 or by calling 888-777-3066 if you have a question or concern about any product or service we sell over the Internet. The address and telephone number of the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs is:  400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814-6200, 800-952-5210. Date: November 2012

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