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TVM ... Spreading the Word
CSR connection in Angola

Cassi Ayres ... letter of introduction about cooperation in Angola


Peter Burgess

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Peter Burgess
Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:39 PM

Dear Cassia

There is, as you well know, an important role for corporate responsibility. I like the fact that there is a big conversation about CSR, but I am less impressed about the quantity and quality of CSR application. I am also concerned that much of the 'education' about CSR ignores the context in which CSR has to operate.

I am developing a system of metrics that I hope will go some way to handling this problem. I want rigorous metrics for impact on people and planet that is compatible with the metrics used for corporate profit. Clearly there are many issues to resolve in making something like this work, but I am working through these and making progress.

Eventually this system will quantify impact on people and planet about as rigorously as accountants do money profit ... but a first phase is to understand more about what these impacts are without getting into how they should be quantified.

Are you interested? Can you help? Can I help?

Peter Burgess
TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society
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