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Ethical Corp

Ethical Corp: corporate event focusing on value chain sustainability ... London in October


Peter Burgess

Value Chain Sustainability

Boris Petrovic

Jul 16 (1 day ago)

to me

Hi Peter

I have just launched a corporate event focusing on value chain sustainability. I was hoping to see whether you could review the agenda and give me some advice.

So far I have segmented the agenda the main areas of human rights and social performance, environmental performance, integration and embedding into supply chain and procurement, collaboration, supplier development and transparency.

It would be great to get your advice on what further issues in particular would be useful to address and any leading individuals that we should invite to speak.

You can see the agenda here

Would you be able to briefly review and email me your feedback?



Boris Petrovic | Project Director | Ethical Corporation: Business Intelligence for Sustainability

t: +44 (0) 20 7375 7527 | US toll free: 1800 814 3459 ex: 7527 | e:

The 9th annual ... Sustainable Supply Chain Summit – Europe
19-20 November 2014 | Tower Bridge Hilton | London, UK

Agenda at a glance The Sustainable Path Post-2015 How do we overcome the sustainability premium problem?

In the face of diminishing western demand in the global consumer market, maintain a meaningful sustainability effort with suppliers with lower purchasing leverage

Win the hearts of the CEO and Board to champion the sustainability cause

What opportunity do the post-2015 UN development goals provide?

Deutsche Telekom, Luis Neves, Executive Vice President, Group Climate Change and Sustainability Officer

Integration & Embedding

Embed Sustainability into Procurement and Supply Chain: The Strategic How-To

Make sustainability performance as important a criterion as quality, productivity and flexibility of suppliers

Integrate sustainability and responsible sourcing into the core purchasing and supply chain functions

Understand how to develop the necessary internal structure, tools, processes and incentives for supply chain and procurement needed to deliver effective sustainability performance

M&S, Mike Barry, Director of Sustainable Business
Eastman, Godefroy Motte, SVP Integrated Supply Chain and Chief Regional & Sustainability Officer
HP, Zoe McMahon, Director, Global Social & Environmental Responsibility A Guide to the Value of Sustainability in the Supply Chain

Understand the first steps to taking the sustainability path in sustainable supply chain management and procurement

Hear the real case for undertaking the sustainability initiative, why it makes business sense and how it can lead to greater resilience and competitiveness

UN Global Compact, Anita Househam, Manager, Supply Chain Sustainability Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain: A Leader’s Advice

Get first-hand insight as to how a leader practically ‘does sustainability’ from day-to-day

Gain the practical guidance you need to maximise influence with suppliers, mitigate risk and change your supply chain to make it resilient and future-proof

Akzo Nobel, Dick Bartelse, Global Procurement Director Social Performance Human Rights: What is the exact role of business?

Understand the remit and reasonable expectations of your business in protecting human rights within your sphere of influence

Learn the best examples of programmes that are leading to real change in working conditions

What is the correct path to worker empowerment, implementing grievance mechanisms or supporting freedom of association causes, or both?

Ethical Trading Initiative, Peter McAlister, Executive Director

Minimise Human Rights Risks: Effectively Implement Grievance Mechanisms

Learn the different contexts into which grievance mechanisms can be applied to improve the material conditions of workers and affected stakeholders within your supply chain

Implement tools to Hear Workers Voices

Learn the main NGO services and tools available to hear workers’ voices in scaleable way

Leverage technology and digital penetration to build a communication channel directly with those that you are trying to protect, learn how to empower workers via SMS, and other evolving electronic surveying and dialogue tools

Hear a discussion of cases of how leading brands have integrated and rolled out such programmes to strengthen their ethical trading results for workers and are driving, supporting and verifying factory management improvement efforts

Children’s Place, Kate Larsen, Acting Director, Social Responsibility

Environmental Performance

Measure and Minimise Environmental Footprint of your Value Chain

Learn how to calculate environmental footprint of products in order to measure, benchmark and mitigate environmental impacts in the future

Understand the latest techniques being employed to put data into action through footprint-minimising programmes that meaningfully reduce the impact your supply chain has on the environment

BASF, Dirk Voeste, Vice President, Sustainability Strategy
PepsiCo, Ian Hope-Johnstone, Director Agriculture Sustainability
Mars, Donna Westerman, VP Responsible Sourcing
Lego, Tim Brooks, Senior Director Environmental Sustainability

Creating Circular Economies: Opportunities and Challenges

Learn how to create a circular economy for your products by integrating active end of life scenarios into your commercial model

Maximise re-use, recyclability, re-purpose and remake to eliminate your environmental footprint

HP, Zoe McMahon, Director, Global Social & Environmental Responsibility

Mitigate the Social Risk of Water: Mediate between Competing Interests

Mitigate the social risk of water by learning how to effectively engage with competing interests for water resources through your stakeholder engagement

SABMiller, Anna Swaithes, Head of Water and Food Security Policy

A Blueprint to Market Transformation and Ending Deforestation

Hear what leading corporations are doing to end deforestation what policies that have set out and how are they being put into practice

Overcome the issues of dealing with complex and distant supply chains in driving sustainable sourcing of many essential commodities

Know that you are making a change: understand the assurance process needed to ensure that policies and corporate efforts are actually leading to change on the ground

Greenpeace, Pat Venditti, Senior Forest Campaigner
Rainforest Alliance, Mercedes Tallo, Director, Sustainable Value Chains & Markets


Value Chain Transparency: Elevate Monitoring Systems and Standards

Optimise your prioritisation and resource allocation; move from a supplier-level to supply-chain-level monitoring system that will optimise resource allocation and risk mitigation

Elevate the standards of monitoring professionals on the ground; learn the latest strategies being used to maximise validity of data to minimise blind spots and get accurate, representative information

Get scale and accuracy: learn how to reconcile context-sensitive supplier-level data collection with a unified and consistent corporate-level monitor system

Unilever, Dirk Jan de With, Vice President, Procurement Ingredients & Sustainability
H&M, Tobias Fischer, Relations Sustainability Director

Developing Metrics: Measure Impact Accurately throughout the Value Chain

Get the inside track on the methodologies, metrics and techniques used to accurate determine where your greatest environmental impacts lie, allowing you to prioritise your effort and minimise overall risk

Eliminate Conflict Minerals from your Supply Chain

Add ‘conflict-free’ to your value proposition by learning how to leverage the latest transparency strategies to differentiate your product, minimise risk and source responsibly

Fairphone, Tessa Wernink, Director of Communications

Know your Supply Chain: Best Practice Supplier Assessments

Mitigate risk of shocks and loss of supply in your value chain through best practice monitoring systems

Ecovadis, Pierre-François Thaler, Co-President

Supplier Development

Supplier Capacity Development: Moving From Policemen to Long-Term Partners

Positively support your suppliers for greater sustainability by moving beyond mere auditing to reinforcing their performance with commercial incentives and the know-how to actually change

Maximise compliance by learning how to present a credible incentive structure for sustainability to your suppliers

Learn the best examples of programmes for supplier coaching and training to improve competencies in ethical management methods

Impactt, Rosey Hurst, Founder and Director
Oxfam, Rachel Wilshaw, Ethical Trade Manager
Tesco, Giles Bolton, Ethical Trading Director
Ericsson, Madeleine Fries, Head of Responsible Sourcing

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing Between Supplier Bases

Build the management competence of lagging supplier bases by leveraging the knowledge of more advanced suppliers

Turn the issue of diversity into a positive force by spreading good practice across your supply chain

Marks & Spencer, Louise Nicholls, Head of Responsible Sourcing


Use Collaborative Initiatives to Maximise Leverage and Scalability

Overcome the challenges in setting up partnerships with peer companies to coordinate a collective sustainability effort to avoid duplication of effort in areas of mutual interest

Improve scalability of pilots and projects to maximise social impact; expand the positive results from one-time pilots to region-wide programmes that initiate real systemic change

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