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Burgess COMMENTARY | |||||||||
Social Value training from The SROI Network The latest training from The SROI Network The growing importance for tangible evidence regarding social and environmental value is now a bigger issue than ever before, not just for organisations outwardly seeking to affect change in society but for any organisation or individual who wishes to be accountable for their work. The SROI Network training course has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management. It contributes to accredited practitioner status and is delivered by accredited practitioners that are also experienced trainers. Cost for 2 day training & 1 Year membership £547+VAT (15% membership discount) 'The secret to think3e's massive success is because of the work we do with SROI and how it is involved with every strategic decision we make.' - Trevor Lynn, Think3e What's involved? No previous knowledge is needed for this two day course. DAY 1 - How to do an SROI analysis: Day one is a practical, step-by-step introduction to the SROI process. We’ll begin with some theory but the process is best learnt by trying it, so candidates will learn how to develop an impact map – the heart of the SROI process – and explore appropriate real life examples. DAY 2 - SROI Practitioner Training: Day two covers, in more depth, issues that practitioners will need to demonstrate an understanding of if they wish to become accredited. Although designed with the assurance process in mind, this course is suitable for anyone wanting more than just an introduction to SROI. Current issues will be discussed, best practice and techniques shared and lots of examples explored. Next dates:
Who delivers our training? Tim Goodspeed has been the Training Manager since 2008. He has a background in economic development and social enterprise. He is an experienced trainer and an Accredited Practitioner. Tim is one of the authors of the Guide to SROI and has written and been involved in many SROIs. He is also a member of the Methodology subcommittee and is actively involved in developing and applying SROI. Did you know? With an interest in social value and impact measurement continuing to grow we have helped a large number of organisations understand their work with in-house training, this is available on all of our courses and often makes training large numbers more accessible. So far just a few examples of the organisations who have completed in-house training with The SROI Network are:
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