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Paper Mills

Monadnock Paper Mills: Sustainability Is Enlightened Self-Interest


Peter Burgess

NERGY 3/03/2014 @ 7:59AM 1,344 views Monadnock Paper Mills: Sustainability Is Enlightened Self-Interest

Monadnock Chairman and CEO Richard Verney is a company man in a rural New Hampshire town, working to keep his firm alive in a cutthroat business. Verney knows paper well, having been in the industry for much of his life. His father bought the company in the 40’s and he went to work in 1969, taking the reins in 1978 when his father passed away. He has lived close to the mill for most of his life and it means a lot to him and his community.

Monadnock is the largest employer within a 12 mile radius, and Verney intends to keep it that way, through smart management, the ability to stay ahead of the curve, and an emphasis on efficient and sustainable practices. It’s personal, but it’s also good business.

From my home I can see the steam coming up and it’s literally right in my backyard. All of us want to live in a clean back yard. If you live there you have the responsibility to live in a clean environment and support the community in which you are the major employer. I’m a fly fisherman, I love the outdoors, it’s a rural community, and we’d like to preserve the environment. Beyond that there is enlightened self interest.

The U.S. paper industry has been a brutal place to be in the past few decades. Of the nearly 800 mills operating in 1970, only 345 are still operating. By one estimate, revenue has declined by an average annual rate of 2.7% over the five years from 2008 to 2012.

The Denver Post commented after a recent closure that ‘River towns in the forest from eastern Washington to the coast of Maine have lost more than 100 paper mills in a wave of consolidation in little more than a decade.’ New Hampshire has not been immune, and has seen a slew of mills go under in recent years. And yet, Monadnock Paper Mills, a small paper company in rural New Hampshire, has managed to survive and thrive in a sea of industry trouble.

Image: Monadnock Paper Image: Monadnock Paper

A big reason they are still in the game is that they have continued to proactively adjust and change with the times. Monadnock – a privately held company with 180 employees – has developed new products and they have improved production efficiencies. They have also adopted numerous sustainability practices that not only benefit the world around them, but the company itself.

Verney notes that the whole issue of sustainability is gaining momentum and coming into fashion. But for Monadnock, it first started in the early 1970s, when it was clear that the Clean Water Act was in the offing.

We knew it was coming, and we were also in a period of inflationary costs. We decided to build our own water treatment facility before the regulations were established, and we built a plant better than what we supposed the most stringent regulations would require.

The 1970s were characterized by double-digit runaway inflation, which affected the company’s decision-making process. They decided to jump out ahead of the inflationary spiral and build the plan as quickly as they could, to keep costs down.

Every year we waited, construction costs were increasing 17-18%. Enlightened self-interest dictated if you are going to do it, then go ahead and do it. That was the first major environmental step we took in the early 1970s. At the end of the day it was the right thing to do.

The next big commitment was to hire an Environmental Manager, paper industry veteran Michelle Hamm.

The way you get people engaged is by having people in leadership positions that believe in what they’re doing, and get other people to get on the train. Michelle Hamm reports directly to me. Michelle began working at Monadnock in 2001. It was under her purview that Monadnock embarked on the establishment of the ISO 14001 certified environmental management system. Hiring an employee that is solely dedicated to the environmental health of the company and community was probably the first indication that we had a top down commitment to environmental sustainability.

Monadnock made the decision to implement ISO 14001 in 2004, something that no other paper company of their size had done. ISO 14001 is an international series of standards related to environmental management, supported by independent third-party audits. Verney comments that the system enforces a certain discipline that makes you improve,

It’s an environmental management system that forces you to look at all environmental impacts, quantify them, and make commitments to reduce them over time. That was really the biggest step we took. You are audited by independent third parties that judge whether you live up to standards. They hold your feet to the fire, and continuous improvement is part of the deal.

The company is now committed to reducing energy and water use by 2 % annually, and solid waste by 5%. On a single year basis, that doesn’t sound like much, but when you’ve been doing it for some years, it adds up and gets harder. Verney observes,

Some people say our commitment to reduce (energy, emissions, and water) by 2% a year isn’t much, but the low hanging fruit has already been picked. With the ISO 14001 commitment we have to show improvements on an annual basis.

Like Verney, Hamm is an avid fisherman and she also comes from a paper family. Many days, she will take lunch on the nearby Contoocook River, fly rod in hand. Hamm started a multi-disciplinary green team with representatives from all the functional areas of the business. The team’s objective is to look at our environmental impacts and determine cost-effective strategies to reduce them. The ideas come from the bottom up, but sometimes from the top down as well. These then get assigned priorities based on the economics.

A recent example of this is the company’s approach to dealing with treatment plant byproduct in a nine million gallon lagoon system. Instead of dredging the ponds every twelve years, Monadnock installed a ‘sludge sled’ based on a rail system, which removes the material from the lagoons. This gets sent through the wastewater treatment system and blended with ‘normal operating solids’ – short paper fibers – which go to farmers in NH for soil replenishment. Hamm notes “To date, we have saved $1.5 million in dredging costs, and now that we blend it, we’ve saved three million pounds of material from going to the landfill.”

Hamm is also the environmental gatekeeper to the plant.

All of the raw materials in the mill have to come through me first. They have to get environmental approval to be used in the mill. We’ve also looked at product substitution. We are not a major source of hazardous air pollution and we are not on the EPA toxic release inventory list for our production process. Product substitution lets us do this. We looked at the products we had been using, went back to chemical vendors, and substituted with more benign products. If we can keep dirty products from entering the front door, we don’t have to worry about downstream issues in our water and air. We’ve reduced overall air emissions by 50%.

Verney notes, “Again, its enlightened self interest. You ultimately save money on the pollution control end of the business.”

What about energy? On the supply side, the company gets 50% of its energy (about eight million kilowatt-hours annually) from its own low-impact, run-of-river dams on the neighboring Contoocook River, and has repowered one of the facilities to increase output by 30%. The company also voluntarily greens up 100% of its consumption with renewable energy certificates. The company is also looking at compressed natural gas with dual fuel capability to help power the mill, as it would have a short payback and “reduce our air emissions significantly.” Until then, Monadnock will continue to invest in carbon emission reduction projects through the purchase of verified emission reductions to offset 100 percent of its CO2 equivalent emissions.

On the demand side, Monadnock has made numerous investments as well, including a retrofit of the mill’s lighting system, saving 100,000 kWh a year. Verney notes that they are also looking at LEDs, and notes that they have started in perhaps the most visible area.

As long as I can remember, we had this wonderful neon sign over the mill. But there were few people who could fix these signs anymore, so we decided to look at LEDs. We ended up reducing the energy consumption of that sign by 90%.

Verney remarks that Monadnock’s sustainability commitment also includes the raw materials used.

There’s another big change taking place in the business. It’s environmental, but also economic – we were probably one of the first mills of our size to get Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. This certifies that the fiber we use is responsibly harvested. We were the first with FSC chain of custody certification.We have to buy all our fiber from the U.S., Canada, and South America. All of our pulp suppliers are independently certified under one of the various international environmental standards. We’ve also increased dramatically our use of post-consumer waste fiber. We may been the first in the U.S. to have a 100% post-consumer waste sheet of paper.

In an effort to evolve with the market, Monadnock has aggressively focused on other products as well. Lisa Berghaus, Manager of Marketing Communications noted,

One thing that allowed Monadnock to thrive in a tough paper market is innovation, disruptive innovation. We make products that didn’t exist 5 years ago. We have a whole new line of plastic replacement products, for example a gift card that replaces plastic. There are several hundred million out there in the market today. We have several other products like that gaining adoption in the industry because people are looking for alternatives.

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In looking at a 200-year old company like Monadnock, that has managed to survive and even thrive in the recent dark years for the paper industry, one must ask, did they survive because they are environmentally aware? Or is Monadnock’s intense focus on sustainability simply a symptom of smart management. The answer is probably a combination of both. Successful sustainable companies generally exhibit intelligent systems thinking, efficient practices, and proactive cultures, leading to a reduction of needless waste and lower overall costs.

Perhaps CEO Verney sums it up best,

The question is no longer ‘what did you do 10 years ago?’ but ‘what are you going to do moving forward?’ And I think that question is only going to get louder. Living peacefully with the environment - more and more people are getting it. You can make a good hard case that sustainability is economically rewarding. You have to be able to think further than the next quarter or the next 6 months. We’ve learned it can be profitable.

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