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How to create a Kindle Book

About a webinar by Jim Edwards ... Create Your First (or Next) Kindle Book in Just 5 Days With My Personal Help & Coaching ... and how to sell $147 of online consultancy


Peter Burgess Webinar KingJust another WordPress site Main menu Skip to primary content Skip to secondary content Home Dashboard WOW Dashboard Blog Support Create Your First (or Next) Kindle Book in Just 5 Days With My Personal Help & Coaching Let Me Personally Work With You One-On-One For Just Five Days To Help You Write, Publish, and SELL Your First (or Next) Kindle Book on Amazon! WARNING: I Can Only Take 50 People into this coaching program at one time. Attn: Ebook Authors, Affiliates, and Online Marketers FROM: Jim Edwards RE: YOUR Best-Selling Kindle Book on Amazon Dear Future Best-Selling Author, Here’s the problem… Most people who say they want to write a book never even get started. If they do start, the majority never finish… and that just stinks! Why do so few people make it all the way to the end? It’s hard to find the time to get it done… You don’t have anyone to turn to if you have questions… The whole process can be confusing and overwhelming, even for experienced people… You don’t know if you’re doing the right things in the right order… You don’t know what to do, step-by-step, once you finish writing your Kindle book to get it published, sold, and get reviews… But that’s not the end of the problem… It actually gets worse… Here’s the Real Problem you’re facing The people who know what they’re doing in your niche will eat your lunch because they know how to title and promote their Kindle books to make sales… not take up space on virtual book shelves. When your competition gets theirs done, and you don’t, the disappointment can cripple your outlook for a LONG time. And, worst of all, if you do this wrong you’ve done more than just waste your time, you may even damage your credibility! But luckily for you, it doesn’t have to be that way… If You Want To Write, Publish and Sell Your Own Kindle Book(s) To Get More Readers, Make More Sales, and Skyrocket Your Credibility… Let Me Personally Help You Do Just That! Here’s a very unique opportunity to work with someone who has successfully written and published dozens of ebooks and SOLD tens-of-thousands of copies! This is your chance to cut through all the clutter and get right down to the exact strategies and step-by-step actions that take you from NO book to your own book, written, published, and for sale on Amazon Kindle in a shockingly short amount of time! My name is Jim Edwards and I’ve been selling online since November of 1997. I was one of the first people to ever sell ebooks online and I continue to be a best-selling author to this day. One of the secrets to my success has been the ability to know what people want in an ebook, create that ebook fast, get it up for sale, and get them to buy from me. In fact, if you had to break down my success into a simple formula, it would go like this: (1) find an audience with a need => (2) create a simple, short ebook => (3) make money. I’ve written, published and sold ebooks for everything from “for sale by owner” to “mortgage tips” to “typing lessons” to “writing” and “self improvement.” Each of those ebooks has sold anywhere from just a few dozen to tens-of-thousands of copies. And by the way, ALL of those ebooks have been profitable! FACT: I’ve made millions of dollars online.* FACT: I’ve made over $100,000.00 in a single year from a single ebook* (which sold for $29). And that doesn’t include the upsells and backend sales. (* I’m not saying you’ll make that kind of money. I don’t know you or your skill set. I’m just letting you know that kind of money can be made. In fact, truth be told, there are people out there making MORE money with their ebooks.) But don’t just take my word for it. If you Google my name you’ll find that I have an excellent reputation around the World and consistently over-deliver to my customers. You’ll see there are thousands of websites that post my articles and promote my products as an affiliate. I’m not telling you this to brag, but just to let you know that I really do “walk the walk” when it comes to ebooks. And, with my brand new “Results Coaching” class, I can help you start building the foundation that lies beneath every successful online author – your own popular ebook published on Amazon Kindle! If you join before we fill up all the spots (I can only take 50 at a time), I will work with you one-on-one through email to help you put the system in place to write, publish, and sell as many of your own Kindle books as you want. I’ll show you exactly what I do to get it all done – FAST. Write, Publish, and Sell Your Book On Kindle To Set Your Life On a New Path In Just 5 Days… With My Personal Coaching Help! “5 Day Kindle Book Process” 5-Day Results Coaching with Jim Edwards How To Write, Publish, and Sell an Original Kindle Book in Just 5 Days In just 5 days, you and I will lay out and implement the proven plan to get your own original Kindle book written, published, sold, and reviewed to build your business. - Are you an ebook author who wants more books to sell? - Are you an affiliate who wants to make more money with your own product(s)? - Are you a professional who wants MORE credibility? - Are you “stuck” and need some help getting over the hump with finishing your (first / next) ebook? - Do you currently have a book for sale on Kindle, but it’s not selling? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then the “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching is perfect for you. In fact, I created this coaching program with you in mind! During our 5 daily sessions together, we ‘ll go through the 5 proven steps for writing, publishing, and selling your first (or next) Kindle book… Step 1 – Plan and Prepare Step 2 – Outline Your Killer Content Step 3 – Create Your Kindle Book’s Content Step 4 – Edit & Finalize Step 5 – Publish, Sell & Get Reviews Our One-on-one Training together is divided into 5 Days where we’ll cover each of the 5 Steps necessary to write, publish, and sell your first (or next) Kindle book. Here’s what we’ll cover day-by-day so you can start building your Kindle book empire immediately… Day 1 – Plan and Prepare! You can’t publish an outrageously successful Kindle book unless you know WHAT people want to buy in the first place. Also, most people totally miss the boat when it comes to their book’s title, which derails them for the rest of the process. I’ll show you exactly how to choose the best titles (heck, I even give you access to a FREE tool that makes coming up with titles an absolute breeze) and how to instantly know what your readers want… with no complicated research or guessing. This step is a HUGE breakthrough, especially if you’ve struggled with books or ebooks in the past. Day 2 – Outline Your Killer Content Why will people want to buy your Kindle book? What’s in it for them? Why should they pay attention to what you have to say? In order to get people to buy your book you must offer them what they are PROVEN to want. I’ll show you exactly how to KNOW what your audience wants, how to structure your Kindle book for maximum effect, and the fastest and easiest way to get ready for creating content. This day creates a “slippery slope” that makes it so your Kindle book practically writes itself! Day 3 – Create Your Kindle Book’s Content There are two ways to quickly create the content for an original Kindle book and I’ll show you BOTH of them. If you love to write, I’ll show you how to get it all done in a single day (and even have time for lunch!). If you hate to write, I’ll show you how to get it done as easily as having a conversation with a friend or family member over the phone! The key here is that whether you love to write, hate to write, have a lot of spare time, or hardly any spare time, I will show you a method you can use to get your Kindle book’s content done in a single day. Day 4 – Edit and Finalize Now you’ll take your content and smooth it out (which won’t be very difficult because you’ll be creating concentrated value in just a few pages, rather than writing “War and Peace”). I will share how to make sure your content is tight and valuable, and also how to get free or low-cost editing services that will make sure your Kindle book portrays a professional image. Day 5 – Publish, Sell & Get Reviews This is where the pedal hits the metal and you take off! I’m going to show you exactly how to publish your book on Kindle, make a handful of sales to get you started, and leverage those sales into 4 and 5-star reviews that will help bring in even more sales. In this step we cut right to the chase and you GET IT DONE instead of sitting around over-thinking the whole process. That’s our theme “Get it Done!” and you’ll get my personal help via email to do just that – get your own original Kindle book written, published, sold, and reviewed! And, if you think all I’m going to do is dump a ton or information on you and then walk away, guess again! Because… Each Day’s Lesson averages only about 3-4 pages long! That’s right! You’ll never have to read more than an average of a few pages of information for each day’s session. This is about results! Each day you’ll get a short, to-the-point lesson where I’ll share the main things you need to know in a concise, results-driven manner. And then my COACHING will help you make the right decisions and fill in the blanks for you! Let’s take a look at how this Results Coaching program works… Here’s How We’ll Personally Work Together One-On-One To Get Your Kindle Book Done When you join the “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching program, you will receive your curriculum for all five sessions on Friday, June 28, 2013. Read through the entire publication within 48 hours (only about 20 pages of content) and then begin with the first session. Here’s how it works… Email me your session one coaching question. Inside the lesson pack is a special email address that gives you direct access to me (and nobody else). After reading through session one and the assignment, you can email me any one question related to that day’s material. You can ask me for advice, suggestions, feedback, options, clarification, how to overcome barriers, assistance, or anything else related to that day’s session. - Look for my personal response within 24 hours. I log into my special coaching email account once per day to respond to all the class participants, including you. This is for Monday through Friday (if you send in a question on Friday, you’ll receive an answer on the following Monday). I’ll personally respond to your question to help you make the best decisions about your Kindle books and clear up anything you feel you need better explanation, guidance, or more information. - Turn in your assignment after reading my reply. After you get my input, feedback, or explanation, you need to get your assignment completed for each session. Just send it to me at the coaching email address within 48 hours. (48 hour turnaround time is mandatory unless you have an emergency and email me to that effect.) As mentioned in the curriculum above, each session will have a single definite “milestone” that will clearly demonstrate you are making real progress toward this critical goal of writing, publishing, and selling on Kindle. - Get my final “grade” for the session in your inbox. After I receive your assignment for the session, I’ll “grade” it by sending you my thoughts / remarks about your work. This response will help you KNOW you’re heading down the right path and help you feel confident you’re making good decisions and doing things correctly. One of the biggest reasons people get stuck is because they aren’t sure they’re doing things the right way. With my help and feedback you can be confident in your direction. Session 1 is considered complete once you receive this “grade” of your assignment. - Repeat for Sessions 2-5. After we finish up with session 1, you’re already moving toward your goal of getting your Kindle book online! Now it’s just a matter of going through the remaining lessons and following the exact same steps. Ask a question. Get feedback. Turn in your assignment. Get your grade. Move on to the next step. VERY quickly you’ll have everything done and set up so you can get your Kindle book sales started! As you can see, this is all about results! This coaching experience is designed to help you take specific actions and get the feedback you need to get the result you want – a targeted, original Kindle book up for sale on Amazon! Here’s What You’re Guaranteed To Accomplish During Our Five Sessions Together… When you complete the “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching, you will have made more progress than some people who’ve been playing at this for years. With the structured, NO BS lessons, and personal feedback from me, things are really going to come together for you quickly. This isn’t just another ebook or video where you end up with more “information overload” – this is about results! By the end of just our 5 sessions together, you will have…

  • Planned out and outlined an entire Kindle book your audience wants…
  • Picked a title that helps maximize your chances for getting found in Amazon searches…
  • Created targeted content in a VERY short period of time…
  • Edited and finalized your content so it’s ready to publish…
  • Published the content to Kindle (including an effective, eye-catching cover)…
  • Set yourself up for sales, reviews, and credibility on Kindle…
  • and much, MUCH more!
And I will tell you something you can take to the bank: most people who’ve been struggling to make it online have yet to put these pieces in place. (Heck, you might be one of them.) They might do one or two of the steps, but they never put it all together – and that’s why they fail. But now you can get my personal help and bypass all that past failure and take the shortcut to success you want. With this curriculum, your action, and my personal help, you WILL get all the pieces in place. I guarantee it! BONUS: Complete Webinar Training “Reference Material” I want to do everything I can to help you be successful getting your Kindle book written, published, and sold on Amazon. When you act NOW, I will include the complete course materials from our exclusive “5 Day Kindle Process” Webinar Training that shows you step-by-step the techniques to create your book’s content, format your book, publish it to Kindle, and much, MUCH more! This reference course materials include: PART 1: Complete Webinar Replay Training for “5 Day Kindle Book” (This is your “textbook” for the course) PART 2: Full “Enhanced” print-and-go transcripts of the training PART 3: Study Notes / Executive Summary PART 4: iPod Video and MP3 Audio replays of the training module PART5: My personal CHECKLIST for the entire “5 Day Kindle Process” This course will act as your reference material for the “5 Day Kindle Book” 5-Day Results Coaching. I’m including this bonus curriculum at NO EXTRA CHARGE to you. As you can see, this is an incredible opportunity for you. In just 5 days, you can get laser-targeted on what your audience wants, create your Kindle book content, and start selling to them on the Web’s #1 online retailer,! This is something others (maybe even you) have struggled with, sometimes for years, and this is your chance to get past this hurdle once and for all. And, the great news is, it won’t cost you a fortune to get my personal help in doing it… Great News! Get 80% OFF When You Join The “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching Program My normal phone consulting rate is up to $750 an hour. My normal “Platinum Coaching” rate is $6,000 per year. I’ve charged as much as $12,000 + 7% royalties for an “Apprentice” program I did with a partner some years back. Fact is, my time is extremely valuable to me because the time I spend doing other things is time I could have used to create a new product, webinar, ebook or other info-product and launched it to make tens-of-thousands of dollars. Normally, you would expect the “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching Program to sell for at least $750 – which is my rate for just a 1-hour phone session. (And, it would be worth every penny!) But I remember what it’s like to be where you are with lots of drive and a burning desire to make it happen. All you need is a little help… and I want to give it to you! So when you join today, you won’t pay near what people pay just to talk to me for an hour on the phone. With your 80% OFF Discount, you’ll only pay $147. AND, that’s a one-time fee! No royalties. No recurring fees. No subscription fees. No future payments. Just a one-time payment of $147. That’s one heck of a deal. And we both know it’s one you can’t pass up! Due to the nature of this coaching offer, there are NO REFUNDS available. I don’t get my time back, so you don’t get your money back. Fair enough? Reminder: I can only accept 50 students at a time. Join now while spots are still available. Place your order now and let’s get started immediately… “5 Day Kindle Process” 5-Day Results Coaching Program 80% Off Pricing, 50 Students Only YES! I want to get personalized coaching to help me put in place the things I need to finally get my first (or next) Kindle book written, published and sold on Amazon! I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below. Click Here To Register Now YOU WILL RECEIVE ALL YOUR COURSE AND “REFERENCE” MATERIALS INSTANTLY (Even if it’s 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday) *Every effort has been made to accurately represent this coaching and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, experience, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, this is no 100% guarantee you will earn any money and you may even lose money. Legal Information Disclaimer | Terms Of Service | Earnings Disclaimer | Privacy Notice To your success, Jim Edwards P.S. If you’re about to close this window without signing up, I want you to ask yourself two quick questions. (1) “If I had a successful book selling on Kindle, how would my life be different?” (2) “If I keep going the way I’m going (without an effective Kindle book for sale), is my life going to change for the better any time soon?” I think you know the answers to both questions. And you also know that this is a rare combination of affordable pricing and high-caliber coaching you can’t afford to pass up. Register Now! Disclaimer | Terms Of Service | Earnings Disclaimer | Privacy Notice The Network Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC P.O. Box 547, Port Haywood, VA 23138 Click Here To Contact Our Support Team © 2013 Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC - All Rights Reserved
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