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Peter Burgess Dialog
Chris Macrae

Ref Hispanic Women By Denise Lama


Peter Burgess

Gmail Peter Burgess Ref Hispanic Women By Denise Lama Bernardo Javalquinto Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:28 AM To: christopher macrae , Denise Lama feliu Cc: Naila Chowdhury , Mostofa Zaman , Steve Foerster , Carrie Rich , King Christopher , Tebabu Assefa , Shafqat Ullah , '' , Kim Chandler McDonald , '' , Nazrul I Chowdhury , Piero Formica , '' , '' , Samantha SBE , '' , Philippa White , Philippa White , '' , Peter Burgess , '' , Linda Yahr , '' , Anna Barrera , Adella , Sunil Malhotra , '' , Mohammad Bhuiyan , Melissa Carrier , Rodolfo Gonzalez Espinoza , Brian Weinberg , '' Chris, Denise, has worked a lot in LATAM in women empowerment here I cc her. She is a busy person but I think she was doing something with smartphones as well. Denise Lama National Entrepreneurship Program Coordinator The National Women's Service (SERNAM, Chile) Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto, Economist; University of Maryland, AA, BSc, MBA, PhD Chairman-Founder Escuela de Negocios Sociales (ENS) Social Business School (SBS) mob. local 9-517-5438 mob Inter +569 9 517-5438 Javalquinto Markmann & Lagos Carmona (JMLC) Founder M&As - Counselor 2014-02-22 13:26 GMT-03:00 christopher macrae : Bernardo wrote Yes as soon as I get to Miami i will move very fast, In march i will be in South Africa, Cote d`Ivory and R. of Congo. I will also have a back to office report (BTOR) to you MARCH ON Bernardo good luck -however if any brainstorm comes to you as to what poorest hispanic women first need to connect across the entire american continent on free mobile - eg safety line against abuse please tell naila as her march journey through ireland switzerland, LA and kenya is about signing up such a franchise and testing if carlos slim will lay on poorest womens terms If you are passing through johannesburg tell us and we'll see if we can linkin taddy-by the way mostofa has just finished a week in lucknow understanding how they are redesigning entrepreneur and sustainability curriculum for 50000 children citymontessori Jgandhi globaledu they are proposing taddy and they meet in august? to swap notes- I guess that is phase 1 of many phases at which youth summits swaps notes on entrepreneurship I am desperately trying to involve china, korea, and japan in similar note swapping , and ultimately notes are effectively swapped when they are up in 9 minute modules like khan's TO MOOCYUNUS OR NOT I sort of feel that when yunus sees this page of khans he will see how far he's got behind with nursing college even as that becomes the first card for millions of youth to viralise; similarly millions of youth are now viralising jim kims knowhow on what youth's most collaborative social movements really do below the radar Also between now and june its essential to share short transcripts on how the real microcredits work; if jim kim gets to the annual results conference and find they are still spamming the whole world bank with fund microcredits no matter what they are do there will be an unhappy ending to everything micro financial chris From: Bernardo Javalquinto To: christopher macrae Cc: '' ; '' ; King Christopher ; Ross Girardi ; 'fady@MIT.EDU' ; Steve Foerster ; Sylvia R Benatti ; '' ; '' ; '' ; Mostofa Zaman ; Tebabu Assefa ; Kim Chandler McDonald ; Kate Thornton ; '' ; '' Sent: Saturday, 22 February 2014, 10:46 Subject: Re: Any one interested in finding out how open society aims to help create jobs with its grant programs in capitals like san diego Dear Chris, Yes as soon as I get to Miami i will move very fast, In march i will be in South Africa, Cote d`Ivory and R. of Congo. I will also have a back to office report (BTOR) to you Sincerely, Bern Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto, Economist; University of Maryland, AA, BSc, MBA, PhD Chairman-Founder Escuela de Negocios Sociales (ENS) Social Business School (SBS) mob. local 9-517-5438 mob Inter +569 9 517-5438 Javalquinto Markmann & Lagos Carmona (JMLC) Founder M&As - Counselor 2014-02-22 2:19 GMT-03:00 christopher macrae : John in open society announcement below I see there's quite a lot about changing prison service - do any of the facilitating organisations mentioned stand out in your view Anna are you connected with any of the san diego initiatives? Also I have just been reading a paper by Mary Walshok on UC San Diego organisation Connect - a stand out 'my experience about working in a community that has transformed itself suggests that accelerating entrepreneurship is as much about community transformation as it is about helping individual entrepreneurs' Kate food desert projects seem to be the number 1 focus of the new whole foods foundation on whole cities - do you know of any action networks students are already connecting with that King I cant recall whether you connected with Anna when you were over in San Diego at book launch; also I wonder if there is an opportunity to connect with youth over there while conscious capitalism summit is on in april. Richard I understand aims to be a number 1 jobs and work experience agencies by and for youth but I wonder how one analyses of all the announcements there which have the most replicable flow wherever we are trying to bring jobs to youth to communities or curriculum we have most connections with Mostofa it would help if you could summaries what lucknow as a world leading school of job creation wants to learn from the south african revolution of bring entrepreneurship into every school so that 14 million children a year are impacted by this new experiential learning and bridging with apprenticeships Michael I strongly believe radio and audio can help youth create jobs - do you have some specific cases to share with us. Moreover Khan Academy effectively is using radio recording to hunt out for youth's greatest peer to peer teachers - see its huge competition for student healthcare P2P other students of healthcare Fady can you tell us a bit how your community portal for youth entrepreneurs works in boston - do you have advice on how to replicate its dynamics in other capitals Bernardo I wonder with your move to Miami - how do we connect what you mean by social business curriculum with students social action clubs while still in universities; In DC region there are 3 sources I want to get better connected with if anyone has ideas: 1 open society's office Baltimore Open Society Institute–Baltimore | Open Society Foundations (OSF) 2 results from the 4 billion dollar community broadband experiments 3 Mayors digital inclusion office (and whether mayors benchmark job creating and open technology systems between cities) Buffalo, San Diego, and Puerto Rico will receive $1.9 million each over two years to bring about lasting local change, the Open Society Foundations announced today. The sites are part of the new Open Places Initiative, which aims to increase the ability of communities to work together to secure greater justice and opportunity for their residents. The foundation anticipates funding the sites for at least three years and, in some sites, as long as ten years. “The Open Society Foundations have a long-term interest in addressing equality, justice, and democratic practice at the local level, said Ken Zimmerman, director of U.S. Programs at the Open Society Foundations. “As part of our core belief in the importance of a robust and capable civic sector, we are excited to be helping these local communities develop their capacity to promote civic, political, and economic opportunity for all their residents. By investing in collaborations between nonprofit organizations, and supporting them in their partnerships with government, business, and community, we aim to expand their potential to pursue effective responses to the profound demographic, economic, and technological changes that are taking place throughout the country. San Diego In a region that is reliant on the military as a primary economic driver, this team will work to advance policies that promote social and economic stability for the region’s most vulnerable residents, specifically immigrants and people involved in the criminal justice system. It will focus on improving access to middle income jobs, advancing policies that strengthen workers’ rights, and engaging the social service sector to improve the quality of service provision by local government. Organizations in the San Diego team include the Employee Rights Center, Center on Policy Initiatives, San Diego Organizing Project, the California Endowment, ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties, Christie’s Place, San Diego Youth Development Office, Pillars of the Community and SEIU/Service Employees International Union, Local 221, and United Domestic Workers, Local 3930. Foundation partners include the Ford Foundation, the California Civic Participation Funders (California Endowment, Color of Democracy Fund, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, James Irvine Foundation, Kapor Center for Social Impact, McKay Foundation, PowerPAC Foundation, Rosenberg Foundation, Women’s Foundation of California), the San Diego Grantmakers, and the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation. Buffalo In a city reeling from manufacturing job loss, the Buffalo group plans to engage the community in the creation of a high-road economic development strategy that will provide quality jobs for marginalized communities. It will work to reduce the flow of students into the criminal justice system through sound policy reform as well as create an arts network to engage residents and artists to advocate for a more open and inclusive Buffalo. Organizations in the Buffalo team include Partnership for the Public Good, PUSH Buffalo, VOICE-Buffalo, and Coalition for Economic Justice. Other collaborators in the Open Buffalo plan are Buffalo Peacemakers, Citizen Action/Public Policy and Education Fund, Clean Air Coalition of WNY, Community Health Worker Network of Buffalo, Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition, Investigative Post, Prisoners are People Too, Public Accountability Initiative, WNY Council on Occupational Health and Safety, and Cornell University ILR School. Foundation partners include John R. Oishei Foundation, Community Foundation of Western New York, Margaret L. Wendt Foundation, and the Western New York Foundation.

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