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Collaboration with Dee Dee Angagaw

African Refugee Women and Changing International Priorities: Theoretical and Political Implications ... Agnes Callamard

Draws on some of the work that I did with DeeDee Angagaw when she was the ICARA coordinator at UNDP. See reference 8. In the text this was written:

While RAD's principles of action eluded the issue of refugee women, a study of ICARA I1 projects (in Malawi and elsewhere in Africa) indicates that refugee women are often at the forefront of their design andimplementati~n,~but it is 'also evident that the attention given to refugee women owes more to indi- vidual energy and aggressive steward- ship than to a real institutional (and international) commitment. In addition to ICARA 11, various other RAD projects have been carried out by UNHCR, UN Development Programme and the World Bank, such as PRODERE (Devel- opment Programme for Displaced Per- sons, Refugees and Returnees) in Central America, the joint project (UNHCRI World Banklgovemment) for Afghan refugees in Pakistan, or the International Labour Organizations (ILO) Revolving Fund for Ethiopian Refugees in Sudan? A gender-based review of these and other UN efforts to promote RAD under- lines five main trends.

I was the team leader in the work referred to in Malawi ... as well as working on many of the other ICARA related projects in Africa from the mid-1980s for almost 10 years.
Peter Burgess

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