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Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn

SHEIKH MOUSSA DRAMMEH ... Founder at ... Greater New York City Area ... Media Production

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. What a pleasure to see you again the other day. Spencer has a wonderful and unusual group of friends. I am an optimist. Together we CAN change the world!
Peter Burgess

SHEIKH MOUSSA DRAMMEH Founder at Greater New York City AreaMedia Production Current, AFRICAN RAPID RELIEF MOBILIZATION, African News Services Previous Islamic Leadership School Education ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP SCHOOL 112 connectionsConnectSend InMailMore options Contact Info Background Summary Sheikh Moussa Drammeh is the Founding CEO of Mr. Drammeh’s passion for entrepreneurial development hails from his over 20 years work on Wall Street in the areas of Real Estate, Insurance and Investment Banking. He founded to initiate an online product and service interactive space where consumers on both Wall Street and Main Street can trade. Mr. Drammeh straddles between two corresponding aisles; the community and the corporate world. Mr. Drammeh’s passion to introduce is the existence of an over trillion dollar market size which has not yet been fully taken advantage of on the part of the Corporate and Business Community., therefore, exists as a global link. On the community side, he has led and inspired many community initiatives through which he has received a number of proclamations from elected officials including the New York City Mayors and New York State Governor. Mr. Drammeh is also the recipient of the New York Post Liberty Award for Leadership. He is the Executive Producer of African Union Profile and Public Emergency Managment Adherence (PEMA) television shows on Bronxnet Television. Specialties:Media commentator for Islamic issues and African Affairs. Experience Founder September 2012 – Present (8 months)New York City Event listing, event management, event announcement and event promotions. A site where all events are listed. (Open)2 projects Spokesperson AFRICAN RAPID RELIEF MOBILIZATION May 2012 – Present (1 year)2006 Westchester Avenue African Rapid Relief Mobilization (ARRC) is a project of the African Union Day Foundation. Founded in 2006, the African Union Day Foundation has been interfacing with diverse organizations and government entities interested in engaging in Africa’s social, economic and cultural affairs. The interested organizations and government entities have expressed a series of well intentioned ways through which the continent of Africa can be helped with a view to addressing, poverty, disease, illiteracy and unforeseen catastrophic disasters that have crippled the continent for centuries. While the African Union Day Foundation recognizes the fact that the challenges facing Africa cannot be addressed in a short space of time, there are some challenges that can be addressed by tapping into the existing and unused resources that interested organizations and government entities alike can contribute to Africa. For example, the Hospital Corporation has thousands of beds getting out of the hospital system every year, the companies that manufacture mosquito nets at times remain with an used mosquito nets, government entities are equipped various models of disaster and relief training that can be imparted to communities that need them. It is against the backdrop of the availability of untapped resources that the African Union Day aims to initiate the ARRCM as a humanitarian response program. Objectives: • Partner with government entities to educate, train and equip volunteers with effective tools of responding to disaster. • Create a storage space where requested items such housing material, social amenities equipment, will be stored while awaiting transportation to areas that will be plagued with disaster. • To facilitate workshops that will be aimed at interfacing respondents, donors and partners with cultural sensitivities when it comes to transporting aid and relief to Africa. CEO African News Services 2011 – Present (2 years) African News Services is your gateway to Africa and its Diaspora. Publisher Muslim Community Report Newspaper August 2011 – Present (1 year 9 months)NYC Muslim Community Report is a Bi-weekly Newspaper published in New York City. (Open)1 recommendation Arao Ameny Founder & Exec. Dir., Association of African Journalists & Writers | Social Media Editor/ Writer at UN Africa Renewal Sheikh Moussa Drammeh is the Publisher of the Muslim Community Report newspaper. He is passionate about helping and advocating for both Muslim and African communities in New York City. Mr. Drammeh is an asset to both communities, tirelessly working...View Host African Union Profile January 2011 – Present (2 years 4 months)Cable African Union Profile Television Show is an hour long weekly program in the Bronx, New York City. CEO HALALFINDER.COM January 2010 – Present (3 years 4 months) is an Online Halal Auction Market. Executive Director ADOPT-A-FRIEND June 2004 – Present (8 years 11 months)1270 Pugsley Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462 Adopt-A-Friend is a community-based, non-profit 501(C)(3) peace-promoting agency. It facilitates dialogues among all people for a healthy co-existance. 365+Acts™ A Societal Guide to a Better World Our world has been inundated with reports of hate, violent crimes, prejudice, abuses and other unfriendly acts committed against one another. Unfortunately, with the proliferation of ever-more instant modern communication tools, crimes and violence have been their biggest beneficiaries -receiving a nonstop all media publicity. Horrendous crimes are now receiving book offers and movie deals even during their court proceedings, making notorious Criminals legend, unscrupulous investors richer and prosecutors and defense Attorneys television actors, while at the same time exposing our families to all sorts of criminal elements from within. Without minimizing the impact of societal violence, there is however far more good deeds being done everyday without much attention paid to them. Sadly, promoting the stories of good-doers has not been the interest of our media tycoons. To counter this unacceptable phenomenon, we decided to inspire a book of positive acts as a daily reference against the media’s nonstop promotion of violence and sex to our children. We believe this would help protect our youth from imitating criminals at the same time promoting peaceful coexistence in our communities. After all, we are all a family with a common ancestor. This book again is intended to inspire us all to increase our noble acts, encourage others in doing the same, while make it a daily protection from the media’s over exposed unfriendly violent world. The book is open to the public for story submission. People can write their own humanitarian acts or that of other good-doers they know. There would be at least three hundred sixty five stories to provide the readers with at least one positive daily inspiration for the whole year. Principal Islamic Leadership School September 2001 – June 2009 (7 years 10 months) Islamic Leadership School is the first and only fulltime Islamic school in the Bronx. It is K-12. The school is one the four schools in New York City that established the 'Interfaith Living Museum' where Jewish students and Muslim students follow a yearly cultural exchange curriculum for a long term peaceful co-existance. The Interfaith Living Museum was organized and being funded by the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The school's first day of opening was the fateful day of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (Open)1 recommendation Stephanie Arthur, MPA Regional GOTV Director at Organize For America- Obama Campaign Sheikh Moussa Drammeh is an experienced leader who is always looking for new and innovative ways to bridge the African immigrant population with the community-at-large. A man of his word, Sheikh is reliable and trustworthy with high level projects....View Projects Events Promotion(Link) September 2012 – Present is your one stop for all your event services needs. 3 team members SHEIKH MOUSSA DRAMMEH Founder at Ameena Drammeh Amani Ahmed Meet-N-Market(Link) July 2012 – Present Meet-N-Market is an entrepreneurial networking events. 2 team members SHEIKH MOUSSA DRAMMEH Founder at Mariam Kanla Languages Wolof Skills & Expertise Most endorsed for... 5Strategic Planning 5Video Editing 4Social Media 2Video Production 2Final Cut Pro 2Video 2Editing 2Broadcast 1Public Relations 1Journalism SHEIKH MOUSSA also knows about... Real Estate Investment Banking Insurance Blogging Fundraising Film Web Video Patents Hygienic Assurance System for Monitoring the Hand Washing of an Individual(Link) United States 12/815,771 Filed June 15, 2010 Science and technology enabled us to send men and women to the Moon, yet thousands of people are dying every year from food borne illnesses caused by conteminations from not washing our hands in kitchens, operating rooms, etc...Thank God we are no longer going to tolerate this anymore. We will stop these unneccessary deaths and economic loss. INVESTORS ARE WELCOME! Education ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP SCHOOL 2001 – 2009 Additional Info Interests Meeting other entrepreneurs for potential partnerships for economic independence. Honors & Awards New York Post Liberty Medal for Leadership Organizations African Union Day Foundation, Halalan Tayyiban Foundation, Islamic Cultural Center of North America Recommendations Received (2)Given (2) Publisher Muslim Community Report Newspaper Arao Ameny Founder & Exec. Dir., Association of African Journalists & Writers | Social Media Editor/ Writer at UN Africa Renewal Sheikh Moussa Drammeh is the Publisher of the Muslim Community Report newspaper. He is passionate about helping and advocating for both Muslim and African communities in New York City. Mr. Drammeh is an asset to both communities, tirelessly working to advocate for and represent both communities in his many endeavors. Mr. Drammeh is passionate about helping people and...more March 16, 2012, Arao worked directly with SHEIKH MOUSSA at Muslim Community Report Newspaper Principal Islamic Leadership School Stephanie Arthur, MPA Regional GOTV Director at Organize For America- Obama Campaign Sheikh Moussa Drammeh is an experienced leader who is always looking for new and innovative ways to bridge the African immigrant population with the community-at-large. A man of his word, Sheikh is reliable and trustworthy with high level projects. Additionally, he has the proven ability of developing strong relationships with community stakeholders, citizens, elected...more November 28, 2011, Stephanie was with another company when working with SHEIKH MOUSSA at Islamic Leadership School ConnectionsShared (4) Sadick Abubakar1st Planner/Production Control Clerk at Metallized Carbon Corporation Sulayman Nyang1st Professor at hOWARD uNIVERSITY Susanna J Dodgson BSc(Hons), PhD1st and news magazine for and about African communities with focus on health Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen1st Special Advisor at VJN & ASSOCIATES PREVIOUSNEXT Groups Final Cut Pro Video Editing Join Following News Nonprofit Management 140,677 followers Follow Internet 487,538 followers Follow Companies Data Domain Computer Hardware Follow ADOPT-A-FRIEND Nonprofit Organization Management

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