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Peter Burgess Dialog
ICT4Development in Africa

Introduction to Open Data for Africa ... The Open Data for Africa platform is a response from the AfDB aimed at boosting access to quality data necessary for managing and monitoring development results in African countries, including the millennium development...


Peter Burgess

ICT4D in Africa

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Introduction to Open Data for Africa

The Open Data for Africa platform is a response from the AfDB aimed at boosting access to quality data necessary for managing and monitoring development results in African countries, including the millennium development...

12 days ago Like CommentUnfollow Flag More Paula Morais, Rui Macdonald like this 4 comments

Peter Burgess •

I have been in the ICT field for a very long time, but always more interested in the data and data processing than in the hardware and software.

Many years ago UNDP had an initiative called the Development Cooperation Report (DCR). This report was prepared in each country that was a member of the UN system and updated every year. The report listed some basic information about all the projects that were getting some form of international assistance.

It was of tremendous assistance in understanding where projects were being implemented and how they were being funded.

It was very interesting to compare what was being supported by the international community with what really was needed.

In the early days, this was a report that was prepared by hand and typed. Later on this report was put together using a PC and spreadsheet software. Later on a database version was developed running on FoxPro.

I don't know why. but quite suddenly this initiative ended. My guess is that some of the major donors to UNDP hated this report because it showed very clearly how badly development assistance addressed the country level priority needs. This was, of course, the reason why this report was of value.

The Development Banks ... World Bank, AfDB, AsDB, IADB, etc have huge amounts of data ... but past iterations of improving the data available for development analysis have not been very helpful. I am not sure whether this is by design or not. Maybe not ... because most of the analysts in these organizations have the sort of background that results in macro analysis rather than the nitty gritty granular micro analysis that can be used to make significant changes in how things get done and how efficiently resources can get turned into progress.

Kiringai Unfollow Kiringai Kamau •

Quite insightful Peter,

I come from the telecentre world and we seek to make ICTs work for people, so I address both the infrastructure...hardware and software, as well as data to support macro and micro policy formulation.

One of my greatest engagements is on the sustainability of telecentres, which is where you and I met, virtually as we still are. I would be keen to mobilize the movement to use the now ubiquitous internet services through web based solutions that this network can help realize.

I am always keen in the openness of data and look forward to a time when we can analyze, just about anything because we have the raw data.


I am keen to see how we can help AfDB come up with a framework of undertaking project implementation and monitoring.

Let me invite your effort to work with NetAfrica, the network of African telecentres for which I am a member in the sustainability focus committee...

If there is anything that can be done to support the implementations at country level and as a quid pro quo, the network gets support from the AfDB for supporting the in-county telecentre initiatives, then we are open to discussions with NetAfrica whose secretariat is based in Kigali under the coordination of Paul Barera and Cleopa Otieno . Kindly link up directly or with them, and of course let me know what is happening as my own programmes at VACID Africa support the network's sustainability focus. 10 days ago• Like• Reply privately• Flag as inappropriate 1

Follow David David Carollo • Thank you for your comment Peter. 10 days ago• Like Follow David David Carollo • Dear Kiringai, please send me an email to Cheers David 10 days ago• Like

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