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Peter Denning

The Economist: Blue Chips Are Addicted To 'Corporate Cocaine'


Peter Burgess

The Economist: Blue Chips Are Addicted To 'Corporate Cocaine'

The pro-business journal, The Economist, last week declared in two articles (here and here) that “blue chips are engaged in their own kind of financial excess: a dangerous addiction to share buy-backs.” Share buybacks “have become a kind of corporate cocaine that induces a temporary feeling of invincibility but masks weakness and vacuity.”

In a world in which corporate performance and executive compensation are linked to earnings per share (EPS) and the firm’s share price, share buybacks are an easy way out. A shortfall in earnings? No problem! Executives can just have their firm buy a swathe of their own shares (generally in secret) and hey presto, the share price rises; they get their bonus and short-term investors make a quick buck.

English: Cocaine powder Deutsch: Kokain in Pul... English: Cocaine powder Deutsch: Kokain in Pulverform (als Salz) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Economist sees several big problems:

“First, both short-term investors and managers have incentives that could lead them to … neglect long-term investment projects.

“Second, some firms may be borrowing too much to pay for their buy-back habit. American companies… A significant proportion of the share buybacks are being financed by debt… Two-fifths of S&P 500 firms are spending more than their entire cash flow on dividends, capital investment and buy-backs, thereby increasing their net debt… And of course, increasing the firm’s indebtedness makes it riskier.”

Finally, “if firms are overdoing buy-backs and starving themselves of investment, artificially propped-up share prices will eventually tumble.”

If the practice of firms buying back their own shares when prices were low, it might make some kind of sense. But as the Economist notes, “managers in aggregate are about as good at predicting share prices as dart-throwing simians… In all, America’s financial sector repurchased $207 billion of shares between 2006 and 2008. By 2009 taxpayers had had to inject $250 billion into the banks to save them.”

Bill Lazonick’s research in his article in this month’s Harvard Business Review confirms that diagnosis. The bulk of the purchases have come when stock prices are high. As a result, executives are extracting value from their firms, rather than creating it. Executives are engaged in what is “in effect, stock price manipulation.”

‘Share buyback bananas’

“Investors should be worried,” says The Economist. As share prices reach record levels, share buybacks on the rise. “IBM IBM +0.56% spends twice as much on share repurchases as on research and development. Exxon has spent over $200 billion buying back its shares, enough to buy its arch-rival BP .”

“That story, of sluggish investment despite low interest rates, and huge share repurchases, is broadly true of all of corporate America. The companies in the S&P 500 index bought $500 billion of their own shares in 2013, close to the high reached in the bubble year of 2007, and eating up 33 cents of every dollar of cashflow… accounting for 60 percent of cash returns last year.”

The Economist recites the pretext that executives like former IBM CEO Sam Palmisano give for share buybacks: “if firms can’t find opportunities for profitable investment, handing cash back to investors is the right thing to do. In many ways the surge in buy-backs is a symptom of the rich world’s feeble growth prospects.”

But The Economist worries that “both investors and managers can become addicted to the temporary ‘pop’ that a buy-back can give to a share price… Pay plans can corrupt managers’ motives… If managers are paid on the basis of EPS targets—as up to half of American bosses are—they have a temptation to go buy-back bananas.”

A failure of leadership

“Shareholder capitalism is about growth and creation, not just dividing the spoils.” Unfortunately, that’s what shareholder capitalism has become: dividing the spoils among short-term investors and the C-suite.

Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and the first outside investor in Facebook, argues in The New York Times that today’s “corporate executives are out of ideas for reinvesting.”

What we need, Thiel says, are more leaders like Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos “who relentlessly reinvest all of their cash flow,” rather than “the conformist, risk-averse politicians who already control most American mega-corporations… if those politicians ‘reinvest’ profits in new ventures that copy what is already being done, or research centers that go through the motions, or perks for executives to enjoy during the workday, then the desired widespread benefits won’t materialize, anyway.”

“The trend away from reinvestment can and must change, but it will only change when more companies are run by founders with vision.”

And read also:

How Business Leaders Turned Into Vampires

From CEO Takers To CEO Makers: The Great Transformation

Why Financialization Has Run Amok

Navigating the phase change to the Creative Economy

The five big surprises of radical management

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