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Shared Value / Nestlé Waters North America

Twitter Chat: Nestlé Waters North America's Creating Shared Value Report, June 18th ... Join CSRwire's Aman Singh and Triple Pundit's Nick Aster in conversation with the beverage company for a discussion about Nestlé Waters North America's new Creating Shared Value report


Peter Burgess

Twitter Chat: Nestlé Waters North America's Creating Shared Value Report, June 18th Join CSRwire's Aman Singh and Triple Pundit's Nick Aster in conversation with the beverage company for a discussion about Nestlé Waters North America's new Creating Shared Value report Submitted by: CSRwire Categories:Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Posted: Jun 04, 2013 – 09:58 AM EST NEW YORK, Jun. 04 /CSRwire/ - Nestle Waters North America’s (NWNA) third Creating Shared Value Report highlights the company’s philosophy and approach to citizenship – to create shared value by focusing on business activities that bring value both to society and shareholders through responsible water stewardship, building community vitality and efforts to lead the industry in packaging responsibility. Among other updates, the report focuses on: What the company is doing to advance recycling in the U.S. The company’s path to achieving a zero-waste future Its continued efforts to be the most efficient user of water within the beverage industry. This year, NWNA will hold a live Twitter chat to offer you the opportunity to hear about the new report featuring EVP of Corporate Affairs Heidi Paul, in conversation with CSRwire's Editorial Director Aman Singh and Triple Pundit's Publisher Nick Aster. The live Twitter chat will focus on key areas from NWNA’s 2012 Creating Shared Value Report and provide an opportunity for journalists, bloggers, industry analysts and other interested parties to learn about NWNA’s sustainability strategy and discuss pressing topics like recycling for consumer packaging. Questions will include: What is the largest bottled water company in North America by volume doing regarding the use of plastic + recycling? What are the top roadblocks in modernizing our recycling infrastructure? How is the company promoting 'collaborative problem solving?' What are the challenges the company is facing in building a resilient chain of resources? What role is/can the consumer play? How does the company respond to critics who think Nestle Waters North America's business model is unsustainable and call for boycotting bottled water? What does NWNA consider its top sustainability challenge going forward? How does it work? Log on to your Twitter account and search for the hash tag #SharedValue. The chat will begin with a Q&A with Heidi Paul followed by questions from the audience. You can sit back and read along, or engage with the panel by tweeting your question(s) and response(s). We’ll also follow up with a full synopsis of the chat the next day. Details: Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Time: 1:00-2:15 p.m. EDT Where: To register, send an email to and join us on Twitter at #SharedValue Accounts to follow: @NestleWatersNA @triplepundit @CSRwire @AmanSinghCSR @NickAster For more information, please contact: Aman Singh Editorial Director Twitter: @amansinghcsr For more from this organization: CSRwire

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