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Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Holly Dublin

Holly Dublin ... The B Team - Strategies & Challenges ... Other ... Environmental Services

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. You have an interesting past and maybe an even more interesting future. Is the B-Team going to be a huge success or what? - Peter Burgess
Peter Burgess

2nd Holly Dublin The B Team - Strategies & Challenges OtherEnvironmental Services Current The B Team, KERING, IUCN Previous Wildlife Conservation Society, KERING, IUCN Education The University of British Columbia 500+ connections Background Summary Working under challenging political, multi-cultural, and economic conditions in developing countries, I have been involved for many years with strategic planning, programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation in the fields of conservation and development. Having worked in the NGO and inter-governmental realms for many years, I have decided to become more active in the private sector - trying to deepen the understanding and practice with regard to sustainability. This is all helped by my proven track record of deeply understanding the issues, thinking analytically and putting lessons into operational practice. I remain deeply interested in strategic planning and evaluation, having led independent evaluations and programmatic planning exercises for the GEF, UNEP/GEF-Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, IFC, the IUCN, WWF, the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and numerous NGOs. I remain an active player in national and international policy forums including CBD, CITES, CMS and the UNFCCC. As a trained facilitator, I have successfully mediated negotiations on some of the most controversial topics in modern conservation. I continue to use these skills on a regular basis in all aspects of my work. I move with ease between the day-to-day realities and concerns of practitioners on the ground and the world of international policy and decision-makers. For many years I have been an active member of the IUCN's Commissions, specifically SSC, WCPA, CEESP and CEM. An accomplished speaker and writer, I have received many of the top awards in my field. But my current focus is on helping to bring about a paradigm shift in the current global business model and the ways in which it links to measuring, valuing and reporting on natural capital impacts. Specialties:Environmental Profit & Loss Accounting Corporate Sustainability Facilitating and mediating often controversial, technical negotiations. Public speaking and presentation of key material to policy and decision-makers. Chairing groups of all sizes to deliver tangible outputs and outcomes. Working from the local to the national to the regional to the global scales. Strong grasp on conservation theory and practice - knowing what works and what doesn't. Truly global in every respect. Experience Strategies & Challenges at The B Team The B Team January 2013 – Present (8 months)Global Member, Kering, Sustainability Technical Advisory Group KERING December 2012 – Present (9 months)Global Kering's Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (STAG) is comprised of both members internal and external to the company. The STAG keeps sustainability matters in Kering and its brands under review and provides timely advice on progress, innovation and direction. IUCN Senior Adviser, IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office IUCN April 2010 – Present (3 years 5 months)East and Southern Africa IUCN Chair, African Elephant Specialist Group, SSC IUCN January 1992 – Present (21 years 8 months)Africa Conservation Specialist and Senior Adviser Zeitz Foundation 2009 – Present (4 years) Member, Wilderness Holdings Ltd, Sustainability Committee Wilderness Holdings, Ltd 2011 – Present (2 years) The Sustainability Committee of Wilderness Holdings oversees and advises on the interpretation, application and implementation of the 4C's (Commerce, Community, Conservation and Culture) approach across the company. Wilderness Holdings Ltd has advanced significantly in the realm of sustainability in recent years, including the filing of award-winning, annual integrated reports. IUCN Steering Committee Member, Sustainable Use Specialist Group IUCN January 2012 – Present (1 year 8 months) Consultant and adviser GEF Evaluation Office March 2003 – Present (10 years 6 months)Global Conducted the overall of the Biodiversity portfolio, participated in the evaluation team for the Fourth Overall Performance Study of the Global Environment Facility and now advising on the evaluation of the GEF's private sector engagement - providing insights into new and potentially more synergistic links. Wildlife Conservation Society Senior Conservationist Wildlife Conservation Society January 2005 – July 2013 (8 years 7 months) Director and Special Adviser, Sustainability KERING January 2010 – December 2012 (3 years) Helped to design, develop and implement a large, new sustainability initiative for the entire KERING Group of Luxury, Sport & Lifestyle brands, including assisting with the development and roll out of the Environmental Profit & Loss (EP&L) approach and the securing of raw materials and sustainability in the supply chain. IUCN Senior Adviser, Tiger Partnerships IUCN November 2008 – July 2009 (9 months) Lead IUCN's Species Survival Commission's effort to convene a fully participatory process for developing a consensus-based conservation strategy for tigers. This is in fulfillment of a Decision of the Conference of Parties to CITES. IUCN Species Survival Commission Chair IUCN Species Survival Commission November 2004 – October 2008 (4 years) Senior Scientist and Senior Conservation Adviser World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF International) Africa & Madagascar Programme, Nairobi, Kenya January 1980 – October 2002 (22 years 10 months) Operational portfolio: Species and Ecosystem-level Strategic Planning and Conservation; Protected Areas Design and Management; Ecological Monitoring; Natural Resource Management; Sustainable Use and Adaptive Management, relevant Policy work at local, national and international levels and Monitoring and Evaluation. Skills & Expertise Most endorsed for... 63Natural Resource... 54Sustainability 36Conservation Issues 34Ecology 27Biodiversity 19Environmental Awareness 14Policy 13NGOs 11Environmental Policy 11Sustainable Development Holly also knows about... 8Environmental Issues 4Climate Change 3Public Speaking 3GIS 2Natural Resources 2Capacity Building 1Negotiation 1Wildlife 1Ecosystem Services 1Rural Development 1International... 1Strategic Planning Education The University of British Columbia PhD, Zoology, Systems Ecology 1981 – 1986 University of Washington MSc, Wildlife Biology 1978 – 1980 Additional Info Personal Details Birthday April 17 Advice for Contacting Holly Send me an interesting challenge, a good idea, a fabulous story or a great opportunity - chances are, I'll reply if it catches my attention. ConnectionsShared (2) Pavan SukhdevPavan Sukhdev1st Founder and Author - CORP2020, and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Richard MattisonRichard Mattison1st Chief Executive at Trucost PreviousNext Groups CBNRM CBNRM Join IUCN CEESP IUCN CEESP Join IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group Join Join The B Team The B Team Member Following Nonprofit Management 176,726 followers Follow Management Consulting 570,304 followers Following IUCN Nonprofit Organization Management

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