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Global Value Experts

Global Value Experts in a TVM list format


Peter Burgess

About the GLOBAL VALUE initiative

Why are we implementing GLOBAL VALUE? What approaches will GLOBAL VALUE take on measuring and managing MNC impacts on development? What are the major areas of MNC impacts in developing countries? The GLOBAL VALUE team answers the above and more of the questions related to GLOBAL VALUE specifically, and the impacts of MNCs on global development more generally. Click here for text only version.

Questions & answers about GLOBAL VALUE

Key project features
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Andre Martinuzzi
What is GLOBAL VALUE about? What are the objectives and key features of the GLOBAL VALUE project?
Open Youtube of Andre Martinuzzi
Dominik Sobczak (EC)
What is the interest of the European Commission in measuring MNC impacts on development?
Open Youtube of Dominik Sobczak (EC)

Key project features

MNC impacts on development

Benefits of impact measurement for MNCs

Specific development issues addressed by GLOBAL VALUE

Perspectives from focus countries and sectors

GLOBAL VALUE partner companys’ perspectives

Hans-Ulrich Beck
(SustA): What do companies gain from measuring their impacts?

Peter Hardi
(CEU): What are the main issue areas covered by GLOBAL VALUE?

Kenneth M K Bengesi
(Sokoine): What is the role of MNCs in development of Tanzania?

Nicole Voillat
(BATA): why is BATA participating in GLOBAL VALUE?

Dominik Sobczak
(EC): Why is the European Commission funding the GLOBAL VALUE project?

Martin Ledolter
(Austrian Development Agency): The role of business in the post-2015 development agenda

Ilona Szoecs
(WU): What are the benefits of impact measurement from the management perspective?

Karin Lukas
(LBS): What is the role of MNCs role in advancing human rights?

Carolyne Nombo (Sokoine): Why partnering in GLOBAL VALUE is important to Sokoine?

Chris Brown
(OLAM): Why is OLAM participating in GLOBAL VALUE?

Norma Schönherr
(WU): Why do we need new tools to measure MNC impacts?

Martin Ledolter
(Austrian Development Agency): The importance of impact measurement in development

Wendy Chapple
(UNott): How do systems of governance affect company competitiveness?

Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
(WU): What are the gender issues GLOBAL VALUE will tackle?

Fathema Zhura Khatoon
(BRAC): What is the role of MNCs in development of Bangladesh?


Adele Wiman
(WU): What is the role of the Expert Crowd?

Wolfgang Meyer
(USaar): What are the positive and negative effects of MNCs on development?

Lucia Reisch
(CBS): How are the MNCs involved in the GLOBAL VALUE project?

Peter Hardi
(CEU): Why are accountability and transparency of MNCs so important?

Lucia Reisch
(CBS): What are the impacts of MNCs in the agricultural sector?


Andrew Jenkins
(BRAC): What does stakeholder involvement bring to impact measurement?

Franziska Wolff
(OeKO): What are Systems of Governance for responsible business conduct?





What do other impact measurement experts say?

Challenges in impact measurement

Expectations for a new tool for impact measurement

Dave Boselie
(IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative): Key challenges in measuring impacts in PPPs

Jim Tanburn
(DCED): What is the key for an impact measurement and management framework?

Dave Boselie
(IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative): Why do we need harmonization for impact measurement?

Moritz Nill
(Systain): What should the new tool for impact measurement deliver?

Moritz Nill
(Systain): Key challenges for measuring impacts along global supply chains
Dave Boselie (IDH Sustainable development initiative):
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