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Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn
Peter Burgess ... as of August 2013

Peter Burgess ... Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics ... Bushkill, Pennsylvania ... Management Consulting


Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess ... Peter Burgess ... Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics ... Bushkill, Pennsylvania ... Management Consulting Current TrueValueMetrics, Tr-Ac-Net Inc. (Transparency and Accountability Network), Burgess Management Associates Previous Community Analytics (CA), Integrated Malaria Management Consortium (IMMC), Microfinance Focus Education Cambridge University 500+ connectionsEdit ProfileMore options Contact Info Activity Peter Burgess joined the group Global Social Accountability, EHS & CSR Professionals Join Group53 seconds ago Peter Burgess commented in the group The B Team on The absence of wisdom prevails!: I think David Kitching has described the current state of affairs pretty well, as have others. The need for substantial change is clear.... Comment (20)3 hours ago Peter Burgess has added a skill: Corporate Social Responsibility (Add skills to your profile) Like Comment 4 hours ago Gbolade Sonubi endorsed your skills and expertise! You You are endorsed for Strategic Partnerships, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Strategic Planning. Endorse Connections Like Comment 23 hours ago Peter Burgess commented in the group The B Team on A Responsibility to Give Back: The piece 'A Responsibility to Give Back' in the New York Times is a very good description of a very successful corporate career, and I have... Comment (3)1 day ago Peter Burgess has added a skill: Strategic Partnerships (Add skills to your profile) Like Comment 1 day ago Peter Burgess commented in the group The B Team on The absence of wisdom prevails!: 2015 will be the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, an event that started to address the problems people were having with... Comment (20)1 day ago Peter Burgess commented in the group The B Team on RESPECT: In my educational journey I went from engineer to economist to accountant. My enthusiasm for accountancy stems from its focus on the micro... Like (1)Comment (3)3 days ago Peter Burgess joined the group The Purpose of the Corporation Join Group5 days ago Peter Burgess commented in the group Business Model Generation on Experimenting in the Enterprise Agile 2013 Conference: A nice presentation ... but only about the performance of an organization in search of a way to optimize its profit performance. I am of the... Comment (9)5 days ago See More Background Summary The primary goal of myself and the TrueValueMetrics initiative is to improve transparency, accounting and accountability everywhere in society and the economy. We are doing this by merging some old concepts of accountancy with the immense power of modern computing and communications. I am building on an academic training at Cambridge in engineering and economics, and training in accountancy with Coopers and Lybrand in London ... plus long experience in professional audit and accountancy, experience in corporate management including computer system design, factory accountancy and being CFO of an international company. My background includes heavy engineering (Davy United) and steel mill construction, pulp and paper mill construction engineering and contract oversight, high tech electronics, switchgear manufacturing and international fisheries.. I served as budget manager in successful turnaround of Gulton Industries and worked as VP Manufacturing for Southern States, a Gulton subsidiary. Was VP and CFO for Continental Seafoods. I also have more than 25 years experience doing consulting assignments for World Bank, IFC and UN agencies. This includes work on government financial management reform in former Soviet Union and other locations. work on humanitarian relief in post war, famine and refugee situation. In total have done substantial work in more than 50 countries including Afghanistan and Pakistan, and countries in South Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America, Specialties:Read engineering and economics at Cambridge University. Trained as a Chartered Accountant with Coopers and Lybrand (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) in London. About 20 years professional and corporate management experience including VP Manufacturing and VP CFO. Also assignments for World Bank, IFC, UN agencies and others in the international relief and development sector for another 20 years. Experience with management information system development in corporate, government and NGO sectors. Experience Founder CEO TrueValueMetrics September 2008 – Present (5 years)New York City NY and Bushkill PA TrueValueMetrics is an initiative to add social value add to the ubiquitous money profit accounting used in almost every business organization, and in a modified form in government entities and non-governmental organizations. It has many attributes in common with initiatives like 'triple bottom line reporting'. 'impact accounting' etc. (Open)2 recommendations Austin R. Curry Austin R. Curry Executive Director Elder Care Advocacy of Florida Vast Real experience and education formed the basis for Visionary Concepts the provide solutions to essential needs for...View Carmen Gloria Arriagada Carmen Gloria Arriagada Founder and President at C&C Global Communications Peter has been a great source of inspiration in my career. He has an impressive track record in successfully implementing...View Founder CEO Tr-Ac-Net Inc. (Transparency and Accountability Network) 1997 – Present (16 years) Tr-Ac-Net was developed in order to focus on transparency and accountability in the public sector and in international development. Over time it became more and more apparent that while there was more discussion of these issues, there was still very little practical work being done to improve accounting and in consequence accountability remained compromised. Preliminary work was done to help with reform of systems of performance measurement in socio-economic development and community impact. Tr-Ac-Net has developed a network of people concerned with the lack of transparency and accountability and the abuse of economic and political power. Founder/CEO Burgess Management Associates July 1978 – Present (35 years 2 months)New York City NY I worked through Burgess Management Associates (BMA) as an independent consultant doing a range of assignments for institutions like the World Bank and IFC, the United Nations and its specialized agencies as well as for a range of private clients. I brought several strengths to this work. These included a well developed world view based on some of my prior academic and corporate experience, an understanding of technology, economics and accountancy viewed from inside corporate management, and a profound respect for the value and power of good accountancy for financial control, performance measurement and best possible decision making. A big lesson learned has been that too many people with important responsibilities do not share my perspective on accountancy and accountability. Slowly I have been able to use much of my experience with BMA to build the foundation for a system of value accountancy currently called TrueValueMetrics that aims to quantify impact on people, place and planet as rigorously as accountants quantify profit. This can be done, and from my perspective, is the one thing that will help to get some traction for the changes that are needed and really matter. In the past 30 plus years, we have done assignments in more than 50 countries. The work has included post conflict national planning, planning for refugee and IDP affected areas , planning in post disaster situations, and planning for reform of government financial management systems. In the private sector, work has included strategic planning, financial analysis, assistance with international financing and assistance with development of management information systems. (Open)5 projects Founder CEO Community Analytics (CA) September 2008 – September 2011 (3 years 1 month) Community Analytics (CA) was an initiative to provide a system of independent metrics about socio-economic progress and performance. CA had a community perspective rather than the more usual organization, project or activity focus. CA embraced not only money costs, revenues and profits, but also value consumption, value creation and value change. Progress is a metric based on the change from time to time in the state of the community. Though value is subjective and difficult to quantify, it is important. CA used a system of standard values to serve as a simple way to quantify value. CA used comparison with standard costs to measure cost efficiency. CA had both spatial and temporal elements. CA also used value chain analysis to show where profits arise and how profits are associated with value change. CA uses the mobile phone and text messages for data acquisition and a web accessible database for reporting The CA initiative was relaunched as TrueValueMetrics because the 'Community Analytics' name was already being used for metrics in connection with Internet communities. Member Integrated Malaria Management Consortium (IMMC) January 2006 – August 2010 (4 years 8 months) The Integrated Malaria Management Consortium (IMMC) was a group committed to a methodology for malaria control based on science that results in the most cost effective sustainable outcomes. While funding for worldwide malaria control increased from around $100 million a year around 2002 to more than $2 billion in 2008, the published metrics suggest that there was a huge amount of activity but rather little sustainable progress. The metrics associated with IMMC are a subset of the data developed for the TrueValueMetrics (TVM) initiatiive. Unlike the highly publicized initiatives like Malaria No More and similar, IMM aims to control malaria infected mosquitoes so that the transmission can be permanently disrupted with the minimum use of drugs and insecticides that are becoming less and less effective over time. Microfinance FocusNew York Correspondent Microfinance Focus 2008 – 2009 (1 year) Followed the microfinance scene from the New York perspective and reported. Continental Seafood Inc. (Subsidiary Ward Foods Inc.)VP and Chief Financial Officer Continental Seafood Inc. (Subsidiary Ward Foods Inc.) March 1974 – September 1978 (4 years 7 months)Secaucus, New Jersey and 26 locations around the world Was responsible for reorganizing the accounting and financial reporting, and developing strategic plans for investment and profit improvement. Company operated in 26 jurisdictions around the world, and was one of the world's leading seafood companies. As CFO took the lead in international financing of joint ventures and fishing vessels ... also insurance and risk management. (Open)1 project VP Controller / VP Manufacturing Southern States Inc (Subsidiary of Gulton Industries) August 1972 – April 1974 (1 year 9 months)Hampton, Georgia Took over as VP and Controller as part of major profit improvement initiative ... which led to a top-to-bottom reorganization with the President and most VPs removed. One remaining VP took over marketing and engineering while I was given responsibility for manufacturing and the accounting / administration function. The factory soon achieved record levels of production taking advantage of the vast pool of experience of the lower level supervision and work-force. Many changes were made in the manufacturing process, almost all small and very good for profit improvement. Some big changes were made in the operation of the foundry, again taking advantage of local staff knowledge and better casting design to suit production capabilities. Budget Manager Gulton Industries January 1970 – February 1972 (2 years 2 months)Metuchen NJ In the 1960s, Gulton was a high profile technology company pioneering development of microceramic components, precursor of integrated circuits. I was recruited as budget manager to focus on reorganization and profit improvement after some badly conceived expansion and acquisitions. This work with budget control took place in an organization with about 36 separate manufacturing subsidiaries. As this reorganization progressed, I was appointed acting Controller of one of the subsidiaries. Assistant Treasurer Aerosol Techniques Inc. February 1967 – August 1969 (2 years 7 months)Milford, Connecticut I was part of a team charged with modernizing the management processes of the company. This started with a rebuild of the company's budgeting, together with the related accounting and internal financial reporting. Part of the success of this work was the integration of factory methods reform into the way the company operated, and generated its profits. I also had responsibility for competing the installation and operation of a new IBM mainframe computer (an IBM1401). This was done in collaboration with the Harvard based firm, Management Analysis Center (MAC), and the work was written up as a Harvard Business School case about computer installation strategy. From time to time I did analysis of potential acquisitions, mainly to help diversify the company away from its main business of aerosol based products. I was subsequently appointed as Vice President and Controller for one of these acquisitions. System Development and Field Accountant H. A. Simons International Ltd. March 1966 – January 1967 (11 months)Vancouver, BC Canada H. A. Simons was a leading international firm of consultants to the pulp and paper industry based in Vancouver and providing consulting and project management services worldwide. I worked on the computerization of project planning and oversight using an IBM mainframe, and also did field accounting for major new construction and expansion projects in Texas where Brown and Root were the primary contractors. Articled Clerk Cooper Brothers (Chartered Accountants) August 1962 – January 1966 (3 years 6 months)London, United Kingdom I joined Coopers as an articled clerk ... articled to Brian Maynard, Principal of the Management Consulting Practice. Cooper Brothers integrated with Lybrand Ross Bros. and Montgomery of the United States to form the international firm of Coopers and Lybrand, which went on to become one of the major firms in global accounting, and in recent years integrated into the firm of PriceWaterhouseCoopers. With Cooper Brothers I participated in one of the very first audits of a commercial computer doing corporate accounting ... at EMI Records, a subsidiary of EMI, and audits of many different business entities from iron steel plants, to car manufacturing, tobacco manufacturing, insurance agencies, banks, stockbrokers and food wholesalers. The training was incredibly valuable. Publications Revolutionary Change for Relief and Development Tr-Ac-Net ... Transparency and Accountability Network October 19, 2006 This book describes many of the key issues that need to be addressed to have meaningful progress in developing countries. It is 335 pages long and available at (search for Peter Burgess). Hundreds of Issues that Impact Relief and Development Performance Tr-Ac-Net ... Transparency and Accountability Network August 22, 2006 This booklet was prepared in response to the 'single silver bullet' paradigm for development initiatives that almost always fail. Rather, this booklet identifies hundreds of issues that need to be addressed in parallel in order to have a chance at success. IRAQ, A New Direction ... A Strategy for Peace ... a Methodology for Rapid Socio-Economic Progress Tr-Ac-Net ... Transparency and Accountability Network December 5, 2006 This book was written in the aftermath of the expansion of the US led war on terror into an occupation of Iraq and what was become increasingly seen as a disastrous performance in establishing order and rebuilding the socio-economic fabric of society. The book reflects some of my previous experience and lessons learned working in post-war post-disaster rebuilding in various parts of the world. Projects Development Planning for Namibia March 1990 – 1991 Namibia gained its independence on March 20, 1990. The next day I started work on the first development plan for the newly independent nation working for UNDP and the National Planning Commission. I was part of a three person team comprising, Pekka Korpinen, Amadou Sarr and myself. We assisted in the development of a plan to support a request to the international community for development...more Integrated planning for refugee affected areas in Malawi(Link) 1987 – 1988 I was team leader for UNDP in this multi-agency planning exercise for the refugee affected areas of Malawi. During the 1980s a long lasting civil war in Mozambique resulted in several million internally displaced people (IDPs) in Mozambique and large scale refugee flows into Malawi and Zambia. When the work was launched there were about 300,000 Mozambican refugees already in Malawi, and six months...more 3 team members Peter Burgess Peter Burgess Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics No photo DeeDee Angagow of UNDP No photo Tim Foster of UNHCR Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) 1983 – 1986 I participated in a team of the Mariculture and Fisheries Department of the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research undertaking a multi-year study of the Economic Effects of Effort Limitation in Kuwait's Fisheries. My corporate fisheries experience was used to clarify the impact of investment on the fishery, and to demonstrate that in the fisheries sector, more is not always better. 3 team members Peter Burgess Peter Burgess Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics No photo C.P.Mathews No photo N.Shulaib Sudan - Planning for relief and development in refugee affected areas ... UNDP and UNHCR 1982 – 1983 Based in Juba, my work for UNDP was to assess needs for relief and development assistance associated with Ugandan refugees in the Equatorial Region of South Sudan. The problems were compounded by the closing of the borders and no practical land routes in or out of the area. My experience with UNHCR was very positive, and I consider them to be one of the best of the UN specialized agencies. Myanmar (Burma) Fisheries Sector Development Planning June 1981 – December 1981 Worked with a World Bank project appraisal team on a Fisheries Sector Development Project in the Irrawaddy Delta. My work on the analysis of the People's Pearl and Fisheries Corporation (PPFC), the parastatal enterprise responsible for the government fishing sector showed that there was massive over-investment in the fisheries sector funded irresponsibly by many international donors. As a result...more India ... Multi-State Cashew Development Project July 1978 – December 1978 My first consultancy assignment for the World Bank was to do financial analysis on an appraisal mission of a Multi-State Cashew Development Project in India. I already knew something about India as a supplier of shrimp for my previous company Continental Seafoods. I was impressed by the competence of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) who coordinated our work, and the potential of the work of...more Nigeria ... Nigerian National Shrimp Company 1974 – 1979 Continental Seafoods Inc (CSF) entered into an agreement with the Federal Military Government (FMG) of Nigeria to build and operate a shrimp processing plant, fish port, and fleet of vessels in Mid West State, Nigeria. Soon after I became CFO of CSF, it became clear that this project was not progressing well, and I had to take on the role of acting project manager pending recruitment of a new...more 4 team members Peter Burgess Peter Burgess Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics No photo Bruce Sidwell No photo Colin Foster No photo Stuart Soloman Post conflict rebuilding ... Afghanistan September 1992 I worked with a United Nations team headed up by Winston Prattley that was charged with drafting a post conflict reconstruction strategy for Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the Soviet occupation forces. A multi-sector development plan was prepared which was submitted to the international community by the UN. The result of this was absolutely zero interest and no funding was forthcoming from...more Languages English Native or bilingual proficiency French Professional working proficiency Skills & Expertise Most endorsed for... 57Strategic Planning 47International... 45Strategy 31Management Consulting 29NGOs 23Management 20Non-profits 20Research 12Strategic Communications 9Public Speaking Peter also knows about... 9Nonprofits 9Entrepreneurship 8Community Development 8Microfinance 6Marketing 6Market Research 5Public Relations 5Analysis 5Project Planning 5Financial Analysis 4Sustainability 4Capacity Building 4Social Entrepreneurship 4Training 4Africa See 21+ Education Cambridge University Cambridge University BA 1961 MA 1966, Engineering and Economics 1958 – 1961 I was able to do the 'fast course' of the Mechanical Engineering Tripos in two years followed by Part I and Part II of the Economics Tripos in one year. This has proved to be a fantastic basis for my subsequent experience in various sectors and functions of the global economy ... and sets the stage for system thinking about what should be done about the 21st century funk of the global economy! Activities and Societies: Active in wide range of sports and cultural events. Sidney Sussex is a small college, but was very active socially. Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Accountancy 1962 – 1965 Articled to B. A. Maynard, Partner at Cooper Brothers and Principal in the Coopers and Lybrand UK consultancy practice. I engaged in all the training requirements of Chartered Accountancy Articles, but, because of my engineering background and some company experience was given assignments of a complex nature involving inventory and some unusual technical situations that required specialized accounting treatment, such as a blast furnace 'going out' and becoming inoperable as a post balance sheet event! University of Cambridge University of Cambridge BA 1961 ... MA 1966, Engineering / Economics 1958 – 1961 Engineering introduced me to practical possibilities. Economics introduced me to a world view of society ... and gave me an opening to professional accountancy and corporate management. Subsequently these experiences gave me the opportunity to work on global issues of development, reconstruction, environment and poverty alleviation Activities and Societies: College Rugby, College Cricket, Fives, Squash, Peophilans, Canada Club, Confraternitas Historica. Blundell's School 'O' levels and 'A'/'S' level exams, Maths, Physics and Chemistry 1953 – 1958 Activities and Societies: Blundell's had a strong academic tradition as well as being one of the top public schools in rugby, cricket, shooting and sports generally. I was part of a very winning rugby team, and also played for the English Public Schoolboys international rugby team against Scotland. Additional Info Interests Transparency, Accountability, Metrics about socio-economic progress and performance, Relief and development practice, microcredit performance, progress out of poverty performance, ICT4D, community centric development, health performance, malaria performance Personal Details Birthday January 8, 1940 Marital Status Married Organizations Additional Organizations Community Analytics, Integrated Malaria Management Consortium, Center for Conflict Dialog in New York, Tr-Ac-Net, Collaboration Cafe. Recommendations Received (2)Given (4) Founder CEO TrueValueMetrics Austin R. Curry Austin R. Curry Executive Director Elder Care Advocacy of Florida Vast Real experience and education formed the basis for Visionary Concepts the provide solutions to essential needs for future progress of government and socio-economic challenges. Solid logical and focused thinking with factual foundations yield tangible effective results for advancement in today's environment. A sincere partner for global concerns. May 27, 2013, Austin R. was with another company when working with Peter at TrueValueMetrics Carmen Gloria Arriagada Carmen Gloria Arriagada Founder and President at C&C Global Communications Peter has been a great source of inspiration in my career. He has an impressive track record in successfully implementing highly creative and innovative projects to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities in Africa and rest of the developing world. His attention to detail without losing sight of his strategic objective is astounding. December 21, 2012, Carmen Gloria was with another company when working with Peter at TrueValueMetrics ConnectionsAll (500+)New (8) Philippa BurgessPhilippa Burgess We Promote tech | Help brands tell their stories | Enhance consumer engagement | Further content monetization Marco MENESESMarco MENESES Program Manager- Chronic Disease Self-Management Program at Minority Development & Empowerment Robert MarstonRobert Marston Business Development Pamela McLeanPamela McLean UK-Africa Connections John DadaJohn Dada CEO at Fantsuam Foundation Sofia Bustamante FRSASofia Bustamante FRSA Founder at London Creative Labs Jacques L. HamelJacques L. Hamel International Adviser at World Association for Sustainable Development Chris MacraeChris Macrae MOOCyunus est skoll013 - to grow jobs, net generation do you network with bankers, open edu, youth tech wizards or who? Kris DevKris Dev e-Gov Consultant Ken LohentoKen Lohento ICT4D Programme Coordinator at CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural & Rural Cooperation ACP-EU) PreviousNext


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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.