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Society as a System
Genuine Wealth Cycle

A critique of The Genuine Wealth proposition put forward by Mark Anielski back in 2007 ... and how to move forward now

My view of money profit accounting is that it works well for the organization, but does not work well for people, family, community and society. nor does it work well for the environment and the ecosystem in all its dimenstions. I have a criticism of Genuine Wealth that is similar.

In the case of Genuine Wealth, the Five Arenas of Genuine Wealth have focus that is on people while the organization and the broader environment are ignored externalities.

The 5 arenas of genuine wealth that are proposed by Mark Anielski are good for the individual, and these should be incorporated into the TrueValueMetrics framework together with other sets that reflect other dimensions of the whole system.

It is worth noting that the same set of data should be the basis for the metrics about state, progress and performance for every part of society, the economy and the ecosystem. The same data should drive all the different perspectives that are possible.

The Genuine Wealth Assessment Life Cycle Model is a step towards metrics and organization in a complex and chaotic system. It is logical, but may not be practical and therefore not very useful.

The key to good metrics is to have clarity about the actions, the outcomes, and the measures that relate one with the other.

The following is a graphic of the process proposed in 2007 by Mark Anielski. It is a logical way to get started, and can form the basis for analysis and then some more rigorous measurement process.

As a general rule, I do not like 'circular' graphics ... they do not lend themselves to numerical analysis, and especially change over time and trend analysis.

  1. Wellbeing check-up ... How's life?
  2. Value assessment ... What makes life worthwhile?
  3. Identification of wellbeing indicators ... How should we measure wellbeing and progress?
  4. Genuine wealth inventory and assessment ... Inventory and assess the strengths and weakness of human, social natural financingal and manufactured capital assets
  5. Genuine wealth balance sheet ... What is the current state of the wellbing and the communitiy's assets
  6. Wellbeing visioning ... What kind fo future wo we want
  7. State of wellbeing report
  8. Genuine wealth development project
I also argue for clarity about what changes slowly ... the state ... and what happens very rapidly, the activity transactions.
The following graphic that is part of the TrueValueMetrics background shows how data should be central to progress of the community.

In this there is a beginning state and an ending state, and there are activities in between that change the state and deliver progress or not. Performance is a function of the resources used to get from the beginning state to the ending state.

The Genuine Progress Indicator has been written up by Mark Anielski in a papre published around 2007. I can be seen here

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.