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Young Professionals ... Chronic Disease Network

YP-CDN Forum: The Impact of International Trade on Health - Agenda & Declaration


Peter Burgess

Gmail Peter Burgess Tomorrow's YP-CDN Forum: The Impact of International Trade on Health- Agenda & Declaration 1 message YP Chronic Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:01 AM To: Bcc: Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the side event to the UN High-Level Review on Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) hosted by the Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YP-CDN):

Forum for Action on NCDs: The Impact of International Trade on Health

Wednesday, July 9th, 8:30 am- 1 pm

Griffis Faculty Club, Weill Cornell Medical College
521 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065

Please find attached: the agenda for the forum Forum Draft_Declaration_NCDs and Trade.pdf our program with background information and speaker biographies YPForum_Agenda_Trade&Health_July 9.pdf A social media guide for the forum Program_YPForum_NCDsandTrade.pdf A draft of the Declaration on NCDs and International Trade and Investment - The Future of Our Health, which we will discuss and finalize during the event YP Forum Social Media Guide.pdf We are also gathering for an informal meet and greet today (Tuesday, July 8th) at 7:30 pm at the Boat Basin Cafe (, which you are most welcome to join us for.

Best wishes,

Jordan Jarvis
Executive Director

Tw @ncdaction

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4 attachments

Forum Draft_Declaration_NCDs and Trade.pdf 147K

YPForum_Agenda_Trade&Health_July 9.pdf 114K

Program_YPForum_NCDsandTrade.pdf 563K

YP Forum Social Media Guide.pdf 127K

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