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CDP ... Catalyzing business and government action


Peter Burgess

Catalyzing business and government action

CDP works to transform the way the world does business to prevent dangerous climate change and protect our natural resources. We see a world where capital is efficiently allocated to create long-term prosperity rather than short-term gain at the expense of our environment.

Evidence and insight is vital to driving real change. We use the power of measurement and information disclosure to improve the management of environmental risk. By leveraging market forces including shareholders, customers and governments, CDP has incentivized thousands of companies and cities across the world’s largest economies to measure and disclose their environmental information. We put this information at the heart of business, investment and policy decision making.

We hold the largest collection globally of self reported climate change, water and forest-risk data. Through our global system companies, investors and cities are better able to mitigate risk, capitalize on opportunities and make investment decisions that drive action towards a more sustainable world.

Find out:

  • How CDP works with thousands of companies to tackle climate change.

  • How we work with 767 institutional investors holding US$92 trillion in assets to help reveal the risk in their investment portfolios.

  • How some 50 purchasing organizations such as Dell, PepsiCo and Walmart are using the global CDP system to mitigate environmental risk in their supply chains.

  • How we are driving more sustainable water use by business.

  • How we are supporting local government through our cities work.

  • What we are doing to support national governments globally.

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.