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The B Team

Brad Zarnett ... About Russel Brand. Does Russell Brand see it correctly or is he too radical?

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
My impression is that a lot of what we see as a result of modern digital media is of rather low quality with 'content' that has little true value.

There is a massive amount of 'valuable' knowledge, but the flows in the modern media seem to favor the lowest of quality rather than the best. I have concluded that the reason for this is quite simple ... most digital media systems are driven by 'click bait' in one of its many manifestations. Deep knowledge is not part of the 'click bait' world.
Peter Burgess
The B Team

Brad Zarnett ... Does Russell Brand see it correctly or is he too radical?

Brad Zarnett Founder, Toronto Sustainability Speaker Series (TSSS) Canada's premiere idea exchange for sustainability leadership
Russell Brand V Jeremy Paxman
First the cookie monster, then a dog with a degree, now Paxman versus Brand on beards, revolution and a hatred of the Tory Party. How has Newsnight, that ageing, late night, sleep-inducer suddenly become the most watchable programme on British TV?
Like (6) Comment (21) Share Unfollow Reply Privately19 days ago Comments Carol Pearce, Robert Guercio and 4 others like this 21 comments

Tim Huggins ... Sales and Technology Specialist | Founding Member of Conscious Capitalism Australia
I don't think he is too radical, his delivery does not appeal to everyone but he gets it and with his profile and broad audience this is a good thing. I like the way he challenges things and very much lives in the moment. Check out the Youtube Video he did with Urbanyogis, it is very funny.
Like (4) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 19 days ago Kirsten G Nielsen, Carol P. and 2 others like this

Carol Pearce Carol Carol Pearce CEO - & Business Strategy Consultant
I didn't think I would see Russell Brand as sensical, but he makes some very good points about the token gestures that are made to supposedly make a radical difference to the world. I think there are great messages in here, and I don't think it's too radical. It's about time we had some real passion and points of difference.
Like (6) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 18 days ago Judy J., Kirsten G Nielsen and 4 others like this

Robert Guercio Future Global Innovator in Sustainability
Nice to have a humorous yet serious perspective that demonstrably discusses the real issues facing an ever increasing impoverished and huge chunk of society. No dancing around the hat with him. Hopefully he will help affect positive change and help keep the conversation on the root issues we need to address... Like (4) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 17 days ago Fiona Savage, Carol P. and 2 others like this

Fiona Savage Turn ‘I Can’t’ into ‘I Can’ Assess, Re-calibrate, Measure for Success
I couldn't decide whether Russell Brand was just outrageous or a genius. On News night he struck a chord with many, I don't think he is too radical. Its great to see him speak like this as it appeals to wide audience that who seek change in a more moderate way and many not strike a cord with his audience.
Like (3) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 17 days ago Judy J., Kirsten G Nielsen and 1 other like this

Kirsten G Nielsen Interior Organiser & Designer at kgn design
The percentage knowledge, vision and openness to new opportunities to find solutions seemed to far outweigh some I've seen by politicians in the 25 years I've lived here in the UK......and that's me having always voted and felt those who didn't couldn't have a say.....I'm going to have a think about that, thanks to this ranting alternative gent :) And that's a good thing.
Like (2) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 17 days ago Judy J., Fiona Savage like this

Brad Zarnett Founder, Toronto Sustainability Speaker Series (TSSS) Canada's premiere idea exchange for sustainability leadership
Hi everyone - please take a moment to download our paper - a quiet revolution has already began - join us in phase 1 as we develop the design principles for a better economic system.
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 17 days ago

Judy Jackson Artist
He makes a lot of sense and his display of outrage would gel with a lot of people. We need more outspoken people such as Russell to change the status quo!
Like (4) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 15 days ago Carol P., Fiona Savage and 2 others like this

Peter Burgess ... Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics ... formerly international business and development consultant and corporate CFO
I like Russell Brand ... great humor on top of some authenticity that makes fun of high profile people and shows up how unbelievably superficial many of these folk are. He is posing some important questions ... humorously ... and few of the people interviewing him have any idea of what is going on! One of the few people who is talking truth to power! There should be many more. I love it!
Peter Burgess - TrueValueMetrics Multi Dimension Impact Accounting Delete 15 days ago Judy J., Tim H. like this

Adrian Woodliffe ... contracting: brand thinking + strategy + storytelling - until next role
I can totally understand his frustration, cynicism and anger. the 'sameness' ' of governments/political parties/politicians and their mediocre performance is getting us nowhere....
Like (1) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 14 days ago Fiona Savage likes this

Jez Collier Business Communications Specialist
Check this link out, no anger just enthusiasm for Peace!

from Russell Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago

Christian Smith Founder and Collaboration Director at Inclusi
He does of course have a point. Many of us agree to some degree with what he says, we just wouldn't have the platform to reach that amount of people. What is slightly dangerous is the abstaining aspect. As sad as it may seem, we don't just vote to get certain parties into power but to keep the fringe, radical elements out. My take on the situation is here: where I have compared what Russell says to what investor Jeremy Grantham has been talking about for years, and the parallels are quite evident.
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago

Fiona Savage Turn ‘I Can’t’ into ‘I Can’ Assess, Re-calibrate, Measure for Success
I agree Russel Brand has a great platform to reach a wide and differ audience, which is needed. The future need collaboration by all. I would prefer not to think Russel Barnd as right or wrong! No group has the answer, that's what I like so much about what he said, he does not pretend to have the answer and that OK . Its about being comfortable in our selves in the chaordic space and enabling emergence to take place though collective dialogue and wisdom. Otherwise we replace on Command and Control system for another doctrine, which no one wants. there are steeping stones that can support collective emergence and wisdom which we can collectively use.
Like (1) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago Jez C. likes this

Andrew Donaldson Founder at Hawkesbury Estates Limited
I think he would have a far far greater impact if he stopped treating his opportunity to comment as an opportunity to show off what a 'clever dick' he is, or at least quite as much as he does. Why use the vocabulary he chooses to use if he is attempting to convince or speak about a large portion of the population who would never speak like that. I'm not saying for one moment he needs to de-intellectualise his content, i actually agree with many of the themes he explores and am glad more people with profile (from any walk of life! we're all certainly sick to death of the self interested politicians pushing their own barrows) are speaking up - thats excellent - but he does love the sound of his own voice a little too much for my liking. I don't think he is too radical, I don't think he is a great comic either, I do welcome his contribution.
I have no problem with abstaining - it has not mattered who you have voted for in the recent past - we all know what oils the wheels of these centralist politician's machines (and it sure isn't yours and my votes)
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago

Tom Idle Editor-in-Chief at 2degrees
I think Brand has got it spot on, Brad.
We need more Brands that are able to eloquently set out the alternatives and argue the case that we don't have to accept things as they are.
Unfortunately, because he hasn't taken his career (some truly awful movies) or life (prolific 'Shagger of the Year') particularly seriously, Brand is seen as something of a gimmick. Paxman was right to question his 'triviality'.
Imagine if Brand's rhetoric was echoed by a business leader or policymaker?
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago

Andrew Donaldson Andrew Andrew Donaldson Founder at Hawkesbury Estates Limited
Tom - you have it 100% right. If he appeared a little more serious about this and sort out his delivery - he might have an amazing impact. Its not as if society is exactly overwhelmed with fresh ideas right now is it? Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 13 days ago

Peter Burgess ... Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics ... formerly international business and development consultant and corporate CFO
This conversation has gone in a very predictable way. We seem to be more concerned about Brand's style and presentation than the issues he is addressing. I wish the story arising from the series of Brand tirades would lead to people who take themselves more seriously to put themselves in gear and take on the challenges Brand suggests in a meaningful way.
Let us take the issue of huge wealth disparity that Brand raises in his tirades. What is the cause of this? What are we going to do about it. This is not the first time there have been issues like this ... but this is not 1213 which gave us the Magna Carta in 1215, or the late 1800s which gave us the robber barons and then serious anti-trust legislation, but the 21st century and what should be on the table for action.
I want to see ... and I am working on ... radical reform of the metrics we use to measure 'success', to measure progress and to measure performance. I argue that when you change the way the game is scored, you change the way the game is played. Money profit for business, stock prices for investors and GDP growth for policy makers are measures that have driven decisions in the direction that has ended up with the current wealth disparities ... these measures ignore impact on people and planet, the so called externalities. We need something very different that reflects where we are in terms of technology and knowledge.
Peter Burgess - TrueValueMetrics Multi Dimension Impact Accounting Delete 13 days ago Judy J., Kelli Peterson like this

Rachel S. Heslin Rachel S. Heslin: Website Designer
While I agree that the content of Brand's message is the core of the conversation, I believe that it is important to discuss 'style and presentation' as well. After all, what's the point of having great ideas if you don't look at the most efficient ways of disseminating them? Having said that, I have no problem with Brand's use of esoteric vocabulary, cynical (and occasionally bombastic) style, etc. because that's part of who he is -- and, speaking as someone who loves the nuance of language, I find it refreshing to have something not be 'dumbed down' for the masses.
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 12 days ago

Rachel S. Heslin ... Website Designer
To address the need to bring in new metrics to measure the success of business, I definitely agree that we need to expand our global and societal definition of 'success' to include the impact on human beings, society as a whole, and our physical environment. However, Tim Kelley ( points out that, unless we *also* include 'old metrics' such as financial success, the 'new paradigm' will not be accepted and will not replace our current system, which is our ultimate goal.
Like (1) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 12 days ago Judy J. likes this

Tony Mondia President at Taliflo Inc.
Tom Idle, the business leader you are looking for is Dee Hock, the founder of VISA. Peter Burgess and Rachel S. Heslin, metrics aren't the problem. The problem is 'measuring success.' Measurements should invite inquiry, not provide answers. I'm a big fan of the joint-project between Vancity and SAP.
As for Russell Brand, he's speaking correctly but on a high level. You can't break through to Caucasian males largely overrepresented in decision-making roles in our economic and political institutions that way. You have to demonstrate the interconnectedness of our actions and rather than the decision they make being financial, it becomes moral.
Brad Zarnett, I think you're touching up on a ecological economics (steady-state) with designing the principles of the new economy.
Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 5 days ago

Peter Burgess ... Founder/CEO at TrueValueMetrics ... formerly international business and development consultant and corporate CFO
Tony ... thanks for the feedback, but I do not want to let you dismiss metrics without a bit of pushback from my side.
You observe that 'measurement should invite inquiry, not provide answers', and I agree with this, and at a very deep level. You suggest that metrics should be 'measuring success' ... but I am not sure how this actually works.
A good system of metrics is agnostic to the process going on. What is important is to understand what constitutes progress, and for this it helps to understand the purpose of the activity.
For the global business and socio-economic system, I see the purpose of economic activity as being to produce the goods and services we need for people to have a good and improving quality of life with the least possible stress on the resources of the planet and the environment. I am trying to devise an efficient way of measuring in this context. If the measures do their job, they will help people to direct their efforts where there will be best results ... the inquiry to which you refer. I want to measure ... others should be using the measures to decide what to do.
At the moment, the measures are all about making more and more profit ... and one big way of doing this is to produce more and more, sell more and more, minimize payroll, minimize pollution control costs ... in other words speed up the race to the bottom. This is insane, and it will help a lot to have some radical reform of the metrics so that the optimization takes into account not only profit, but also people and planet.
Thanks for the heads-up about ... looks interesting. I will see how much common ground I have with their work. It could be substantial.
Peter Burgess - TrueValueMetrics Multi Dimension Impact Accounting

Tony Mondia President at Taliflo Inc.
I did not intend to imply metrics should be 'measuring success'. Rather, I wanted to state that most metrics attempt to measure success, and that is the problem.What it appears you are trying to do is performing some sort of variance analysis (difference between expected results and actual results) on non-monetary measurements. As an accountant, you are right that the goal is to maximize profit in most board rooms. I take issue with setting measurable goals and then deciding how the organization should operate according to achieving those goals, using metrics to measure progress towards 'success'.Rather, I would like to advocate for a principled approach. The goal is to ensure every decision adheres to the foundational principles of the organization. Metrics are to inform the impacts of those decisions, and whether or not the principles must be revisited. Therefore I'm advocating against variance analysis and targets for that matter. Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 11 hours ago Peter Burgess

Russell Brand's Story - Transformation Through Yoga | URBAN YOGIS - Deepak Chopra ... The Chopra Well


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