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Ernesto Sirolli ... One person at a time ... video about helping create progress in Cambodia

I think this is a 'MUST SEE' video. It is not very long, but the message is profound and very easy to understand.

Obviously I liked it, in large part because it recognizes the hope that is in everyone to do better, and the reality that we all are constrained in some way from doing better by some limitation in our knowledge and skills.

As it happened, I went to a meeting at the World Bank (WB) last week. I used to do quite a lot of consulting for the WB quite a long time ago, and I became something of an advocate for a 'bottom up' approach where the immense potential of people for improvement was obvious, but ignored in the majority of government run mega-projects.

I love this video ... building on the potential of people to build their own future.


Peter Burgess - TrueValueMetrics ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting
Peter Burgess

This video is about the Social Change. Most of us want to change the world for good but don't know where to start. It starts with the individual who dreams the change. All we have to do is to look 'within' and identify what can I change to make this world a better place. This video is courtesy of Ernesto Sirolli who have inspired us to 'shut up and listen'

Change starts with you from Sonas World on Vimeo.

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