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Energy - Drilling
Keep fossil fuel in the ground

Pennsylvania just took an important step towards moving Beyond Natural Gas ... Governor Tom Wolf has halted new drilling leases on public lands in PA


Peter Burgess

Sierra Club - Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

Dear Peter,

Pennsylvania just took an important step towards moving Beyond Natural Gas.

Thank Governor Wolf for halting new drilling leases on public lands!

Thank Governor Wolf!

This is big: Governor Wolf just placed a moratorium on new leases for drilling in state parks and forests in Pennsylvania!

This victory is an important step forward towards protecting our wild places from the oil and gas industry. It wouldn't have been possible without the thousands of letters, rallies and actions taken by changemakers like you, which showed Governor Wolf that Pennsylvanians love their public lands and want them off-limits to fracking.

Take a moment to show Governor Wolf your support for the moratorium on leases for drilling in state parks and forests!

By signing this executive order, Governor Wolf demonstrated his integrity by following through on a campaign promise. The governor has listened to the will of the people, and has proven that he takes seriously the constitutional mandate that these lands are held in trust for all inhabitants of our Commonwealth.

Today's decision is a step in the right direction that Pennsylvania needs in order to move Beyond Natural Gas and keep dirty fossil fuels in the ground. There is much more to do, but this important victory should be an inspiration for Pennsylvania to go all-in on public lands protection and the transition to clean, renewable energy!

Stand up for protecting Pennsylvania's natural spaces. Take a moment to show Governor Wolf your support for the moratorium on leases for drilling on public lands!

Thanks for all you do to make Pennsylvania a great place to live!

Robert Gardner Campaign Representative Sierra Club Keep Dirty Fuels in the Ground Initiative

P.S. Help spread the word about this important victory! Please share the email with five of your friends and family to show strong support for protecting Pennsylvania from fracking! You can also share this using the buttons below:

Governor Tom Wolf

I had a corporate career and then did consulting work with the World Bank and the UN. I think I understand financial and economic metrics better than most. I am working on a system that will better integrate financial performance with the impact on people, planet, and place. If we don't quantify impact as rigorously as we quantify financial performance we will ignore it. Change the way you score the game, and you change the way the game is played.

Accordingly, I'd like to thank you for taking an important step in protecting our public lands in Pennsylvania. By ordering no new leasing in state parks and forests, you're living up to your campaign promises and the state will be a better place.

This victory is an important first step forward towards protecting our wild places, our economy, and our public health from the oil and gas industry's dirty practices. But there's much more to be done. I look forward to working with you to protect all of Pennsylvania's unique places and safeguarding the health and well-being of the residents of our Commonwealth from dirty, dangerous drilling. We have a real opportunity to move our state towards 100% clean, renewable energy while keeping dirty fuels like fracked gas in the ground.

Thank you for listening to the overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians who want to take protect our public lands from fracking and dirty fossil fuels.

Peter Burgess Bushkill

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