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Peter Burgess

CDSB Framework Climate change and UK mandatory GHG reporting XBRL XBRL The Climate Disclosure Standards Board CDSB is an international organization committed to the integration of climate change-related information into mainstream corporate reporting. CDSB advances its mission by acting as a forum for collaboration on how existing standards and practices can be supported and enhanced so as to link financial and climate change-related reporting and respond to regulatory developments. CDSB develops its Climate Change Reporting Framework and guidance based on existing standards, research, analysis and good practice working in close partnership with leading professionals in accountancy, business, standard setting and regulation. CDSB offers a practical response to the demand for a global reporting model that ensures fair and transparent markets, encourages standardized climate change-related reporting and inspires confidence in reporting. CDSB does not aim to create a new standard but works as a collaborative forum to establish how to improve existing standards and practices to link financial and climate change-related reporting, and respond to regulatory developments. CDSB’s ambition is to provide policy-makers and others with standard-ready material in the form of our Climate Change Reporting Framework and other resources designed to provide clear, reliable information for robust decision-making. Our work is designed to provide clarity, confidence and trust in information, and greater stability in financial markets. Who Benefits from CDSB’s work? Investors will be able to make informed and robust decisions based on clarity, confidence and trust in climate change-related opportunities and risks disclosed by a company. Analysts will be better equipped to utilize climate change-related information in determining impacts on future cash flow and ultimately company valuations. Companies can use CDSB’s Framework to incorporate climate change-related information in mainstream financial reports, assisting companies in achieving a holistic view of how climate change can affect their performance and the necessary actions they could take to address the risks and opportunities. Governments can benefit from standards ready material and a framework that can be immediately adopted or referenced as a method of compliance in regulation/guidance, allowing businesses to contribute to national Greenhouse gas reduction targets. Stock exchanges can consider new voluntary and mandatory listing requirements linked to material climate change risks and opportunities. Accounting firms will be able to provide more comprehensive assurance of companies reporting on climate change-related performance.

Recent News ASX corporate governance principles must ensure consistency and materiality of information 15 Nov 2013 CDSB and CDP support ASX's objectives to encourage environmental and social disclosure, but proposes amendments to achieve intended out Read more CDSB and UNEP launch report on corporate sustainability reporting 07 Nov 2013 Report supports governments interested in the corporate sustainability reporting agenda by providing answers to key questions. Read more Video: Integrating climate change information into mainstream corporate reports 17 Oct 2013 Video and slides on the EU context of integrating climate change information into financial reports. © 2013, All rights reserved
CDSB's Framework for integrated reporting Collaborating with the IIRC As a Framework that seeks to elicit information that connects the financial, governance and environmental impacts of climate change, CDSB’s Climate Change Reporting Framework is on the frontier of how to apply the principles of integrated reporting with respect to reporting on climate change. Integrated Reporting demonstrates the linkages between an organization’s strategy, governance and financial performance and the social, environmental and economic context within which it operates. By reinforcing these connections, Integrated Reporting can help business to take more sustainable decisions and enable investors and other stakeholders to understand how an organization is really performing. Many CDSB members contributed to the development of the International Integrated Reporting Committee’s (IIRC) discussion paper, Towards Integrated Reporting: Communicating Value in the 21st Century, released on 12th September 2011, and to IIRC’s wider work program. The discussion paper considers the rationale for Integrated Reporting, offering initial proposals for the development of an International Integrated Reporting Framework and outlining the next steps towards its creation and adoption. Its purpose is to prompt input from all those with a stake in improved reporting, including producers and users of reports. CDSB’s Chairman, Rick Samans is a member of the International Integrated Reporting Committee.
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  • eXtensible Business Reporting Language
  • Transforming the way companies report their climate change information
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